Revision history for Net-GitHub
0.68 2014-08-30
Fixed URI encoding issue #52 (sillymoose)
0.67_01 2014-08-22
rewrite Net::GitHub::V3::Search (legacy methods is removed)
0.66 2014-07-31
"Unrecognized LWP::UserAgent options" warning (RT #97639)
0.65 2014-06-29
fix glob ref issue for perl < 5.14 (Alex Vandiver)
0.64 2014-06-27
use decoded_content on res in upload_asset (Alex Vandiver)
0.63 2014-05-30
fix pulls (RT 96068)
0.62 2014-05-27
formal release, no code changes
0.61_01 2014-05-20
from Any::Moose to Moo (github haarg (Graham Knop))
0.60 2014-05-16
filters in commits, delete repos etc.
0.59 2014-03-30
- upload_asset
0.58 2014-03-30
- Release API
0.57 2014-03-07
- POD fix (jotamjr)
0.56 2014-02-07
- Add Subscription methods. (Kevin Falcone)
0.55 2013-12-19
- remove JSON::XS requirements in Makefile.PL (no code changes)
0.54 2013-09-25
- $user->contributions (mikegrb)(Rev Michael Greb)
0.53 2013.09.01
- listing all public repos (kimmel)
0.52 2013.03.28
- Fix argument handling for pulls (dagolden)
0.51 2013.03.14
- move pod.t to xt and fix POD (RT 83926)
0.50 2012.11.28
- repos merging and statuses
- fix gist comments changes
- # TODO. Repos Contents, Activity Notifications
0.49 2012.11.28
- remove V2
- add search api
0.48 2012.11.15
- repackage
0.47 2012.11.07
- Documentation to demonstrate enterprise use (nebulous)
- Fix @_ vs shift bug for milestones (nebulous)
0.46 2012.05.07
- fix user emails (hdragolov (Hristo Dragolov))
0.45 2012.05.03
- pagination (ioanrogers (Ioan Rogers))
0.44 2012.04.12
- bump up version
0.43_02 2012.03.31
- Fixed small typo that breaks is_following, follow and unfollow (worr)
- tree functions to Net::GitHub::V3::GitData (worr)
0.43_01 2012.03.30
- NOTE: We will terminate API v1 and API v2 in 1 month on May 1st, 2012
- so V3 is default on now
- access_token can be created with Net::GitHub::V3::OAuth create_authorization
- OAuth API
- Events API
0.42 2012.03.23
- Fixed typo in that crippled App::GitHub (worr)
0.41 2012.03.22
- still let V2 as default to make ppl using token happy
- api_throttle work with unauthenticated requests
0.40_04 2011.10.20
- fix Content-Type check by regex (V3)
0.40_03 2011.10.14
- Use utf8 => 1 for JSON::Any by default. (jamesronan (James Ronan))
- if you still want to use V2, pass version => 2
0.40_02 2011.09.29
- Orgs, Git Data and Gists
- code cleanup and built on-fly
0.40_01 2011.09.28
- access_token patch on V2 (c9s)
- V3 API by default (no backwards with V2, if you still want to stick with V2, pass version => 2)
- Note: Missing Orgs, Gists, Git Data (will be added in next version soon)
0.30 2011.08.27
- Default to GET method if we've no data to POST (Lubomir Rintel)
- repository update (Lubomir Rintel)
- Slow down with requests if we're approaching the rate limit (Lubomir Rintel)
- Make it possible to turn API errors into exceptions (Lubomir Rintel)
0.29 2011.05.07
always_Authorization for private respo
0.28 2011.03.06
use official GitHub API request instead of screen-scraping for 'comments' issues by spang (Christine Spang)
0.27 2011.02.17
requires HTTP::Request::Common; (RT 65787 by JQUELIN)
0.26 2011.01.20
fix Makefile.PL
0.25 2011.01.19
partial implementation of Pull Request API (doy)
0.24 2011.01.01
Organizations API (fayland)
update Auth to 'Basic Auth' (fayland)
0.23 2010.11.04
Moose has deprected 'excludes', '-excludes' is preferred (datamuc)
0.22 2010.05.26
token and login are really optional (franck cuny)
0.21 2010.05.18
try to load user and token from .gitconfig if not specified in
new (franck cuny)
0.20 2010.01.27
add languages support to repositories api (franck cuny)
0.19 2009.09.05
Bugfix: Send delete token to GitHub, not obj hash (spang)
0.18 2009.06.14
Switch to Any::Moose from Moose (Jesse Vincent)
Issue comments (sunnavy)
0.17 2009.05.19
use 'https' for user->update, issue->comment etc.
0.16 2009.05.19
fix the role (Chris Nehren)
0.15 2009.05.16
Refactored role support. (Chris Nehren)
Copy $repo->list to $user->list where it makes more sense (and doesn't
require a repo object). (Chris Nehren)
0.14 2009.05.15
Users pod fix
0.13 2009.05.15
Refactor the role system to be finer-grained based upon whether a class
needs repo access or not. (Chris Nehren)
0.12 2009.05.01 sub file default branch as 'master'
Strip the leading '/' from paths provided to get_json_to_obj* methods (bingos)
make_immutable inline_constructor => 0
0.11 2009.4.21
deal with 404
0.10 2009.4.21
owner/repo/login/token are 'ro' to avoid bug
fix user->update
0.09 2009.4.21
issues pod tweak by c9s
search issues and comment issues (new API)
0.08 2009.4.19
bug fix
0.07 2009.4.19
make 'owner' and 'repo' is => 'rw' for App::GitHub
0.06 2009.4.18 (API are changed)
0.05 2009.3.11
pod fix
0.04 2009.3.10
use WWW::Mechanize::GZip
add N::G::Project::Wiki and Downloads
Wiki new_page/edit_page/edit_or_new
Downloads downloads
0.03 2009.3.9
add login in Net::GitHub::Role
pod updates, bug fixes and API enhancement
0.01 2009.3.8
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.