Changes for POE-Component-Logger.
1.10 2010-10-30 Olivier Mengué (DOLMEN)
Public release.
Major refactoring: code is smaller and cleaner.
Fix for RT#62397: $DefaultLevel is now retrieved immediately (when
using the Logger->log or P:C:L->log) instead of at event
processing time. This allows the use of a temporary definition
of $DefaultLevel (with 'local'). This should make the API more
consistent with the usual usage of global variables.
1.01 2010-10-28 Olivier Mengué (DOLMEN)
Public release, same as 1.00_02.
Add ROADMAP file for future releases 1.10 and 1.50.
1.00_02 2010-10-27 Olivier Mengué (DOLMEN)
Developer release.
Major internal improvement: remove the creation of a temporary
POE::Session for each Logger->log() call.
Back to minimum Perl version 5.6.0 (checked with Perl::MinimumVersion).
More tests. Code coverage is now 100% (if that means anything).
POD fixes. Updated copyright.
1.00_01 2010-10-24 Olivier Mengué (DOLMEN)
Developer release.
Repository is now hosted on GitHub:
Added test suite (with some TODO items).
Renammed private subs with '_' prefix.
More meta in Makefile.PL.
1.00 2002-01-10 Matt Sergeant (MSERGEANT)
Intitial revision.