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use Test::More;

our $current_system = sub { goto &Test::Mock::Cmd::orig_system; };
use Test::Mock::Cmd 'system' => sub { $current_system->(@_) };

use Devel::Kit;
use File::Temp    ();
use File::Slurp   ();
use Capture::Tiny ();

use Module::Want ();
use MIME::Base64 ();

diag("Testing Devel::Kit $Devel::Kit::VERSION");

my @data_formats = (
    [ 'yd', "--- \na: 1",                                        ": 1",             'YAML::Syck' ],
    [ 'jd', '{ "a" : "1" }',                                     ": 1",             'JSON::Syck' ],
    [ 'xd', q{<foo bar="baz"></foo>},                            "<foo>bar<foo>",   'XML::Parser' ],
    [ 'sd', MIME::Base64::decode_base64('BQcDAAAAAQiBAAAAAWE='), 'not storable',    'Storable' ],
    [ 'id', qq{a = 1\n\n[s2]\nb = 2\n\n[s3]\na = 1\n},           "not ini",         'Config::INI::Reader' ],
    [ 'md', MIME::Base64::decode_base64('gaFhAQ=='),             'not messagepack', 'Data::MessagePack' ],
    [ 'pd', '{ a => 1 }',                                        'not Data::Dump',  undef() ],
        'pd', q($VAR1 = {
              'a' => 1
            };), 'not Data::Dumper', undef()

my $tmp_dir = File::Temp->newdir()->dirname();
mkdir $tmp_dir || die "Could not make directory “$tmp_dir”: $!";
my $tmp_file = File::Temp->new( 'DIR' => $tmp_dir )->filename();
File::Slurp::write_file( $tmp_file, "howdy" ) || die "Could not write “$tmp_file”: $!";
my $tmp_none = File::Temp->new( 'DIR' => $tmp_dir )->filename();

my $tmp_symfile = File::Temp->new( 'DIR' => $tmp_dir )->filename();
my $tmp_symdir  = File::Temp->new( 'DIR' => $tmp_dir )->filename();
my $tmp_broken  = File::Temp->new( 'DIR' => $tmp_dir )->filename();

my $symlinks_supported = eval { symlink( '', '' ); 1 };
if ($symlinks_supported) {
    symlink( $tmp_file, $tmp_symfile ) || die "Could not create symlink “$tmp_symfile” ($tmp_file): $!";
    symlink( $tmp_dir,  $tmp_symdir )  || die "Could not create symlink “$tmp_symdir” ($tmp_dir): $!";
    symlink( $tmp_none, $tmp_broken )  || die "Could not create symlink “$tmp_broken” ($tmp_none): $!";

