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/* This file contains routines that encapsulate a drawing area widget.
 * It is slightly different in format than the other files because it
 * also has some callback wrappers that extract relevant information and
 * then pass that to the user callback functions for redisplaying,
 * keyboard input and mouse clicks/motion.
 *                     This code is under the GNU Copyleft.
 *  Dominic Giampaolo
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "xstuff.h"
#include "libsx.h"
#include "libsx_private.h"
#include "DrawingA.h"

extern WindowState *lsx_curwin;    /* global handle for the current window */

 * Internal prototypes that massage the data into something more
 * digestable by regular humans.
static void  _redisplay();
static void  _resize();
static void  _do_input();
static void  _do_motion();
static char *TranslateKeyCode();
static GC    setup_gc();

static DrawInfo *draw_info_head = NULL;
static DrawInfo *cur_di=NULL;   /* current drawing area info structure */
static Window    window;        /* only used below by the drawing functions. */
static GC        drawgc;
static Display  *display=NULL;

 * Drawing Area Creation Routine.

Widget MakeDrawArea(width, height, redisplay, data, name)
int width, height;
RedisplayCB redisplay;
void *data;
char *name;
  int    n = 0;
  Arg    wargs[5];		/* Used to set widget resources */
  Widget draw_widget;
  DrawInfo *di;

  if (lsx_curwin->toplevel == NULL && OpenDisplay(0, NULL) == 0)
    return NULL;

  di = (DrawInfo *)calloc(sizeof(DrawInfo), 1);
  if (di == NULL)
    return NULL;

  n = 0;
  XtSetArg(wargs[n], XtNwidth, width);		n++; 
  XtSetArg(wargs[n], XtNheight,height);		n++; 

  draw_widget = XtCreateManagedWidget(name, drawingAreaWidgetClass,

  if (draw_widget == NULL)
     return NULL;

  di->drawgc     = setup_gc(draw_widget);
  di->foreground = BlackPixel(lsx_curwin->display, lsx_curwin->screen);
  di->background = WhitePixel(lsx_curwin->display, lsx_curwin->screen);
  di->mask       = 0xffffffff;

  di->user_data   = data;
  di->redisplay   = redisplay;

  XtAddCallback(draw_widget, XtNexposeCallback, (XtCallbackProc)_redisplay,di);
  XtAddCallback(draw_widget, XtNresizeCallback, (XtCallbackProc)_resize,   di);
  XtAddCallback(draw_widget, XtNinputCallback,  (XtCallbackProc)_do_input, di);
  XtAddCallback(draw_widget, XtNmotionCallback, (XtCallbackProc)_do_motion,di);

  lsx_curwin->last_draw_widget = draw_widget;

  di->widget = draw_widget;
  di->next = draw_info_head;
  draw_info_head = di;
  cur_di = di;

   * Make sure the font is set to something sane.
  if (lsx_curwin->font == NULL)
    lsx_curwin->font = GetFont("fixed");
  SetWidgetFont(draw_widget, lsx_curwin->font);

  return draw_widget;

 * Internal function for getting a graphics context so we can draw.
static GC setup_gc(w)
Widget w;
  int fore_g,back_g;      /* Fore and back ground pixels */
  GC  drawgc;

  back_g = WhitePixel(XtDisplay(w),DefaultScreen(XtDisplay(w)));
  fore_g = BlackPixel(XtDisplay(w),DefaultScreen(XtDisplay(w)));

  /* Create drawing GC */
  drawgc = XCreateGC(XtDisplay(w), DefaultRootWindow(XtDisplay(w)), 0, 0);

  XSetBackground(XtDisplay(w), drawgc, back_g);
  XSetForeground(XtDisplay(w), drawgc, fore_g);
  XSetFunction(XtDisplay(w),   drawgc, GXcopy);

  return drawgc;
} /* end of setup_gc() */

 * This function searches through our list of drawing area info structures
 * and returns the one that matches the specified widget.  We have to be
 * careful and make sure that the DrawInfo structure we match is for the
 * right display.
DrawInfo *libsx_find_draw_info(w)
Widget w;
  DrawInfo *di;
  if (w == NULL)
    return NULL;
  for(di=draw_info_head;  di; di=di->next)
     for(; di && di->widget != w; di=di->next)

