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#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

# This is a crude hack to parse the HTML DTDs in order to generate
# a HTML parser in perl.  The output is a perl structure that describe
# the same releationships as the DTD.  This script in known to work
# on the HTML 3.2 of Tuesday 23-Apr-96, but it might need some
# tweaks if that DTD use more sophisticated SGML features.
# Author: Gisle Aas
# $Id: dtd2pm,v 1.4 1998/03/23 09:46:37 aas Exp $
# Disclaimer: I am not an SGML expert and don't really understand how
# to read those damn DTDs.


$DTD = shift || "HTML32.dtd";

open(DTD, $DTD) or die "Can't open $DTD: $!";
$_ = <DTD>;
$| = 1;

($intro) = /<!\s*--(.*?)--\s*>/s;
# added this because HTML4.0 as downloaded
# doesn't seem to have an HTML.Version ENTITY
# so we got an unitialised variable warning
# on %entity{%html.version} later
# -- pgm
($dtdversion) = /\-\/\/W3C\/\/DTD\s+([^\/]*)\/\/EN/;

#print $_;

while (s/^\s*<!//) {
   if (s/^(\[.*?\])>//s) {  # ignore <![......]> constructs
	#print "Skip: <!$1>\n";

   $c = $1;
   while (1) {
      # played with different things,
      # but the KISS principle suggests
      # we simply eliminate lines for
      # attributes that are reserved for 
      # possible future use
      # worry about parsing them when they happen !  -pgm
      $c =~ s/\s*[^\-]+\-\-\s*reserved\s+for\s+possible\s+future\s+use\s*\-\-//gs;
      $c =~ s/--.*?--//gs;  # remove comments
      if ($c =~ /--/) {
          # we really did read too little
          $c .= $1
      } else {

   $c =~ s/^\s+//;
   $c =~ s/\s+$//;
   next unless length $c;  # only comments

   #$c =~ s/\s+/ /g;

   print "C: $c\n" if $VERBOSE;
   while (s/^\s*([^\s<]+)//) {
      print "T: $1\n" if $VERBOSE;

   if ($c =~ /^ENTITY\s+(%\s*)?(\S+)\s+(.*)/is) {
       my($percent, $key, $val) = ($1, lc($2), $3);
       if ($percent) {
          $key = "%$key";
       } else {
          $key = "&$key";
          $val =~ s/CDATA\s+//;
       $val =~ s/^"//s;
       $val =~ s/"$//s;
       $val =~ s/(%[\w\.\-]+);?/$entity{lc $1} || $1/eg;

       $entity{$key} = $val;
       #print "E: $key => $val\n";
   } else {
       # Expand entities
       $c =~ s/(%[\w\.\-]+);?/$entity{lc $1} || $1/eg;
       #print "C: $c\n"
       if ($c =~ /^ELEMENT\s+\(([^\)]+)\)\s+([-O])\s+([-O])\s+(.*)/is) {
          my($elems, $start, $stop, $content) = (lc $1, $2, $3, lc $4);
	  for ($elems, $content) {
          $content =~ s/(\#pcdata)\b/\U$1/g;
          for $elem (split(/\|/, $elems)) {
             $element{$elem} = [$start, $stop, $content];
       } elsif ($c =~ /^ELEMENT\s+(\S+)\s+([-O])\s+([-O])\s+(.*)/is) {
          my($elem, $start, $stop, $content) = (lc $1, $2, $3, lc $4);
          $content =~ s/\s+//g;
          $content =~ s/(\#pcdata)\b/\U$1/g;
	  $element{$elem} =  [$start, $stop, $content];

       } elsif ($c =~ s/^ATTLIST\s+\(([^\)]+)\)\s+//) {
          my $elems = lc $1;
	  $elems =~ s/\s+//g;
          my $attrs = parse_attrs($c);
          for $elem (split(/\|/, $elems)) {
	      $attr{$elem} = $attrs;
       } elsif ($c =~ s/^ATTLIST\s+(\S+)\s+//) {
          $attr{lc $1} = parse_attrs($c);
       } else {
          print STDERR "?: $c\n";

# is there anything left?
print STDERR "?: ", substr($_, 0, 200), "\n" if length $_;

# At this point, we have initialized the %element, %attr arrays.
# Their content is as described here:
#  %element = ( tag => [ $start, $end, $content ],
#               ...
#             );
#  %attr    = ( tag => {
#                         attr => [ $values, $default ],
#                         ...
#                      },
#               ...
#             );
# The %entity hash is also available, but should not be of much use
# now.

