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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>

/* Use long double to get a little more precision when we're calculating the
 * math functions -- especially those calculated with a series.  Long double
 * is defined in C89 (ISO C), so it should be supported by any reasonable
 * compiler we're using (seriously is your C compiler 20+ years out of date?).
 * Noting that 'long double' on many platforms is no different than 'double'
 * so it may buy us nothing.  But it's worth trying.

/* These math functions are a clusterfrack.  They're defined by C99, but
 * NetBSD doesn't have them.  You need them in both the headers and libraries,
 * but there is no standard way to find out if the libraries have them.  The
 * best way (I believe) to deal with this is having the make system do test
 * compiles.  Barring that, we make limited guesses, and just give up
 * precision on any system we don't recognize.
#if _MSC_VER
  /* MSVS has these as macros, and really doesn't want us defining them. */
#elif defined(__MATH_DECLARE_LDOUBLE) || \
      defined(__LONG_DOUBLE_128__) || \
  /* GLIBC */
  extern long double powl(long double, long double);
  extern long double expl(long double);
  extern long double logl(long double);
  extern long double fabsl(long double);
  extern long double floorl(long double);
  extern long double ceill(long double);
  #define powl(x, y)  (long double) pow( (double) (x), (double) (y) )
  #define expl(x)     (long double) exp( (double) (x) )
  #define logl(x)     (long double) log( (double) (x) )
  #define fabsl(x)    (long double) fabs( (double) (x) )
  #define floorl(x)   (long double) floor( (double) (x) )
  #define ceill(x)    (long double) ceil( (double) (x) )

  #undef INFINITY
#elif !defined(INFINITY)

  #define LDBL_EPSILON 1e-16

#define KAHAN_INIT(s) \
  long double s ## _y, s ## _t; \
  long double s ## _c = 0.0; \
  long double s = 0.0;

#define KAHAN_SUM(s, term) \
  do { \
    s ## _y = (term) - s ## _c; \
    s ## _t = s + s ## _y; \
    s ## _c = (s ## _t - s) - s ## _y; \
    s = s ## _t; \
  } while (0)

#include "ptypes.h"
#define FUNC_isqrt 1
#define FUNC_lcm_ui 1
#define FUNC_ctz 1
#define FUNC_log2floor 1
#define FUNC_next_prime_in_sieve 1
#define FUNC_prev_prime_in_sieve 1
#include "util.h"
#include "sieve.h"
#include "primality.h"
#include "cache.h"
#include "lmo.h"
#include "factor.h"
#include "mulmod.h"
#include "constants.h"

static int _verbose = 0;
void _XS_set_verbose(int v) { _verbose = v; }
int _XS_get_verbose(void) { return _verbose; }

static int _call_gmp = 0;
void _XS_set_callgmp(int v) { _call_gmp = v; }
int  _XS_get_callgmp(void) { return _call_gmp; }

/* GCC 3.4 - 4.1 has broken 64-bit popcount.
 * GCC 4.2+ can generate awful code when it doesn't have asm (GCC bug 36041).
 * When the asm is present (e.g. compile with -march=native on a platform that
 * has them, like Nahelem+), then it is almost as fast as the direct asm. */
#if BITS_PER_WORD == 64
 #if defined(__POPCNT__) && defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__> 4 || (__GNUC__== 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__> 1))
   #define popcnt(b)  __builtin_popcountll(b)
   static UV popcnt(UV b) {
     b -= (b >> 1) & 0x5555555555555555;
     b = (b & 0x3333333333333333) + ((b >> 2) & 0x3333333333333333);
     b = (b + (b >> 4)) & 0x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f;
     return (b * 0x0101010101010101) >> 56;

#if defined(__GNUC__)
 #define word_unaligned(m,wordsize)  ((uintptr_t)m & (wordsize-1))
#else  /* uintptr_t is part of C99 */
 #define word_unaligned(m,wordsize)  ((unsigned int)m & (wordsize-1))

static const unsigned char byte_zeros[256] =
static UV count_zero_bits(const unsigned char* m, UV nbytes)
  UV count = 0;
#if BITS_PER_WORD == 64
  if (nbytes >= 16) {
    while ( word_unaligned(m,sizeof(UV)) && nbytes--)
      count += byte_zeros[*m++];
    if (nbytes >= 8) {
      UV* wordptr = (UV*)m;
      UV nwords = nbytes / 8;
      UV nzeros = nwords * 64;
      m += nwords * 8;
      nbytes %= 8;
      while (nwords--)
        nzeros -= popcnt(*wordptr++);
      count += nzeros;
  while (nbytes--)
    count += byte_zeros[*m++];
  return count;

/* We'll use this little static sieve to quickly answer small values of
 *   is_prime, next_prime, prev_prime, prime_count
 * for non-threaded Perl it's basically the same as getting the primary
 * cache.  It guarantees we'll have an answer with no waiting on any version.
static const unsigned char prime_sieve30[] =
#define NPRIME_SIEVE30 (sizeof(prime_sieve30)/sizeof(prime_sieve30[0]))

/* Return of 2 if n is prime, 0 if not.  Do it fast. */
int _XS_is_prime(UV n)
  if (n <= 10)
    return (n == 2 || n == 3 || n == 5 || n == 7) ? 2 : 0;

  if (n < UVCONST(200000000)) {
    UV d = n/30;
    UV m = n - d*30;
    unsigned char mtab = masktab30[m];  /* Bitmask in mod30 wheel */
    const unsigned char* sieve;
    int isprime;

    /* Return 0 if a multiple of 2, 3, or 5 */
    if (mtab == 0)
      return 0;

    /* Check static tiny sieve */
    if (d < NPRIME_SIEVE30)
      return (prime_sieve30[d] & mtab) ? 0 : 2;

    if (!(n%7) || !(n%11) || !(n%13)) return 0;

    /* Check primary cache */
    isprime = -1;
    if (n <= get_prime_cache(0, &sieve))
      isprime = 2*((sieve[d] & mtab) == 0);
    if (isprime >= 0)
      return isprime;
  return is_prob_prime(n);