     if (di == NULL)       /* we didn't find it */
     if (XtDisplay(di->widget) == XtDisplay(w)) /* then we've found it */

  return di;

void   SetButtonDownCB(w, button_down)
Widget w;
MouseButtonCB button_down;
  DrawInfo *di;
  if ((di = libsx_find_draw_info(w)) == NULL)
  di->button_down = button_down;

void   SetButtonUpCB(w, button_up)
Widget w;
MouseButtonCB button_up;
  DrawInfo *di;
  if ((di = libsx_find_draw_info(w)) == NULL)
  di->button_up = button_up;

void   SetKeypressCB(w, keypress)
Widget w;
KeyCB keypress;
  DrawInfo *di;
  if ((di = libsx_find_draw_info(w)) == NULL)
  di->keypress = keypress;

void   SetMouseMotionCB(w, motion)
Widget w;
MotionCB motion;
  DrawInfo *di;
  if ((di = libsx_find_draw_info(w)) == NULL)

  di->motion = motion;

void SetDrawMode(mode)
int mode;
  if (display == NULL)
  if (mode == SANE_XOR)
     cur_di->mask = cur_di->foreground ^ cur_di->background; 
     XSetForeground(display, drawgc, 0xffffffff);
     XSetBackground(display, drawgc, cur_di->background);
     XSetFunction(display,   drawgc, GXxor);
     XSetPlaneMask(display,  drawgc, cur_di->mask);
     XSetForeground(display, drawgc, cur_di->foreground);
     XSetBackground(display, drawgc, cur_di->background);
     XSetFunction(display,   drawgc, mode);
     XSetPlaneMask(display,  drawgc, 0xffffffff);
     cur_di->mask = 0xffffffff;

void SetLineWidth(width)
int width;
  if (display && width > 0)
    XSetLineAttributes(display, drawgc, width, LineSolid, CapButt, JoinMiter);

void SetDrawArea(w)
Widget w;
  DrawInfo *di;

  if (lsx_curwin->toplevel == NULL || w == NULL)

  if ((di=libsx_find_draw_info(w)) == NULL)  /* w isn't really a draw area */

  window  = (Window)XtWindow(w);
  drawgc  = di->drawgc;
  display = XtDisplay(w);
  cur_di  = di;

  lsx_curwin->last_draw_widget = w;


  if (lsx_curwin->gl_context)
    glXMakeCurrent(display, XtWindow(w), lsx_curwin->gl_context);

#endif /* OPENGL_SUPPORT */  



void SwapBuffers()
  if (lsx_curwin == NULL || lsx_curwin->last_draw_widget == NULL)

  glXSwapBuffers(display, window);

#endif /* OPENGL_SUPPORT */

void GetDrawAreaSize(w, h)
int *w, *h;
  int n;
  Arg wargs[2];
  Dimension nwidth, nheight;

  if (lsx_curwin->toplevel == NULL || lsx_curwin->last_draw_widget == NULL
      || w == NULL || h == NULL)

  *w = *h = 0;

  n = 0;
  XtSetArg(wargs[n], XtNwidth,  &nwidth);      n++;
  XtSetArg(wargs[n], XtNheight, &nheight);     n++;

  XtGetValues(lsx_curwin->last_draw_widget, wargs, n);

  *w = nwidth;
  *h = nheight;

 * These are the drawing area "draw" functions.  You use these functions
 * to draw into a DrawingArea widget.

void ClearDrawArea()
  XClearWindow(display, window);

void SetColor(color)
int color;
  if (cur_di == NULL || display == NULL)
  cur_di->foreground = color;

  if (cur_di->mask != 0xffffffff)
    XSetPlaneMask(display, drawgc, cur_di->foreground ^ cur_di->background);
    XSetForeground(display, drawgc, color);

void DrawPixel(x1, y1)
int x1, y1;
  XDrawPoint(display, window, drawgc, x1, y1);

int GetPixel(x1, y1)
int x1, y1;
  char ch;

  GetImage(&ch, x1, y1, 1, 1);  /* gag! no other easy way to do it */

  return (int)ch;

void DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2)
int x1, y1, x2, y2;
  XDrawLine(display, window, drawgc, x1, y1, x2, y2);

void DrawPolyline(points, n)
XPoint *points;
int n;
  XDrawLines(display, window, drawgc, points, n, CoordModeOrigin);

void DrawFilledPolygon (points, n)
XPoint *points;
int n;
  XFillPolygon(display, window, drawgc, points, n, Complex, CoordModeOrigin);

void DrawFilledBox(x, y, fwidth, fheight)
int x, y, fwidth, fheight;
  if (fwidth < 0)
   { fwidth  *= -1; x -= fwidth; }
  if (fheight < 0)
   { fheight *= -1; y -= fheight; }

