# This Makefile.PL for  was generated by Dist::Zilla.
# Don't edit it but the dist.ini used to construct it.
BEGIN { require 5.008001; }
use strict;
use warnings;
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.30;

my %WriteMakefileArgs = (
  'ABSTRACT' => 'routines for manipulating stashes',
  'AUTHOR' => 'Jesse Luehrs <doy@tozt.net>',
    'File::Find' => '0',
    'File::Temp' => '0',
    'Test::Fatal' => '0',
    'Test::More' => '0.88',
    'Test::Requires' => '0',
    'base' => '0',
    'lib' => '0'
    'Config' => '0',
    'Dist::CheckConflicts' => '0.02',
    'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.30',
    'File::Spec' => '0',
    'Text::ParseWords' => '0'
  'DISTNAME' => 'Package-Stash',
  'EXE_FILES' => [
  'LICENSE' => 'perl',
  'NAME' => 'Package::Stash',
  'PREREQ_PM' => {
    'B' => '0',
    'Carp' => '0',
    'Dist::CheckConflicts' => '0.02',
    'Getopt::Long' => '0',
    'Module::Implementation' => '0.06',
    'Scalar::Util' => '0',
    'Symbol' => '0',
    'constant' => '0',
    'strict' => '0',
    'warnings' => '0'
  'VERSION' => '0.36',
  'test' => {
    'TESTS' => 't/*.t t/impl-selection/*.t'

unless ( eval { ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION(6.56) } ) {
  my $br = delete $WriteMakefileArgs{BUILD_REQUIRES};
  my $pp = $WriteMakefileArgs{PREREQ_PM};
  for my $mod ( keys %$br ) {
    if ( exists $pp->{$mod} ) {
      $pp->{$mod} = $br->{$mod} if $br->{$mod} > $pp->{$mod};
    else {
      $pp->{$mod} = $br->{$mod};

delete $WriteMakefileArgs{CONFIGURE_REQUIRES}
  unless eval { ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION(6.52) };

$WriteMakefileArgs{PREREQ_PM}{'Package::Stash::XS'} = 0.26
    if !parse_args()->{PUREPERL_ONLY} && can_cc();


use Config ();
use File::Spec ();
use Text::ParseWords ();

# check if we can run some command
sub can_run {
        my ($cmd) = @_;

        my $_cmd = $cmd;
        return $_cmd if (-x $_cmd or $_cmd = MM->maybe_command($_cmd));

        for my $dir ((split /$Config::Config{path_sep}/, $ENV{PATH}), '.') {
                next if $dir eq '';
                my $abs = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $_[0]);
                return $abs if (-x $abs or $abs = MM->maybe_command($abs));


# can we locate a (the) C compiler
sub can_cc {
        my @chunks = split(/ /, $Config::Config{cc}) or return;

        # $Config{cc} may contain args; try to find out the program part
        while (@chunks) {
                return can_run("@chunks") || (pop(@chunks), next);


# XXX this is gross, but apparently it's the least gross option?
sub parse_args {
    my $tmp = {};
    # copied from EUMM
        Text::ParseWords::shellwords($ENV{PERL_MM_OPT} || ''),
    return $tmp->{ARGS} || {};

sub check_conflicts {
    if ( eval { require 'lib/Package/Stash/Conflicts.pm'; 1; } ) {
        if ( eval { Package::Stash::Conflicts->check_conflicts; 1 } ) {
        else {
            my $err = $@;
            $err =~ s/^/    /mg;
            warn "***\n$err***\n";
    else {
        print <<'EOF';
    Your toolchain doesn't support configure_requires, so Dist::CheckConflicts
    hasn't been installed yet. You should check for conflicting modules
    manually using the 'package-stash-conflicts' script that is installed with
    this distribution once the installation finishes.


    # More or less copied from Module::Build
    return if $ENV{PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT};
    return unless -t STDIN && ( -t STDOUT || !( -f STDOUT || -c STDOUT ) );

    sleep 4;