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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use lib 't/lib';
use Test::More;
use Test::Fatal;

    package Foo;
    open *foo, "<", $0;

    sub foo { }

    package Bar;
    open *bar, "<", $0;

    sub bar { }

use Package::Stash;

    my $stash = Package::Stash->new('Foo');
    ok($stash->has_symbol('&foo'), "has &foo");
    ok($stash->has_symbol('foo'), "has foo");
    ok(!$stash->has_symbol('&foo'), "has &foo");
    ok($stash->has_symbol('foo'), "has foo");

    my $stash = Package::Stash->new('Bar');
    ok($stash->has_symbol('&bar'), "has &bar");
    ok($stash->has_symbol('bar'), "has bar");
    ok($stash->has_symbol('&bar'), "has &bar");
    ok(!$stash->has_symbol('bar'), "has bar");

    my $stash = Package::Stash->new('Baz');
    is(exception {
        $stash->add_symbol('baz', *Foo::foo{IO});
    }, undef, "can add an IO symbol");
    ok($stash->has_symbol('baz'), "has baz");
    is($stash->get_symbol('baz'), *Foo::foo{IO}, "got the right baz");