  XFillRectangle(display, window, drawgc, x, y, fwidth, fheight);

void DrawBox(x, y, bwidth, bheight)
int x, y, bwidth, bheight;
  if (bwidth < 0)
   { bwidth  *= -1; x -= bwidth; }
  if (bheight < 0)
   { bheight *= -1; y -= bheight; }

  XDrawRectangle(display, window, drawgc, x, y, bwidth, bheight);

void DrawText(string, x, y)
char *string;
int x, y;
/*  XDrawImageString(display, window, drawgc, x, y, string, strlen(string));*/
  XDrawString(display, window, drawgc, x, y, string, strlen(string));

void DrawArc(x, y, awidth, aheight, angle1, angle2)
int x, y, awidth, aheight, angle1, angle2;
  angle1 = angle1 * 64;  /* multiply by 64 because X works in 64'ths of a */
  angle2 = angle2 * 64;  /* a degree and we just want to work in degrees  */

  if (awidth < 0)
   { awidth *= -1;  x -= awidth; }
  if (aheight < 0)
   { aheight *= -1; y -= aheight; }

  XDrawArc (display, window, drawgc, x, y,
	    awidth, aheight, angle1, angle2);

void DrawFilledArc(x, y, awidth, aheight, angle1, angle2)
int x, y, awidth, aheight, angle1, angle2;
  angle1 = angle1 * 64;  /* multiply by 64 because X works in 64'ths of a */
  angle2 = angle2 * 64;  /* a degree and we just want to work in degrees  */

  if (awidth < 0)
   { awidth *= -1;  x -= awidth; }
  if (aheight < 0)
   { aheight *= -1; y -= aheight; }

  XFillArc (display, window, drawgc, x, y, awidth, aheight, angle1, angle2);

void DrawImage(data, x, y, width, height)
char *data;
int x, y, width, height;
  XImage *xi;

  if (lsx_curwin->toplevel == NULL || data == NULL)

  xi = XCreateImage(display, DefaultVisual(display, DefaultScreen(display)),
		    8, ZPixmap, 0, data, width, height,
		    XBitmapPad(display),  width);
  if (xi == NULL)

  XPutImage(display, window, drawgc, xi, 0,0, x,y,  xi->width,xi->height);

  XFree((char *)xi);

 * This function is kind of gaggy in some respects because it
 * winds up requiring twice the amount of memory really needed.
 * It would be possible to return the XImage structure directly,
 * but that kind of defeats the whole purpose of libsx in addition
 * to the fact that X packs the data in ways that might not be
 * what the user wants.  So we unpack the data and just put the
 * raw bytes of the image in the user's buffer.
void GetImage(data, x, y, width, height)
char *data;
int x, y, width, height;
  XImage *xi;
  int i,j;
  char *xi_data;
  if (lsx_curwin->toplevel == NULL || data == NULL)

  xi = XGetImage(display, window, x,y, width,height, ~0, ZPixmap);
  xi_data = xi->data;
  for(i=0; i < height; i++)
     char *line_start = xi_data;
     for(j=0; j < width; j++, xi_data++, data++)
       *data = *xi_data;

     while((xi_data - line_start) < xi->bytes_per_line)

  XFree((char *)xi);

 * Below are internal callbacks that the drawing area calls.  They in
 * turn call the user callback functions.

