Revision history for Git-Wrapper
0.016 2011-09-05 20:24:49 America/New_York
0.015 2011-07-16 10:15:15 America/New_York
Added a fix that allows the 'clone' command to work (John SJ Anderson)
Change 'log' indentation stripping behavior (RT#56427, Mark Grimes)
0.014 2010-11-12
Added empty commit message handling (Robert Bohne)
Fixed failed tests on slow smokers. (Robert Bohne)
Convert to Dist::Zilla (John SJ Anderson)
Add 'is_dirty' helper to Statuses (John SJ Anderson)
0.013 2010-09-06
Added missing dependency for Test::Deep
0.012 2010-09-05
Rewrote // operator into pre-5.10 perl
Debugging mode (Alexandr Ciornii)
0.011 2010-07-14
Doc Patch (Gabrielle Roth)
Git Status Support (Murray)
Remove the Stupid basic.t test (Jonathan Scott Duff)
0.010 2010-06-14
Win32 Support -- Docs and Tests (Christian Walde)
0.009 2010-06-05
stop failing tests on git 1.7 or newer (Aristotle Pagaltzis)
do not rely on default value of log --pretty (Aristotle Pagaltzis)
0.008 2010-03-17
fix the tests for git >= 1.7 (Michael Schout)
0.007 2009-08-26
fix tests even more firmly (perigrin)
0.006 2009-06-01
fix tests more firmly
0.005 2009-05-28
change tests to pass on git 1.6
0.004 2008-06-19
add links to other git-related things
inflate Git::Wrapper::Log objects
0.003 2008-06-05
improve error handling
make documentation clearer
0.002 2008-06-04
properly depend on git binary
0.001 2008-06-04
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.