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package Alzabo::BackCompat;

use strict;

use Alzabo::Config;

use File::Basename;
use File::Copy;
use File::Spec;
use Storable;
use Tie::IxHash;

use Params::Validate qw( :all );
Params::Validate::validation_options( on_fail => sub { Alzabo::Exception::Params->throw( error => join '', @_ ) } );

use vars qw($VERSION);

$VERSION = 2.0;

# Each pair represents a range of versions which are compatible with
# each other.  The first one is not quite right but it has to start
# somewhere ;)
# Any extra elements are subroutines which should be run to update the
# schema, if it's version is lower than the first element of the
# version pair.
my @compat = ( [ 0, 0.64 ],
               [ 0.65, 0.70,
               [ 0.71, 0.73,
               [ 0.79, $Alzabo::VERSION,

sub update_schema
    my %p = validate( @_, { name    => { type => SCALAR },
                            version => { type => SCALAR },
                          } );

    my @cb;
    foreach my $c (@compat)
            if ( ( $p{version} >= $c->[0] &&
                   $p{version} <= $c->[1] ) &&

                 ( $Alzabo::VERSION >= $c->[0] &&
                   $Alzabo::VERSION <= $c->[1] )

        if ( $p{version} < $c->[0] && @$c > 2 )
            push @cb, @{$c}[2..$#$c];

    my $create_loaded;
    unless ( $Alzabo::Create::Schema::VERSION )
        require Alzabo::Create::Schema;
        $create_loaded = 1;

    my $v = $p{version} = 0 ? '0.64 or earlier' : $p{version};

    my $c_file = Alzabo::Create::Schema->_schema_filename( $p{name} );
    unless ( -w $c_file )
        my $msg = <<"EOF";

The '$p{name}' schema was created by an older version of Alzabo
($v) than the one currently installed ($Alzabo::VERSION).

Alzabo can update your schema objects but your schema file:


is not writeable by this process.  Loading this schema in a process
which can write to this file will cause the schema to be updated.


        die $msg;

    my $dir = dirname($c_file);
    unless ( -w $dir )
        my $msg = <<"EOF";

The '$p{name}' schema was created by an older version of Alzabo
($v) than the one currently installed ($Alzabo::VERSION).

Alzabo can update your schema objects but its director:


is not writeable by this process.  Loading this schema in a process
which can write to this file will cause the schema to be updated.


        die $msg;

    foreach my $file ( glob("$dir/*.alz"),
                       glob("$dir/*.version") )
        my $backup = "$file.bak.v$p{version}";

        copy($file, $backup);

    my $fh = do { local *FH; *FH };
    open $fh, "<$c_file"
        or Alzabo::Exception::System->throw( error => "Unable to open $c_file: $!" );
    my $raw = Storable::fd_retrieve($fh)
        or Alzabo::Exception::System->throw( error => "Can't read filehandle" );
    close $fh
        or Alzabo::Exception::System->throw( error => "Unable to close $c_file: $!" );

    foreach (@cb)
        $_->( $raw->{original} ) if $raw->{original};

    open $fh, ">$c_file"
        or Alzabo::Exception::System->throw( error => "Unable to write to $c_file: $!" );
    Storable::nstore_fd( $raw, $fh )
        or Alzabo::Exception::System->throw( error => "Can't store to filehandle" );
    close $fh
        or Alzabo::Exception::System->throw( error => "Unable to close $c_file: $!" );

    my $version_file =
        File::Spec->catfile( Alzabo::Config::schema_dir(),
                             $p{name}, "$p{name}.version" );

    open $fh, ">$version_file"
        or Alzabo::Exception::System->throw( error => "Unable to write to $version_file: $!" );
    print $fh $Alzabo::VERSION
        or Alzabo::Exception::System->throw( error => "Can't write to $version_file: $!" );
    close $fh
        or Alzabo::Exception::System->throw( error => "Unable to close $version_file: $!" );

    Alzabo::Create::Schema->load_from_file( name => $p{name} )->save_to_file;

    if ($create_loaded)
        warn <<"EOF"

Your schema, $p{name}, has been updated to be compatible with the
installed version of Alzabo.  This required that the Alzabo::Create::*
classes be loaded.  If you were loading an Alzabo::Runtime::Schema
object, your running process is now somewhat larger than it has to be.

If this is a long running process you may want to reload it.


sub add_comment_fields
    my $s = shift;

    foreach my $table ( $s->{tables}->Values )
        $table->{comment} = '';

        foreach my $thing ( $table->{columns}->Values,
                            values %{ $table->{fk} } )
            $table->{comment} = '';

sub convert_pk_to_array
    my $s = shift;

    foreach my $table ( $s->tables )
        my @names = map { $_->name } $table->{pk}->Values;
        my $pk = [ $table->{columns}->Indices(@names) ];

        $table->{pk} = $pk;

sub add_table_attributes
    my $s = shift;

    foreach my $table ( $s->tables )
        tie %{ $table->{attributes} }, 'Tie::IxHash';


=head1 NAME

Alzabo::BackCompat - Convert old data structures


This module is used to magically convert schemas with an older data
structure to the latest format.

More details on how this works can be found in L<Backwards
Compatibility|Alzabo/Backwards Compatibility>.
