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use strict;
use warnings;

use inc::testplan(1,
  + 4   # use
  + 199
  + 610
  + 7   # callbacks
  + 194 # fin
  + 206 # one sync+verify


# sync only these book id's
my @book_list = qw(

use test_lib::server;

use test_inc::tempdir;
my $s_storage_dir = wants 't/_sync/s_temp';
my $l_storage_dir = wants 't/_sync/l_temp';

use test_inc::anno_copy;
  my %books_ok = map({$_ => 1} @book_list);
    sub {$_->{public} and $books_ok{$_->{book}}},

# setup the server *** caution, forks! ***
my $user = 'bob';
my $pass = join('', map({chr(97 + int(rand(25)))} 0..12));

my $url = test_lib::server->new(
  storage => $s_storage_dir,
  users   => {$user => $pass},
  auth_type => $ENV{DOT_SERVER_AUTH} || 'Basic',
  verbose => $ENV{DOT_SERVER_VERBOSE} || 0,
  #auth_required => 1,
  #no_auth => 1, # XXX not really working?
)->started_ok or die 'no server';
$url .= '/';

# just a basic pull sync, thus: an unpopulated local io
my $io = dtRdr::Annotation::IO->new(uri => $l_storage_dir);

my $server = dtRdr::ConfigData::Server->new(
  id       => 'the server',
  username => $user,
  password => $pass,
  uri      => $url,

my $run_sync = sub {
  my (%opts) = @_;
  my $sync = dtRdr::Annotation::Sync::Standard->new(
    anno_io => $io,
    server  => $server,
    books   => [@book_list],

  # run it

  my $counter = 0;
  until($sync->done) {
    ($counter++ > 1000) and last; # just to have some limit
  ok($sync->done, 'done') or die "latency trouble?";
}; # end sub $run_sync
my $get_yml = sub {
  my ($id) = @_;
  return YAML::Syck::LoadFile(
    'test_data/annotations.input.01/' . $id .'.yml');
use test_inc::anno_io_verify;
my $verify = sub {
  anno_io_verify($s_storage_dir, $io, $server, \@book_list);


use dtRdr::Book;
sub zombie_anno {
  my ($h, $io) = @_;
  my $book = dtRdr::Book::Zombie->new(id => $h->{book});
  my $type = $h->{type};
  # load if needed
  my $anno_type = dtRdr::Annotation::IO->_anno_type($type);
  my $anno = $type->deserialize($h, book => $book);
  if($io) {
    my $method = 'add_' . $anno_type;
} # end subroutine zombie_anno

# now modify some of these locally
  my $id = 'AAAB';
  my $rev;
    my $zanno = zombie_anno(grep({$_->{id} eq $id} $io->items), $io);
    $rev = $zanno->revision;
    ok(defined($rev), 'has a revision');
    # make sure it is indeed mine
    defined($zanno->public->owner) and die "bad test data?";
    $zanno->set_content($zanno->content . 'thbbt');
    is($zanno->revision, $rev+1, 'rev bump');
  { # check the io
    my ($obj) = grep({$_->{id} eq $id} $io->items);
    is($obj->{revision}, $rev+1, 'rev bump persists');

# and add
  my $anno = $get_yml->('Q');
  $io->x_insert($anno->{id}, $anno);
  my $rev;
    my $zanno = zombie_anno($anno, $io);
    $rev = $zanno->revision;
    ok(defined($rev), 'has a revision');
    is($rev, 0, 'correct');
    # make sure it is indeed mine
    defined($zanno->public->owner) and die "bad test data?";
  { # check the io
    my ($obj) = grep({$_->{id} eq $anno->{id}} $io->items);
    is($obj->{revision}, $rev, 'rev persists');

# run it as many times as you like :-D 
$run_sync->(); $verify->();
#$run_sync->(); $verify->(); # though you do have to change the counter
#$run_sync->(); $verify->();

# and delete
  my $id = 'Q';
  # TODO maybe shouldn't need to go through serialize to delete, but
  # let's just play the game for now. (this deals with .yml.deleted)
  my $zanno = zombie_anno(grep({$_->{id} eq $id} $io->items), $io);
  { # check the io
    my @found = grep({$_->{id} eq $id} $io->items);
    ok(!@found, 'is gone');
    my @del = grep({$_->{id} eq $id} $io->deleted);
    is(scalar(@del), 1, 'all set');