my @filesys = (
        qr{\'File “\Q$tmp_file\E”:\' \=\> \{.*\n.* 0\. dev.*\n.* 1\. ino.*\n.* 2\. mode.*\n.* 3\. nlink.*\n.* 4\. uid.*\n.* 5\. gid.*\n.* 6\. rdev.*\n.* 7\. size.*\n.* 8\. atime.*\n.* 9\. mtime.*\n.*10\. ctime.*\n.*11\. blksize.*\n.*12\. blocks.*\n.*13\. contents}s,    # -e file
        qr/debug\(\): “\Q$tmp_dir\E” is not a file\./,                                                                                                                                                                                                                        # -e dir
        qr/debug\(\): “\Q$tmp_none\E” does not exist\./,                                                                                                                                                                                                                      # !-e file|dir
        qr/debug\(\): “\Q$tmp_symfile\E” is not a file\./,                                                                                                                                                                                                                    # -l target exists file
        qr/debug\(\): “\Q$tmp_symdir\E” is not a file\./,                                                                                                                                                                                                                     # -l target exists dir
        qr/debug\(\): “\Q$tmp_broken\E” is not a file\./,                                                                                                                                                                                                                     # -l target !exists
        qr/debug\(\): “\Q$tmp_file\E” is not a directory\./,                                                                                                                                                                                                                      # -e file
        qr{\'Directory “\Q$tmp_dir\E”:\' \=\> \{.*\n.* 0\. dev.*\n.* 1\. ino.*\n.* 2\. mode.*\n.* 3\. nlink.*\n.* 4\. uid.*\n.* 5\. gid.*\n.* 6\. rdev.*\n.* 7\. size.*\n.* 8\. atime.*\n.* 9\. mtime.*\n.*10\. ctime.*\n.*11\. blksize.*\n.*12\. blocks.*\n.*13\. contents}s,    # -e dir
        qr/debug\(\): “\Q$tmp_none\E” does not exist\./,                                                                                                                                                                                                                          # !-e file|dir
        qr/debug\(\): “\Q$tmp_symfile\E” is not a directory\./,                                                                                                                                                                                                                   # -l target exists file
        qr/debug\(\): “\Q$tmp_symdir\E” is not a directory\./,                                                                                                                                                                                                                    # -l target exists dir
        qr/debug\(\): “\Q$tmp_broken\E” is not a directory\./,                                                                                                                                                                                                                    # -l target !exists
        qr/debug\(\): “\Q$tmp_file\E” is not a symlink\./,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   # -e file
        qr/debug\(\): “\Q$tmp_dir\E” is not a symlink\./,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    # -e dir
        qr/debug\(\): “\Q$tmp_none\E” does not exist\./,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     # !-e file|dir
        qr{\'Symlink “\Q$tmp_symfile\E”:\' \=\> \{.*\n.* 0\. dev.*\n.* 1\. ino.*\n.* 2\. mode.*\n.* 3\. nlink.*\n.* 4\. uid.*\n.* 5\. gid.*\n.* 6\. rdev.*\n.* 7\. size.*\n.* 8\. atime.*\n.* 9\. mtime.*\n.*10\. ctime.*\n.*11\. blksize.*\n.*12\. blocks.*\n.*13\. target.*\n.*14\. broken.*\=\>\s*0}s,    # -l target exists file
        qr{\'Symlink “\Q$tmp_symdir\E”:\' \=\> \{.*\n.* 0\. dev.*\n.* 1\. ino.*\n.* 2\. mode.*\n.* 3\. nlink.*\n.* 4\. uid.*\n.* 5\. gid.*\n.* 6\. rdev.*\n.* 7\. size.*\n.* 8\. atime.*\n.* 9\. mtime.*\n.*10\. ctime.*\n.*11\. blksize.*\n.*12\. blocks.*\n.*13\. target.*\n.*14\. broken.*\=\>\s*0}s,     # -l target exists dir
        qr{\'Symlink “\Q$tmp_broken\E”:\' \=\> \{.*\n.* 0\. dev.*\n.* 1\. ino.*\n.* 2\. mode.*\n.* 3\. nlink.*\n.* 4\. uid.*\n.* 5\. gid.*\n.* 6\. rdev.*\n.* 7\. size.*\n.* 8\. atime.*\n.* 9\. mtime.*\n.*10\. ctime.*\n.*11\. blksize.*\n.*12\. blocks.*\n.*13\. target.*\n.*14\. broken.*\=\>\s*1}s,     # -l target !exists

my @strings = (
    [ 'ud', 'debug(): Unicode: I \x{2665} perl' . "\n" ],
    [ 'gd', 'debug(): Bytes grapheme: I \xe2\x99\xa5 perl' . "\n" ],
    [ 'bd', 'debug(): Bytes: I ♥ perl' . "\n" ],
        'vd', qr{^debug\(\): I ♥ perl\n\s*Original string type: Byte\n}s,
        qr{^debug\(\): I ♥ perl\n\s*Original string type: Unicode\n}s

my @sum_hash = (
    [ 'ms', 'I ♥ perl', "debug(): MD5 Sum: 040ab5366f264eb28f4e310a994fde15\n" ],
    [ 'ss', 'I ♥ perl', "debug(): SHA1 Hash: d95af59dffb410853e85b28d6025d2825b257c42\n" ],