# Dump result to stdout so that it is useful to a perl program.

print "##### Do not edit!!  Auto-generated from $DTD\n\n";

# was : print "package HTML::DTD;  # <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"$entity{'%html.version'}\">\n\n";
# changed to:
print "package HTML::DTD;  # <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"$dtdversion\">\n\n";
# --pgm
$intro =~ s/^[ \t]*/\# /gm;
print "$intro\n\n";

# initialise and avoid sole-use warnings -pgm
print "\@all_tags=()\;\n\@optional_start_tag =()\;\n\@empty=()\;\n";
print "\@optional_end_tag=()\;\n\@boolean_attr=()\;\n\%elem=()\;\n\n";

my @all_tags = sort keys %element;
my @empty = ();
my @optional_end_tag = ();
my @optional_start_tag = ();
for (@all_tags) {
   push(@empty, $_) if $element{$_}[2] eq 'empty';
   push(@optional_end_tag, $_) if $element{$_}[2] ne 'empty' and
                                  $element{$_}[1] ne '-';
   push(@optional_start_tag, $_) if $element{$_}[0] ne '-';

print "\@all_tags = qw(@all_tags);\n";
print "\@empty = qw(@empty);\n";
print "\@optional_end_tag = qw(@optional_end_tag);\n";
print "\@optional_start_tag = qw(@optional_start_tag);\n";
print <<'EOT';

# The %elem hash is indexed by lowercase tag identifiers.  Each element is
# an anonymouse hash with the following values:
#    'content': Describes the content that can be present within this
#               element.  This value is missing if the element should
#               always be empty.
#    'optend':  True if the end tag for this element is optional
#    'attr':    A hash that describes the attributes of this element.
#               Each element in this hash is a anonymous array with
#               two values: allowed values; default value

print "\n%elem = (\n";

@boolean_attr = ();

for (@all_tags) {
   my $e = $_;
# there are other keywords popping up.
# play it more conservative and use quotes around (just about) everything.
# WAS  $e = "'$e'" if $e eq 'tr' || $e eq 'link' || $e eq 'sub';  # these are perl keywords
# inserted single quotes next line
# but that means we do away with nicer formatting --pgm
# not   printf "\'%-4s\' => {\n", $e; but
   print "\'$e\'  => {\n";
   print "\t  content => '$element{$_}[2]',\n" if $element{$_}[2] ne 'empty';
   print "\t  optend => 1,\n" if $element{$_}[1] ne '-';
   if (exists $attr{$_}) {
       print "\t  attr => {\n";
       for $a (sort keys %{$attr{$_}}) {
	   my @a = @{$attr{$_}{$a}};
           # added surrounding quotes to avoid syntax err, warnings on
           # hyphenated words and keywords
	   print "\t\t\t\'$a\' => [", join(",", map {qq("$_")} @a), "],\n" unless $a eq "%reserved";
           # quotes here, too (e.g., select keyword overlap)
	   push(@boolean_attr, "\'$_\'\t=> '$a'") if $a eq $attr{$_}{$a}[0];
       print "\t\t  },\n";
   print "\t},\n";

print ");\n";

print "\n\n\%boolean_attr = (\n";
for (@boolean_attr) {
    print " $_,\n";
print ");\n";

print "\n1;\n";


sub parse_attrs  # Parse the <!ATTLIST elem ...> content
    my $a = shift;
    my %a = ();
    my $a2 = $a;
    #print "---$a---\n";
    while ($a =~ /\S/) {
	$a =~ s/^\s*(\S+)\s*//;
	my $key = $1;
	my ($val, $default);
	if ($a =~ s/^\(([^\)]+)\)//) {
	    $val = $1;
            $val =~ s/\s+//g;
	} elsif ($a =~ s/^(\S+)//) {
	    $val = $1;
        # problem was here with %reserved  
        # and comment lines for reserved attrs... pgm
        # but not an issue if we drop them
        # but a bit more diagnostic info ?
	    die "Missing value at end of:\n[$a2]\n-------\n";
        $val = lc($val) unless $val =~ /^[A-Z]+$/;
        $val =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;
        $a =~ s/^\s+//;
        if ($a =~ s/^(\#FIXED\s+\'[^\']+\')//) {
	  $default = $1;
	elsif ($a =~ s/^(\S+)//) {
	  $default = $1;
       # same problem as for $val above on reserveds
	else {
	  die "Missing default at end of:\n[$a2]\n------\n";
	$default = lc($default) unless $default =~ /^[\#\"]/;
        $default =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;

	$a{$key} = [$val, $default];