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# $Id: 2116 2008-05-23 12:12:21Z Erick Antezana $
# Module  :
# Purpose : Parse OrthoMCL files and add data to an ontology
# License : Copyright (c) 2006, 2007, 2008 Cell Cycle Ontology. All rights reserved.
#           This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#           modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
# Contact : CCO <>

package OBO::CCO::OrthoMCLParser;

=head1 NAME

OBO::CCO::OrthoMCLParser - An orthoMCL data to OBO translator


Includes methods for adding information from orthoMCL data files to ontologies

orthoMCL can be obtained from

The method 'parse()' parses an orthoMCL output data file into a data structure (hash of arrays)
The method 'work()' incorporates data from an orthoMCL data file into an ontology, writes the ontology into an OBO file, writes map files.

=head1 AUTHOR

Vladimir Mironov


Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008 by Vladimir Mironov

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.7 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.


use OBO::Core::RelationshipType;
use OBO::Core::Relationship;
use OBO::Core::Term;
use OBO::CCO::CCO_ID_Term_Map;
use OBO::Core::Ontology;

use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;

sub new {
    my $class = $_[0];
    my $self  = {};

    bless( $self, $class );
    return $self;

=head2 parse

  Usage    - $OrthoMCLParser->parse()
  Returns  - a reference to a data structure (hash of hashes) containing orthoMCL output data
  Args     - orthoMCL output data file
  Function - parses an orthoMCL output data file into a data structure

sub parse {
	my $self = shift;
	# get orthoMCL data file
	my $omclDataFile = shift;	
	open(my $FH, '<', $omclDataFile) || die "Cannot open file '$omclDataFile': $!";
	# parse orthoMCL output
	my %clusters; # %clusters{protein_name}{taxon_label}
		my ($cluster, $proteins) = split /:\s+/xms;
		my $cluster_num = $.-1;
		$cluster = $cluster_num;
		my @proteins = split /\s/xms, $proteins;
		foreach ( @proteins) {
			$_ =~/\A(\w+?)\((\w+?)\)/xms; # $1 is protein name, $2 is taxon label (e.g Hsa)
			$clusters{$cluster}->{$1} =  $2;			
	close $FH;
	return \%clusters;

=head2 work

  Usage    - $OrthoMCLParser->work($omcl_data_ref, $file_names_ref, $taxa_ref)
  Returns  - OBO::Core::Ontology object 
  Args     - 1. reference to an orthoMCL data structure (output of parse()), 
           - 2. reference to a list of filenames (output OBO file, 4 map files (U,T,O,B, see the test file), 
           - 3. reference to a with taxons and taxon specific maps (see the test file)
  Function - converts orthoMCL data into an ontology, writes OBO and map files 

