RT::Extension::ExtractCustomFieldValues - extract CF values from email
headers or body
ExtractCustomFieldValues is based on a scrip action
"ExtractCustomFieldValues", which can be used to scan incoming emails to
set values of custom fields.
perl Makefile.PL
make install
make initdb # first time only, not on upgrades
When using this extension with RT 3.8, you will need to add extension to
the Plugins configuration:
Set( @Plugins, qw(... RT::Extension::ExtractCustomFieldValues) );
If you are upgrading this extension from 3.05 or earlier, you will need
to read the UPGRADING file after running make install to add the new
Scrip Action.
To use the ScripAction, create a Template and a Scrip in RT. Your new
Scrip should use a ScripAction of 'Extract Custom Field Values'. The
Template consists of the lines which control the scanner. All
non-comment lines are of the following format:
<cf-name> - the name of a custom field (must be created in RT) If this
field is blank, the match will be run and Postcmd will be executed, but
no custom field will be updated. Use this if you need to execute other
RT code based on your match.
<Headername> - either a Name of an email header, "body" to scan the body
of the email or "headers" to search all of the headers.
<MatchString> - a regular expression to find a match in the header or
body if the MatchString matches a comma separated list and the CF is a
multi value CF then each item in the list is added as a separate value.
<Postcmd> - a perl code to be evaluated on $value, where $value is
either $1 or full match text from the match performed with <MatchString>
<Options> - a string of letters which may control some aspects. Possible
options include:
'q' - (quiet) Don't record a transaction when adding the custom
field value
'*' - (wildcard) The MatchString regex should contain _two_
capturing groups, the first of which is the CF name, the second of
which is the value. If this option is given, the <cf-name> field is
You can change the separator string (initially "\|") during the template
Changing the separator may be necessary, if you want to use a "|" in one
of the patterns in the controlling lines.
Example and further reading
An example template with some further examples is installed during "make
install" or "make insert-template". See the CustomFieldScannerExample
template for examples and further documentation.
This extension was originally written by Dirk Pape
This version is modified by Best Practical for customer use and
maintained by Best Practical Solutions.
lists, see also "SUPPORT"
Support requests should be referred to Best Practical