my @encode_unencode_escape_unescape = (
    [ 'be', "be",                                      "debug(): Base 64: YmU=\n" ],
    [ 'bu', "YmU=",                                    "debug(): From Base 64: be\n" ],
    [ 'ce', "42",                                      "debug(): Crockford: 6GS0\n" ],
    [ 'cu', "6GS0",                                    "debug(): From Crockford: 42\n" ],
    [ 'xe', "I ♥ perl",                              "debug(): Hex: 4920e299a5207065726c\n" ],
    [ 'xu', "4920e299a5207065726c",                    "debug(): From Hex: I ♥ perl\n" ],
    [ 'ue', "I ♥ perl",                              "debug(): URI: I%20%E2%99%A5%20perl\n" ],
    [ 'uu', "I%20%E2%99%A5%20perl",                    "debug(): From URI: I ♥ perl\n" ],
    [ 'he', qq{<I ♥ perl's " & >},                   "debug(): HTML Safe: &lt;I ♥ perl&#39;s &quot; &amp; &gt;\n" ],
    [ 'hu', "&lt;I ♥ perl&apos;s &quot; &amp; &gt;", qq{debug(): From HTML Safe: <I ♥ perl's " & >\n} ],
    [ 'qe', "I ♥ perl",                              "debug(): Quoted-Printable: I =E2=99=A5 perl=\n" ],
    [ 'qu', "I =E2=99=A5 perl=",                       "debug(): From Quoted-Printable: I ♥ perl=\n" ],
    [ 'pe', "I.♥.perl",                              "debug(): Punycode: I.xn--g6h.perl\n" ],
    [ 'pe', 'at@commercial.I.♥.perl',                "debug(): Punycode: at\@commercial.I.xn--g6h.perl\n" ],
    [ 'pe', 'at@fullwidth.commercial.I.♥.perl',    "debug(): Punycode: at\@fullwidth.commercial.I.xn--g6h.perl\n" ],
    [ 'pe', 'at﹫small.commercial.I.♥.perl',        "debug(): Punycode: at\@small.commercial.I.xn--g6h.perl\n" ],
    [ 'pu', "I.xn--g6h.perl",                          "debug(): From Punycode: i.♥.perl\n" ],                                                                                                                                                                                  # rt 91059 ? the i is lc’d ? - its supposed to be domain not arbitrary string
    [ 'pu', "at\@commercial.I.xn--g6h.perl",           "debug(): From Punycode: at\@commercial.i.♥.perl\n" ],                                                                                                                                                                   # rt 91059 ? the i is lc’d ? - its supposed to be domain not arbitrary string
    [ 'pu', "at\@fullwidth.commercial.I.xn--g6h.perl", "debug(): From Punycode: at\@fullwidth.commercial.i.♥.perl\n" ],                                                                                                                                                         # rt 91059 ? the i is lc’d ? - its supposed to be domain not arbitrary string
    [ 'pu', "at\@small.commercial.I.xn--g6h.perl",     "debug(): From Punycode: at\@small.commercial.i.♥.perl\n" ],                                                                                                                                                             # rt 91059 ? the i is lc’d ? - its supposed to be domain not arbitrary string
    [ 'se', "I ♥ perl's awesomeness!",               qq{debug(): Given: I ♥ perl's awesomeness!\n\n\tmy \$bytes = "I ♥ perl\\'s awesomeness!";\n\n\tmy \$utf8 = "I \\xe2\\x99\\xa5 perl\\'s awesomeness!";\n\n\tmy \$unicode = "I \\x{2665} perl\\'s awesomeness!";\n} ],
    [ 'su', q{I \xe2\x99\xa5 perl\\'s awesomeness!},   qq{debug(): Given: I \\xe2\\x99\\xa5 perl\\'s awesomeness!\n\tRenders: I ♥ perl's awesomeness!\n} ],

plan tests => 18 + ( 3 * @data_formats ) + @sum_hash + ( 6 * @strings ) + ( 6 * @filesys ) + @encode_unencode_escape_unescape + 3 + 5 + 15 + 4 + 3 + 9;

my $ak = a;
isa_ok( $ak, 'App::Kit', 'a() returns App-Kit obj' );
is( a, $ak, 'a() returns same obj' );

my $out;
    open( my $fh, '>', \$out ) || die "Could not created handle to variable: $!";
    local $Devel::Kit::fh = $fh;

    sub _call_o {
        seek( $fh, 0, 0 );
        $out = '';
        goto &Devel::Kit::o;

    # Internal:
    #  Devel::Kit::o()
    is( $out, "test\n", "o() newline added" );

    is( $out, "howdy\n", "o() multiple newlines chomped" );

    close $fh;

    no warnings 'redefine';
    *Devel::Kit::o = sub {
        my ($str) = @_;
        $str =~ s{[\n\r]+$}{};
        $out .= "$str\n";