sub work {
	my ($self, $clust, $files,  $tax) = @_;
	my %clusters = %{$clust};
	my %taxa = %{$tax};
	# input/output files
	my ($new_OBO_file, $u_map_file, $t_map_file, $o_map_file, $b_map_file) = @{$files}; 
	# Initialize  maps (OBO::CCO::CCO_ID_Term_Map objects)
	my $u_map = OBO::CCO::CCO_ID_Term_Map->new($u_map_file);  # map for Upper Level Ontology terms
	my $t_map  = OBO::CCO::CCO_ID_Term_Map->new($t_map_file); # map for taxonomy terms
	my $o_map  = OBO::CCO::CCO_ID_Term_Map->new($o_map_file); # map for orthologous groups terms
	my $b_map  = OBO::CCO::CCO_ID_Term_Map->new($b_map_file); # map for biomolecule terms
	# taxon specific maps for biolmolecule terms
	foreach (keys %taxa) {
		push @{$taxa{$_}}, OBO::CCO::CCO_ID_Term_Map->new($taxa{$_}->[1]);
	# @{$taxa{taxon_label}} contains now taxon name, taxon specific map file, taxon specific map object
	my $ontology = OBO::Core::Ontology->new();
	# populate ontology
	$ontology->add_relationship_type_as_string ('is_a',       'is_a');
	$ontology->add_relationship_type_as_string ('has_source', 'has_source');
	#$ontology->add_relationship_type_as_string ('source_of', 'source_of');
	my $protein = OBO::Core::Term->new();# upper level ontology term
	$protein->id(assign_term_id($u_map, 'U', 'protein'));
	if ($u_map->contains_value('protein')) {
		$protein->id(assign_term_id($u_map, 'U', 'protein'));
	foreach (keys %taxa) {
		my $taxon = OBO::Core::Term->new();
		my $taxon_lab = $_;
		my $tax_name = $taxa{$taxon_lab}->[0];
		$taxon->id(assign_term_id($t_map, 'T', $tax_name));
		push @{$taxa{$taxon_lab}}, $taxon;
		#@{$taxa{$taxon_lab}} contains now taxon name, taxon specific map file, taxon specific map object, taxon term object
	foreach (keys %clusters) {
		my $cluster = OBO::Core::Term->new();
		my $clust_num = $_;
		my $clust_name = "Type $_ protein";
		$cluster->id(assign_term_id($o_map, 'O', $clust_name));
		$cluster->def_as_string("A protein belonging to the orthological type $_ produced by orthoMCL", "[CCO:vm]");
		$ontology->create_rel($cluster, 'is_a', $protein);
		foreach (keys %{$clusters{$clust_num}}) {   # for each protein in the cluster
			my $prot_name = $_;
			my $taxon_lab = $clusters{$clust_num}{$prot_name};
			my $clust_protein = OBO::Core::Term->new();
			$clust_protein->id(assign_biomol_id($taxa{$taxon_lab}[2], $b_map, $prot_name));
			my $short_map = $taxa{$taxon_lab}[2];
			if ($short_map->contains_value($prot_name)) {
			} else {
				$clust_protein->id(assign_biomol_id($short_map, $b_map, $prot_name));
			$ontology->create_rel($clust_protein, 'is_a', $cluster);
			$ontology->create_rel($clust_protein,         'has_source',   $taxa{$taxon_lab}->[3]);
			#$ontology->create_rel($taxa{$taxon_lab}->[3], 'source_of',         $clust_protein);
	# Write the new ontology and maps to disk
	open (my $FH, ">".$new_OBO_file) || die "Cannot write OBO file: ", $!;
	close $FH;
	foreach ((keys %taxa)) {
		$taxa{$_}[2] -> write_map();
	$b_map -> write_map();
	$o_map -> write_map();
	$t_map -> write_map();
	$u_map -> write_map();
	return $ontology;
# sub assign_biomol_id
sub assign_biomol_id {
	# used to obtain IDs for biomolecule terms 
	# arguments: taxon specific map (OBO::CCO::CCO_ID_Term_Map object), cumulative map for all taxa, protein name
	my ($short_map, $long_map, $term_name) = @_;
	my $term_id;
	if ($short_map->contains_value($term_name)) {#look up first in the species specific map
		$term_id = $short_map->get_cco_id_by_term($term_name);
		return $term_id;
	} else {
		$term_id = $long_map->get_new_cco_id( "CCO", "B", $term_name );
		$short_map->put( $term_id, $term_name ); # updates the species specific maps
		return  $term_id;
# sub assign_term_id
sub assign_term_id {
	# used to obtain IDs for terms other than biomolecules
	# arguments: map (OBO::CCO::CCO_ID_Term_Map object), subdomain (a single character [BOTU]), term name
	my ($map, $subdomain, $term_name) = @_;
	my $term_id;
	if ($map->contains_value($term_name)) {
		$term_id = $map->get_cco_id_by_term($term_name);
		return $term_id;
	else {
		$term_id = $map->get_new_cco_id( "CCO", $subdomain, $term_name );