
use strict;
use warnings;

use SVN::Web::Test;
use Test::More;

use POSIX ();

plan 'no_plan';

my $can_tidy = eval { require Test::HTML::Tidy; 1 };
my $can_parse_rss = eval { require XML::RSS::Parser; 1 };

my $tidy;
if($can_tidy) {
    $tidy = HTML::Tidy->new();
    $tidy->ignore(text => [ qr/trimming empty <span>/,
			    qr/<table> lacks "summary" attribute/, ]);

my $rss;
if($can_parse_rss) {
    $rss = XML::RSS::Parser->new();

my $repos = 't/repos';

my $test = SVN::Web::Test->new(repo_path => $repos,
			       repo_dump => 't/test_repo.dump');

my $repo_url = 'file://' . POSIX::getcwd() . '/t/repos';

$test->set_config({ uri_base => 'http://localhost',
		    script   => '/svnweb',
		    config   => { repos => { repos => $repo_url } },

my $mech = $test->mech();

    'browse: /repos (Rev: HEAD, via SVN::Web)',
    "'browse' has correct title")
    or diag $mech->content();

    'browse: /repos (Rev: 1, via SVN::Web)',
    "'browse' with rev has correct title")
    or diag $mech->content();

$mech->title_is('revision: /repos (Rev: 2, via SVN::Web)',
    "'revision' has correct title")
    or diag $mech->content();

$mech->title_is('Repository List (via SVN::Web)', "'list' has correct title")
    or diag $mech->content();

diag "Recursively checking all links";

my $test_sub = sub {
    diag('skip static files checks in local tests: '.$mech->uri), return
        if $mech->uri->path eq '/' or $mech->uri->path =~ m{/css/};

    is($mech->status, 200, 'Fetched ' . $mech->uri())
        or diag $mech->status;

    # Make sure that there are no '//' in the URI, unless preceeded by
    # a ':'.  This catches template bugs with too many slashes.
    unlike($mech->uri(), qr{(?<!:)//}, 'URI does not contain "//"')
        or diag $mech->uri();

    $mech->content_unlike(qr'An error occured', '  and content was correct')
        or diag $mech->content;

       and ($mech->uri() !~ m{ (?:
			           / (?: rss | checkout )
                                 | mime=text/plain
			       )}x)) {
	Test::HTML::Tidy::html_tidy_ok($tidy, $mech->content(),
				       '  and is valid HTML')
	    or diag($mech->content());

    if($can_parse_rss and ($mech->uri() =~ m{/rss/})) {
	my $feed = $rss->parse_string($mech->content());
	ok(defined $feed, 'RSS parsed successfully')
	  or diag $rss->errstr(), diag $mech->content();

	# Make sure that each item's <link> element is a full URL
	for my $item ($feed->query('//item')) {
	    my $node = $item->query('link');
	    like($node->text_content(), qr/^http/, 'RSS link is fully qualified')
	      or diag $node->text_content();
