Revision history for Search::Elasticsearch
2.03 2016-05-24
Added register_qs() to allow plugins to expand known query string params
Added api_version() to API roles so that plugins can determine which
API version they should load.
2.02 2016-04-20
Bug fix:
Sniffed http addresses may or may not have the hostname/ prepended
2.01 2016-04-15
Updated for Elasticsearch 2.3.0
New features:
Added delete_by_query(), reindex(), and update_by_query()
Added tasks.list() and tasks.cancel()
Added ignore_unavailable to cat.snapshots()
Added attributes and explain to indices.analyze()
Added verbose to indices.segments()
S::ES::Error now implements TO_JSON
TestServer can now be used with forked processes
Bug fixes:
Search::Elasticsearch::Error shouldn't be a Moo class
Search::Elasticsearch::Scroll can now be used in a forked process
Hijk is now optional as it doesn't work on windows
cat.snapshots requires a repository
2.00 2015-10-28
The default client is now '2_0::Direct', for use with Elasticsearch 2.x.
Specify client '1_0::Direct' if using with Elasticsearch 1.x.
The field parameter to indices.get_field_mapping() has been renamed to fields
New features:
Added fields param to Bulk helper
The name parameter to indices.get_template() can accept multiple options
Added indices.forcemerge() and deprecated indices.optimize()
The index parameter to and indices.close() is required
Added allow_no_indices, expand_wildcards, and ignore_unavailable params
to indices.flush_synced()
Added the timeout param to cluster.stats(), nodes.hot_threads(),
nodes.stats(), and
* can accept multiple indices
Added cat.repositories() and cat.snapshots()
Added detect_noop param to update()
search_shards() accepts multi values for index/type
delete_template() requires an id
Add fork protection to Scroll and Async::Scroll
Bug fix:
Added missing debug QS param
1.99 2015-08-26
This release provides support for Elasticsearch 2.0.0-beta1 and above,
but the default client is still '1_0::Direct' and will remain so until
version 2.00 is released.
New features:
Added default_qs_params, which will be added to every request
Added max_time to the Bulk helper, to flush after a max elapsed time
Added filter_path parameter to all methods which return JSON
Added indices.flush_synced()
Added render_search_template()
Added cat.nodeattrs()
Added human flag to indices.get and indices.get_settings
Added rewrite flag to indices.validate_query
Added rewrite flag to indices.analyze
Added fields param to bulk()
Added update_all_types to indices.create and indices.put_mapping
Added request_cache to indices.put_warmer and indices.stats
Added request to indices.clear_cache
Added RequestTimeout exception for server-side timeouts
Updated Plugin::Watcher with 1.0 API
Removed id and id_cache from indices.clear_cache
Removed filter and filter_cache from indices.clear_cache
Removed ignore_conflict from indices.put_mapping
Fixed error handling in Hijk
Fixed live test to non-existent IP address
1.20 2015-05-17
Search::Elasticsearch::Client::Direct in favour of
New features:
Added support for structured JSON exceptions in Elasticsearch 2.0
Added support for plugins
Added Search::Elasticsearch::Client::2_0::Direct for the upcoming
Elasticsearch 2.0 with these changes:
removed delete_by_query()
removed termvector()
removed indices.delete_mapping()
removed nodes.shutdown()
removed indices.status()
added terminate_after param to search()
added dfs param to termvectors()
removed filter_keys param from indices.clear_cache()
removed full param from indices.flush()
removed force param from indics.optmize()
removed replication param from all CRUD methods
removed mlt() method
Bug fix:
The bulk buffer was being cleared on a NoNodes exception
Added class:
Added methods:
Added params:
allow_no_indices, expand_wildcards, ignore_unavailable to cluster.state()
fielddata_fields to search()
master_timeout to indices.get_template() and indices.exists_template()
detect_noop to update()
only_ancient_segments to upgrade()
analyze_wildcards, analyzer, default_operator, df, lenient, lowercase_expanded_terms,
and q to count(), search_exists() and indices.validate_query()
Removed methods:
benchmark.* - never released in Elasticsearch
arrays of enum query string params are now flattened as CSV
enum expand_wildcards also accepts: none, all
Search::Elasticsearch is no longer a Moo class
Updated URLs to use instead
the request body is retained in exceptions
upgraded Hijk to 0.20
1.19 2015-01-15
Added method:
Added exceptions:
Unauthorized - for invalid user creds
SSL - for invalid SSL certs
Renamed exception:
ClusterBlock -> Forbidden
Simplified SSL support for HTTP::Tiny, LWP and improved instructions
