The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
package Resque;
  $Resque::VERSION = '0.06';
use Any::Moose;
use Any::Moose '::Util::TypeConstraints';

# ABSTRACT: Redis-backed library for creating background jobs, placing them on multiple queues, and processing them later.

use RedisDB;
use Resque::Job;
use Resque::Worker;
use Resque::Failures;

subtype 'Sugar::Redis' 
    => as class_type('RedisDB');
coerce 'Sugar::Redis' 
    => from 'Str' 
    => via { 
        my ( $host, $port ) = split /:/;
        RedisDB->new( host => $host, port => $port ) 

has redis => (
    is      => 'ro',
    lazy    => 1,
    coerce  => 1,
    isa     => 'Sugar::Redis',
    default => sub { RedisDB->new }

has namespace => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { 'resque' } );

has failures => (
    is   => 'rw',
    lazy => 1,
    default => sub { Resque::Failures->new( resque => $_[0] ) },
    handles => [qw/ throw /]

has worker => (
    is      => 'ro',
    lazy    => 1,
    default => sub { Resque::Worker->new( resque => $_[0] ) }

sub push {
    my ( $self, $queue, $job ) = @_;
    confess "Can't push an empty job." unless $job;
    $job = $self->new_job($job) unless ref $job eq 'Resque::Job'; 
    $self->redis->rpush( $self->key( queue => $queue ), $job->encode );

sub pop {
    my ( $self, $queue ) = @_;
    my $payload = $self->redis->lpop($self->key( queue => $queue ));
    return unless $payload;

        payload => $payload,
        queue   => $queue

sub size {
    my ( $self, $queue ) = @_;
    $self->redis->llen( $self->key( queue => $queue ) );

sub peek {
    my ( $self, $queue, $start, $count ) = @_;
    my $jobs = $self->list_range( 
        $self->key( queue => $queue ), 
        $start || 0, $count || 1 
    $_ = $self->new_job({ queue => $queue, payload => $_ }) for @$jobs;
    return wantarray ? @$jobs : $jobs;

sub queues {
    my $self = shift;
    my $queues = $self->redis->smembers( $self->key('queues') );
    return wantarray ? @$queues : $queues;

sub remove_queue {
    my ( $self, $queue ) = @_;
    $self->redis->srem( $self->key('queues'), $queue );
    $self->redis->del( $self->key( queue => $queue ) );

sub mass_dequeue {
    my ( $self, $target ) = @_;
    confess("Can't mass_dequeue() without queue and class names.") 
        unless $target 
        and $target->{queue}
        and $target->{class};

    my $queue = $self->key( queue => $target->{queue} );
    my $removed = 0;
    if ( exists $target->{args} ) {
        $removed += $self->redis->lrem( $queue, 0, $self->new_job($target)->encode );
    else {
        for my $item ( @{ $self->redis->lrange( $queue, 0, -1 ) } ) {
            if ( $self->new_job( $item )->class eq $target->{class} ) {
                $removed += $self->redis->lrem( $queue, 0, $item );


sub new_job {
    my ( $self, $job ) = @_;

    if ( $job && ref $job && ref $job eq 'HASH' ) { 
         return Resque::Job->new({ resque => $self, %$job }); 
    elsif ( $job ) {
        return Resque::Job->new({ resque => $self, payload => $job });
    confess "Can't build an empty Resque::Job object.";

sub key {
    my $self = shift;
    join( ':', $self->namespace, @_ );

sub keys {
    my $self = shift;
    my $keys = $self->redis->keys( $self->key('*') );
    return wantarray ? @$keys : $keys;

sub flush_namespace {
    my $self = shift;
    if ( my @keys = $self->keys ) {
        return $self->redis->del( @keys ); 
    return 0;

sub list_range {
    my ( $self, $key, $start, $count ) = @_;
    my $stop = $count > 0 ? $start + $count - 1 : $count;
    my $items = $self->redis->lrange( $key, $start, $stop );
    return $items;

# Used internally to keep track of which queues we've created.
# Don't call this directly.
sub _watch_queue {
    my ( $self, $queue ) = @_;
    $self->redis->sadd( $self->key('queues'), $queue );



=head1 NAME

Resque - Redis-backed library for creating background jobs, placing them on multiple queues, and processing them later.

