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<TITLE>Relations::Display - DBI/DBD::mysql Query Graphing Module</TITLE>
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  <TABLE border=0  cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=100%>
    <TD valign=middle width='100%'
    bgcolor='#cc0066'> <font face='sans-serif' size='+1'
    color='#ff99cc'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Relations::Display - DBI/DBD::mysql query graphing module</font>
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<A NAME="__index__"></A>
<!-- INDEX BEGIN -->


	<LI><A HREF="#name">NAME</A></LI>
	<LI><A HREF="#synopsis">SYNOPSIS</A></LI>
	<LI><A HREF="#abstract">ABSTRACT</A></LI>
	<LI><A HREF="#description">DESCRIPTION</A></LI>

		<LI><A HREF="#what it does">WHAT IT DOES</A></LI>
		<LI><A HREF="#calling relations::display routines">CALLING RELATIONS::DISPLAY ROUTINES</A></LI>
		<LI><A HREF="#query arguments">QUERY ARGUMENTS</A></LI>

	<LI><A HREF="#list of relations::display functions">LIST OF RELATIONS::DISPLAY FUNCTIONS</A></LI>

		<LI><A HREF="#new">new</A></LI>
		<LI><A HREF="#add">add</A></LI>
		<LI><A HREF="#set">set</A></LI>
		<LI><A HREF="#clone">clone</A></LI>
		<LI><A HREF="#get_matrix">get_matrix</A></LI>
		<LI><A HREF="#get_table">get_table</A></LI>
		<LI><A HREF="#get_graph">get_graph</A></LI>

	<LI><A HREF="#list of relations::display properties">LIST OF RELATIONS::DISPLAY PROPERTIES</A></LI>
	<LI><A HREF="#list of relations::display::table functions">LIST OF RELATIONS::DISPLAY::TABLE FUNCTIONS</A></LI>

		<LI><A HREF="#new">new</A></LI>

	<LI><A HREF="#list of relations::display::table properties">LIST OF RELATIONS::DISPLAY::TABLE PROPERTIES</A></LI>
	<LI><A HREF="#change log">CHANGE LOG</A></LI>

		<LI><A HREF="#relationsdisplay0.91">Relations-Display-0.91</A></LI>

	<LI><A HREF="#to do">TO DO</A></LI>
	<LI><A HREF="#other related work">OTHER RELATED WORK</A></LI>

		<LI><A HREF="#relations (perl)">Relations (Perl)</A></LI>
		<LI><A HREF="#relationsquery (perl)">Relations-Query (Perl)</A></LI>
		<LI><A HREF="#relationsabstract (perl)">Relations-Abstract (Perl)</A></LI>
		<LI><A HREF="#relationsadmin (php)">Relations-Admin (PHP)</A></LI>
		<LI><A HREF="#relationsfamily (perl)">Relations-Family (Perl)</A></LI>
		<LI><A HREF="#relationsdisplay (perl)">Relations-Display (Perl)</A></LI>
		<LI><A HREF="#relationsreport (perl)">Relations-Report (Perl)</A></LI>
		<LI><A HREF="#relationsstructure (xml)">Relations-Structure (XML)</A></LI>

