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package App::redisp;
  $App::redisp::VERSION = '0.13';
package # hide
sub eval_ctx { eval "sub { $_[0] }" } # Here to avoid any closures

package App::redisp;
# ABSTRACT: Perl redis shell

use B qw(svref_2object);
use Data::Dump qw(pp);
use Moo;
use Pod::Usage qw(pod2usage);
use Term::ANSIColor qw(colored);
use Term::ReadLine;
use Tie::Redis;

use constant HAVE_READKEY => eval { require Term::ReadKey };

use App::redisp::Commands qw(@COMMANDS);
use Eval::WithLexicals;

has eval_with_lexicals => (
  is => 'ro',
  default => sub { Eval::WithLexicals->new(
      in_package => 'main'

has host => (
  is => 'rw',
  default => sub { 'localhost' }

has port => (
  is => 'rw',
  default => sub { 6379 }

has serialize => (
  is => 'rw',
  default => sub { '' }

has redis => (
  is => 'rw',
  lazy => 1,
  default => sub {
    my($self) = @_;
    tie my %h, 'Tie::Redis',
      host => $self->host, port => $self->port, use_recv => 1;
    tied %h;

sub debug {
  $ENV{DEBUG} && print "-- ", colored(['green'], @_), "\n";

# Special handling code
my %special = (
  keyword => sub {
    my($param) = @_;
    if($param =~ /^\s*(\w+)\s+([^\%\@\$].*)/) {
      $param = "redis(q{$1}, $2)";
      debug "Replaced with '$param'\n";
    return $param;

# Handle these commands specially
my %redis_special_commands = (
  keys => $special{keyword},
  exists => $special{keyword},

my %util_cmds = (
  encoding => sub {


sub BUILD {
  my($self) = @_;


sub usage {
  my($class, $verbosity) = @_;

    -verbose => $verbosity == 1 ? (99, -sections => 'USAGE') : $verbosity,
    -input => __FILE__

sub run {
  my($self) = @_;

  my $short_server = $self->host =~ /[0-9]$/
    ? $self->host # IP address
    : ($self->host =~ /^([^.]+)/)[0];

  my $read = Term::ReadLine->new($short_server);
  my $prompt = "$short_server> ";

  while(1) {
    my $line = $read->readline($prompt);
    exit unless defined $line;
    $read->addhistory($line) if $line =~ /\S/;

    if($line =~ /^(?:\?|help)$/) {
      print <DATA>;
    } elsif($line =~ /^\.(\w+)(?:\s+(.*))?/) {
      ($util_cmds{$1} || sub { warn "Unknown command\n" })->($2);
    } elsif($line =~ /^\s*(\w+)/ && exists $redis_special_commands{$1}) {
      $line = $redis_special_commands{$1}->($line);

    # TODO: Consider Parse::Perl, but I like no-non-core XS deps for now.
    my $code = ::eval_ctx $line;
    unless(ref $code eq 'CODE') {
      chomp $@;
      print colored(['red'], $@), "\n";



sub eval {
  my($self, $line) = @_;

  Term::ReadKey::ReadMode(0) if HAVE_READKEY;
  my @ret;
  eval {
    local $SIG{INT} = sub { die "Interrupt\n" };
    @ret = $self->eval_with_lexicals->eval($line);
  } or do {
    chomp $@;
    print colored(['red'], $@), "\n";
  Term::ReadKey::ReadMode(1) if HAVE_READKEY;
  pp @ret;

sub _setup_ties_for_code {
  my($self, $code) = @_;
  no strict 'refs';

  for my $var(_find_referenced($code)) {
    # Avoid special variables
    next if $var->[0] =~ /^(?:.*::|[\x01-\x1f].*|\W|[0-9]+|_|ENV|SIG)$/;

    if($var->[1] eq 'sv') {
      next if tied ${"::" . $var->[0]};
      debug qq{Tie \${\"$var->[0]\"}};
      tie ${"::" . $var->[0]}, 'Tie::Redis::Scalar',
        redis => $self->redis, key => $var->[0];

    } elsif($var->[1] eq 'hv') {
      next if tied %{"::" . $var->[0]};
      debug qq{Tie \%{\"$var->[0]\"}};
      tie %{"::" . $var->[0]}, 'Tie::Redis::Hash',
        redis => $self->redis, key => $var->[0];

    } elsif($var->[1] eq 'av') {
      next if tied @{"::" . $var->[0]};
      debug qq{Tie \@{\"$var->[0]\"}};
      tie @{"::" . $var->[0]}, 'Tie::Redis::List',
        redis => $self->redis, key => $var->[0];

sub _install_commands {
  my($self) = @_;

  no strict 'refs';
  no warnings 'redefine';

  for my $cmd(@COMMANDS) {
    next if exists $redis_special_commands{$cmd};
    *{"main::$cmd"} = sub(@) {
      my @items = $self->redis->{_conn}->$cmd(@_);

      if(@items == 1 && ref $items[0] eq 'ARRAY') {
        return @{$items[0]};
      } else {
        return @items;

