Revision history for Redis
1.991 2016-08-23 16:04:29CEST+0200 Europe/Paris
release as a normal release after successful testing of the dev releases
1.990_02 2016-08-06 20:30:30CEST+0200 Europe/Paris
move reconnection test in reconnect test file to avoid test issues
(skip_all but still run some tests)
1.990_01 2016-08-05 17:17:28CEST+0200 Europe/Paris
fix issue #122: don't attempt to close an already closed or undefined socket
fix issue #120 and #111: don't depend on locales for matching error messages
fix issue #118: spelling mistake
fix issue #116: forbid continuing using socket after a read timeout
fix issue #115: Unexpected error condition 54/freebsd
1.982 2016-02-11 09:02:40CET+0100 Europe/Paris
fix issue #117: fix backward compatibility with 5.8
1.981 2015-09-29 12:31:57CEST+0200 Europe/Paris
fix a bug where when not yet connected, pid is undef, leading to warnings
1.980 2015-08-24 09:48:08CEST+0200 Europe/Paris
fix "set" documentation as per Emanuele Tomasi <> suggestion
1.979 2015-05-14 14:28:35CEST+0200 Europe/Amsterdam
depends on IO::Socket::Timeout 0.29 that fixes an important bug on
Windows, Solaris, when mixing sockets with and without timeouts.
1.978 2015-01-28 09:52:27 Europe/Amsterdam
reshape the documentation
croak when reconnecting while responses are pending (#101)
merge PR#106 ( support "0" in topic )
1.977 2015-01-28 01:10:31 Europe/Amsterdam
1.976 2014-10-03 15:05:58 Europe/Amsterdam
1.975 2014-08-03 20:50:25 Europe/Amsterdam
Clarification about reconnect and read_timeout (#89)
Test::CPAN::Meta (et al.) are required even if unused (#92)
1.974 2014-05-16 21:42:48 Europe/Amsterdam
released as stable version, no change
1.973_04 2014-05-12 22:53:06 Europe/Amsterdam
release again, last one was screwed up.
fix #85 (PR #86) reconnect during transaction
1.973_03 2014-05-12 22:49:07 Europe/Amsterdam
fix #85 (PR #86) reconnect during transaction
1.973_02 2014-04-30 12:04:29 Europe/Amsterdam
merge PR #84 optimize try read sock
1.973_01 2014-04-26 18:00:31 Europe/Amsterdam
use new network code from Ivan Kruglov
fix sentinel tests
fix #81: doc for 'every' option
1.972 2014-02-18 00:54:01 Europe/Amsterdam
Sentinel features (connections, timeouts, etc) support
various bugfixes and testfixes
fix network code for BSDs
1.971 2014-02-01 09:55:11 Europe/Paris
skip some tests that fail on some platforms for now
1.970 2014-01-30 15:07:42 Europe/Amsterdam
fix tests breaking in some case
1.969 2014-01-30 13:19:28 Europe/Amsterdam
Clarification for (p)unsubscribe commands.
use Test::TCP for testing
1.968 2014-01-30 12:19:11 Europe/Amsterdam
Add a no_auto_connect_on_new parameter to new() to allow users
to call $x = Redis->new and then $x->connect, instead of Redis
auto-connecting. Useful for tuning the cnx_timeout parameter.