#  Devel::Kit::p()
is( Devel::Kit::p('nonref'),  'non-ref passed to p(): nonref', 'p() non ref' );
is( Devel::Kit::p(),          'no args passed to p()',         'p() non ref - no args' );
is( Devel::Kit::p( undef() ), 'undef() passed to p()',         'p() non ref - undef' );
is( Devel::Kit::p(''),        'empty string passed to p()',    'p() non ref - empty' );

is( Devel::Kit::p( \"foo bar" ), qq{\t\\'foo bar'\n}, 'p() scalar ref' );
is( Devel::Kit::p( { a => 1 } ), "\t{\n\t  'a' => 1\n\t}\n", 'p() hash ref' );
is( Devel::Kit::p( [ 1, 2, 3 ] ), "\t[\n\t  1,\n\t  2,\n\t  3\n\t]\n", 'p() array ref' );

like( Devel::Kit::p(qr/foo bar/i), qr/\s*Regexp:\s*\/\(?\S+:foo bar\)\//, 'p() regex ref' );
is( Devel::Kit::p( sub { "test test" } ), "\tsub { \"DUMMY\" }\n", 'p() code ref' );

# Main:
#  d()
$out = '';
like( $out, qr{debug\(\) w/ no args at}, 'd() no args' );

$out = '';
d( undef() );
like( $out, qr{debug\(\) undef at}, 'd() undef' );

$out = '';
like( $out, qr{debug\(\) empty at}, 'd() empty string' );

$out = '';
is( $out, "debug(): string\n", 'd() simple' );

$out = '';
d( 'string a', 'string b' );
is( $out, "debug(0): string a\ndebug(1): string b\n", 'd() simple multiple' );

no strict 'refs';

for my $f (@data_formats) {
    $out = '';
    $f->[0]( $f->[1] );
    like( $out, qr/^debug\(\) ref\((?:[^)]+)\([^)]+\)\) at .* line [0-9]+\:\n/, "$f->[0]() arg is valid syntax" );

    $out = '';
    $f->[0]( $f->[2] );
    like( $out, qr/^debug\(\)\: Error\: Invalid .* \(/, "$f->[0]() arg is invalid syntax" );

    if ( $f->[3] ) {
        no warnings 'redefine';
        local *Module::Want::have_mod = sub { $@ = "Mock INC error here"; return; };
        $out = '';
        $f->[0]( $f->[1] );
        like( $out, qr/^debug\(\): Error: “$f->[3]” could not be loaded\:\n\tMock INC error here\n/, "$f->[0]() required module missing" );
    else {
        ok( 1, "$f->[0]() no required module" );

for my $fs (@filesys) {
    $out = '';
    like( $out, $fs->[1], "$fs->[0]() file exists" );

    $out = '';
    like( $out, $fs->[2], "$fs->[0]() dir exists" );

    $out = '';
    like( $out, $fs->[3], "$fs->[0]() does not exist" );

  SKIP: {
        skip "", 3 unless $symlinks_supported;
        $out = '';
        like( $out, $fs->[4], "$fs->[0]() symlink w/ existing file target" );

        $out = '';
        like( $out, $fs->[5], "$fs->[0]() symlink w/ existing dir target" );

        $out = '';
        like( $out, $fs->[6], "$fs->[0]() symlink w/ broken target" );

for my $r (@strings) {

    my $func = 'is';
    my $uidx = 1;
    if ( ref( $r->[1] ) eq 'Regexp' ) {
        $func = 'like';
        $uidx = 2;

    my $bytes = "I ♥ perl";
    $out = '';
    $func->( $out, $r->[1], "$r->[0](bytes string) as expected" );
    ok( !utf8::is_utf8($bytes), "$r->[0]() has no observer effect on string type (bytes)" );

    my $unicode = $bytes;