UV next_prime(UV n)
  UV m, sieve_size, next;
  const unsigned char* sieve;

  if (n < 30*NPRIME_SIEVE30) {
    next = next_prime_in_sieve(prime_sieve30, n,30*NPRIME_SIEVE30);
    if (next != 0) return next;

  if (n >= MPU_MAX_PRIME) return 0; /* Overflow */

  sieve_size = get_prime_cache(0, &sieve);
  next = (n < sieve_size)  ?  next_prime_in_sieve(sieve, n, sieve_size)  :  0;
  if (next != 0) return next;

  m = n % 30;
  do { /* Move forward one. */
    n += wheeladvance30[m];
    m = nextwheel30[m];
  } while (!is_prob_prime(n));
  return n;

UV prev_prime(UV n)
  const unsigned char* sieve;
  UV m, prev;

  if (n < 30*NPRIME_SIEVE30)
    return prev_prime_in_sieve(prime_sieve30, n);

  if (n < get_prime_cache(0, &sieve)) {
    prev = prev_prime_in_sieve(sieve, n);
    return prev;

  m = n % 30;
  do { /* Move back one. */
    n -= wheelretreat[m];
    m = prevwheel30[m];
  } while (!is_prob_prime(n));
  return n;

/* Given a sieve of size nbytes, walk it counting zeros (primes) until:
 * (1) we counted them all: return the count, which will be less than maxcount.
 * (2) we hit maxcount: set position to the index of the maxcount'th prime
 *     and return count (which will be equal to maxcount).
static UV count_segment_maxcount(const unsigned char* sieve, UV base, UV nbytes, UV maxcount, UV* pos)
  UV count = 0;
  UV byte = 0;
  const unsigned char* sieveptr = sieve;
  const unsigned char* maxsieve = sieve + nbytes;

  MPUassert(sieve != 0, "count_segment_maxcount incorrect args");
  MPUassert(pos != 0, "count_segment_maxcount incorrect args");
  *pos = 0;
  if ( (nbytes == 0) || (maxcount == 0) )
    return 0;

  /* Do fixed-length word counts to start, with possible overcounting */
  while ((count+64) < maxcount && sieveptr < maxsieve) {
    UV top = base + 3*maxcount;
    UV div = (top <       8000) ? 8 :     /* 8 cannot overcount */
             (top <    1000000) ? 4 :
             (top <   10000000) ? 3 : 2;
    UV minbytes = (maxcount-count)/div;
    if (minbytes > (UV)(maxsieve-sieveptr)) minbytes = maxsieve-sieveptr;
    count += count_zero_bits(sieveptr, minbytes);
    sieveptr += minbytes;
  /* Count until we reach the end or >= maxcount */
  while ( (sieveptr < maxsieve) && (count < maxcount) )
    count += byte_zeros[*sieveptr++];
  /* If we went too far, back up. */
  while (count >= maxcount)
    count -= byte_zeros[*--sieveptr];
  /* We counted this many bytes */
  byte = sieveptr - sieve;

  MPUassert(count < maxcount, "count_segment_maxcount wrong count");

  if (byte == nbytes)
    return count;

  /* The result is somewhere in the next byte */
  START_DO_FOR_EACH_SIEVE_PRIME(sieve, byte*30+1, nbytes*30-1)
    if (++count == maxcount)  { *pos = p; return count; }

  MPUassert(0, "count_segment_maxcount failure");
  return 0;

/* Given a sieve of size nbytes, counting zeros (primes) but excluding the
 * areas outside lowp and highp.
static UV count_segment_ranged(const unsigned char* sieve, UV nbytes, UV lowp, UV highp)
  UV count, hi_d, lo_d, lo_m;

  MPUassert( sieve != 0, "count_segment_ranged incorrect args");
  if (nbytes == 0) return 0;

  count = 0;
  hi_d = highp/30;

  if (hi_d >= nbytes) {
    hi_d = nbytes-1;
    highp = hi_d*30+29;

  if (highp < lowp)
    return 0;

#if 0
  /* Dead simple way */
  START_DO_FOR_EACH_SIEVE_PRIME(sieve, lowp, highp)
  return count;

  lo_d = lowp/30;
  lo_m = lowp - lo_d*30;
  /* Count first fragment */
  if (lo_m > 1) {
    UV upper = (highp <= (lo_d*30+29)) ? highp : (lo_d*30+29);
    START_DO_FOR_EACH_SIEVE_PRIME(sieve, lowp, upper)
    lowp = upper+2;
    lo_d = lowp/30;
  if (highp < lowp)
    return count;

  /* Count bytes in the middle */
    UV hi_m = highp - hi_d*30;
    UV count_bytes = hi_d - lo_d + (hi_m == 29);
    if (count_bytes > 0) {
      count += count_zero_bits(sieve+lo_d, count_bytes);
      lowp += 30*count_bytes;
  if (highp < lowp)
    return count;

  /* Count last fragment */
  START_DO_FOR_EACH_SIEVE_PRIME(sieve, lowp, highp)

  return count;

 * The pi(x) prime count functions.  prime_count(x) gives an exact number,
 * but requires determining all the primes up to x, so will be much slower.
 * prime_count_lower(x) and prime_count_upper(x) give lower and upper limits,
 * which will bound the exact value.  These bounds should be fairly tight.
 *    pi_upper(x) - pi(x)                      pi_lower(x) - pi(x)
 *    <    10   for x <         5_371          <    10   for x <        9_437
 *    <    50   for x <       295_816          <    50   for x <      136_993
 *    <   100   for x <     1_761_655          <   100   for x <      909_911
 *    <   200   for x <     9_987_821          <   200   for x <    8_787_901
 *    <   400   for x <    34_762_891          <   400   for x <   30_332_723
 *    <  1000   for x <   372_748_528          <  1000   for x <  233_000_533
 *    <  5000   for x < 1_882_595_905          <  5000   for x <  over 4300M
 * The average of the upper and lower bounds is within 9 for all x < 15809, and
 * within 50 for all x < 1_763_367.
 * It is common to use the following Chebyshev inequality for x >= 17:
 *    1*x/logx <-> 1.25506*x/logx
 * but this gives terribly loose bounds.
 * Rosser and Schoenfeld's bound for x >= 67 of
 *    x/(logx-1/2) <-> x/(logx-3/2)
 * is much tighter.  These bounds can be tightened even more.
 * The formulas of Dusart for higher x are better yet.  I recommend the paper
 * by Burde for further information.  Dusart's thesis is also a good resource.
 * I have tweaked the bounds formulas for small (under 70_000M) numbers so they
 * are tighter.  These bounds are verified via trial.  The Dusart bounds
 * (1.8 and 2.51) are used for larger numbers since those are proven.