1.967 2013-12-28 22:58:55 Europe/Paris
use new IO::Socket::Timeout with different API
1.966 2013-12-17 13:58:33 Europe/Amsterdam
fix tests for Redis 2.8
1.965 2013-11-29 09:28:36 Europe/Amsterdam
fix #60: TEST_REQUIRES needs newer MakeMaker
fix #34: perl-redis doesn't receive subcribed message if server restart
fix #38: select new database doesn't survive after reconnect
minor documentation fixes
1.964 2013-11-14 15:45:08 Europe/Amsterdam
minor fix to dist.ini to fix github url
1.963 2013-11-13 22:44:29 Europe/Paris
Add documentation for the slowlog command PR #44 (rgs)
doc fix, duplicate spop PR #48 (nightlord)
Redis client is now fork safe PR #51 (songmu)
rewrite dist.ini
1.962 2013-10-16T14:58:30Z
merge #54 (fix for broken test)
Parameter name to new() can be a CodeRef, dynamic connection names
admin: added co-maintainer Damien Krotkine <>
1.961 2013-01-23T15:09:47Z
Add wait_one_response() for better pipeline management
1.960 2013-01-23T11:28:40Z
Make the new() name parameter safe to use with all redis-
server versions
1.959 2013-01-22T14:46:42Z
__try_read_sock: test error conditions more thoroughly (issue #31)
Improve Test::SpawnRedisServer: multi-server support
tidyall the code and docs
1.958 2013-01-15T16:54:40Z
Support for name constructor parameter, set connection name
Add documentation for CLIENT * commands
Improve reliability of Test::SpawnRedisServer
1.957 2013-01-15T13:18:07Z
Fix minimum Perl version
1.956 2013-01-15T10:35:10Z
Add on_connect callback to Redis constructor (issue 28)
Make sure quit() doesn't die when the socket is already dead (issue 30);
Switch to Digest::SHA, one less non-core dep RT#81841
Try and make Travis-CI more useful, ask for a redis-server
Update SUPPORT section, moving bugtracker to GitHub issues
1.955 2012-10-10T11:43:44Z
Skip 30-scripts.t if the redis-server found lacks script support
1.954 2012-10-10T11:16:22Z
Support for multi-word commands such as "SCRIPT LOAD".
Try another fix for Windows non-blocking reads
1.953 2012-09-05T00:49:11Z
Tweak setup
1.952 2012-09-04T11:22:18Z
Added automatic authentication after connection establishment
Support Redis 2.6: Aaron Crane <>
Attempt to fix non-blocking read on Windows
Enable support on the repository
1.951 2012-03-13T10:17:09Z
Remove Tie::StdHash from our dependencies list, its part of core
and it creates problems with some CPAN clients
1.950 2012-03-12T13:54:10Z
DEPRECATED: the encoding attribute to new() - we will not support
automatic decoding after 2.000, so please test your code with
encoding => undef now.
Add pipeline support: Aaron Crane arc@github++!
Cache AUTOLOAD calls: improves performance a bit, fixes #2
Fix: apply reconnect logic to KEYS and INFO
Fix: forbid PING and SHUTDOWN in SUBSCRIBE mode
Updated docs covering pipelining and multi/exec
Updated docs to point users to Github for code and issues
1.926 Wed Jan 11 15:48:11 UTC 2012
Fix auto-reconnect when the server is dead or a
client timeout.
1.925 Tue Jan 10 16:02:04 UTC 2012
Implemented auto-reconnect
Add support for UNIX domain sockets
Make REDIS_SERVER work with both TCP and UNIX domain sockets
Make the test suite workaround a missing redis-server binary
Assorted small bug fixes
Improve documentation
1.904 Sat Mar 5 23:10:48 UTC 2011
Fix bug with NIL multi-bulk replies (Case 42) RT#64040
1.903 Tue Feb 22 13:04:24 UTC 2011
remove the Guard dependency
1.902 Sat Feb 5 12:38:57 UTC 2011
fix: ping() no longer dies (RT #62489)
fix: shutdown() no longer dies
1.901 Sat Feb 5 11:15:04 UTC 2011
Released 1.900_01 as latest version
1.900_01 Sun Jan 30 06:03:14 UTC 2011
admin: change of maintainer to Pedro Melo <>
feature: full support for Redis 2.x multi-bulk protocol
feature: support for Redis PUBLISH/SUBSCRIBE commands
feature: automatic encoding can be turned off, use encoding => undef on new() (performance++)
performance: substantial performance improvements, specially with large responses
fix: add POP method to our List Tie interface
1.2001 Wed Mar 17 17:22:01 CET 2010
feadure: Redis protocol 1.2 support by Jeremy Zawodny <> CPAN RT #54841
Version bump to be in-sync with Redis version
bug: Correctly round-trip utf-8 encoded characters
0.08 Tue Mar 24 22:38:59 CET 2009
This version supports new protocol introduced in beta 8
Version bump to be in-sync with Redis version
0.01 Sun Mar 22 19:02:17 CET 2009