=head1 VERSION

version 0.06


First you create a Resque instance where you configure the L<RedisDB> backend and then you can
start sending jobs to be done by workers:

    use Resque;

    my $r = Resque->new( redis => '' );

    $r->push( my_queue => { 
        class => 'My::Task', 
        args => [ 'Hello world!' ]

Background jobs can be any perl module that implement a perform() function. The Resque::Job object is
passed as the only argument to this function:

    package My::Task;
    use strict;
    use 5.10.0;

    sub perform {
        my $job = shift;
        say $job->args->[0];


Finally, you run your jobs by instancing a L<Resque::Worker> and telling it to listen to one or more

    use Resque;

    my $w = Resque->new( redis => '' )->worker;


Resque is a Redis-backed library for creating background jobs, placing them on multiple queues, 
and processing them later.

This library is a perl port of the original Ruby one: L<>
My main goal doing this port is to use the same backend to be able to manage the system using 
ruby's resque-server webapp.

As extracted from the original docs, the main features of Resque are:

Resque workers can be distributed between multiple machines, support priorities, are resilient to 
memory leaks, tell you what they're doing, and expect failure.

Resque queues are persistent; support constant time, atomic push and pop (thanks to Redis); provide 
visibility into their contents; and store jobs as simple JSON hashes.

The Resque frontend tells you what workers are doing, what workers are not doing, what queues you're 
using, what's in those queues, provides general usage stats, and helps you track failures.

A lot more about Resque can be read on the original blog post: L<>


=head2 redis

Redis instance for this Resque instance.
Accept a L<RedisDB> object or string. When a string is
passed in, it will be used as Redis server argument.

=head2 namespace

This is useful to run multiple queue systems with the same Redis backend.

By default 'resque' is used.

=head2 failures

Failures handler. See L<Resque::Failures>.

=head2 worker

A L<Resque::Worker> on this resque instance.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 push

Pushes a job onto a queue. Queue name should be a string and the
item should be a Resque::Job object or a hashref containing:

 class - The String name of the job class to run.
  args - Any arrayref of arguments to pass the job.

Returns redis response.


    $resque->push( archive => { class => 'Archive', args => [ 35, 'tar' ] } )

=head2 pop

Pops a job off a queue. Queue name should be a string.

Returns a Resque::Job object.

=head2 size

Returns the size of a queue.
Queue name should be a string.

=head2 peek

Returns an array of jobs currently queued. 

First argument is queue name and an optional secound and third are
start and count values that can be used for pagination.
start is the item to begin, count is how many items to return.

Passing a negative count argument will set a stop value instead
of count. So, passing -1 will return full list, -2 all but last
element and so on.

To get the 3rd page of a 30 item, paginatied list one would use:
    $resque->peek('my_queue', 59, 30)

=head2 queues

Returns an array of all known Resque queues.

=head2 remove_queue

Given a queue name, completely deletes the queue.

=head2 mass_dequeue

Removes all matching jobs from a queue. Expects a hashref 
with queue name, a class name, and, optionally, args.

Returns the number of jobs destroyed.

If no args are provided, it will remove all jobs of the class

That is, for these two jobs:

  { 'class' => 'UpdateGraph', 'args' => ['perl'] }
  { 'class' => 'UpdateGraph', 'args' => ['ruby'] }

The following call will remove both:

        queue => 'test', 
        class => 'UpdateGraph' 

Whereas specifying args will only remove the 2nd job:

        queue => 'test', 
        class => 'UpdateGraph', 
        args  => ['ruby'] 

Using this method without args can be potentially very slow and 
memory intensive, depending on the size of your queue, as it loads 
all jobs into an array before processing.

=head2 new_job

Build a Resque::Job object on this system for the given
hashref(see Resque::Job) or string(payload for object).

=head2 key

Concatenate $self->namespace with the received array of names
to build a redis key name for this resque instance.

=head2 keys

Returns an array of all known Resque keys in Redis. Redis' KEYS operation
is O(N) for the keyspace, so be careful - this can be slow for big databases.

=head2 flush_namespace

This method will delete every trace of this Resque system on
the redis() backend.

=head2 list_range

Does the dirty work of fetching a range of items from a Redis list.


=head1 Queue manipulation


=head1 BUGS

This is an early release, so probable there are plenty of bugs around.
If you found one, please report it on RT or at the github repo:


Pull requests are also very welcomed, but please include tests demostrating
what you've fixed.

=head1 TODO

=over 4

=item *

A generic runner for attaching workers to queues.

=item *

Implement all or most of the callbacks the ruby library has.

=item *

Find a way to test worker fork and signal handling.

=item *

Improve docs.


=head1 SEE ALSO

=over 4

=item *


=item *


=item *



=head1 AUTHOR

Diego Kuperman <>


This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Diego Kuperman.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
