Revision history for Regexp-Grammars
1.001_003 Tue Apr 7 08:42:33 2009
Initial public release.
1.001_004 Sun Aug 2 23:08:52 2009
Fixed mishandling of (??{....}) blocks
Attempted to patch around three-way bug with lexicals in regexes
(further testing may be required to ensure patch is effective
across various perl configs)
1.001_005 Sun Aug 2 23:08:52 2009
Rerelease to sync numbering with CPAN
1.002 Tue Dec 8 21:30:11 2009
Various doc tweaks
Removed intermittent "uninitialized" warnings
Added warning when no main regex specified
Refined error message status indicators (now only errors get an
indicator for every separate message; info is consolidated)
Fixed exponentiation associativity for demo_calc (thanks Schwern!)
Fixed bug in charset parsing (thanks Dave!)
Removed false error messages regarding explicitly use of built-in
<ws> and <hk> rules
Fixed bug with negative lookaheads that incorporate subrule calls
Localized $/ during debugger interactions
Added <objrule: Class::Name=rulename> variation to allow distinct
"internal" and "external" names for objrules and objtokens
(thanks Casiano)
Fixed handling of (?#...) comments (thanks Casiano)
Added pure grammar definitions: <grammar: NAME>
Added inheritance from grammar definitions: <extends: NAME>
Added fully qualified subrule calls to allow derived rules to call
base rules: <Base::Class::rulename>
1.005 Tue Jun 22 05:41:35 2010
Tweaked internals to allow matches against stringifying objects,
without nasty warnings
Extended demo/calc* to allow negatives outside parens (thanks Steven)
Pod tweaks (thanks Carl)
Added autoaction callbacks
Made @! contents unique (no more duplicates due to backtracking retries)
Made <MATCH=...> work in the top-level pattern of a grammar
Added set_context_width() to allow width of context string column
to be adjusted either permanently or within a scope. (Thanks Daniel)
Added l10n feature for <error:...> and <warning:...> directives
(thanks Aki!)
Added <minimize:> directive
Fixed debugging directives in grammars
Added per-hash key patterns to <%HASH> (Thanks Aki)
Added <\IDENT> backrefs
Added </IDENT> inverserefs
1.008 Fri Sep 17 20:53:31 2010
Pod nits denitted (thanks Christopher)
Added builtin <matchpos> and <matchline> subrules
Added <subrule(arg=>list)> and %ARG
Added <:argname>
Added <\:argname> and </:argname>
Added Lucene example to demos (thanks Christian)
Added <ws:...> directive
Updated diagnostics list
Improved behaviour (and documentation) of non-bracketed
separators in **
1.009 Sun Sep 19 09:11:06 2010
Rerelease to remove spurious dependencies on Data::Show
(thanks Salvatore!)
1.010 Tue Sep 28 08:03:42 2010
Added documentation warning about non-reentrancy of Perl 5 regex engine
(thanks Andrew).
Fixed behaviour of ** repetitions wrt whitespace (thanks Andrew)
Documented more explicitly that start-pattern is supposed to act
like a regular regex (or a token) wrt to whitespace
1.011 Sun Oct 10 18:57:10 2010
Added <!RULENAME> as alias for: (?! <.RULENAME> )
Added <?RULENAME> as alias for: (?= <.RULENAME> )
(and made it work around normal lookahead/capture problem)
Fixed major bugs in <:arg> handling
1.012 Wed Nov 3 20:24:36 2010
Added RFC5322 example (thanks Tom and Abigail!)
Added <:nocontext> and <:context> directives to optimize
away unwanted context substrings.
Solved transitive inheritance problem
(grammars now fully polymorphic)
Added NEXT:: namespace for generic polymorphism
1.013 Wed Jun 29 14:39:40 2011
Improved in-doc calculator example (thanks Jake!)
Improved RFC5322 example (thanks Tom and Abigail)
Added <timeout:...> directive (thanks Dan)
Added <fatal:...> directive
Added better compile-time debugging of standard Perl subpatterns
Added documentation of problems when using objrules
whose ctors re-invoke the regex engine (thanks Nathan)
Added new tests for objrules whose classes are based
on Moose or autoloading (thanks Nathan!)