<!-- INDEX END -->

<H1><A NAME="name">NAME</A></H1>
<P>Relations::Display - DBI/DBD::mysql Query Graphing Module</P>
<H1><A NAME="synopsis">SYNOPSIS</A></H1>
  # DBI, Relations::Display Script that creates a 
  # matrix, table, and graph from a query.</PRE>
  use DBI;
  use Relations;
  use Relations::Query;
  use Relations::Abstract;
  use Relations::Display;</PRE>
  $dsn = &quot;DBI:mysql:watcher&quot;;</PRE>
  $username = &quot;root&quot;;
  $password = '';</PRE>
  $dbh = DBI-&gt;connect($dsn,$username,$password,{PrintError =&gt; 1, RaiseError =&gt; 0});</PRE>
  $abstract = new Relations::Abstract($dbh);</PRE>
  $display = new Relations::Display(-abstract   =&gt; $abstract,
                                    -query      =&gt; {-select   =&gt; {total  =&gt; &quot;count(*)&quot;,
                                                                  first  =&gt; &quot;'Bird'&quot;,
                                                                  second =&gt; &quot;'Count'&quot;,
                                                                  third  =&gt; &quot;if(gender='Male','Boy','Girl')&quot;,
                                                                  tao    =&gt; &quot;if(gender='Male','Yang','Yin')&quot;,
                                                                  sex    =&gt; &quot;gender&quot;,
                                                                  kind   =&gt; &quot;sp_name&quot;,
                                                                  id     =&gt; &quot;species.sp_id&quot;,
                                                                  fourth =&gt; &quot;(species.sp_id+50)&quot;,
                                                                  vert   =&gt; &quot;2&quot;,
                                                                  horiz  =&gt; &quot;1.5&quot;},
                                                    -from     =&gt; ['bird','species'],
                                                    -where    =&gt; ['species.sp_id=bird.sp_id',
                                                                  'species.sp_id &lt; 4'],
                                                    -group_by =&gt; ['sp_name','gender','first','second'],
                                                    -order_by =&gt; ['gender','sp_name']},
                                    -x_axis     =&gt; 'first,kind,id,fourth',
                                    -legend     =&gt; 'second,third,tao,sex,vert,horiz',
                                    -y_axis     =&gt; 'total',
                                    -hide       =&gt; 'fourth,third,vert,horiz',
                                    -vertical   =&gt; 'vert',
                                    -horizontal =&gt; 'horiz');</PRE>
  $matrix = $display-&gt;get_matrix();</PRE>
  $table = $display-&gt;get_table();</PRE>
  $display-&gt;set(-chart  =&gt; 'bars',
                -width  =&gt; 400,
                -height =&gt; 400,
                -settings =&gt; {y_min_value =&gt; 0,
                              y_max_value =&gt; 3,
                              y_tick_number =&gt; 3,
                              transparent =&gt; 0}
  $gph = $display-&gt;get_graph();</PRE>
  $gd = $gph-&gt;gd();</PRE>
  open(IMG, '&gt;test.png') or die $!;
  binmode IMG;
  print IMG $gd-&gt;png;</PRE>
<H1><A NAME="abstract">ABSTRACT</A></H1>
<P>This perl library uses perl5 objects to simplify creating graphs
from MySQL queries.</P>
<P>The current version of Relations::Display is available at</P>
  <A HREF=""></A></PRE>
<H1><A NAME="description">DESCRIPTION</A></H1>
<H2><A NAME="what it does">WHAT IT DOES</A></H2>
<P>The Relations::Display object takes in your query, along with information 
pertaining to which field values from the query results are to be used in 
creating the graph title, x axis label and titles, legend label (not used 
on the graph) and titles, and y axis data.</P>
<P>It does this by looping through the query while taking into account which 
fields you want to use for the x axis and legend. While looping, it 
figures out which of these fields have all the same value throughout the 
query and which have different values. The fields with the same value 
throughout the query results have their value placed in the title of the 
graph, while the fields with different values throughout have their 
value placed in either the x axis or legend, which is set by the user.</P>
<P>Relations::Display can return either the raw query results in the form of 
a Relations <CODE>select_matrix()</CODE> return value, a Relations::Display::Table 
object, or a GD::Graph object. It obtains this data in stages. 