 * Internal callback routines for the drawing areas that massage
 * all the X garbage into a more digestable form.

static void _redisplay(w, data, call_data)
Widget w;
void *data;
XADCS *call_data;
  int new_width, new_height;
  DrawInfo *di = data;

  if (call_data->event->xexpose.count != 0) /* Wait until last expose event */
  GetDrawAreaSize(&new_width, &new_height);   /* get the draw area size */
  if (di->redisplay)
    di->redisplay(w, new_width, new_height, di->user_data);

/* Called when a DrawingArea is resized.
static void _resize(w, data, call_data)
Widget w;
void *data;
XADCS *call_data;
  int new_width, new_height;
  DrawInfo *di = data;

  if (call_data->event->xexpose.count != 0) /* Wait until last expose event */
  GetDrawAreaSize(&new_width, &new_height);   /* get the new draw area size */
  if (di->redisplay)
    di->redisplay(w, new_width, new_height, di->user_data);

/* Called when a DrawingArea has input (either mouse or keyboard).
static void _do_input(w, data, call_data)
Widget w;
void *data;
XADCS *call_data;
  char *input;
  DrawInfo *di = data;

  if (call_data->event->type == ButtonPress)
     if (di->button_down)
       di->button_down(w, call_data->event->xbutton.button,
  else if (call_data->event->type == ButtonRelease)
     if (di->button_up)
       di->button_up(w, call_data->event->xbutton.button,
		     call_data->event->xbutton.x, call_data->event->xbutton.y,
  else if (call_data->event->type == KeyPress)
     input = TranslateKeyCode(call_data->event);

     if (input && *input != '\0' && di->keypress)
       di->keypress(w, input, 0, di->user_data);
  else if (call_data->event->type == KeyRelease)
     input = TranslateKeyCode(call_data->event);

     if (input && *input != '\0' && di->keypress)
       di->keypress(w, input, 1, di->user_data);

static void _do_motion(w, data,  call_data)
Widget w;
void *data;
XADCS *call_data;
  DrawInfo *di = data;
  if (di->motion)
    di->motion(w, call_data->event->xmotion.x,  call_data->event->xmotion.y,

#define KEY_BUFF_SIZE 256
static char key_buff[KEY_BUFF_SIZE];

static char *TranslateKeyCode(ev)
XEvent *ev;
  int count;
  char *tmp;
  KeySym ks;

  if (ev)
     count = XLookupString((XKeyEvent *)ev, key_buff, KEY_BUFF_SIZE, &ks,NULL);
     key_buff[count] = '\0';
     if (count == 0)
	tmp = XKeysymToString(ks);
	if (tmp)
	  strcpy(key_buff, tmp);
	  strcpy(key_buff, "");

     return key_buff;
    return NULL;

#define ABS(x)     ((x < 0) ? -x : x)    
#define SWAP(a,b)  { a ^= b; b ^= a; a ^= b; }

void ScrollDrawArea(dx, dy, x1, y1, x2, y2)
int dx, dy, x1, y1, x2, y2;
  int w, h, x3, y3, x4, y4, _dx_, _dy_;
  Window win=window;   /* window is a static global */

  if (dx == 0 && dy == 0)

  if (display == NULL)

  if (x2 < x1) SWAP (x1,x2);
  if (y2 < y1) SWAP (y1,y2);

  _dx_ = ABS(dx);
  _dy_ = ABS(dy);
  x3 = x1 + _dx_;
  y3 = y1 + _dy_;
  x4 = x2 - _dx_ +1;
  y4 = y2 - _dy_ +1;
  w = x2 - x3 +1;
  h = y2 - y3 +1;

  if (dx <= 0)
     if (dy <= 0)
	XCopyArea (display,win,win,drawgc, x1, y1, w, h, x3, y3);
	if (_dy_)
	  XClearArea (display,win, x1, y1, w+_dx_, _dy_, FALSE);
	if (_dx_)
	  XClearArea (display,win, x1, y1, _dx_, h, FALSE);
     else              /* dy > 0 */
	XCopyArea (display,win,win,drawgc, x1, y3, w, h, x3, y1);
	XClearArea (display,win, x1, y4, w+_dx_, _dy_, FALSE);
	if (_dx_)
	  XClearArea (display,win, x1, y1, _dx_, h, FALSE);
  else                 /* dx > 0 */
     if (dy <= 0)
	XCopyArea (display,win,win,drawgc, x3, y1, w, h, x1, y3);
	if (_dy_)
	  XClearArea (display,win, x1, y1, w+_dx_, _dy_, FALSE);
	XClearArea (display,win, x4, y3, _dx_, h, FALSE);
     else              /* dy > 0 */
	XCopyArea (display,win,win, drawgc, x3, y3, w, h, x1, y1);
	XClearArea (display,win, x1, y4, w+_dx_, _dy_, FALSE);
	XClearArea (display,win, x4, y1, _dx_, h, FALSE);