# to deref
my $OBlob = sub {dtRdr::Annotation::IOBlob->outgoing(%{$_[0]});};

# do some deletes and mods from a different UA
# TODO maybe also from a different user
my $to_del = 'AAAB';
my $bm_del = 'x10426916C14E11DBAB43B801C9B462D6';
my $bm_mod = 'x0DA4CBC4C15111DB884BD901C9B462D6';
my $to_mod = 'A';
my $to_add = 'R';
{ # could create a completely new io but probably just do some puts
    package MyUA;
    use base 'LWP::UserAgent';
    sub get_basic_credentials {return($user, $pass);}
    # GRR, why can't I have delete and put methods?
    sub req {
      my $self = shift;
      my $ans = $self->request(HTTP::Request->new(@_));
      my %want = (
        GET    => 200,
        POST   => 201,
        DELETE => 200,
        PUT    => 200,
      ($ans->code == $want{$_[0]}) or
        die "bad answer ", $ans->code, " ", $ans->content;
      my $cont = $ans->content;
  my $ua = MyUA->new();
  # OOPS, the other client needs to login when we're doing cookies
    if(my $ans = $ua->req('GET', $url.'config.yml')) {
      my $data = YAML::Syck::Load($ans);
      if(my $lconf = $data->{login}) {
        require HTTP::Cookies;
        my $cookies = HTTP::Cookies->new;
        my $template = $lconf->{template} or die "need template for login";
        $template =~ s/#USERNAME#/$user/ or die "no #USERNAME# in template?";
        $template =~ s/#PASSWORD#/$pass/ or die "no #PASSWORD# in template?";
        my $ans = $ua->request(HTTP::Request->new(
          'POST', $lconf->{url}, [], $template
  $ua->req('DELETE', $url . "annotation/$to_del.yml?rev=1");
  $ua->req('DELETE', $url . "annotation/$bm_del.yml?rev=0");
  my $bm = $OBlob->(grep({$_->{id} eq $bm_mod} $io->items));
  $bm or die "drat";
  $bm->set_title('Test Coverage Rocks');
  my $to = $OBlob->(grep({$_->{id} eq $to_mod} $io->items));
  $to or die "drat";
  $to->set_content($to->content . ' and and and and and');

  eval { # didn't increment rev yet
    $ua->req('PUT', $url . "annotation/$to_mod.yml?rev=0",
      [content_type => 'text/x-yaml'],
  my $err = $@;
  like($err, qr/bad answer 409 Revision exists/);
  $ua->req('PUT', $url . "annotation/$to_mod.yml?rev=0",
    [content_type => 'text/x-yaml'],
  $ua->req('PUT', $url . "annotation/$bm_mod.yml?rev=0",
    [content_type => 'text/x-yaml'],
  $ua->req('POST', $url . 'annotation/',
    [content_type => 'text/x-yaml'],
    do {open(my $fh, '<', 'test_data/annotations.input.01/R.yml');
      local $/; <$fh>},

} # ugh, deleted, putted, posted
{ # setup book callbacks pointed at counters
  my $s_book = dtRdr::Book::Zombie->new(id => $book_list[1]);
  my $a_book = dtRdr::Book::Zombie->new(id => $book_list[0]);
  my %hits;
  my %changed;
  foreach my $event (qw(created changed deleted)) {
    $hits{$event} = 0;
    my $setter = 'set_annotation_' . $event . '_sub';
    dtRdr::Book->callback->$setter(sub {
      my $anno = shift;
      $changed{$anno->id} = $event;
  my $bag = dtRdr::BookBag->new(books => [$s_book, $a_book]);
  $run_sync->(bookbag => $bag);
  is($hits{deleted}, 2);
  is($hits{changed}, 2);
  is($hits{created}, 1);
    $to_del => 'deleted',
    $bm_del => 'deleted',
    $bm_mod => 'changed',
    $to_mod => 'changed',
    $to_add => 'created',
  }, 'callbacks are golden');
    my $anno = $a_book->find_bookmark($bm_mod);
    is($anno->title, 'Test Coverage Rocks');
    my $anno = $s_book->find_note($to_mod);
    like($anno->content, qr/ and and and and and$/);

# vim:ts=2:sw=2:et:sta:syntax=perl