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use 5.014;
use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More 'no_plan';

use attributes;

    package Stuff;

    use Test::More;
    use Dios;

    method echo($arg) :method {
        return $arg;

    is( Stuff->echo(42), 42 );
    is_deeply( [attributes::get \&echo], ['method'] );

    package Things;

    use attributes;
    use Dios;

    my $attrs;
    my $cb_called;

        my ($pkg, $code, @attrs) = @_;
        $cb_called = 1;
        $attrs = \@attrs;
        return ();

    method moo($foo, $bar) : Bar Baz(fubar) {

    # Torture test for the attribute handling.
    method foo
    : Baz(fu{bar:) { return {} }

    ::ok($cb_called, 'attribute handler got called');
    ::is_deeply($attrs, [qw/Bar Moo(:Ko{oh) Baz(fu{bar:)/], '... with the right attributes');