#define USE_PC_TABLES 1
/* These tables let us have fast answers up to 3000M for the cost of ~1.4k of
 * static data/code.  We can get a 4 to 100x speedup here.  We don't want to
 * push this idea too far because Lehmer's method should be faster. */
/* mpu '$step=30_000; $pc=prime_count(5); print "$pc\n", join(",", map { $spc=$pc; $pc=prime_count($_*$step); $pc-$spc; } 1..200), "\n"' */
static const unsigned short step_counts_30k[] =  /* starts at 7 */
#define NSTEP_COUNTS_30K  (sizeof(step_counts_30k)/sizeof(step_counts_30k[0]))

/* mpu '$step=300_000; $pc=prime_count(20*$step); print "$pc\n", join(",", map { $spc=$pc; $pc=prime_count($_*$step); $pc-$spc; } 21..212), "\n"' */
static const unsigned short step_counts_300k[] =  /* starts at 6M */
#define NSTEP_COUNTS_300K (sizeof(step_counts_300k)/sizeof(step_counts_300k[0]))

static const unsigned int step_counts_30m[] =  /* starts at 60M */
#define NSTEP_COUNTS_30M  (sizeof(step_counts_30m)/sizeof(step_counts_30m[0]))

UV _XS_prime_count(UV low, UV high)
  const unsigned char* cache_sieve;
  unsigned char* segment;
  UV segment_size, low_d, high_d;
  UV count = 0;

  if ((low <= 2) && (high >= 2)) count++;
  if ((low <= 3) && (high >= 3)) count++;
  if ((low <= 5) && (high >= 5)) count++;
  if (low < 7)  low = 7;

  if (low > high)  return count;

  if (low == 7 && high <= 30*NPRIME_SIEVE30) {
    count += count_segment_ranged(prime_sieve30, NPRIME_SIEVE30, low, high);
    return count;

  if (low == 7 && high >= 30000) {
    UV i, maxi;
    if (high < (30000*(NSTEP_COUNTS_30K+1))) {
      low = 0;
      maxi = high/30000;
      for (i = 0;  i < maxi && i < NSTEP_COUNTS_30K;  i++) {
        count += step_counts_30k[i];
        low += 30000;
    } else if (high < (6000000 + 300000*(NSTEP_COUNTS_300K+1))) {
      count = 412849;
      low = 6000000;
      maxi = (high-6000000)/300000;
      for (i = 0;  i < maxi && i < NSTEP_COUNTS_300K;  i++) {
        count += step_counts_300k[i];
        low += 300000;
    } else {
      count = 3562115;
      low = 60000000;
      maxi = (high-60000000)/30000000;
      for (i = 0;  i < maxi && i < NSTEP_COUNTS_30M;  i++) {
        count += step_counts_30m[i];
        low += 30000000;

  low_d = low/30;
  high_d = high/30;

  /* Count full bytes only -- no fragments from primary cache */
  segment_size = get_prime_cache(0, &cache_sieve) / 30;
  if (segment_size < high_d) {
    /* Expand sieve to sqrt(n) */
    UV endp = (high_d >= (UV_MAX/30))  ?  UV_MAX-2  :  30*high_d+29;
    segment_size = get_prime_cache( isqrt(endp) + 1 , &cache_sieve) / 30;

  if ( (segment_size > 0) && (low_d <= segment_size) ) {
    /* Count all the primes in the primary cache in our range */
    count += count_segment_ranged(cache_sieve, segment_size, low, high);

    if (high_d < segment_size) {
      return count;

    low_d = segment_size;
    if (30*low_d > low)  low = 30*low_d;

  /* More primes needed.  Repeatedly segment sieve. */
    void* ctx = start_segment_primes(low, high, &segment);
    UV seg_base, seg_low, seg_high;
    while (next_segment_primes(ctx, &seg_base, &seg_low, &seg_high)) {
      segment_size = seg_high/30 - seg_low/30 + 1;
      count += count_segment_ranged(segment, segment_size, seg_low-seg_base, seg_high-seg_base);

  return count;

UV prime_count_approx(UV n)
  if (n < 3000000) return _XS_prime_count(2, n);
  return (UV) (_XS_RiemannR( (long double) n ) + 0.5 );

UV prime_count_lower(UV n)
  long double fn, flogn, lower, a;

  if (n < 33000) return _XS_prime_count(2, n);

  fn     = (long double) n;
  flogn  = logl(n);

  if      (n <   176000)  a = 1.80;
  else if (n <   315000)  a = 2.10;
  else if (n <  1100000)  a = 2.20;
  else if (n <  4500000)  a = 2.31;
  else if (n <233000000)  a = 2.36;
#if BITS_PER_WORD == 32
  else a = 2.32;
  else if (n < UVCONST( 5433800000)) a = 2.32;
  else if (n < UVCONST(60000000000)) a = 2.15;
  else a = 2.00;

  lower = fn/flogn * (1.0 + 1.0/flogn + a/(flogn*flogn));
  return (UV) floorl(lower);

typedef struct {
  UV thresh;
  float aval;
} thresh_t;

static const thresh_t _upper_thresh[] = {
  {     59000, 2.48 },
  {    350000, 2.52 },
  {    355991, 2.54 },
  {    356000, 2.51 },
  {   3550000, 2.50 },
  {   3560000, 2.49 },
  {   5000000, 2.48 },
  {   8000000, 2.47 },
  {  13000000, 2.46 },
  {  18000000, 2.45 },
  {  31000000, 2.44 },
  {  41000000, 2.43 },
  {  48000000, 2.42 },
  { 119000000, 2.41 },
  { 182000000, 2.40 },
  { 192000000, 2.395 },
  { 213000000, 2.390 },
  { 271000000, 2.385 },
  { 322000000, 2.380 },
  { 400000000, 2.375 },
  { 510000000, 2.370 },
  { 682000000, 2.367 },
  { UVCONST(2953652287), 2.362 }
#define NUPPER_THRESH (sizeof(_upper_thresh)/sizeof(_upper_thresh[0]))

UV prime_count_upper(UV n)
  int i;
  long double fn, flogn, upper, a;

  if (n < 33000) return _XS_prime_count(2, n);

  fn     = (long double) n;
  flogn  = logl(n);

  for (i = 0; i < (int)NUPPER_THRESH; i++)
    if (n < _upper_thresh[i].thresh)

  if (i < (int)NUPPER_THRESH) a = _upper_thresh[i].aval;
  else                        a = 2.334;   /* Dusart 2010, page 2 */

  upper = fn/flogn * (1.0 + 1.0/flogn + a/(flogn*flogn));
  return (UV) ceill(upper);

static const unsigned short primes_small[] =
#define NPRIMES_SMALL (sizeof(primes_small)/sizeof(primes_small[0]))

