Revision history for Contextual-Return
0.0.1 Mon Mar 14 22:53:00 2005
Initial release.
0.0.2 Sun May 22 05:48:19 2005
added dependency on
0.1.0 Fri Feb 17 12:15:18 2006
added LAZY {...} block for better self-documentation
fixed propagation of exceptions from methods called on returned object
Added proxying of can() and isa(). (Should VERSION() be done as well?)
(thanks, Rob)
Added FIXED() to support morphing of scalar return values (thanks, Rob)
Added fallback to scalar returns for list context
To get the old behavior, add:
LIST { croak "Can't call this sub in list context" }
Made return values under ${} and @{} remain fully lazy (unless FIXED)
Added LVALUE, RVALUE, and NVALUE blocks for implementing lvalue returns
Added FAIL block for smart failure
Added Contextual::Return::FAIL_WITH to configure FAIL
0.2.0 Tue Mar 6 16:34:54 2007
Fixed doc nit (thanks BrowserUK)
Fixed test suite under Windows (thanks Nigel and Doug)
Fixed doc bugs for FAIL_WITH
Removed dependency on Carp internals (now replaces them!)
Fixed VOID handling (now correctly falls back to DEFAULT)
Fixed caller semantics within handler blocks (thanks Schwern)
Fixed edge case of C::R::V metainformation requests (thanks Andrew)
Added RESULT and RECOVER blocks (thanks Aaron)
0.2.1 Thu Mar 29 17:59:40 2007
Removed spurious Smart::Comments dependency (thanks Dave!)
0.003001 Tue Jun 22 17:20:36 2010
Added Contextual::Return::FREEZE and Contextual::Return::DUMP
to facilitate debugging
General clean-and-tighten of documentation
Added CLEANUP blocks
Added PUREBOOL context
[BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE] Changed export interface
Added warning about (mis)behaviour of LVALUE, RVALUE, NVALUE
under the debugger (thanks Steven)
Documented METHOD handlers
0.003002 Thu Jan 19 09:27:29 2012
Updated version number of Contextual::Return::Failure
to placate CPAN indexer
Improved error messages for bare handlers in bad contexts (thanks Mathew)
Work around problems with Test::More and caller
0.004000 Thu Feb 16 14:30:56 2012
Fixed context propagation bugs in FIXED and ACTIVE modifiers
Added STRICT modifier to prevent fallbacks
(i.e. impose strict typing on return values)
0.004001 Thu Feb 16 19:01:05 2012
Fixed annoying POD nit (thanks Salvatore)
0.004002 Fri Mar 2 06:18:38 2012
Fixed significant typo (Carp:carp -> Carp::carp)
(thanks everyone who reported it)
0.004003 Wed Apr 11 07:55:49 2012
Doc patch (thanks Fabrizio)
Patched failures.t to account from bleadperl changes
(thanks Zefram!)
0.004004 Sun Aug 5 17:46:56 2012
Further patch to failures.t
Added redefinition of Scalar::Util::blessed() to avoid nasty
surprises (thanks Andrew!)
Added confess() and cluck() overrides
and fixed caller() override to set @DB::args when appropriate
0.004005 Mon Aug 20 10:44:35 2012
Further patch for t/confess.t
(Thanks, David!)
0.004006 Thu Oct 4 16:49:47 2012
Circumvented annoying undef-as-key warnings in Perl 5.17+
Honour @CARP_NOT's when reporting context
0.004007 Fri Oct 5 23:05:05 2012
Added BLESSED handler for better control over how blessed() lies
Upgraded reimplementation of blessed() to make more sense