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# Testing this Pod specification...
my $perldoc_data = <<'END_PERLDOC';
=head1 This is a heading block

This is an ordinary paragraph.
Its text  will   be     squeezed     and
short lines filled. It is terminated by
the first blank line.

This is another ordinary paragraph.
Its     text    will  also be squeezed and
short lines filled. It is terminated by
the trailing directive on the next line.
=head2 This is another heading block


# Expect it to parse to this ADT...
my $expected_structure = eval <<'END_EXPECTED';
$VAR1 = bless( {
  'warnings' => [],
  'errors' => [],
  'tree' => bless( {
    'typename' => '(document)',
    'content' => [
      bless( {
        'typename' => 'pod',
        'content' => [
          bless( {
            'typename' => 'head1',
            'content' => [
              'This is a heading block
            'style' => 'abbreviated'
          }, 'Perl6::Perldoc::Block::head1' ),
          bless( {
            'typename' => 'para',
            'content' => [
              'This is an ordinary paragraph.
Its text  will   be     squeezed     and
short lines filled. It is terminated by
the first blank line.
            'style' => 'implicit'
          }, 'Perl6::Perldoc::Block::para' ),
          bless( {
            'typename' => 'para',
            'content' => [
              'This is another ordinary paragraph.
Its     text    will  also be squeezed and
short lines filled. It is terminated by
the trailing directive on the next line.
            'style' => 'implicit'
          }, 'Perl6::Perldoc::Block::para' ),
          bless( {
            'typename' => 'head2',
            'content' => [
              'This is another heading block
            'style' => 'abbreviated'
          }, 'Perl6::Perldoc::Block::head2' )
        'style' => 'implicit'
      }, 'Perl6::Perldoc::Block::pod' )
  }, 'Perl6::Perldoc::Document' )
}, 'Perl6::Perldoc::Parser::ReturnVal' );


# Remove filenames from error messages (since two sources differ)...
for my $msg ( @{ $expected_structure->{warnings} },
              @{ $expected_structure->{errors} }
) {
    $msg =~ s{at \S+ line}{at line};

use Perl6::Perldoc::Parser;
use Test::More 'no_plan';

# Open input filehandle on Pod daa and parse it...
open my $fh, '<', \$perldoc_data
    or die "Could not open file on test data";
my $representation = Perl6::Perldoc::Parser->parse($fh ,{all_pod=>1});

# Walk resulting representation and expectation tree in parallel, comparing...
    '  ',                     # Indent
    'return value',           # Description
    {%{$representation}},     # What we got
    {%{$expected_structure}}  # What we expected

use Scalar::Util qw< reftype blessed >;

# Only consider valid accessor methods...
my %is_valid_scalar_method;
my %is_valid_list_method;
   @is_valid_scalar_method{ qw< typename style number target > } = ();
   @is_valid_list_method{   qw< content rows cells >           } = ();

# Walk two trees, comparing nodes as we go...
sub compare {
    my ($indent, $desc, $rep, $expected) = @_;

    # Verify data at current node is of correct class...
    my ($rep_class, $expected_class)
        = map {ref($_) || q{STRING}} $rep, $expected;

    is $rep_class, $expected_class => "$indent$desc is $expected_class";

    # Recurse down trees according to type of node expected...
    $indent .= q{  };
    my $expected_type = reftype($expected) || q{STRING};

    # If current node an object -> match keys as method calls...
    if (blessed $expected) {
        for my $attr ( keys %{ $expected } ) {
            # Expected subnode must be retrieved via known accessor...
            my $is_scalar = exists $is_valid_scalar_method{$attr};
            my $is_list   = exists $is_valid_list_method{$attr};
            if (!$is_scalar && !$is_list) {
                fail "Internal error: unknown method $attr() "
                   . "expected for $rep_class node";

            # Known accessor must be available...
            elsif (! $rep->can($attr) ) {
                fail "Can't call $attr() on $rep_class node";

            # If accessor returns a list, recursively compare the lists...
            elsif ($is_list) {
                compare($indent,$attr, [$rep->$attr], $expected->{$attr});

            # If accessor returns a scalar, string-compare the values...
            else {
                compare($indent,$attr, scalar($rep->$attr), $expected->{$attr});
    # If current node a hash -> match keys as hash entries...
    elsif ($expected_type eq 'HASH') {
        for my $attr ( keys %{ $expected } ) {
            compare($indent, $attr, $rep->{$attr}, $expected->{$attr});

    # If current node an array -> match each element in sequence...
    elsif ($expected_type eq 'ARRAY') {
        for my $idx ( 0..$#{$expected} ) {
            compare($indent,"[$idx]", $rep->[$idx], $expected->[$idx]);

    # Otherwise current node is raw text -> simple string comparison...
    else {
        is $rep, $expected  =>  "$indent$desc content was correct";