    $out = '';
    $func->( $out, $r->[$uidx], "$r->[0](explicit unicode string) as expected" );
    ok( utf8::is_utf8($unicode), "$r->[0]() has no observer effect on string type (explicit unicode)" );

        use utf8;
        my $unicode = "I ♥ perl";
        $out = '';
        $func->( $out, $r->[$uidx], "$r->[0](implicit unicode string) as expected" );
        ok( utf8::is_utf8($unicode), "$r->[0]() has no observer effect on string type (implicit unicode)" );

for my $s (@sum_hash) {
    $out = '';
    $s->[0]( $s->[1] );
    is( $out, $s->[2], "$s->[0]() sums OK" );

for my $u (@encode_unencode_escape_unescape) {
    $out = '';
    $u->[0]( $u->[1] );

    if ( $out =~ m/Can\'t locate \S*\.pm in \@INC/ ) {
        like( $out, qr/Can\'t locate \S*\.pm in \@INC/, "$u->[0]() is correct when module is missing" );
    else {
        is( $out, $u->[2], "$u->[0]() is correct" );

  SKIP: {
        my $have_rx;
        Capture::Tiny::capture_stderr( sub { $have_rx = Module::Want::have_mod('Regexp::Debugger') } );    # silence CHECK block warning, this is why we do the system() in rx() …

        skip "Need Regexp::Debugger to test Regexp::Debugger", 1 unless $have_rx;
        my $sys;
        local $current_system = sub { $sys = \@_ };
        is_deeply( $sys, [ $^X, '-MRegexp::Debugger', '-e', 'Regexp::Debugger::rxrx(@ARGV)' ], "rx() calls system w/ expected values" );
        Devel::Kit::rx( 1, 2, 3 );
        is_deeply( $sys, [ $^X, '-MRegexp::Debugger', '-e', 'Regexp::Debugger::rxrx(@ARGV)', 1, 2, 3 ], "rx() passes args on to R::D::rxrx()" );

    no warnings 'redefine';
    local *Module::Want::have_mod = sub { $@ = "3rr0R"; return; };
    my $rx_inc;
    local *Devel::Kit::d = sub { $rx_inc = $_[0] };
    like( $rx_inc, _inc_err_qr( 'Regexp::Debugger', '3rr0R' ), "Regexp::Debugger not available d()’s correct error" );

    my $r = { r => 2, d => 2 };
    my ($res) = ri( $r, '_Devel::Kit_return' );
    like( $res, qr/debug\(\Q$r\E\) at .* line .*:\n/, "ri() begin" );
  SKIP: {
        skip 'Need Devel::Size to test Devel::Size', 1, unless Module::Want::have_mod('Devel::Size');
        like( $res, qr/Devel::Size:/, "has Devel::Size output" );

  SKIP: {
        skip 'Need Devel::Size to test Devel::Size', 1, unless Module::Want::have_mod('Devel::Size');
        skip 'Need Devel::Peek and Capture::Tiny to test Devel::Peek', 1, unless Module::Want::have_mod('Devel::Peek') && Module::Want::have_mod('Capture::Tiny');
        like( $res, qr/Devel::Peek:/, "has Devel::Peek output" );

        no warnings 'redefine';
        local *Module::Want::have_mod = sub { $@ = "3rr0R"; return; };
        my $rez = ri( $r, '_Devel::Kit_return' );
        unlike( $rez, qr/Devel::Size/, 'Devel::Size quiet when not available' );
        unlike( $rez, qr/Devel::Peek/, 'Devel::Peek quiet when not available' );

    my $sys_cnt = 0;
    local $current_system = sub { $sys_cnt++; goto &Test::Mock::Cmd::orig_system; };

    # TODO (not critical): no Devel::CountOps, no Capture::Tiny, neither Devel::CountOps or  Capture::Tiny'
    my $have_dcp = Module::Want::have_mod('Devel::CountOps');
    my $have_ct  = Module::Want::have_mod('Capture::Tiny');

    my ($rez) = ni( 'I am not a name space.', '_Devel::Kit_return' );
    is( $rez, "Error: ni() requires a name space\n", "ni() invalid NS error" );
    is( $sys_cnt, 0, "ni() invalid NS does not get to sys" );

    ($rez) = ni( 'Un::Load::Able::Name::SPACE::X' . $$ . 'Y', '_Devel::Kit_return' );
    like( $rez, qr/INC Value : “Un::Load::Able::Name::SPACE::X${$}Y” is not loadable/, "ni() unloadable NS error" );
    is( $sys_cnt, 0, "ni() unloadable NS does not get to sys" );

