
checksum hashes are represented as binary (VARBINARY for MySQL/SQLite,
bytea for Postgres) columns in the database.  They can be up to 64 bytes
large for SHA512 or WHIRLPOOL.

tracker protocol

Hex is used instead of binary over the wire, hex is already immune to
URL encoding in the tracker protocol.

Hashes are represented with in the $HASHTYPE:$HEXDIGEST format:


verifying checksums (on disk)

Ideally, mogstored checksum calculation is done by mogstored and only
the checksum (in $HASHTYPE=$HEXDIGEST format) is sent over the wire.

If mogstored is not available, the checksum is calculated on the tracker
by streaming the file with HTTP GET.

create_close (query worker)

New optional parameters:

- checksumverify=(0|1) default: 0 (false)

If "checksumverify" is "1" and "checksum" is present, "create_close"
will not return until it has verified the checksum.

If the storage class of a file specifies a valid "hashtype",
the checksum is saved to the "checksum" table in the database.

The client is _never_ required to supply a checksum.

The client may always supply a checksum (including checksumverify)
even if the storage class of the file does not required.


Will also attempt to check if the storage server can reject PUTs
with mismatched Content-MD5 headers.  Replication will use this
info to avoid calling HTTPFile->digest post-replication to verify
the upload completed successfully.


The replication worker can calculate the checksum of the file while it
streams the source file (via GET) to the destination via PUT.

If the client did not supply a checksum for create_close but the file
storage class requires a checksum, the replication worker will save the
calculated checksum after initial replication.

If the checksum row for a file already exists before replication,
replication will verify the checksum it got (via GET) against the
checksum row.  Replication fails if checksum verification fails
against the database row.

Replication will also put a "Content-MD5" header in the PUT request if
using MD5 and the checksum is known before replication starts.  The
storage server may (but is not required to) verify this and return an
HTTP error response if verification fails.  The monitor change will
allow us to know if a destination device is capable of rejecting
a request based on a Content-MD5 mismatch.

If the file storage class requires a checksum:

	If the destination device can NOT reject based on (bad) MD5:

		Replication worker also verifies the checksum
		on the destination after replication is complete
		(either via mogstored or GET).


If checksum row exists:
	verifies all copies match
	same behavior as size mismatches in existing code:
		if good copies exist
			delete bad ones and rereplicate
		else if only bad copies exist
			log error

If checksum row is missing but class requires checksum:
	if all copies of the file have the same checksum:
		create the checksum row
	if any device containing a copy down:
		wait and revisit this FID later
	if any of the copies differ:
		log failure and all (hex) checksums + devids