/* The nth prime will be less or equal to this number */
UV nth_prime_upper(UV n)
  long double fn, flogn, flog2n, upper;

  if (n < NPRIMES_SMALL)
    return primes_small[n];

  fn     = (long double) n;
  flogn  = logl(n);
  flog2n = logl(flogn);    /* Note distinction between log_2(n) and log^2(n) */

  if      (n >= 688383)    /* Dusart 2010 page 2 */
    upper = fn * (flogn + flog2n - 1.0 + ((flog2n-2.00)/flogn));
  else if (n >= 178974)    /* Dusart 2010 page 7 */
    upper = fn * (flogn + flog2n - 1.0 + ((flog2n-1.95)/flogn));
  else if (n >=  39017)    /* Dusart 1999 page 14 */
    upper = fn * (flogn + flog2n - 0.9484);
  else if (n >=     6)     /* Modified from Robin 1983 for 6-39016 _only_ */
    upper = fn * ( flogn  +  0.6000 * flog2n );
    upper = fn * ( flogn + flog2n );

  /* For all three analytical functions, it is possible that for a given valid
   * input, we will not be able to return an output that fits in the UV type.
   * For example, if they ask for the 203280222nd prime, we should return
   * 4294967311.  But in 32-bit, that overflows.  What we do is calculate our
   * double precision value.  If that would overflow, then we look at the input
   * and if it is <= the index of the last representable prime, then we return
   * the last representable prime.  Otherwise, we croak an overflow message.
   * This should maintain the invariant:
   *    nth_prime_lower(n)  <=  nth_prime(n)  <=  nth_prime_upper(n)
  /* Watch out for  overflow */
  if (upper >= (long double)UV_MAX) {
    if (n <= MPU_MAX_PRIME_IDX) return MPU_MAX_PRIME;
    croak("nth_prime_upper(%"UVuf") overflow", n);

  return (UV) ceill(upper);

/* The nth prime will be greater than or equal to this number */
UV nth_prime_lower(UV n)
  long double fn, flogn, flog2n, lower;

  if (n < NPRIMES_SMALL)
    return primes_small[n];

  fn     = (long double) n;
  flogn  = logl(n);
  flog2n = logl(flogn);    /* Note distinction between log_2(n) and log^2(n) */

  /* Dusart 2010 page 2, for all n >= 3 */
  lower = fn * (flogn + flog2n - 1.0 + ((flog2n-2.10)/flogn));

  return (UV) floorl(lower);

UV nth_prime_approx(UV n)
  long double fn, flogn, flog2n, approx, order;

  if (n < NPRIMES_SMALL)
    return primes_small[n];

  fn     = (long double) n;
  flogn  = logl(n);
  flog2n = logl(flogn);    /* Note distinction between log_2(n) and log^2(n) */

  /* Cipolla 1902:
   *    m=0   fn * ( flogn + flog2n - 1 );
   *    m=1   + ((flog2n - 2)/flogn) );
   *    m=2   - (((flog2n*flog2n) - 6*flog2n + 11) / (2*flogn*flogn))
   *    + O((flog2n/flogn)^3)

  approx = fn * (  flogn + flog2n - 1.0
                 + ((flog2n - 2.0) / flogn)
                 - (((flog2n*flog2n) - 6.0*flog2n + 11.0) / (2*flogn*flogn))

  /* Apply a correction */
  order = flog2n / flogn;
  order = order * order * order * fn;
  if      (n <      259) { approx += 10.4  * order; }
  else if (n <      775) { approx +=  7.52 * order; }
  else if (n <     1271) { approx +=  5.6  * order; }
  else if (n <     2000) { approx +=  5.2  * order; }
  else if (n <     4000) { approx +=  4.3  * order; }
  else if (n <    12000) { approx +=  3.0  * order; }
  else if (n <   150000) { approx +=  2.1  * order; }
  else if (n <200000000) {                          }
  else                   { approx += -0.01 * order; } /* -0.25 is closer */

  return (UV) floorl(approx + 0.5);

UV nth_prime(UV n)
  const unsigned char* cache_sieve;
  unsigned char* segment;
  UV upper_limit, segbase, segment_size;
  UV p = 0;
  UV target = n-3;
  UV count = 0;

  /* If very small, return the table entry */
  if (n < NPRIMES_SMALL)
    return primes_small[n];

  /* Determine a bound on the nth prime.  We know it comes before this. */
  upper_limit = nth_prime_upper(n);
  MPUassert(upper_limit > 0, "nth_prime got an upper limit of 0");

  /* For relatively small values, generate a sieve and count the results.
   * For larger values, compute an approximate low estimate, use our fast
   * prime count, then segment sieve forwards or backwards for the rest.
  if (upper_limit <= get_prime_cache(0, 0) || upper_limit <= 32*1024*30) {
    /* Generate a sieve and count. */
    segment_size = get_prime_cache(upper_limit, &cache_sieve) / 30;
    /* Count up everything in the cached sieve. */
    if (segment_size > 0)
      count += count_segment_maxcount(cache_sieve, 0, segment_size, target, &p);
  } else {
    /* A binary search on RiemannR is nice, but ends up either often being
     * being higher (requiring going backwards) or biased and then far too
     * low.  Using the inverse Li is easier and more consistent. */
    UV lower_limit = _XS_Inverse_Li(n);
    /* For even better performance, add in half the usual correction, which
     * will get us even closer, so even less sieving required.  However, it
     * is now possible to get a result higher than the value, so we'll need
     * to handle that case.  It still ends up being a better deal than R,
     * given that we don't have a fast backward sieve. */
    lower_limit += _XS_Inverse_Li(isqrt(n))/4;
    segment_size = lower_limit / 30;
    lower_limit = 30 * segment_size - 1;
    count = _XS_LMO_pi(lower_limit);

    /* printf("We've estimated %lu too %s.\n", (count>n)?count-n:n-count, (count>n)?"FAR":"little"); */
    /* printf("Our limit %lu %s a prime\n", lower_limit, _XS_is_prime(lower_limit) ? "is" : "is not"); */

    if (count >= n) { /* Too far.  Walk backwards */
      if (_XS_is_prime(lower_limit)) count--;
      for (p = 0; p <= (count-n); p++)
        lower_limit = prev_prime(lower_limit);
      return lower_limit;
    count -= 3;

