The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use Test::More 'no_plan';
use Test::Fatal;
$| = 1;

# =begin testing SETUP
# because MooseX::NonMoose has a version requirement
BEGIN { $Moose::Role::VERSION = 9999 unless $Moose::Role::VERSION }

use Test::Requires {
    'DateTime'                  => '0',
    'DateTime::Calendar::Mayan' => '0',
    'MooseX::NonMoose'          => '0',

# =begin testing SETUP

  package My::DateTime;

  use Moose;
  use MooseX::NonMoose;
  use DateTime::Calendar::Mayan;
  extends qw( DateTime );

  has 'mayan_date' => (
      is        => 'ro',
      isa       => 'DateTime::Calendar::Mayan',
      init_arg  => undef,
      lazy      => 1,
      builder   => '_build_mayan_date',
      clearer   => '_clear_mayan_date',
      predicate => 'has_mayan_date',

  after 'set' => sub {

  sub _build_mayan_date {
      DateTime::Calendar::Mayan->from_object( object => $_[0] );

# =begin testing
my $dt = My::DateTime->new( year => 1970, month => 2, day => 24 );

can_ok( $dt, 'mayan_date' );
isa_ok( $dt->mayan_date, 'DateTime::Calendar::Mayan' );
is( $dt->mayan_date->date, '', 'got expected mayan date' );

$dt->set( year => 2009 );
ok( ! $dt->has_mayan_date, 'mayan_date is cleared after call to ->set' );
