use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More 'no_plan';

    package Stuff;

    use Test::More;
    use Dios;

    method add($this = 23, $that = 42) {
        return $this + $that;

    is( Stuff->add(),    23 + 42 );
    is( Stuff->add(99),  99 + 42 );
    is( Stuff->add(2,3), 5 );

    skip q{is ro not yet implemented}, 3;

#    method minus($this is ro = 23, $that is ro = 42) {
#        return $this - $that;
#    }

    is( Stuff->minus(),         23 - 42 );
    is( Stuff->minus(99),       99 - 42 );
    is( Stuff->minus(2, 3),     2 - 3 );

    # Test that undef overrides defaults
    method echo($message = "what?") {
        return $message

    is( Stuff->echo(),          "what?" );
    is( Stuff->echo(undef),     undef   );
    is( Stuff->echo("who?"),    'who?'  );

    # Test that you can reference earlier args in a default
    method copy_cat($this, $that = $this) {
        return $that;

    is( Stuff->copy_cat("wibble"), "wibble" );
    is( Stuff->copy_cat(23, 42),   42 );

    package Bar;
    use Test::More;
    use Dios;

    method hello($msg = "Hello, world!") {
        return $msg;

    is( Bar->hello,               "Hello, world!" );
    is( Bar->hello("Greetings!"), "Greetings!" );

    method hi($msg = q,Hi,) {
        return $msg;

    is( Bar->hi,                "Hi" );
    is( Bar->hi("Yo"),          "Yo" );

    method list(*@args = (1,2,3)) {
        return @args;

    is_deeply [Bar->list()], [1,2,3];

    method code($num, $code = sub { $num + 2 }) {
        return $code->();

    is( Bar->code(42), 44 );