Revision history for MooseX-Types
0.28 2011-08-02
Fixed git and bug tracking info in META.{yml,json}. Reported by
Petter Rabbitson. (Dave Rolsky)
0.27 2011-06-06
A better fix for type constraint changes in Moose 2.0100. (doy)
0.26 2011-06-05
Small changes for forward compatibility with Moose 2.0100, when it
is released. (Dave Rolsky)
Some small doc cleanup and improvements. (Dave Rolsky)
0.25 2010-11-30
The test suite now uses Test::Fatal instead of Test::Exception
(Karen Etheridge).
Modernized tests to use Test::Requires and done_testing. (Dave
MooseX::Types::Combine is a little more efficient, and only tries to
load the libraries it's combining when that list is set. It also
checks that each lib in the list actually provides types. (Dave
The MooseX::Types docs now contain a pointer to
MooseX::Types::Combine. (Dave Rolsky)
0.24 2010-09-11
Avoid more warnings from Moose 1.09 in tests (Dave Rolsky).
0.23 2010-07-19
Avoid warnings from Moose 1.09 in tests (Dave Rolsky).
0.22 2010-06-01
Update docs to mention MRO::Compat rather than Class::C3.
Added '0+' overloading to solve the type constraint equality
regression introduced when Moose 1.05 tightened the rules
determing type constraint equality. Added tests for the
0.21 2009-12-23
Attempting to import a non-existent type from a combined type
library gave a very confusing error message from the
MooseX::Types::Combined internals. Now it gives you a much more
useful message. (Dave Rolsky)
bump up Moose dep (RT#53016)
0.20 2009-09-10
fix "empty export" warning (doy).
0.19 2009-08-23
un-fix coercions on parameterized types, since it broke
MooseX::Method::Signatures, as well as any other code that relied on
new type constraint objects being generated each time a type was
parameterized (hdp).
0.18 2009-08-22
fix coercions on parameterized types (Hans Dieter Pearcey).
0.17 2009-08-18
Documentation typo fix (Dave Rolsky).
Stop blowing up in has_available_type_export if the introspected code
symbol exists but is not a type export (Florian Ragwitz).
Reorganize author/copyright sections at the request of Debian
packagers (Rafael Kitover).
0.16 2009-06-29
Ship with Module::Install 0.91
0.15 2009-06-27
Change all uses of croak in TypeDecorator to use the Moose
throw_exception method.
More test cases for the union mixed string type issue, and
better handling of this in the | overload in TypeDecorator
0.14 2009-06-26
Fix union with string type
0.13 2009-06-23
Add Test::Moose to build_requires for Fedora
0.12 2009-06-14
fix mixing of typelibs with regular Moose classes
0.11 2009-05-23
warning on string types and unregistered class/role types
better error for missing comma
MooseX::Types::Combine for combining type libs
0.10 2009-03-06
Removed unneeded debugging code from one of the tests, which was
causing installation errors for people that didn't already have
Data::Dump installed. (jjnapiork)
0.09 ...
Added MooseX::Types::Util::has_available_type_export($p, $n) to
allow introspection of available types for other libraries wanting
to use type export names for type specifications.
0.08 2008-12-09
Added experimental support for recursive type constraints. Pod and
tests for this feature. Let the madness begin.
Documentation updates.
Workaround test case for the SUb::Exporter compatibility issue. Also
documented in Pod.
0.07 2008-10-07
Bumped minimum allowed Moose version to fix problem with overloading
on some versions of Perl
Tiny documentation updates.
0.06 2008-10-24
Added support for parameterized types and type unions, tests for all
that and documentation updates.
0.05 [unknown]
moved export mechanism to Sub::Exporter. ::Base contains
a bunch of wrapping logic to allow the export-along functionality
for the helper symbols
removed vestigial load of Sub::UpLevel since it breaks
the argument display in confess()
0.04 2007-08-09
Automatically set strict and warnings like Moose does
0.03 2007-08-09
Minor POD typo correction
Added some error messages for wrong type names
Coercion handler not exported without type object
Moved from Class::Inspector to Class::MOP::load_class
0.02 2007-08-08
Changed declaration to croak when it sees '::' in a typename
0.01 2007-08-08
Initial release