Relations::Display gets its matrix data from the query object, the 
Relations::Display::Table data from the matrix data, and the GD::Graph 
data from the Relations::Display::Table data.</P>
<H2><A NAME="calling relations::display routines">CALLING RELATIONS::DISPLAY ROUTINES</A></H2>
<P>All standard Relations::Display routines use both an ordered, named and
hashed argument calling style. This is because some routines have as many 
as fifteen arguments, and the code is easier to understand given a named 
argument style, but since some people, however, prefer the ordered 
argument style because its smaller, I'm glad to do that too.</P>
<P>If you use the ordered argument calling style, such as</P>
  $display-&gt;add('Book,ISBN','Publisher,Category,Discount',{interlaced =&gt; 0},'ISBN');</PRE>
<P>the order matters, and you should consult the function defintions 
later in this document to determine the order to use.</P>
<P>If you use the named argument calling style, such as</P>
  $display-&gt;add(-x_axis   =&gt; 'Book,ISBN',
                -legend   =&gt; 'Publisher,Category,Discount',
                -settings =&gt; {interlaced =&gt; 0},
                -hide     =&gt; 'ISBN');</PRE>
<P>the order does not matter, but the names, and minus signs preceeding them, do.
You should consult the function defintions later in this document to determine 
the names to use.</P>
<P>In the named arugment style, each argument name is preceded by a dash.  
Neither case nor order matters in the argument list.  -name, -Name, and 
-NAME are all acceptable.  In fact, only the first argument needs to begin with 
a dash.  If a dash is present in the first argument, Relations::Display assumes
dashes for the subsequent ones.</P>
<P>If you use the hashed argument calling style, such as</P>
  $display-&gt;add({x_axis   =&gt; 'Book,ISBN',
                 legend   =&gt; 'Publisher,Category,Discount',
                 settings =&gt; {interlaced =&gt; 0},
                 hide     =&gt; 'ISBN'});</PRE>
  $display-&gt;add({-x_axis   =&gt; 'Book,ISBN',
                 -legend   =&gt; 'Publisher,Category,Discount',
                 -settings =&gt; {interlaced =&gt; 0},
                 -hide     =&gt; 'ISBN'});</PRE>
<P>the order does not matter, but the names, and curly braces do, (minus signs are
optional). You should consult the function defintions later in this document to 
determine the names to use.</P>
<P>In the hashed arugment style, no dashes are needed, but they won't cause problems
if you put them in. Neither case nor order matters in the argument list. 
settings, Settings, SETTINGS are all acceptable. If a hash is the first 
argument, Relations::Display assumes that is the only argument that matters, and 
ignores any other arguments after the {}'s.</P>
<H2><A NAME="query arguments">QUERY ARGUMENTS</A></H2>
<P>Some of the Relations functions recognize an argument named query. This
argument can either be a hash or a Relations::Query object.</P>
<P>The following calls are all equivalent for $object-&gt;function($query).</P>
  $object-&gt;function({select =&gt; 'nothing',
                     from   =&gt; 'void'});</PRE>
  $object-&gt;function(Relations::Query-&gt;new(-select =&gt; 'nothing',
                                          -from   =&gt; 'void'));</PRE>
<H1><A NAME="list of relations::display functions">LIST OF RELATIONS::DISPLAY FUNCTIONS</A></H1>
<P>An example of each function is provided in ''.</P>
<H2><A NAME="new">new</A></H2>
  $display = new Relations::Display($abstract,
  $display = new Relations::Display(-abstract   =&gt; $abstract,
                                    -query      =&gt; $query,
                                    -chart      =&gt; $chart,
                                    -width      =&gt; $width,
                                    -height     =&gt; $height,
                                    -prefix     =&gt; $prefix,
                                    -x_axis     =&gt; $x_axis,
                                    -y_axis     =&gt; $y_axis,
                                    -legend     =&gt; $legend,
                                    -aggregate  =&gt; $aggregate,
                                    -settings   =&gt; $settings,
                                    -hide       =&gt; $hide,
                                    -vertical   =&gt; $vertical,
                                    -horizontal =&gt; $horizontal,
                                    -matrix     =&gt; $matrix,
                                    -table      =&gt; $table);</PRE>
<P>Creates creates a new Relations::Display object.</P>
<P><STRONG>$abstract</STRONG> - 
The Relations::Abstract object to use. This must be sent because 
