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package Courriel::Builder;
  $Courriel::Builder::VERSION = '0.30';

use strict;
use warnings;

use Carp qw( croak );
use Courriel;
use Courriel::Header::ContentType;
use Courriel::Header::Disposition;
use Courriel::Headers;
use Courriel::Helpers qw( parse_header_with_attributes );
use Courriel::Part::Multipart;
use Courriel::Part::Single;
use Courriel::Types qw( EmailAddressStr HashRef NonEmptyStr Str StringRef );
use DateTime;
use DateTime::Format::Mail;
use Devel::PartialDump;
use File::Basename qw( basename );
use File::LibMagic;
use File::Slurp qw( read_file );
use List::AllUtils qw( first );
use MooseX::Params::Validate qw( pos_validated_list validated_list );
use Scalar::Util qw( blessed reftype );

our @CARP_NOT = __PACKAGE__;

my @exports;

    @exports = qw(

use Sub::Exporter -setup => {
    exports => \@exports,
    groups  => { default => \@exports },

    my $spec = { isa => HashRef };

    sub build_email {
        my $count = @_ ? @_ : 1;
            ($spec) x $count,

        my @headers;
        my $plain_body;
        my $html_body;
        my @attachments;

        for my $p (@_) {
            if ( $p->{header} ) {
                push @headers, @{ $p->{header} };
            elsif ( $p->{plain_body} ) {
                $plain_body = $p->{plain_body};
            elsif ( $p->{html_body} ) {
                $html_body = $p->{html_body};
            elsif ( $p->{attachment} ) {
                push @attachments, $p->{attachment};
            else {

        my $body_part;
        if ( $plain_body && $html_body ) {
            my $ct = Courriel::Header::ContentType->new(
                mime_type => 'multipart/alternative',

            $body_part = Courriel::Part::Multipart->new(
                headers      => Courriel::Headers->new(),
                content_type => $ct,
                parts        => [ $plain_body, $html_body ],
        else {
            $body_part = first {defined} $plain_body, $html_body;

            croak "Cannot call build_email without a plain or html body"
                unless $body_part;

        if (@attachments) {
            my $ct = Courriel::Header::ContentType->new(
                mime_type => 'multipart/mixed' );

            $body_part = Courriel::Part::Multipart->new(
                headers      => Courriel::Headers->new(),
                content_type => $ct,
                parts        => [

        _add_required_headers( \@headers );

        # XXX - a little incestuous but I don't really want to make this method
        # public, and delaying building the body part would make all the code more
        # complicated than it needs to be.
            Courriel::Headers->new( headers => [@headers] ) );

        return Courriel->new( part => $body_part );

sub _bad_value {
    croak "A weird value was passed to build_email: "
        . Devel::PartialDump->new()->dump( $_[0] );

sub _add_required_headers {
    my $headers = shift;

    my %keys = map {lc} @{$headers};

    unless ( $keys{date} ) {
        push @{$headers},
            Date => DateTime::Format::Mail->format_datetime( DateTime->now() )

    unless ( $keys{'message-id'} ) {
        push @{$headers},
            ( 'Message-Id' => Email::MessageID->new()->in_brackets() );

    unless ( $keys{'mime-version'} ) {
        push @{$headers}, ( 'MIME-Version' => '1.0' );


    my $spec = { isa => Str };

    sub subject {
        my ($subject) = pos_validated_list(

        return { header => [ Subject => $subject ] };

    my $spec = { isa => EmailAddressStr, coerce => 1 };

    sub from {
        my ($from) = pos_validated_list(

        if ( blessed $from ) {
            $from = $from->format();

        return { header => [ From => $from ] };

    my $spec = { isa => EmailAddressStr, coerce => 1 };

    sub to {
        my $count = @_ ? @_ : 1;
        my (@to) = pos_validated_list(
            ($spec) x $count,

        @to = map { blessed($_) ? $_->format() : $_ } @to;

        return { header => [ To => join ', ', @to ] };

    my $spec = { isa => EmailAddressStr, coerce => 1 };

    sub cc {
        my $count = @_ ? @_ : 1;
        my (@cc) = pos_validated_list(
            ($spec) x $count,