Added optional tests for https/authz/authen
1.17 2014-12-29
Bug fix:
handle_args were not being passed to all backends,
meaning that (eg) cookies could not be used
Dependency bump:
Log::Any 1.02 broke bwc - fixed to work with new version
Added params:
op_type, version, version_type to indices.put_template
version, version_type to indices.delete_template
version, version_type to termvectors
master_timeout, timeout to cluster.put_settings
ignore_idle_threads to nodes.hot_threads
terminate_after to search
termvector in favour of termvectors (but old method still works for now)
1.16 2014-11-15
Added dependency on Pod::Simple, which was causing
installation on perl 5.8 to fail
Added params:
percolate_preference and percolate_routing to percolate()
Bug fix:
the index param is now required for indices.delete()
1.15 2014-11-05
All backends (except Hijk) now default to not verifying
SSL identities, but accept ssl_options to allow
backend-specific configuration
Improved Mojo exceptions
Bug fix:
is_https() didn't work
index param to put_alias() is now required
Added methods:
Added parameters:
query_cache to search(), clear_cache(), stats()
wait_if_ongoing to flush()
script_id and scripted_upsert to update()
version and version_type to put_script(), get_script(),
delete_script(), put_template(), get_template(), and
op_type to put_script() and put_template()
metric to cluster_reroute()
realtime to termvector() and mtermvector()
dfs to termvector()
Removed parameters:
filter_metadata from cluster_reroute()
search_query_hint from mlt()
Bumped versions:
JSON::XS 2.26
Package::Stash 0.34
Log::Any 0.15
1.14 2014-07-24
Added support for indexed scripts and indexed templates.
1.13 2014-06-13
Breaking change:
The Scroll helper used to pass the scroll ID to
scroll() and clear_scroll() in the query string by default,
with the scroll_in_body parameter to change the behaviour.
This was causing frequent errors with long scroll IDs, so
the new default behaviour is to pass the scroll ID in the
body, with the scroll_in_qs parameter to change that
All Search::Elasticsearch HTTP backends are now fork safe.
Added track_scores param to search()
Added create param to indices.put_template()
Removed index_templates param from cluster.state()
Removed indices_boost param from search()
Added percolate_format param to percolate()
Added cat.fielddata()
1.12 2014-05-09
Fixed bug when trying to reindex from a subref
Added search_shards()
Added char_filters to indices.analyze()
Removed index_templates from cluster.state()
Added conf to TestServer for passing arbitrary config
1.11 2014-04-23
Switched default Serializer::JSON to use JSON::MaybeXS, and added
Serializer backends for Cpanel::JSON::XS, JSON::XS and JSON::PP
Added scroll_in_body flag for Scroll helper
Added support for:
1.10 2014-03-05
Moved all modules to Search::Elasticsearch namespace.
1.05 2014-03-05
Deprecated the Elasticsearch namespace in favour of Search::Elasticsearch.
Improved the Bulk->reindex() API. Now accepts a remote $es object.
Improved documentation.
Added Hijk backend.
1.04 2014-02-27
Changed the default Cxn to HTTPTiny v0.043. Now provides persistent
connections and is a lot faster than LWP.
Changed ES::Scroll to pass the scroll_id in the URL instead of the
body. Better support for older versions and servers behind caching
1.03 2014-02-12
Fixed node sniffing to work across 0.90 and 1.0
1.02 2014-02-11
Fixed bug in Elasticsearch::Scroll::next when called in scalar context
1.01 2014-02-09
Fixed plugin loader to work with latest version of Module::Runtime
which complains about undefined versions
1.00 2014-02-07
API updated to be compatible with v1.x branch of Elasticsearch.
BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY: To use this client with versions of
Elasticsearch before 1.x, specify the client version as:
$es = Elasticsearch->new(
client => '0_90::Direct'
0.76 2013-12-02
Added support for send_get_body_as GET/POST/source
Added timeout to bulk API
0.75 2013-10-24
Fixed the sniff regex to accommodate hostnames when present
0.74 2013-10-03
Fixed a timeout bug in LWP with persistent connections
and bad params when using https
0.73 2013-10-02
Added Elasticsearch::Cxn::LWP
Added Elasticsearch::TestServer
Die with explanation if a user on a case-insensitive file system
loads this module instead of ElasticSearch
0.72 2013-09-29
Added Elasticsearch::Bulk and Elasticsearch::Scroll
Changed `https` to `use_https` for compatibility with elasticsearch-py
Numerous fixes for different Perl versions, and Moo 1.003 now required
0.71 2013-09-24
Fixed dist.ini to list dependencies correctly
0.70 2013-09-24
Bumped version numbers because CPAN clashes
0.04 2013-09-23
First release