    ($rez) = ni( 'Test\'More', '_Devel::Kit_return' );
    like( $rez, qr/^Test\'More/,                          "ni() basic: 1st line" );
    like( $rez, qr/Normalized: Test::More/,               "ni() basic: Normalized" );
    like( $rez, qr/Dist Name : Test-More/,                "ni() basic: Dist Name" );
    like( $rez, qr/INC Key   : Test\/,            "ni() basic: INC Key" );
    like( $rez, qr{INC Value : \Q$INC{"Test/"}\E}, "ni() basic: INC Key" );
    like( $rez, qr/Version   : $Test::More::VERSION/,     "ni() basic: VERSION" );
    is( $sys_cnt, 0, "ni() normal NS does not get to sys" );

    ($rez) = ni( 'Test::More', 1, '_Devel::Kit_return' );
    like( $rez, qr/Class Info:/, "ni() verbose 1 == Class Info" );
    is( $sys_cnt, 3, "ni() verbose 1 gets to sys" );

    ($rez) = ni( 'Test::More', 2, '_Devel::Kit_return' );
    like( $rez, qr/Begin Raw Diff/, "ni() verbose 1 == symbol diff" );
    is( $sys_cnt, 6, "ni() verbose 2 gets to sys" );

    my ($rez) = ei('_Devel::Kit_return');

    my $rgid = $(;
    my $egid = $);
    like( $rez, qr/Environment:\nPerl: v$]\nPID : $$\n\$0  : $0\n\$\^X : $^X\nCWD : .*\nRUID: $<\nEUID: $>\nRGID: $rgid\nEGID: $egid\n\@INC:\n/, 'ei() basic results' );

    ($rez) = ei( 1, '_Devel::Kit_return' );
    like( $rez, qr//, 'ei() vebose == 1 adds %ENV' );

    ($rez) = ei( 2, '_Devel::Kit_return' );
    like( $rez, qr/%ENV/, 'ei() vebose == 2 adds %ENV' );
  SKIP: {
        skip "Need to test", 1 unless Module::Want::have_mod('Config');
        like( $rez, qr/%Config/, 'ei() vebose == 2 adds %Config' );

    # TODO (not critical): no Cwd, no Unix::PID::Tiny, no Config

    my ($rez) = ci( sub { 1 }, '_Devel::Kit_return' );
    like( $rez, qr/CODE\(.*\) info:/, 'ni() header' );

    ($rez) = ci( sub { die "Moar Fail" }, '_Devel::Kit_return' );
    like( $rez, qr/Error: “CODE\(.*\)” failed:\n\tMoar Fail at/, 'ni() w/ fatal sub' );

    ($rez) = ci( sub { 1 }, 1, '_Devel::Kit_return' );
    like( $rez, qr/Begin Raw Diff/, "ni() verbose 1 == symbol diff" );

    # TODO Moar!!! ci (Devel::Kit::_CODE::_ci())

  SKIP: {
        skip "Need IPC::Open3::Utils to test si()", 9, unless Module::Want::have_mod('IPC::Open3::Utils');
        local $? = 0;
        local $! = 0;
        no warnings 'redefine';
        local *IPC::Open3::Utils::run_cmd = sub {
            pop @_;
            is_deeply( \@_, [qw(true bar baz 42)], 'correct args passed to run_cmd()' );
        my $called = 0;
        local *Devel::Kit::d = sub {

        my ($rez) = si( qw(true bar baz 42), '_Devel::Kit_return' );
        like( $rez, qr/Command:/,                 'returns under _Devel::Kit_return' );
        like( $rez, qr/Command exited cleanly\./, 'says it exited cleanly when it does' );
        like( $rez, qr/  \$\? = 0/,               'clean exit shows \$?' );
        like( $rez, qr/  \$\! = 0 \(/,            'clean exit shows \$!' );
        is( $called, 0, 'd() not called under _Devel::Kit_return' );

        ($rez) = si(qw(true bar baz 42));
        is( $rez,    0, 'does not return under _Devel::Kit_return' );
        is( $called, 1, 'd() called when not under _Devel::Kit_return' );

        # TODO: check various outputs depending on $! and $?
        # *IPC::Open3::Utils::run_cmd = sub { $? = 256; $! = 9; };


sub _inc_err_qr {
    my ( $ns, $err ) = @_;
    return qr/Error: “$ns” could not be loaded:\n\t$err\n/;