        @cc = map { blessed($_) ? $_->format() : $_ } @cc;

        return { header => [ Cc => join ', ', @cc ] };

    my @spec = (
        { isa => NonEmptyStr },
        { isa => Str },

    sub header {
        my ( $name, $value ) = pos_validated_list(

        return { header => [ $name => $value ] };

sub plain_body {
    my %p
        = @_ == 1
        ? ( content => shift )
        : @_;

    return {
        plain_body => _body_part(
            mime_type => 'text/plain',

sub html_body {
    my @attachments;

    for my $i ( reverse 0 .. $#_ ) {
        if (   ref $_[$i]
            && reftype( $_[$i] ) eq 'HASH'
            && $_[$i]->{attachment} ) {

            push @attachments, splice @_, $i, 1;

    my %p
        = @_ == 1
        ? ( content => shift )
        : @_;

    my $body = _body_part(
        mime_type => 'text/html',

    if (@attachments) {
        $body = Courriel::Part::Multipart->new(
            headers      => Courriel::Headers->new(),
            content_type => Courriel::Header::ContentType->new(
                mime_type => 'multipart/related'
            parts => [
                map { $_->{attachment} } @attachments,

    return { html_body => $body };

    my @spec = (
        mime_type => { isa => NonEmptyStr },
        charset   => {
            isa     => NonEmptyStr,
            default => 'UTF-8',
        encoding => {
            isa     => NonEmptyStr,
            default => 'base64',
        content => {
            isa    => StringRef,
            coerce => 1,

    sub _body_part {
        my ( $mime_type, $charset, $encoding, $content ) = validated_list(

        my $ct = Courriel::Header::ContentType->new(
            mime_type  => $mime_type,
            attributes => { charset => $charset },

        my $body = Courriel::Part::Single->new(
            headers      => Courriel::Headers->new(),
            content_type => $ct,
            encoding     => $encoding,
            content      => $content,

        return $body;

sub attach {
    my %p
        = @_ == 1
        ? ( file => shift )
        : @_;

    return {
        attachment => $p{file} ? _part_for_file(%p) : _part_for_content(%p) };

my $flm = File::LibMagic->new();

    my @spec = (
        file       => { isa => NonEmptyStr },
        mime_type  => { isa => NonEmptyStr, optional => 1 },
        filename   => { isa => NonEmptyStr, optional => 1 },
        content_id => { isa => NonEmptyStr, optional => 1 },

    sub _part_for_file {
        my ( $file, $mime_type, $filename, $content_id ) = validated_list(

        my $ct
            = _content_type( $mime_type // $flm->checktype_filename($file) );

        my $content = read_file($file);

        return Courriel::Part::Single->new(
            headers      => _attachment_headers($content_id),
            content_type => $ct,
            disposition  => _attachment_disposition( $filename // $file ),
            encoding     => 'base64',
            content      => \$content,

    my @spec = (
        content    => { isa => StringRef,   coerce   => 1 },
        mime_type  => { isa => NonEmptyStr, optional => 1 },
        filename   => { isa => NonEmptyStr, optional => 1 },
        content_id => { isa => NonEmptyStr, optional => 1 },

    sub _part_for_content {
        my ( $content, $mime_type, $filename, $content_id ) = validated_list(

        my $ct = _content_type( $mime_type
                // $flm->checktype_contents( ${$content} ) );

        my $disp = Courriel::Header::Disposition->new(
            disposition => 'attachment',
            attributes  => {
                defined $filename ? ( filename => basename($filename) ) : ()

        return Courriel::Part::Single->new(
            headers      => _attachment_headers($content_id),
            content_type => $ct,
            disposition  => _attachment_disposition($filename),
            encoding     => 'base64',
            content      => $content,

sub _content_type {
    my $type = shift;

    return Courriel::Header::ContentType->new( mime_type => 'application/unknown' )
        unless defined $type;

    my ( $mime_type, $attr ) = parse_header_with_attributes($type);

    return Courriel::Header::ContentType->new( mime_type => 'application/unknown' )
        unless defined $mime_type && length $mime_type;

    return Courriel::Header::ContentType->new(
        mime_type  => $mime_type,
        attributes => $attr,

sub _attachment_headers {
    my $content_id = shift;

    my @headers;

    if ( defined $content_id ) {
        $content_id = "<$content_id>"
            unless $content_id =~ /^<[^>]+>$/;

        push @headers, ( 'Content-ID' => $content_id );

    return Courriel::Headers->new( headers => \@headers );

sub _attachment_disposition {
    my $file = shift;

    return Courriel::Header::Disposition->new(
        disposition => 'attachment',
        attributes => { defined $file ? ( filename => basename($file) ) : () }


# ABSTRACT: Build emails with sugar


=head1 NAME

Courriel::Builder - Build emails with sugar

=head1 VERSION

version 0.30


    use Courriel::Builder;

    my $email = build_email(
        subject('An email for you'),
        to( '', '' ),
        header( 'X-Generator' => 'MyApp' ),


This module provides some sugar syntax for emails of all shapes sizes, from
simple emails with a plain text body to emails with both plain and html
bodies, html with attached images, etc.

