require File::Spec;
my $ddl_fn = File::Spec->catfile(qw(t lib sqlite.sql));

# If the author doesn't have the prereqs, we will end up obliterating
# the ddl file, and all tests will fail, therefore don't do anything
# on error
# The EUMM build-stage generation will run unconditionally and
# errors will not be trapped
if (my $out = ` "$^X" -Ilib maint/gen_schema `) {
  open (my $fh, '>:unix', $ddl_fn) or die "Unable to open $ddl_fn: $!";
  print $fh $out;
  close $fh;

postamble <<"EOP";

clonedir_generate_files : dbic_clonedir_regen_test_ddl

dbic_clonedir_regen_test_ddl :
\t\$(ABSPERLRUN) -Ilib -- maint/gen_schema > @{[ $mm_proto->quote_literal($ddl_fn) ]}
@{[ $crlf_fixup->($ddl_fn) ]}

# keep the Makefile.PL eval happy