#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use Lingua::PT::UnConjugate qw( unconj string_entries ) ;
				# \%hash -> @strings 

=head1 NAME

unconj - A program for recognizing conjugated forms of portuguese verbs. 


 > unconj dormisse
 dormisse : 
   dormir, conjuntivo imperfeito, 1
   dormir, conjuntivo imperfeito, 3

 > unconj foi     
 foi : 
   ir, perfeito, 3
   ser, perfeito, 3

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item -a : Try to recognize when accents are wrong.

=item -A : If no match is found, then try to recognize with option


=head1 BUGS

Composed tenses are not recognized. The verb list contains many
non-verbs that I have not removed yet. 

=head1 AUTHOR Etienne Grossmann, 1999 [etienne@isr.ist.utl.pt] 

=head1 CREDITS

Thanks to Soraia Almeida (salmeida@logos.it) from the Logos project
(http://www.logos.it) and Ulisses Pinto and José João Almeida from
Projecto Natura (http://shiva.di.uminho.pt/~jj/pln) who made Ispell

A big part of the list of verb infinitives comes from files used in
Ispell (http://shiva.di.uminho.pt/~jj/pln) and in Logos
(http://www.verba.org, http://www.logos.it).  these projects. Some
verbs were removed and others added by hand.


# print substr($inf_str,0,50),"\n" ;

@opt = () ;			# Options

while (@ARGV){
    $v = shift;
    if( $v =~ /^-/ )
	push @opt, $v ;
	next ;
    $a = unconj(@opt, $v) ;
    print "$v : \n  ", join("\n  ",string_entries('l',$a)),"\n" ; 

=head1 SEE ALSO : unconj, conjug, treinar.

=head1 VERSION 0.01

=head1 AUTHOR Etienne Grossmann, 1999 [etienne@isr.ist.utl.pt]