Relations::Display uses the $abstract object to report errors. 
If this is not sent, the program will die.</P>
<P><STRONG>$query</STRONG> - 
The Relations::Query object to run to get the display data. This 
is unneccesary if you supply a $matrix or $table value.</P>
<P><STRONG>$chart</STRONG>, <STRONG>$width</STRONG> and <STRONG>$height</STRONG> - 
The GD::Graph chart type to use, and the width and height
of the GD::Graph. All three of these must be set. There are no
<P><STRONG>$prefix</STRONG> - 
The prefix to put before the auto generated label.</P>
<P><STRONG>$x_axis</STRONG> and <STRONG>$legend</STRONG> - 
The fields to use for the x axis and legend values. Can be 
either a comma delimmitted string, or an array. The names
sent must exactly match the field names in the query.</P>
<P><STRONG>$y_axis</STRONG> and <STRONG>$aggregate</STRONG>- 
The field to use for the y axis values of the graph and how those
values are to be stored. If you using a GD:Graph module that 
requires aggregate data, like boxplot, then set $aggregate to 1.
Else, forget about it.</P>
<P><STRONG>$settings</STRONG> - 
GD::Graph settings to set on the graph object. Must be a
hash of settings to set keyed by the setting name. Use this 
to set the title, x_label, y_label, and legend_label (table 
only) of the Relations::Display::Table and GD::Graph.</P>
<P><STRONG>$hide</STRONG> - 
The fields to use for the x axis and legend values but to 
hide on the actual display. Can be either a comma delimmitted 
string, an array, or a hash with true values keyed by the 
field names. The names sent must exactly match the field names 
in the query.</P>
<P><STRONG>$vertical</STRONG> and <STRONG>$horizontal</STRONG> - 
The fields to use for drawing vertical and horizontal lines on 
the graph. These fields must also be in the legend settings, 
since the color of the lines drawn on the graph will be the color 
of the legend thay are connected to. If the x axis min and max 
is not set, the vertical lines values indicate on which x axis 
titles to drawn lines on (fractions work I think), ie 0=first x 
axis title, 1-scound, etc. If the x axis min and max is set, the 
vertical lines values indicate the numeric graph value on which 
to drawn lines.</P>
<P><STRONG>$matrix</STRONG> - 
Matrix value to use to create the Relations::Display::Table object value
and or GD::Graph value. Uneccessary if is you supply a table 
<P><STRONG>$table</STRONG> - 
Relations::Display::Table value to use to create the GD::Graph object.</P>
<H2><A NAME="add">add</A></H2>
  $display-&gt;add(-x_axis     =&gt; $x_axis,
                -legend     =&gt; $legend,
                -settings   =&gt; $settings,
                -hide       =&gt; $hide,
                -vertical   =&gt; $vertical,
                -horizontal =&gt; $horizontal);</PRE>
<P>Adds additional settings to a Relations::Display object. It does not 
override of the values already set.</P>
<P><STRONG>$x_axis</STRONG> and <STRONG>$legend</STRONG> - 
The fields to use for the x axis and legend values. Can be 
either a comma delimmitted string, or an array. The names
sent must exactly match the field names in the query.</P>
<P><STRONG>$settings</STRONG> - 
GD::Graph settings to set on the graph object. Must be a
hash of settings to set keyed by the setting name. Use this 
to set the title, x_label, y_label, and legend_label (table 
only) of the Relations::Display::Table and GD::Graph.</P>
<P><STRONG>$hide</STRONG> - 
The fields to use for the x axis and legend values but to 
hide on the actual display. Can be either a comma delimmitted 
string, an array, or a hash with true values keyed by the 
field names. The names sent must exactly match the field names 
in the query.</P>
<P><STRONG>$vertical</STRONG> and <STRONG>$horizontal</STRONG> - 
The fields to use for drawing vertical and horizontal lines on 
the graph. These fields must also be in the legend settings, 
since the color of the lines drawn on the graph will be the color 
of the legend thay are connected to. If the x axis min and max 
is not set, the vertical lines values indicate on which x axis 
titles to drawn lines on (fractions work I think), ie 0=first x 
axis title, 1-scound, etc. If the x axis min and max is set, the 
vertical lines values indicate the numeric graph value on which 
to drawn lines.</P>
<H2><A NAME="set">set</A></H2>
  $display-&gt;set(-abstract   =&gt; $abstract,
                -query      =&gt; $query,
                -chart      =&gt; $chart,
                -width      =&gt; $width,
                -height     =&gt; $height,
                -prefix     =&gt; $prefix,
                -x_axis     =&gt; $x_axis,
                -y_axis     =&gt; $y_axis,
