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#! /ipl/perl5/bin/perl

# $Id: setpin,v 1.3 1997/09/19 16:40:14 carrigad Exp $

# Copyright (C), 1997, Interprovincial Pipe Line Inc.

# This program will allow a user to set his PIN if his card has been
# put into New PIN Mode. 

use strict;
use Authen::ACE;

eval "use Term::ReadKey";
if ($@) {
  print STDERR "Warning!! Couldn't load Term::ReadKey module!\n";
  print STDERR "          PINs will be entered in the clear!\n";
  print STDERR "          To fix this, get Term::ReadKey from CPAN.\n\n";
  eval "sub ReadMode {}";

my($username, $token) = @ARGV;

die "usage: $0 username token\n" if ($username eq "" || $token eq "");

my $ace = new Authen::ACE;

my ($result, $nt) = $ace->Check($token, $username);

die "Sorry, but this token is not in new PIN mode.\n" 
  unless $result == ACM_NEW_PIN_REQUIRED;

my $pin = $nt->{"system_pin"};
if ($nt->{"user_selectable"} == CANNOT_CHOOSE_PIN) {
  if (!accept_pin($pin)) {
    $ace->PIN($pin, 1);
    print "Wait for the token to change, then re-run this program.\n";
} elsif ($nt->{"user_selectable"} == USER_SELECTABLE) {
  if (getyn("Do you want the system to generate a PIN for you?")) {
    if (!accept_pin($pin)) {
      $ace->PIN($pin, 1);
      print "Wait for the token to change, then re-run this program.\n";
  } else {
    $pin = get_pin($nt);
} else {
  $pin = get_pin($nt);
if ($ace->PIN($pin) == ACM_NEW_PIN_ACCEPTED) {
  print "Success: the new PIN has been accepted.\n";
} else {
  print "Sorry: the new PIN was rejected.\n";

sub accept_pin {
  my $pin = shift;
  print "The system has assigned the PIN ``$pin'' to you.\n";
  return getyn("Enter y to acept it; anything else to reject it:");

sub getyn {
  my $prompt = shift;
  print "$prompt ";
  my $ans = <STDIN>;
  return $ans =~ /^y/i;

sub get_pin {
  my $pinparms = shift;

  my $ct;

  my $pin;

  print "You may now enter a new PIN.\n";
  if ($pinparms->{"alphanumeric"}) {
    print "Your PIN can consist of letters and numbers.\n";
    $ct = "characters";
  } else {
    print "Your PIN must consist only of numbers.\n";
    $ct = "digits";
  if ($pinparms->{"min_pin_len"} == $pinparms->{"max_pin_len"}) {
    printf "Your PIN must be exactly %d $ct long.\n", $pinparms->{"min_pin_len"};
  } else {
    printf "Your PIN must be from %d to %d $ct long.\n",
    $pinparms->{"min_pin_len"}, $pinparms->{"max_pin_len"};
  while (1) {
    my $confirm;


    print "Enter your new PIN: ";
    $pin = <STDIN>;
    chomp $pin;

    if (defined $Term::ReadKey::VERSION) {
      print "\nConfirmation: ";
      $confirm = <STDIN>;
      chomp $confirm;
      print "\n";
    } else {
      $confirm = $pin;


    last if $pin eq $confirm;
    print "Sorry, they don't match. Please try again.\n";
  return $pin;