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use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use if $ENV{AUTHOR_TESTING}, 'Test::Warnings';

my ($after_called, $orig_called) = (0, 0);
my $child = Child->new();
my @results = $child->orig();

ok($orig_called, "original method called");
ok($after_called, "after-modifier called");
is(@results, 0, "list context with after doesn't screw up 'return'");

($after_called, $orig_called) = (0, 0);
my $result = $child->orig();

ok($orig_called, "original method called");
ok($after_called, "after-modifier called");
is($result, undef, "scalar context with after doesn't screw up 'return'");

    package Parent;
    sub new { bless {}, shift }
    sub orig
        my $self = shift;
        $orig_called = 1;

    package Child;
    our @ISA = 'Parent';
    use Class::Method::Modifiers;

    after 'orig' => sub
        $after_called = 1;