                -legend     =&gt; $legend,
                -aggregate  =&gt; $aggregate,
                -settings   =&gt; $settings,
                -hide       =&gt; $hide,
                -vertical   =&gt; $vertical,
                -horizontal =&gt; $horizontal,
                -matrix     =&gt; $matrix,
                -table      =&gt; $table);</PRE>
<P>Overrides any current setttings of the Relations::Display
object. It does not add to any of the values.</P>
<P><STRONG>$abstract</STRONG> - 
The Relations::Abstract object to use.</P>
<P><STRONG>$query</STRONG> - 
The Relations::Query object to run to get the display data. This 
is unneccesary if you supply a $matrix or $table value.</P>
<P><STRONG>$chart</STRONG>, <STRONG>$width</STRONG> and <STRONG>$height</STRONG> - 
The GD::Graph chart type to use, and the width and height
of the GD::Graph. All three of these must be set. There are no
<P><STRONG>$prefix</STRONG> - 
The prefix to put before the auto generated label.</P>
<P><STRONG>$x_axis</STRONG> and <STRONG>$legend</STRONG> - 
The fields to use for the x axis and legend values. Can be 
either a comma delimmitted string, or an array. The names
sent must exactly match the field names in the query.</P>
<P><STRONG>$y_axis</STRONG> and <STRONG>$aggregate</STRONG>- 
The field to use for the y axis values of the graph and how those
values are to be stored. If you using a GD:Graph module that 
requires aggregate data, like boxplot, then set $aggregate to 1.
Else, forget about it.</P>
<P><STRONG>$settings</STRONG> - 
GD::Graph settings to set on the graph object. Must be a
hash of settings to set keyed by the setting name. Use this 
to set the title, x_label, y_label, and legend_label (table 
only) of the Relations::Display::Table and GD::Graph.</P>
<P><STRONG>$hide</STRONG> - 
The fields to use for the x axis and legend values but to 
hide on the actual display. Can be either a comma delimmitted 
string, an array, or a hash with true values keyed by the 
field names. The names sent must exactly match the field names 
in the query.</P>
<P><STRONG>$vertical</STRONG> and <STRONG>$horizontal</STRONG> - 
The fields to use for drawing vertical and horizontal lines on 
the graph. These fields must also be in the legend settings, 
since the color of the lines drawn on the graph will be the color 
of the legend thay are connected to. If the x axis min and max 
is not set, the vertical lines values indicate on which x axis 
titles to drawn lines on (fractions work I think), ie 0=first x 
axis title, 1-scound, etc. If the x axis min and max is set, the 
vertical lines values indicate the numeric graph value on which 
to drawn lines.</P>
<P><STRONG>$matrix</STRONG> - 
Matrix value to use to create the Relations::Display::Table object value
and or GD::Graph value. Uneccessary if is you supply a table 
<P><STRONG>$table</STRONG> - 
Relations::Display::Table value to use to create the GD::Graph object.</P>
<H2><A NAME="clone">clone</A></H2>
  $clone = $display-&gt;clone();</PRE>
<P>Creates a copy of a Relations::Display object and returns it.</P>
<H2><A NAME="get_matrix">get_matrix</A></H2>
  $matrix = $display-&gt;get_matrix();</PRE>
<P>Returns the matrix value for a Relations::Display object. If the
matrix value is already set in the display object, it returns that. 
If the matrix value is not set, it attempts to run the query 
with the abstract. If successful, it returns a matrix created from the 
query, and set the matrix value for the display object. If that fails, 
it returns nothing and calls the Relations::Abstract object's
<CODE>report_error()</CODE> function. So, if you create the display object with only 
$table set, this function will fail because neither the query nor 
matrix value will be set.</P>
<H2><A NAME="get_table">get_table</A></H2>
  $table = $display-&gt;get_table();</PRE>
<P>Returns the Relations::Display::Table value for a Relations::Display 
object. If the table value is already set in the display object, it 
returns that. If the table value is not set, it calls its own 
get_matrix, and tries to create the table from the returned matrix. 
It'll return the new table object if successful. If that fails, it 
returns nothing and calls the Relations::Abstract object's 
<CODE>report_error()</CODE> function.</P>
<H2><A NAME="get_graph">get_graph</A></H2>
  $graph = $display-&gt;get_graph();</PRE>
<P>Returns the graph value for Relations::Display object. If the
graph value is already set in the display object, it returns that. 
If the graph value is not set, it calls its own get_table, and
tries to create the graph from the returned table. It'll return 
