<title>URI::GoogleChart Examples</title>
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<h1>URI::GoogleChart Examples</h1>
<p> This page shows Perl code snippets using the <a
to generate chart URLs and the corresponding images that the <a
from them.
<div class="eg">
<pre class="src">$u = URI::GoogleChart->new("pie-3d", 250, 100,
data => [60, 40],
label => ["Hello", "World"],
<div class="eg">
<pre class="src">$u = URI::GoogleChart->new("pie", 500, 150,
data => [80, 20],
color => ["yellow", "black"],
label => ["Resembes Pack-man", "Does not resemble Pac-man"],
background => "black",
rotate => 35,
margin => [0, 30, 10, 10],
<div class="eg">
<pre class="src">$u = URI::GoogleChart->new("pie", 250, 200,
data => [(1) x 12],
rotate => -90,
label => [1 .. 12],
encoding => "s",
background => "transparent",
<div class="eg">
<pre class="src">$u = URI::GoogleChart->new("lines", 200, 125,
data => [37,60,60,45,47,74,70,72,],
range_show => "left",
range_round => 1,
<div class="eg">
<pre class="src">$u = URI::GoogleChart->new("sparklines", 200, 75,
data => [27,25,60,31,25,39,25,31,26,28,80,28,27,31,27,29,26,35,70,25],
range_round => 1,
<div class="eg">
<pre class="src">$u = URI::GoogleChart->new("lxy", 250, 125,
data => [
label => ["blue", "red"],
color => [qw(3072F3 red)],
<div class="eg">
<pre class="src">$u = URI::GoogleChart->new("lines", 400, 150,
data => [
{ range => "a", v => [20, 21, 25, 25, 24, 21] },
{ range => "b", v => [1.1, 1.1, 1.3, 1.1, 1.7, 1.9] },
range => {
a => { round => 1, show => "left" },
b => { round => 1, show => "right" },
color => ["red", "blue"],
label => ["Damage", "Profit"],
chxl => "0:|Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun",
chxt => "x",
<div><img src='http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=lc&chs=400x150&chco=FF0000,0000FF&chdl=Damage%7CProfit&chxl=0:%7CJan%7CFeb%7CMar%7CApr%7CMay%7CJun&chxr=1,20,26%7C2,1,2&chxt=x,y,r&chd=t:8.3,25,91.7,91.7,75,25%7C10,10,30,10,70,90.0'></div> <span class="uri">http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=lc&chs=400x150&chco=FF0000,0000FF&chdl=Damage%7CProfit&chxl=0:%7CJan%7CFeb%7CMar%7CApr%7CMay%7CJun&chxr=1,20,26%7C2,1,2&chxt=x,y,r&chd=t:8.3,25,91.7,91.7,75,25%7C10,10,30,10,70,90.0</span> </div>
<div class="eg">
<pre class="src">$u = URI::GoogleChart->new("horizontal-stacked-bars", 200, 150,
data => [
color => [qw(3072F3 f00)],
range_show => "bottom",
<div><img src='http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=bhs&chs=200x150&chco=3072F3,ff0000&chxr=0,0,1.6e%2B02&chxt=x&chd=t:6.2,31.2,37.5,50,25%7C31.2,37.5,62.5,25,12.5'></div> <span class="uri">http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=bhs&chs=200x150&chco=3072F3,ff0000&chxr=0,0,1.6e%2B02&chxt=x&chd=t:6.2,31.2,37.5,50,25%7C31.2,37.5,62.5,25,12.5</span> </div>
<div class="eg">
<pre class="src">$u = URI::GoogleChart->new("vertical-grouped-bars", 320, 125,
data => [
chco => "3072F3,ff0000",
range_show => "left",
<div><img src='http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=bvg&chs=320x125&chco=3072F3,ff0000&chxr=0,0,1e%2B02&chxt=y&chd=t:10,50,60,80,40%7C50,60,100,40,20'></div> <span class="uri">http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=bvg&chs=320x125&chco=3072F3,ff0000&chxr=0,0,1e%2B02&chxt=y&chd=t:10,50,60,80,40%7C50,60,100,40,20</span> </div>
<div class="eg">
<pre class="src">$u = URI::GoogleChart->new("vertical-stacked-bars", 150, 120,
data => [10, -10, -5, 30, 15, 5],
chbh => "a",
color => "gray",
margin => 5,
range_show => "left",
<div><img src='http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=bvs&chs=150x120&chbh=a&chco=808080&chma=5,5,5,5&chp=0.25&chxr=0,-10,30&chxt=y&chd=t:50,0,12.5,100,62.5,37.5'></div> <span class="uri">http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=bvs&chs=150x120&chbh=a&chco=808080&chma=5,5,5,5&chp=0.25&chxr=0,-10,30&chxt=y&chd=t:50,0,12.5,100,62.5,37.5</span> </div>
<div class="eg">
<pre class="src">$u = URI::GoogleChart->new("vertical-stacked-bars", 150, 120,
data => [-10, -10, -5, -25, -15, -5],
chbh => "a",
color => "gray",
margin => 5,
range_show => "left",
<div><img src='http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=bvs&chs=150x120&chbh=a&chco=808080&chma=5,5,5,5&chp=1.00&chxr=0,-25,0&chxt=y&chd=t:60,60,80,0,40,80'></div> <span class="uri">http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=bvs&chs=150x120&chbh=a&chco=808080&chma=5,5,5,5&chp=1.00&chxr=0,-25,0&chxt=y&chd=t:60,60,80,0,40,80</span> </div>
<div class="eg">
<pre class="src">$u = URI::GoogleChart->new("venn", 200, 100,
data => [100, 20, 20, 20, 20, 0, 0],
color => ["red", "lime", "blue"],
label => ["First", "Second", "Third"],
<div class="eg">
<pre class="src">$u = URI::GoogleChart->new("gom", 125, 80,
data => 80,
label => 80,
title => "Awsomness",
<div class="eg">
<pre class="src">$u = URI::GoogleChart->new("usa", 200, 100);
<div class="eg">
<pre class="src">$u = URI::GoogleChart->new("europe", 300, 150,
color => ["white", "green", "red"],
background => "EAF7FE", # water blue
# nordic populations
chld => "NOSEDKFIIS",
data => [4.5e6, 9e6, 5.3e6, 5.1e6, 307261],
<p style="font-size: small;">Page generated with URI::GoogleChart v1.02</p>