    /* Make sure the segment siever won't have to keep resieving. */

  if (count == target)
    return p;

  /* Start segment sieving.  Get memory to sieve into. */
  segbase = segment_size;
  segment = get_prime_segment(&segment_size);

  while (count < target) {
    /* Limit the segment size if we know the answer comes earlier */
    if ( (30*(segbase+segment_size)+29) > upper_limit )
      segment_size = (upper_limit - segbase*30 + 30) / 30;

    /* Do the actual sieving in the range */
    sieve_segment(segment, segbase, segbase + segment_size-1);

    /* Count up everything in this segment */
    count += count_segment_maxcount(segment, 30*segbase, segment_size, target-count, &p);

    if (count < target)
      segbase += segment_size;
  MPUassert(count == target, "nth_prime got incorrect count");
  return ( (segbase*30) + p );

/* Return a char array with lo-hi+1 elements. mu[k-lo] = µ(k) for k = lo .. hi.
 * It is the callers responsibility to call Safefree on the result. */
#define PGTLO(p,lo)  ((p) >= lo) ? (p) : ((p)*(lo/(p)) + ((lo%(p))?(p):0))
#define P2GTLO(pinit, p, lo) \
   ((pinit) >= lo) ? (pinit) : ((p)*(lo/(p)) + ((lo%(p))?(p):0))
signed char* _moebius_range(UV lo, UV hi)
  signed char* mu;
  UV i;
  UV sqrtn = isqrt(hi);

  /* Kuznetsov indicates that the Deléglise & Rivat (1996) method can be
   * modified to work on logs, which allows us to operate with no
   * intermediate memory at all.  Same time as the D&R method, less memory. */
  unsigned char logp;
  UV nextlog;

  Newz(0, mu, hi-lo+1, signed char);
  if (sqrtn*sqrtn != hi) sqrtn++;  /* ceil sqrtn */

  logp = 1; nextlog = 3; /* 2+1 */
    UV p2 = p*p;
    if (p > nextlog) {
      logp += 2;   /* logp is 1 | ceil(log(p)/log(2)) */
      nextlog = ((nextlog-1)*4)+1;
    for (i = PGTLO(p, lo); i <= hi; i += p)
      mu[i-lo] += logp;
    for (i = PGTLO(p2, lo); i <= hi; i += p2)
      mu[i-lo] |= 0x80;

  logp = log2floor(lo);
  nextlog = 2UL << logp;
  for (i = lo; i <= hi; i++) {
    unsigned char a = mu[i-lo];
    if (i >= nextlog) {  logp++;  nextlog *= 2;  } /* logp is log(p)/log(2) */
    if (a & 0x80)       { a = 0; }
    else if (a >= logp) { a =  1 - 2*(a&1); }
    else                { a = -1 + 2*(a&1); }
    mu[i-lo] = a;
  if (lo == 0)  mu[0] = 0;

  return mu;

UV* _totient_range(UV lo, UV hi) {
  UV* totients;
  UV i, seg_base, seg_low, seg_high;
  unsigned char* segment;
  void* ctx;

  if (hi < lo) croak("_totient_range error hi %"UVuf" < lo %"UVuf"\n", hi, lo);
  New(0, totients, hi-lo+1, UV);

  /* Do via factoring if very small or if we have a small range */
  if (hi < 100 || hi/(hi-lo+1) > 1000) {
    for (i = lo; i <= hi; i++)
      totients[i-lo] = totient(i);
    return totients;

  for (i = lo; i <= hi; i++) {
    UV v = i;
    if (i % 2 == 0)  v -= v/2;
    if (i % 3 == 0)  v -= v/3;
    if (i % 5 == 0)  v -= v/5;
    totients[i-lo] = v;

  ctx = start_segment_primes(7, hi/2, &segment);
  while (next_segment_primes(ctx, &seg_base, &seg_low, &seg_high)) {
    START_DO_FOR_EACH_SIEVE_PRIME( segment, seg_low - seg_base, seg_high - seg_base ) {
      p += seg_base;
      for (i = P2GTLO(2*p,p,lo); i <= hi; i += p)
        totients[i-lo] -= totients[i-lo]/p;

  /* Fill in all primes */
  for (i = lo | 1; i <= hi; i += 2)
    if (totients[i-lo] == i)

  return totients;

IV mertens(UV n) {
  /* See Deléglise and Rivat (1996) for O(n^2/3 log(log(n))^1/3) algorithm.
   * This implementation uses their lemma 2.1 directly, so is ~ O(n).
   * In serial it is quite a bit faster than segmented summation of mu
   * ranges, though the latter seems to be a favored method for GPUs.
  UV u, i, m, nmk, maxmu;
  signed char* mu;
  IV* M;
  IV sum;

  if (n <= 1)  return n;
  u = isqrt(n);
  maxmu = (n/(u+1));              /* maxmu lets us handle u < sqrt(n) */
  if (maxmu < u) maxmu = u;
  mu = _moebius_range(0, maxmu);
  New(0, M, maxmu+1, IV);
  M[0] = 0;
  for (i = 1; i <= maxmu; i++)
    M[i] = M[i-1] + mu[i];
  sum = M[u];
  for (m = 1; m <= u; m++) {
    if (mu[m] != 0) {
      IV inner_sum = 0;
      UV lower = (u/m) + 1;
      UV last_nmk = n/(m*lower);
      UV this_k = 0;
      UV next_k = n/(m*1);
      UV nmkm = m * 2;
      for (nmk = 1; nmk <= last_nmk; nmk++, nmkm += m) {
        this_k = next_k;
        next_k = n/nmkm;
        /* if (nmk > maxmu) croak("n = %lu  m = %lu u/m = %lu  n/m = %lu  nmk %lu\n", n, m, u/m, n/m, nmk); */
        inner_sum += M[nmk] * (this_k - next_k);
      sum -= mu[m] * inner_sum;
  return sum;

