The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

use strict;
use warnings;

    use FindBin;
    use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
    chdir 't' if -d 't';
    use lib qw[../lib inc];

    require '';

use Test::More  'no_plan';
use Catalyst::Test 'TestApp';

use HTTP::Request;
use Data::Dumper;

my %RpcArgs     = ( 1 => "b" );
#my %RpcRv       = ( auto => 1, begin => 1, end => 1, input => \%RpcArgs );
my %RpcRv       = ( auto => 1, begin => 1, end => 1 );
my $EntryPoint  = 'http://localhost/rpc';
my $Prefix      = 'rpc.functions.';
my %Methods     = (
    # method name       # rv
    'echo.regex'        => 'echo_regex',
    'echo_plain'        => 'echo_plain', 
    'echo.path'         => 'echo_path',

    'echo.path.stash'   => { %RpcRv, function => 'echo_path_stash' },
    'echo.regex.stash'  => { %RpcRv, function => 'echo_regex_stash' },
    'echo_plain_stash'  => { %RpcRv, function => 'echo_plain_stash' },

while ( my($meth,$rv) = each %Methods ) {

    use JSON::RPC::Common::Marshal::Text;
    use JSON;
    my $m = JSON::RPC::Common::Marshal::Text->new;
    my $call = {version=>'1.1', method=>$Prefix . $meth, params=>\%RpcArgs, id=>1};
    my $str = JSON::to_json($m->json_to_call(JSON::to_json($call))->deflate());

    my $req = HTTP::Request->new( POST => $EntryPoint );
    $req->header( 'Content-Length'  => length($str) );
    $req->header( 'Content-Type'    => 'application/json' );
    $req->content( $str );
    my $res = request( $req );
    ok( $res,                   "Got response on '$meth'" );
    ok( $res->is_success,       "   Response successfull 2XX" );
    is( $res->code, 200,        "   Reponse code 200" );
    my $data = JSON::from_json( $res->content );

    is_deeply( $data->{result}, $rv,     "   Return value as expected" );

    if( ref $data and UNIVERSAL::isa( $data, 'HASH' ) ) {
        ok( not(exists($data->{error})),
                                "   No faultstring" );
        diag( $data->{error} . ' ' . $data->{error} )
            if $data->{error};