Revision history for Test-Dependencies
0.21 Sun Jul 10, 2016
fix test breakage all over the place (thanks @kentfredrick)
report the minimum required version in error, instead of the
installed-and-loaded version
0.20 Wed Jun 29, 2016
only test files identified as 'Perl files' by File::Find::Rule::Perl
add support for testing runtime, test, devel deps separately
add support for cpanfile declared dependencies
add support for declaring minimum Perl version (used to test
the list of core modules)
... and more ...
0.12 Sun Nov 15 01:01:20 CST 2009
don't report "perl" being a required dependency when a
minimum perl version is listed in META.yml
0.11 Thu Dec 27 15:53:30 EST 2007
tests no longer run under taint mode so that CPAN testers don't fail tests
0.10 Thu Dec 27 03:28:17 EST 2007
let users choose which method of module usage checking to use
0.09 Wed Dec 26 19:51:12 EST 2007
work around bug in IPC::Cmd that prevented module from working
don't complain if specified dependencies are in core
0.08 Tue Jul 25 22:34:44 EDT 2006
now using IPC::Cmd for subprocess communication (to avoid cross-platform issues)
0.07 Thu Jul 20 17:51:08 EDT 2006
added empty dummy file because Module::Install does not package empty directories
0.06 Wed Jul 19 16:31:08 EDT 2006
better test descriptions when Makefile.PL contains extraneous requires calls
no_index'd t-data
forgot to bump version number in pod and forgot date in changelog in last revision
0.05 Tue Jul 18 22:55:58 EDT 2006
removed references to test_pass (and upped Test::Builder::Tester dep to 0.64)
rearranged changelog
added tests for empty files and directories
0.04 Sat Jul 15 00:24:01 EDT 2006
Properly specify the dependency on Test::Builder::Tester 0.63.
handle empty files
0.03 Tue Jul 11 16:17:32 EDT 2006
Moved to a B::PerlReq backend for determining usage. We
also now use the META.yml file to determine what is listed in
Makefile.PL. We now differentiate between requires and
build_requires, and complain if listed requirements are not
actually used.
0.02 Wed Jun 21 16:34:14 EDT 2006
Minor POD cleanups
0.01 Wed Jun 21 12:29:39 EDT 2006
First release, based on Jifty's 00-dependencies.t