/* How many times does 2 divide n? */
#define padic2(n)  ctz(n)
#define IS_MOD8_3OR5(x)  (((x)&7)==3 || ((x)&7)==5)

static int kronecker_uu_sign(UV a, UV b, int s) {
  while (a) {
    int r = padic2(a);
    if (r) {
      if ((r&1)  &&  IS_MOD8_3OR5(b))  s = -s;
      a >>= r;
    if (a & b & 2)  s = -s;
    { UV t = b % a;  b = a;  a = t; }
  return (b == 1) ? s : 0;

int kronecker_uu(UV a, UV b) {
  int r, s;
  if (b & 1)   return kronecker_uu_sign(a, b, 1);
  if (!(a&1))  return 0;
  s = 1;
  r = padic2(b);
  if (r) {
    if ((r&1) && IS_MOD8_3OR5(a))  s = -s;
    b >>= r;
  return kronecker_uu_sign(a, b, s);

int kronecker_su(IV a, UV b) {
  int r, s;
  if (a >= 0)  return kronecker_uu(a, b);
  if (b == 0)  return (a == 1 || a == -1) ? 1 : 0;
  s = 1;
  r = padic2(b);
  if (r) {
    if (!(a&1))  return 0;
    if ((r&1) && IS_MOD8_3OR5(a))  s = -s;
    b >>= r;
  a %= (IV) b;
  if (a < 0)  a += b;
  return kronecker_uu_sign(a, b, s);

int kronecker_ss(IV a, IV b) {
  if (a >= 0 && b >= 0)
    return (b & 1)  ?  kronecker_uu_sign(a, b, 1)  :  kronecker_uu(a,b);
  if (b >= 0)
    return kronecker_su(a, b);
  return kronecker_su(a, -b) * ((a < 0) ? -1 : 1);

UV totient(UV n) {
  UV i, nfacs, totient, lastf, facs[MPU_MAX_FACTORS+1];
  if (n <= 1) return n;
  nfacs = factor(n, facs);
  totient = 1;
  lastf = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < nfacs; i++) {
    UV f = facs[i];
    if (f == lastf) { totient *= f;               }
    else            { totient *= f-1;  lastf = f; }
  return totient;

static const UV jordan_overflow[5] =
#if BITS_PER_WORD == 64
  {UVCONST(4294967311), 2642249, 65537, 7133, 1627};
  {UVCONST(     65537),    1627,   257,   85,   41};
UV jordan_totient(UV k, UV n) {
  UV factors[MPU_MAX_FACTORS+1];
  int nfac, i;
  UV j, totient;
  if (k == 0 || n <= 1) return (n == 1);
  if (k > 6 || (k > 1 && n >= jordan_overflow[k-2])) return 0;

  totient = 1;
  nfac = factor(n,factors);
  for (i = 0; i < nfac; i++) {
    UV p = factors[i];
    UV pk = p;
    for (j = 1; j < k; j++)  pk *= p;
    totient *= (pk-1);
    while (i+1 < nfac && p == factors[i+1]) {
      totient *= pk;
  return totient;

UV carmichael_lambda(UV n) {
  int i, nfactors;
  UV j, lambda = 1;

  if (n < 8) return totient(n);
  if ((n & (n-1)) == 0) return n >> 2;

  nfactors = factor_exp(n, fac, exp);
  if (fac[0] == 2 && exp[0] > 2)  exp[0]--;
  for (i = 0; i < nfactors; i++) {
    UV pk = fac[i]-1;
    for (j = 1; j < exp[i]; j++)
      pk *= fac[i];
    lambda = lcm_ui(lambda, pk);
  return lambda;

int moebius(UV n) {
  UV factors[MPU_MAX_FACTORS+1];
  UV i, nfactors;

  if (n <= 1) return (int)n;
  if ( n >= 49 && (!(n% 4) || !(n% 9) || !(n%25) || !(n%49)) )
    return 0;

  nfactors = factor(n, factors);
  for (i = 1; i < nfactors; i++)
    if (factors[i] == factors[i-1])
      return 0;
  return (nfactors % 2) ? -1 : 1;

UV exp_mangoldt(UV n) {
  if      (n <= 1)           return 1;
  else if ((n & (n-1)) == 0) return 2;     /* Power of 2 */
  else if ((n & 1) == 0)     return 1;     /* Even number (not 2) */
  else {
    UV i, factors[MPU_MAX_FACTORS+1];
    UV nfactors = factor(n, factors);
    for (i = 1; i < nfactors; i++)
      if (factors[i] != factors[0])
        return 1;
    return factors[0];

UV znorder(UV a, UV n) {
  int i, nfactors;
  UV j, phi, k = 1;

  if (n <= 1) return n;   /* znorder(x,0) = 0, znorder(x,1) = 1          */
  if (a <= 1) return a;   /* znorder(0,x) = 0, znorder(1,x) = 1  (x > 1) */
  if (gcd_ui(a,n) > 1)  return 0;

  /* Abhijit Das, algorithm 1.7, applied to Carmichael Lambda */
  phi = carmichael_lambda(n);
  nfactors = factor_exp(phi, fac, exp);
  for (i = 0; i < nfactors; i++) {
    UV b, ek, pi = fac[i], ei = exp[i];
    UV phidiv = phi / pi;
    for (j = 1; j < ei; j++)
      phidiv /= pi;
    b = powmod(a, phidiv, n);
    for (ek = 0; b != 1; b = powmod(b, pi, n)) {
      if (ek++ >= ei) return 0;
      k *= pi;
  return k;

UV znprimroot(UV n) {
  UV a, phi;
  int i, nfactors;
  if (n <= 4) return (n == 0) ? 0 : n-1;
  if (n % 4 == 0)  return 0;
  phi = totient(n);
  /* Check if a primitive root exists. */
  if (!is_prob_prime(n) && phi != carmichael_lambda(n))  return 0;
  nfactors = factor_exp(phi, fac, exp);
  for (i = 0; i < nfactors; i++)
    exp[i] = phi / fac[i];  /* exp[i] = phi(n) / i-th-factor-of-phi(n) */
  for (a = 2; a < n; a++) {
    if (kronecker_uu(a, n) == 0)  continue;
    for (i = 0; i < nfactors; i++)
      if (powmod(a, exp[i], n) == 1)
    if (i == nfactors) return a;
  return 0;