the new graph object if successful. If that fails, it returns nothing 
and calls the Relations::Abstract object's <CODE>report_error()</CODE> function.</P>
<H1><A NAME="list of relations::display properties">LIST OF RELATIONS::DISPLAY PROPERTIES</A></H1>
<P><STRONG>abstract</STRONG> - 
The Relations::Abstract object</P>
<P><STRONG>query</STRONG> - 
The Relations::Query object</P>
<P><STRONG>chart</STRONG> - 
The name of the GD::Graph module</P>
<P><STRONG>width</STRONG> - 
The width of the GD::Graph in pixels</P>
<P><STRONG>height</STRONG> - 
The width of the GD::Graph in pixels</P>
<P><STRONG>prefix</STRONG> - 
The prefix put before the autogenerated title</P>
<P><STRONG>x_axis</STRONG> - 
Array ref of all the x axis fields</P>
<P><STRONG>y_axis</STRONG> - 
The y axis field</P>
<P><STRONG>legend</STRONG> - 
Array ref of all the legend fields</P>
<P><STRONG>aggregate</STRONG> - 
Whether to store the data in aggregate format.</P>
<P><STRONG>settings</STRONG> - 
Hash of settings to send to the GD:Graph object, keyed on 
each property's name.</P>
<P><STRONG>hide</STRONG> - 
Hash ref of all the fields to hide. Keyed by field name, 
with a value of 1.</P>
<P><STRONG>vertical</STRONG> - 
Array ref of all the vertical line fields. Display will
drawn a vertical line on the graph for value of these fields.</P>
<P><STRONG>horizontal</STRONG> - 
Array ref of all the horizontal line fields. Display will
drawn a horizontal line on the graph for value of these fields.</P>
<P><STRONG>matrix</STRONG> - 
The matrix object. This is returned from the Relations::Abstract's
<CODE>select_matrix()</CODE> function. Array ref of rows of data, which are
hash ref keyed by field name.</P>
<P><STRONG>table</STRONG> - 
The table object. See Relations::Display::Table for more info.</P>
<H1><A NAME="list of relations::display::table functions">LIST OF RELATIONS::DISPLAY::TABLE FUNCTIONS</A></H1>
<P>An example of each function is provided in either '' and ''.</P>
<H2><A NAME="new">new</A></H2>
  $table = new Relations::Display::Table($title,
  $table = new Relations::Display::Table(-title         =&gt; $title,
                                         -x_label       =&gt; $x_label,
                                         -y_label       =&gt; $y_label,
                                         -legend_label  =&gt; $legend_label,
                                         -x_axis_values =&gt; $x_axis_values,
                                         -legend_values =&gt; $legend_values,
                                         -x_axis_titles =&gt; $x_axis_titles,
                                         -legend_titles =&gt; $legend_titles,
                                         -y_axis_values =&gt; $y_axis_values);</PRE>
<P>Creates creates a new Relations::Display::Table object.</P>
<P><STRONG>$title</STRONG> - 
The main label for the table. String.</P>
<P><STRONG>$x_label</STRONG>, <STRONG>$y_label</STRONG> and <STRONG>$legend_label</STRONG> - 
The labels to use for x axis, y axis and legend. Strings.</P>
<P><STRONG>$x_axis_values</STRONG> and <STRONG>$legend_values</STRONG> - 
The values for the x axis and legend. Array refs.</P>
<P><STRONG>$x_axis_titles</STRONG> and <STRONG>$legend_titles</STRONG> - 
The titles (what's to be displayed) for the x axis and legend. 
Used if there are fields to be hidden. Hash refs keyed
by values arrays.</P>
<P><STRONG>$y_axis_values</STRONG> - 
The y axis data for the table. 2D hash ref keyed off the x axis and
legend arrays in that order.</P>
<H1><A NAME="list of relations::display::table properties">LIST OF RELATIONS::DISPLAY::TABLE PROPERTIES</A></H1>
<P><STRONG>title</STRONG> - 
The title.</P>
<P><STRONG>x_label</STRONG> - 
The x axis label.</P>
<P><STRONG>y_label</STRONG> - 
The y axis label.</P>
<P><STRONG>legend_label</STRONG> - 
The legend label.</P>
<P><STRONG>x_axis_values</STRONG> - 
Array ref of actual x_axis values to key the 
y_axis_values with.</P>
<P><STRONG>legend_values</STRONG> - 
Array ref of actual legend values to key the 
y_axis_values with.</P>
<P><STRONG>x_axis_titles</STRONG> - 
Hash ref of displayed x_axis values. What's left
after the fields specified by hide are removed.
Keyed by the the x axis values.
<P><STRONG>legend_titles</STRONG> - 
Hash ref of displayed legend values. What's left
after the fields specified by hide are removed.
Keyed by the the legend values.
<P><STRONG>y_axis_values</STRONG> - 
Hash ref of displayed legend values. What's left
Teh data of the table. A hash ref of data keyed 
by the x_axis and legend values in that order. 
<H1><A NAME="change log">CHANGE LOG</A></H1>
<H2><A NAME="relationsdisplay0.91">Relations-Display-0.91</A></H2>
<P><STRONG>Added Argument Cloning</STRONG></P>