  *{"main::redis"} = sub(@) {
    my($cmd, @args) = @_;
    my @items = $self->redis->{_conn}->$cmd(@args);

    if(@items == 1 && ref $items[0] eq 'ARRAY') {
      return @{$items[0]};
    } else {
      return @items;

sub _find_referenced {
  my($code) = @_;

  # Muahah!
  my @vars;
  my $cv = svref_2object($code);
  my $op = $cv->START;
  do {
    if($op->name =~ /^(?:gv|gvsv|aelemfast|const)$/) {
      my $type = $op->name eq 'gvsv' ? 'sv' :
      $op->name eq 'aelemfast' ? 'av' :
      ($op->next->name =~ /2(.*)/)[0];

      # B::Concise::concise_op was helpful here
      if($type) {
        my $idx = $op->isa("B::SVOP") ? $op->targ : $op->padix;

        my $sv;
        if($op->isa("B::PADOP") || !${$op->sv}) {
          $sv = (($cv->PADLIST->ARRAY)[1]->ARRAY)[$idx];
        } else {
          $sv = $op->sv;
        my $gv_name = $sv->can("NAME") ? $sv->NAME : $sv->PV;
        push @vars, [$gv_name, $type] if $gv_name;
  } while $op = $op->next and $op->isa("B::OP");

  return @vars;


=head1 NAME

App::redisp - Perl redis shell

=head1 VERSION

version 0.13


 $ redisp
 localhost> keys "foo*"
 "foobar", "food"
 localhost> set foobarbaz, 12

 # Or in perl style
 localhost> $foobar

 # Actually these next ones aren't implemented yet...
 localhost> .encoding utf-8
 localhost> .server xxx
 localhost> .reconnect
 localhost> .output json


Redis and Perl share similar data types, therefore I thought it would be useful
to have a Redis shell interface that appears to behave as Perl. This is a Perl
Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL) that happens to understand Redis.

The use of Redis aims to be transparent, you just use a variable like C<$foo>
and it will be read or saved to Redis. For a temporary variable that is only visible to Perl use C<my $foo>.

=for Pod::Coverage eval_with_lexicals host port debug eval BUILD run serialize usage

=head1 USAGE

 redisp [--help] [--server=host] [--port=port] [--encoding=encoding]

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item * B<--help>

This document.

=item * B<--server>

Host to connect to Redis on.

=item * B<--port>

Port to connect to Redis on.

=item * B<--encoding>

Encoding to use with Redis, B<UTF-8> is recommended (but the default is none).

=item * B<--serialize>

Serializer to use, see the L<Tie::Redis> documentation for details on supported
serializers and the limitations.



The main noticable thing is common key naming styles in Redis such as
C<"foo-bar"> or C<"foo:bar"> require quoting on the Perl side. For example to
access a top level key of foo:bar you need to access C<${"foo:bar"}>.

In Redis a key has one type; in Perl a glob reference may have HASH, ARRAY,
SCALAR, etc values. This application makes Perl match the Redis behaviour, it's
invalid to use more than one type at a particular name. The error will be:
C<ERR Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value>.

Due to the way this works it's impossible to use symbolic references (e.g.
C<${"foo$a"}>), your code needs to reference top level keys it uses at compile


Yet more examples, because the synopsis section was getting sort of big.

C<info> is a command that returns a hash, so to grab something like the version
you can do this:

 localhost> info
 [returns big hash]

 localhost> info->{redis_version}

Due to some commands clashing with Perl keywords you can't use them as
functions. C<Keys> and C<exists> is something notable for this.

  localhost> keys "foo*" # Special cased

  localhost> sort keys "foo*" # doesn't work as you'd expect

  localhost> sort redis qw(keys foo*) # does what you wanted

Pub/sub can be used, but you need to write some code yourself:
XXX: This doesn't work at all yet!

 localhost> subscribe foo, sub { print "@_\n" }
 [prints messages, ^C stops, but you'll need to unsubscribe manually]
 localhost> unsubscribe foo

=head1 BUGS

This goes I<quite> close to the internals of Perl so there may be issues with
constructs I haven't thought of. Raise bugs via L<>.

The output produced by:


for your issue would be helpful.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Tie::Redis>, L<>, L<Eval::WithLexicals>,
L<Term::ReadLine::Perl> (I recommend you install this or ::Gnu).

=head1 AUTHOR

David Leadbeater <>


This software is copyright (c) 2011 by David Leadbeater.

This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to the extent
permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the Beer-ware license revision 42.


Use redis commands (see

Redis commands are parsed as Perl, this mostly means quoting is required and
commas separate arguments:
  > set "foo", "bar"
  > get foo

('strict' is not used so simple keys that don't clash with keywords don't need

Alternatively use normal Perl variables:

  > $foo = "baz"
  > $hash{key} = value
  > ++${"foo:bar"}