/* Calculate 1/a mod p.  From William Hart. */
UV modinverse(UV a, UV p) {
  IV u1 = 1, u3 = a;
  IV v1 = 0, v3 = p;
  IV t1 = 0, t3 = 0;
  IV quot;
  while (v3) {
    quot = u3 - v3;
    if (u3 < (v3<<2)) {
      if (quot < v3) {
        if (quot < 0) {
          t1 = u1; u1 = v1; v1 = t1;
          t3 = u3; u3 = v3; v3 = t3;
        } else {
          t1 = u1 - v1; u1 = v1; v1 = t1;
          t3 = u3 - v3; u3 = v3; v3 = t3;
      } else if (quot < (v3<<1)) {
        t1 = u1 - (v1<<1); u1 = v1; v1 = t1;
        t3 = u3 - (v3<<1); u3 = v3; v3 = t3;
      } else {
        t1 = u1 - v1*3; u1 = v1; v1 = t1;
        t3 = u3 - v3*3; u3 = v3; v3 = t3;
    } else {
      quot = u3 / v3;
      t1 = u1 - v1*quot; u1 = v1; v1 = t1;
      t3 = u3 - v3*quot; u3 = v3; v3 = t3;
 if (u1 < 0) u1 += p;
 return u1;

UV divmod(UV a, UV b, UV n) {   /* a / b  mod n */
  UV binv = modinverse(b, n);
  if (binv == 0)  return 0;
  return mulmod(a, binv, n);

/* Find smallest k where a = g^k mod p
 * This implementation is just a stupid placeholder.
 * When prho or bsgs starts working well, lower the trial limit
#define DLP_TRIAL_NUM  1000000
UV znlog(UV a, UV g, UV p) {
  UV k;
  const int verbose = _XS_get_verbose();
  if (a <= 1 || g == 0 || p < 2)
    return 0;
  k = dlp_trial(a, g, p, DLP_TRIAL_NUM);
  if (k != 0 || p <= DLP_TRIAL_NUM)
    return k;
  if (verbose) printf("  dlp trial failed.  Trying prho\n");
  k = dlp_prho(a, g, p, 1000000);
  if (k != 0)
    return k;
  if (verbose) printf("  dlp prho failed.  Back to trial\n");
  k = dlp_trial(a, g, p, p);
  return k;

long double chebyshev_function(UV n, int which)
  long double logp, logn = logl(n);
  UV sqrtn = which ? isqrt(n) : 0;  /* for theta, p <= sqrtn always false */

  if (n < primes_small[NPRIMES_SMALL-1]) {
    UV p, pi;
    for (pi = 1;  (p = primes_small[pi]) <= n; pi++) {
      logp = logl(p);
      if (p <= sqrtn) logp *= floorl(logn/logp+1e-15);
      KAHAN_SUM(sum, logp);
  } else {
    UV seg_base, seg_low, seg_high;
    unsigned char* segment;
    void* ctx;
    long double logl2 = logl(2);
    long double logl3 = logl(3);
    long double logl5 = logl(5);
    if (!which) {
      KAHAN_SUM(sum,logl2); KAHAN_SUM(sum,logl3); KAHAN_SUM(sum,logl5);
    } else {
      KAHAN_SUM(sum, logl2 * floorl(logn/logl2 + 1e-15));
      KAHAN_SUM(sum, logl3 * floorl(logn/logl3 + 1e-15));
      KAHAN_SUM(sum, logl5 * floorl(logn/logl5 + 1e-15));
    ctx = start_segment_primes(7, n, &segment);
    while (next_segment_primes(ctx, &seg_base, &seg_low, &seg_high)) {
      START_DO_FOR_EACH_SIEVE_PRIME( segment, seg_low - seg_base, seg_high - seg_base ) {
        p += seg_base;
        logp = logl(p);
        if (p <= sqrtn) logp *= floorl(logn/logp+1e-15);
        KAHAN_SUM(sum, logp);
  return sum;

 * See:
 *  "Multiple-Precision Exponential Integral and Related Functions"
 *      by David M. Smith
 *  "On the Evaluation of the Complex-Valued Exponential Integral"
 *      by Vincent Pegoraro and Philipp Slusallek
 *  "Numerical Recipes" 3rd edition
 *      by William H. Press et al.
 *  "Rational Chevyshev Approximations for the Exponential Integral E_1(x)"
 *      by W. J. Cody and Henry C. Thacher, Jr.
 * Any mistakes here are completely my fault.  This code has not been
 * verified for anything serious.  For better results, see:
 * which although the author claims are demonstration programs, will
 * undoubtedly produce more reliable results than this code does (I don't
 * know of any obvious issues with this code, but it just hasn't been used
 * by many people).

static long double const euler_mascheroni = 0.57721566490153286060651209008240243104215933593992L;
static long double const li2 = 1.045163780117492784844588889194613136522615578151L;

long double _XS_ExponentialIntegral(long double x) {
  long double val, term;
  unsigned int n;

  if (x == 0) croak("Invalid input to ExponentialIntegral:  x must be != 0");

  if (x < -1) {
    /* Continued fraction, good for x < -1 */
    long double lc = 0;
    long double ld = 1.0L / (1.0L - (long double)x);
    val = ld * (-expl(x));
    for (n = 1; n <= 100000; n++) {
      long double old, t, n2;
      t = (long double)(2*n + 1) - (long double) x;
      n2 = n * n;
      lc = 1.0L / (t - n2 * lc);
      ld = 1.0L / (t - n2 * ld);
      old = val;
      val *= ld/lc;
      if ( fabsl(val-old) <= LDBL_EPSILON*fabsl(val) )
  } else if (x < 0) {
    /* Rational Chebyshev approximation (Cody, Thacher), good for -1 < x < 0 */
    static const long double C6p[7] = { -148151.02102575750838086L,
                                         5.0196785185439843791020L };
    static const long double C6q[7] = {  256664.93484897117319268L,
                                         1.0000000000000000000000L };
    long double sumn = C6p[0]-x*(C6p[1]-x*(C6p[2]-x*(C6p[3]-x*(C6p[4]-x*(C6p[5]-x*C6p[6])))));
    long double sumd = C6q[0]-x*(C6q[1]-x*(C6q[2]-x*(C6q[3]-x*(C6q[4]-x*(C6q[5]-x*C6q[6])))));
    val = logl(-x) - sumn/sumd;
  } else if (x < -logl(LDBL_EPSILON)) {
    /* Convergent series */
    long double fact_n = x;
    for (n = 2; n <= 200; n++) {
      long double invn = 1.0L / n;
      fact_n *= (long double)x * invn;
      term = fact_n * invn;
      KAHAN_SUM(sum, term);
      /* printf("C  after adding %.20Lf, val = %.20Lf\n", term, sum); */
      if ( term < LDBL_EPSILON*sum) break;
    KAHAN_SUM(sum, euler_mascheroni);
    KAHAN_SUM(sum, logl(x));
    KAHAN_SUM(sum, x);
    val = sum;
  } else {
    /* Asymptotic divergent series */
    long double invx = 1.0L / x;
    term = 1.0;
    for (n = 1; n <= 200; n++) {
      long double last_term = term;
      term = term * ( (long double)n * invx );
      if (term < LDBL_EPSILON*sum) break;
      if (term < last_term) {
        KAHAN_SUM(sum, term);
        /* printf("A  after adding %.20llf, sum = %.20llf\n", term, sum); */
      } else {
        KAHAN_SUM(sum, (-last_term/3) );
        /* printf("A  after adding %.20llf, sum = %.20llf\n", -last_term/3, sum); */
    term = expl(x) * invx;
    val = term * sum + term;

