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package MARC::Detrans;

use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp qw( croak );
use MARC::Detrans::Config;

our $VERSION = '1.41';

=head1 NAME

MARC::Detrans - De-transliterate text and MARC records


    use MARC::Batch;
    use MARC::Detrans;

    my $batch = MARC::Batch->new( 'marc.dat' );
    my $detrans = MARC::Detrans->new( 'config.xml' );

    while ( my $record = $batch->next() ) {
        my $newRecord = $detrans->convert( $record );


MARC::Detrans is an eclectic addition to the already eclectic MARC::Record
distribution for de-transliterating MARC::Records. What is detransliteration
you ask? Well it's the opposite of transliteration, which according to the 

    to represent or spell in the characters of another alphabet

Traditionally when librarians catalog an item that has a title in a non-Roman 
script they will follow transliteration rules for converting the title
into the Roman alphabet, so that the bibliographic record could be filed
into the card catalog or database index appropriately. These Romanization 
Rules are published by the Library of Congress

Now that computer screens can display Unicode fairly well it is now 
desirable to display the original script for library users who are 
more familiar with the original script. MARC::Detrans provides a framework 
for detransliterating MARC records so that the orginal script is available 
MARC-8 encoded in 880 fields.  Very esoteric right?


MARC::Detrans behavior is controlled by an XML configuration file. An 
example of this configuration file can be found in the examples directory
of the MARC::Detrans distribution. The configuration determines the 
detransliteration rules that will be used to add 880 fields to existing 
records. It is hoped that people will contribute their configurations 
for various languages to the MARC::Detrans project so that they can 
be distributed with this package. For more information about the 
configuration file see L<MARC::Detrans::Config>.

In addition a sample driver program which uses MARC::Detrans has also 
been included in the examples directory. This script is meant as a 
jumping off point showing how to use the MARC::Detrans framework.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new()

The constructor which you should pass the path to your configuration file.

    my $detrans = MARC::Detrans->new(  config => 'config.xml' );


sub new {
    my ($class,%args) = @_;
    croak( "must supply config parameter" ) if ! exists $args{config};
    croak( "config file doesn't exist" ) if ! -f $args{config};
    my $config = MARC::Detrans::Config->new( $args{config} );
    ## verify a few things 
    croak( $args{config} . ": missing code attribute in language element" )
        if ! $config->languageCode();
    return _init( $class, $config );

=head2 newFromConfig()

If you want to supply your own MARC::Detran::Config object instead of
an XML file configuration as in new() you can use newFromConfig(). 
It's unlikely that you'll ever need to use this method.


sub newFromConfig {
    my ($class,$config) = @_;
    croak( "must supply MARC::Detrans::Config object" )
        if ! ref($config) or ! $config->isa( 'MARC::Detrans::Config' );
    return _init( $class, $config );

## helper to initialize an object
sub _init {
    my ($class,$config) = @_;
    return bless { 
        config          => $config, 
        errors          => [],
        tallyAdd880     => 0,
        tallyDetrans    => {},
        tallyCopy       => {},
    }, ref($class) || $class;

=head2 convert()

Pass a MARC::Record into convert() and you will be returned a 
the same object with portions of it modified according to your
configuration file. 

IMPORTANT: if the record was not modified or an error was encountered
you will be returned undef instead of the MARC::Record object. You 
will want to use the errors() method for diagnosing what happened.


sub convert {
    my ($self,$record) = @_;
    croak( "must pass in MARC::Record object" ) 
        if ! ref($record) or ! $record->isa( 'MARC::Record' );
    my $config = $self->{config};

    ## make sure the script isn't already present
    if ( $self->scriptAlreadyPresent($record) ) {
        $self->addError( "target script already present" );

    ## check the language of the record
    my $f008 = $record->field( '008' );
    if ( ! $f008 ) { 
        $self->addError( "can't determine language in record: missing 008" );
    my $lang = substr( $f008->data(), 35, 3 );
    if ( $lang ne $config->languageCode() ) {
        $self->addError( "record is not correct language: $lang instead of ". 
            $config->languageCode() ); 

    ## add 880 fields and return if the record was edited
    return $record if $self->add880s( $record );

    ## otherwise return undef since the record was not modified

## internal helper for adding 880 fields to a record
## will return 1 if the record is modified and 0 if it isn't

sub add880s {
    my ($self,$r) = @_;
    my $config = $self->{config};
    my $rules = $config->rules();
    my $names = $config->names();
    my $scriptCode = $config->scriptCode();
    my $scriptOrientation = $config->scriptOrientation();
    my $count = 0;
    my $edited = 0;

    ## see if the record is for a translation
    ## since we'll need to skip some fields below if it is
    my $isTranslation = isTranslation( $r );

    foreach my $tag ( $config->detransFields() ) {
        FIELD: foreach my $field ( $r->field($tag) ) { 
            my @newSubfields = ();

            ## we don't process parallel titles
            if ( isParallelTitle($field) ) {
                $self->addError( "field=$tag: skipped parallel title" );
                next FIELD;