=head1 API

This module exports all of the following functions by default. It uses
L<Sub::Exporter> under the hood, which means you can easily import the
functions with different names. See L<Sub::Exporter> for details.

=head2 build_email( ... )

This function returns a new L<Courriel> object. It takes the results of all
the other functions you call as input.

It expects you to pass in a body of some sort, whether text, html, or both,
and will throw an error if you don't.

It will add Date and Message-ID headers to your email if you don't provide
them, ensuring that the email is RFC-compliant.

=head2 subject($subject)

This sets the subject of the email. It expects a single string. You can pass
an empty string, but not C<undef>.

=head2 from($from)

This sets the From header of the email. It expects a single string or
L<Email::Address> object.

=head2 to($from)

This sets the To header of the email. It expects a list of string and/or
L<Email::Address> objects.

=head2 cc($from)

This sets the Cc header of the email. It expects a list of string and/or
L<Email::Address> objects.

=head2 header( $name => $value )

This sets a header's value. You can call it as many times as you want, and you
can call it more than once with the same header name to set multiple values
for that header.

=head2 plain_body( ... )

This defines a plain text body for the email. You can call it with a single
argument, a scalar or reference to a scalar. This creates a text/plain part
based on the content you provide in that argument. By default, the charset for
the body is UTF-8 and the encoding is base64.

You can also call this function with a hash of options. It accepts the
following options:

=over 4

=item * content

The content of the body. This can be a string or scalar reference.

=item * charset

The charset for the body. This defaults to UTF-8.

=item * encoding

The encoding for the body. This defaults to base64. Other valid values are
quoted-printable, 7bit, and 8bit.

It is strongly recommended that you let Courriel handle the transfer encoding
for you.


=head2 html_body( ... )

This accepts the same arguments as the C<plain_body()> function.

You can I<also> pass in the results of one or more calls to the C<attach()>
function. If you pass in attachments, it creates a multipart/related email
part, which lets you refer to images by the Content-ID using the "cid:" URL

=head2 attach( ... )

This function creates an attachment for the email. In the simplest form, you
can pass it a single argument, which should be a path to a file on disk. This
file will be attached to the email.

You can also pass a hash of options. The valid keys are:

=over 4

=item * file

The file to attach to the email. You can also pass the content explicitly.

=item * content

The content of the attachment. This can be a string or scalar reference.

=item * filename

You can set the filename that will be used in the attachment's
Content-Disposition header. If you pass a C<file> parameter, that will be used
when this isn't provided. If you pass as C<content> parameter, then there will
be no filename set for the attachment unless you pass a C<filename> parameter
as well.

=item * mime_type

You can explicitly set the mime type for the attachment. If you don't, this
function will use L<File::LibMagic> to try to figure out the mime type for the

=item * content_id

This will set the Content-ID header for the attachment. If you're creating a
HTML body with "cid:" scheme URLs, you'll need to set this for each attachment
that the HTML body refers to.

The id will be wrapped in angle brackets ("<id-goes-here>") when set as a



Some examples of how to build different types of emails.

=head2 Simple Email With Plain Text Body

    my $email = build_email(
        subject('An email for you'),
        to( '', '' ),

This creates an email with a single text/plain part.

=head2 Simple Email With HTML Body

    my $email = build_email(
        subject('An email for you'),
        to( '', '' ),

This creates an email with a single text/html part.

=head2 Email With Both Plain and HTML Bodies

    my $email = build_email(
        subject('An email for you'),
        to( '', '' ),

This creates an email with this structure:

      |-- text/plain (disposition = inline)
      |-- text/html  (disposition = inline)

=head2 Email With Both Plain and HTML Bodies and Inline Images

    my $email = build_email(
        subject('An email for you'),
        to( '', '' ),
                file => 'path/to/image1.jpg',
                cid  => 'image1',
                file => 'path/to/image2.jpg',
                cid  => 'image2',

This creates an email with this structure:

      |-- text/plain (disposition = inline)
      |-- multipart/related
            |-- text/html  (disposition = inline)
            |-- image/jpeg (disposition = attachment, Content-ID = image1)
            |-- image/jpeg (disposition = attachment, Content-ID = image2)

=head2 Email With Both Plain and HTML Bodies and Attachments

    my $email = build_email(
        subject('An email for you'),
        to( '', '' ),
        attach( content => \$png_image_content ),

      |-- multipart/alternative
      |     |
      |     |-- text/plain (disposition = inline)
      |     |-- text/html  (disposition = inline)
      |-- application/ (disposition = attachment)
      |-- image/png                (disposition = attachment)

=head1 AUTHOR

Dave Rolsky <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2012 by Dave Rolsky.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)