<P>Instead of just grabbing sent array refs, hash refs, queries and such,
Relations::Display now makes complete copies of all these objects. 
This was done because Relations::Report was messing up the Display's 
settings when it passed them to Report.</P>
<P><STRONG>Added Object Cloning</STRONG></P>
<P>Both Relations::Display and Relations::Display::Table now have <CODE>clone()</CODE>
functions to create copies of themselves. This will be very useful for
Relations::Report's iterate functionality.</P>
<P><STRONG>Arguments and Properties Renamed</STRONG></P>
<P>Many of the argument and property names were changed to be more 
consistent with GD::Graph. This may be annoying to deal with, but 
better to do it now rather than later.</P>
<H1><A NAME="to do">TO DO</A></H1>
<P><STRONG>Improve Error Checking</STRONG></P>
<P>Add some warnings if fields specified in various arguments are not
present in the matrix data returned from the query.</P>
<P><STRONG>Add To Text Functionality</STRONG></P>
<P>Add a <CODE>to_text()</CODE> function to both Relations::Display and 
Relations::Display::Table. This will make it easier to debug.</P>
<P><STRONG>Pass -w</STRONG></P>
<P>Clean up the code so it pass 'perl -w'. I completely forgot about 
making sure everything did that.</P>
<H1><A NAME="other related work">OTHER RELATED WORK</A></H1>
<H2><A NAME="relations (perl)">Relations (Perl)</A></H2>
<P>Contains functions for dealing with databases. It's mainly used as 
the foundation for the other Relations modules. It may be useful for 
people that deal with databases as well.</P>
<H2><A NAME="relationsquery (perl)">Relations-Query (Perl)</A></H2>
<P>An object oriented form of a SQL select query. Takes hashes.
arrays, or strings for different clauses (select,where,limit)
and creates a string for each clause. Also allows users to add to
existing clauses. Returns a string which can then be sent to a 
<H2><A NAME="relationsabstract (perl)">Relations-Abstract (Perl)</A></H2>
<P>Meant to save development time and code space. It takes the most common 
(in my experience) collection of calls to a MySQL database, and changes 
them to one liner calls to an object.</P>
<H2><A NAME="relationsadmin (php)">Relations-Admin (PHP)</A></H2>
<P>Some generalized objects for creating Web interfaces to relational 
databases. Allows users to insert, select, update, and delete records from 
different tables. It has functionality to use tables as lookup values 
for records in other tables.</P>
<H2><A NAME="relationsfamily (perl)">Relations-Family (Perl)</A></H2>
<P>Query engine for relational databases.  It queries members from 
any table in a relational database using members selected from any 
other tables in the relational database. This is especially useful with 
complex databases: databases with many tables and many connections 
between tables.</P>
<H2><A NAME="relationsdisplay (perl)">Relations-Display (Perl)</A></H2>
<P>Module creating graphs from database queries. It takes in a query through a 
Relations-Query object, along with information pertaining to which field 
values from the query results are to be used in creating the graph title, 
x axis label and titles, legend label (not used on the graph) and titles, 
and y axis data. Returns a graph and/or table built from from the query.</P>
<H2><A NAME="relationsreport (perl)">Relations-Report (Perl)</A></H2>
<P>A Web interface for Relations-Family, Reations-Query, and Relations-Display. 
It creates complex (too complex?) web pages for selecting from the different 
tables in a Relations-Family object. It also has controls for specifying the 
grouping and ordering of data with a Relations-Query object, which is also 
based on selections in the Relations-Family object. That Relations-Query can 
then be passed to a Relations-Display object, and a graph and/or table will 
be displayed.</P>
<H2><A NAME="relationsstructure (xml)">Relations-Structure (XML)</A></H2>
<P>An XML standard for Relations configuration data. With future goals being 
implmentations of Relations in different languages (current targets are 
Perl, PHP and Java), there should be some way of sharing configuration data
so that one can switch application languages seamlessly. That's the goal
of Relations-Structure A standard so that Relations objects can 
export/import their configuration through XML.</P>

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      <TD valign=middle
        bgcolor='#cc0066'> <font face='sans-serif' size='+1'
        color='#ff99cc'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Relations::Display - DBI/DBD::mysql query graphing module</font>
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