            ## we don't process 1XX and 7XX fields the record
            ### is for a translation
            if ( $isTranslation and $tag =~ /(1|7)\d\d/ ) {
                $self->addError( "field=$tag: skipped because of translation" );
                next FIELD;
            ## if it's a field that might contain a name look it up
            ## to see if it has a non-standard detransliteration
            if ( isNameField($tag) ) {
                my $nameData = $names->convert( $field );
                if ( $nameData ) {
                    add880( $r, $count, $field, $nameData, $scriptCode,
                        $scriptOrientation );
                    $edited = 1;
                    next FIELD;

            SUBFIELD: foreach my $subfield ( $field->subfields() ) { 
                my ($code,$data) = @$subfield;
                if ($config->needsDetrans(field=>$tag,subfield=>$code)) {
                    my $new = $rules->convert( $data );
                    if ( ! defined $new ) {
                        $self->addError( "field=$tag subfield=$code: " .
                            $rules->error() );
                        next FIELD;
                    push( @newSubfields, $code, $rules->convert($data) );
                elsif ($config->needsCopy(field=>$tag,subfield=>$code)) {
                    push( @newSubfields, $code, $data);

            if ( @newSubfields ) {
                add880($r, $count, $field, \@newSubfields, $scriptCode,
                    $scriptOrientation );
                $edited = 1;


    if ( $edited ) {

    return $edited;

sub scriptAlreadyPresent {
    my ($self,$record ) = @_;
    my $config = $self->{config};
    my $f066 = $record->field( '066' );
    return 0 if ! $f066;
    foreach my $subfield( $f066->subfields() ) {
        return 1 if grep { $_ eq $subfield->[1] } $config->allEscapeCodes();
    return 0;

sub isNameField {
    my $tag = shift;
    return grep /^$tag$/, qw( 100 110 600 700 810 800 );

sub isParallelTitle {
    my $field = shift;
    return if $field->tag() ne 246;
    return 1 if $field->indicator(2) =~ /1|5/;
    return 1 if ( $field->subfields() )[0]->[0] eq 'i';

sub isTranslation {
    my $r = shift;
    my $f041 = $r->field( '041' );
    return if ! $f041;
    return if ! $f041->subfield( 'h' );
    return 1;

## private helper function to add a single 880 based on the
## tag and indicators of another field

sub add880 {
    my ( $record, $count, $field, $subfields, $scriptCode, $orientation ) = @_;
    my $tag = $field->tag();
    my $occurrence = sprintf( '%02d', $count );
    my $sub6 = "$tag-$occurrence";
    $sub6 .= "/$scriptCode" if defined $scriptCode;
    $sub6 .= "/$orientation" if defined $orientation;
    my $f880 = MARC::Field->new(
        6 => $sub6,             ## subfield 6
        @$subfields             ## the reset of the subfields
    $record->insert_grouped_field( $f880 );

    ## now add to the original field
    ## by creating a new field with the subfield 6
    ## and replacing the old field with it
    my @subfields = map { $_->[0], $_->[1] } $field->subfields();
    unshift( @subfields, '6' => "880-$occurrence" );
            $field->indicator(1), $field->indicator(2), 

## private helper function for adding a 066 indicating which 
## additional character sets were used in this record

sub add066 {
    my ($self,$record) = @_;
    my $config = $self->{config};

    ## get a list of all the 066 fields used in this mapping
    ## techically we should probably only list here the ones
    ## that are *actually* used in this record...but there's
    ## probably no harm in listing all of the ones used in this
    ## configuration.
    my @subfields;
    foreach ( $config->allEscapeCodes() ) {
        ## ignore (B
        next if $_ eq '(B';
        push( @subfields, 'c', $_ );

    return if @subfields == 0;

    ## don't obliterate an 066 that's already present
    my $f066 = $record->field( '066' );
    if ( $f066 ) { 
        unshift( @subfields, map { $_->[0], $_->[1] } $f066->subfields() );
        my $new066 = MARC::Field->new( '066', '', '', @subfields );
        $f066->replace_with( $new066 );
    } else {
        $f066 = MARC::Field->new( '066', '', '', @subfields );
        $record->insert_grouped_field( $f066 );

=head2 errors()

Will return the latest errors encountered during a call to convert(). Can
be useful for determining why a call to convert() returned undef. A side 
effect of calling errors() is that the errors storage is reset.


sub errors {
    my $self = shift;
    my @errors = @{ $self->{errors} };
    $self->{errors} = [];
    return @errors;

## this really should just be used internally...hence no POD
sub addError {
    my ($self,$msg) = @_;
    push( @{ $self->{errors} }, $msg );

=head2 stats880sAdded()

Returns the total amount of 880 fields added to records so far by 
this MARC::Detrans object.


sub stats880sAdded {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{tallyAdd880};

=head2 statsDetransliterated()

Returns a hash of stats on the field_subfield combinations that
have been detransliterated by a MARC::Detrans object.


sub statsDetransliterated {
    return %{ shift->{tallyDetrans} };

=head2 statsCopied()

Returns a hash of stats on the field_subfield combinations that
have been copied by a MARC::Detrans object.


sub statsCopied {
    return %{ shift->{tallyCopy} };

=head1 AUTHORS

MARC::Detrans was developed as part of a project funded by the Queens 
Borough Public Library in New York City under the direction of Jane Jacobs. 
It is their generosity that allowed this package to be released on CPAN.

=over 4

=item * Ed Summers <>


