How to test MogileFS
Automated tests
$ perl Makefile.PL
$ MOGTEST_DBTYPE=<dbtype> make test
Where dbtype is one of MySQL (default), PostGres.

You should get output similar to the following on success:
All tests successful, 1 test skipped.
Files=10, Tests=160, 31 wallclock secs ( 6.22 cusr +  3.39 csys =  9.61 CPU)

The only test that should be skipped is t/20-filepaths. If you get other tests
being skipped, something is wrong!

The automated testing makes the assumption that the database can be accessed
as the default local DB administrator without a password. The relevant line of
the follow can be used to test if this assumption is valid:
$ mysql -uroot
$ psql -Upostgres

Manual tests
If you only want to run some part of the test suite, or you want detailed
output as to why a test failed, you can run as follows:
$ MOGTEST_DBTYPE=<dbtype> perl -Ilib t/<foobar>.t
Where dbtype is one of MySQL (default), PostGres.
Where foobar is one of the *.t files from t/.