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<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title">
<a name="objects"></a>Objects in C</h2></div></div></div>
Redland uses objects and is written in C, which has no built in support for
object construction, destruction, copying etc.  This library thus uses
conventions for the names of the routines providing the
constructor, destructor and copy constructor functionality for a class as
well as conventions for the general methods.
A class FOO is defined as a C typedef <code class="literal">librdf_foo</code>,
and its a public interface defined in <code class="filename">rdf_foo.h</code>
along with any public or private types, enumerations or constants.
The private definitions are not exposed to library users, only
internally when the library is built.  The implementation of the
class is defined in file <code class="filename">rdf_foo.c</code> and may
include private (static) functions either for internal
implementations or to satisfy part of a factory API.
<p>Each class may have a class initialiser / termination pair
of functions which must be called before any object in the class is created,
and after the last object has been freed. These are defined with signatures
<pre class="programlisting">
  void init_librdf_foo (...)
  void terminate_librdf_foo (void)
The arguments to the initialisation vary since there are sometimes
some class wide options that can be set at initialisation time.
The object constructor(s) are defined with signatures like:
<pre class="programlisting">
  librdf_foo* librdf_new_foo(void)
which takes no parameters.  Additional constructors can be defined
with parameters, and are named in a similar way with an extra part
appropriate for the name for example:
<pre class="programlisting">
  librdf_foo* librdf_new_foo_with_options(char *options)
<p>A copy constructor may be defined which will have the signature:
<pre class="programlisting">
  librdf_foo* librdf_new_foo_from_foo(librdf_foo* old_foo)
<p>A destructor must be defined and has the signature:
<pre class="programlisting">
  void librdf_free_foo(librdf_foo* foo)
<p>Methods of the class have names starting with <code class="literal">librdf_foo_</code> and
examples could be:
<pre class="programlisting">
  /* accessor functions to object part 'thing' */
  int librdf_foo_set_thing(librdf_foo* foo, char *thing)
  char *librdf_foo_get_thing(librdf_foo* foo)
<p>It is often convienent to get a string representation of an
object for further processing, debugging or serialisation.  There are
two conventions for methods that provide this functionality - the
first is when a pointer is returned to a <span class="emphasis"><em>shared</em></span>
copy of the string and in that case the method ends
<code class="literal">_as_string</code>.  The second is when a pointer is
returned to a <span class="emphasis"><em>newly allocated</em></span> string in which
case the method ends <code class="literal">_to_string</code>.</p>