use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More;
use Test::Fatal;

use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;

    package HTTPHeader;
    use Moose;

    has 'array' => (is => 'ro');
    has 'hash'  => (is => 'ro');

subtype Header =>
    => as Object
    => where { $_->isa('HTTPHeader') };

coerce Header
    => from ArrayRef
        => via { HTTPHeader->new(array => $_[0]) }
    => from HashRef
        => via { HTTPHeader->new(hash => $_[0]) };


my $header = HTTPHeader->new();
isa_ok($header, 'HTTPHeader');

ok(Header($header), '... this passed the type test');
ok(!Header([]), '... this did not pass the type test');
ok(!Header({}), '... this did not pass the type test');

my $anon_type = subtype Object => where { $_->isa('HTTPHeader') };

is( exception {
    coerce $anon_type
        => from ArrayRef
            => via { HTTPHeader->new(array => $_[0]) }
        => from HashRef
            => via { HTTPHeader->new(hash => $_[0]) };
}, undef, 'coercion of anonymous subtype succeeds' );

foreach my $coercion (
    ) {

    isa_ok($coercion, 'Moose::Meta::TypeCoercion');

        my $coerced = $coercion->coerce([ 1, 2, 3 ]);
        isa_ok($coerced, 'HTTPHeader');

            [ 1, 2, 3 ],
            '... got the right array');
        is($coerced->hash(), undef, '... nothing assigned to the hash');

        my $coerced = $coercion->coerce({ one => 1, two => 2, three => 3 });
        isa_ok($coerced, 'HTTPHeader');

            { one => 1, two => 2, three => 3 },
            '... got the right hash');
        is($coerced->array(), undef, '... nothing assigned to the array');

        my $scalar_ref = \(my $var);
        my $coerced = $coercion->coerce($scalar_ref);
        is($coerced, $scalar_ref, '... got back what we put in');

        my $coerced = $coercion->coerce("Foo");
        is($coerced, "Foo", '... got back what we put in');

subtype 'StrWithTrailingX'
    => as 'Str'
    => where { /X$/ };

coerce 'StrWithTrailingX'
    => from 'Str'
    => via { $_ . 'X' };

my $tc = find_type_constraint('StrWithTrailingX');
is($tc->coerce("foo"), "fooX", "coerce when needed");
is($tc->coerce("fooX"), "fooX", "do not coerce when unneeded");