  return val;

long double _XS_LogarithmicIntegral(long double x) {
  if (x == 0) return 0;
  if (x == 1) return -INFINITY;
  if (x == 2) return li2;
  if (x < 0) croak("Invalid input to LogarithmicIntegral:  x must be >= 0");
  return _XS_ExponentialIntegral(logl(x));

/* Thanks to Kim Walisch for this idea */
UV _XS_Inverse_Li(UV x) {
  double nlogn = (double)x * log((double)x);
  UV lo = (UV) (nlogn);
  UV hi = (UV) (nlogn * 2 + 2);

  if (x == 0)  return 0;
  if (hi <= lo) hi = UV_MAX;
  while (lo < hi) {
    UV mid = lo + (hi-lo)/2;
    if (_XS_LogarithmicIntegral(mid) < x) lo = mid+1;
    else                                  hi = mid;
  return lo;

 * Storing the first 10-20 Zeta values makes sense.  Past that it is purely
 * to avoid making the call to generate them ourselves.  We could cache the
 * calculated values. These all have 1 subtracted from them.  */
static const long double riemann_zeta_table[] = {
  0.6449340668482264364724151666460251892L,  /* zeta(2) */
  0.0000076371976378997622736002935630292L,  /* zeta(17)  Past here all we're */
  0.0000038172932649998398564616446219397L,  /* zeta(18)  getting is speed.   */
#define NPRECALC_ZETA (sizeof(riemann_zeta_table)/sizeof(riemann_zeta_table[0]))

/* Riemann Zeta on the real line, with 1 subtracted.
 * Compare to Math::Cephes zetac.  Also zeta with q=1 and subtracting 1.
 * The Cephes zeta function uses a series (2k)!/B_2k which converges rapidly
 * and has a very wide range of values.  We use it here for some values.
 * Note: Calculations here are done on long doubles and we try to generate as
 *       much accuracy as possible.  They will get returned to Perl as an NV,
 *       which is typically a 64-bit double with 15 digits.
 * For values 0.5 to 5, this code uses the rational Chebyshev approximation
 * from Cody and Thacher.  This method is extraordinarily fast and very
 * accurate over its range (slightly better than Cephes for most values).  If
 * we had quad floats, we could use the 9-term polynomial.
long double ld_riemann_zeta(long double x) {
  int i;

  if (x < 0)  croak("Invalid input to RiemannZeta:  x must be >= 0");
  if (x == 1) return INFINITY;

  if (x == (unsigned int)x) {
    int k = x - 2;
    if ((k >= 0) && (k < (int)NPRECALC_ZETA))
      return riemann_zeta_table[k];

  /* Cody / Thacher rational Chebyshev approximation for small values */
  if (x >= 0.5 && x <= 5.0) {
    static const long double C8p[9] = { 1.287168121482446392809e10L,
                                        5.787581004096660659109e01L };
    static const long double C8q[9] = { 2.574336242964846244667e10L,
                                        1.000000000000000000000L    };
    long double sumn = C8p[0]+x*(C8p[1]+x*(C8p[2]+x*(C8p[3]+x*(C8p[4]+x*(C8p[5]+x*(C8p[6]+x*(C8p[7]+x*C8p[8])))))));
    long double sumd = C8q[0]+x*(C8q[1]+x*(C8q[2]+x*(C8q[3]+x*(C8q[4]+x*(C8q[5]+x*(C8q[6]+x*(C8q[7]+x*C8q[8])))))));
    long double sum = (sumn - (x-1)*sumd) / ((x-1)*sumd);
    return sum;

  if (x > 17000.0)
    return 0.0;

#if 0
    /* Simple defining series, works well. */
    for (i = 5; i <= 1000000; i++) {
      long double term = powl(i, -x);
      KAHAN_SUM(sum, term);
      if (term < LDBL_EPSILON*sum) break;
    KAHAN_SUM(sum, powl(4, -x) );
    KAHAN_SUM(sum, powl(3, -x) );
    KAHAN_SUM(sum, powl(2, -x) );
    return sum;

  /* The 2n!/B_2k series used by the Cephes library. */
    /* gp/pari: factorial(2n)/bernfrac(2n) */
    static const long double A[] = {
    long double a, b, s, t;
    const long double w = 10.0;
    s = 0.0;
    b = 0.0;
    for (i = 2; i < 11; i++) {
      b = powl( i, -x );
      s += b;
      if (fabsl(b) < fabsl(LDBL_EPSILON * s))
        return s;
    s = s + b*w/(x-1.0) - 0.5 * b;
    a = 1.0;
    for (i = 0; i < 13; i++) {
      long double k = 2*i;
      a *= x + k;
      b /= w;
      t = a*b/A[i];
      s = s + t;
      if (fabsl(t) < fabsl(LDBL_EPSILON * s))
      a *= x + k + 1.0;
      b /= w;
    return s;

long double _XS_RiemannR(long double x) {
  long double part_term, term, flogx;
  unsigned int k;

  if (x <= 0) croak("Invalid input to ReimannR:  x must be > 0");

  KAHAN_SUM(sum, 1.0);

  flogx = logl(x);
  part_term = 1;

  for (k = 1; k <= 10000; k++) {
    part_term *= flogx / k;
    if (k-1 < NPRECALC_ZETA)  term = part_term / (k+k*riemann_zeta_table[k-1]);
    else                      term = part_term / (k+k*ld_riemann_zeta(k+1));
    KAHAN_SUM(sum, term);
    /* printf("R %5d after adding %.18Lg, sum = %.19Lg\n", k, term, sum); */
    if (fabsl(term) < fabsl(LDBL_EPSILON*sum)) break;

  return sum;