
use strict;
use warnings;

use lib 't/lib';

use Test::More tests => 23;
use Test::Exception;
use Test::Mouse;

    package My::Attribute::Trait;
    use Mouse::Role;

    has 'alias_to' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str');

    has foo => ( is => "ro", default => "blah" );

    after 'install_accessors' => sub {
        my $self = shift;

    package Mouse::Meta::Attribute::Custom::Trait::Aliased;
    sub register_implementation { 'My::Attribute::Trait' }

    package My::Other::Attribute::Trait;
    use Mouse::Role;

    my $method = sub {

    has the_other_attr => ( isa => "Str", is => "rw", default => "oink" );

    after 'install_accessors' => sub {
        my $self = shift;

    package Mouse::Meta::Attribute::Custom::Trait::Other;
    sub register_implementation { 'My::Other::Attribute::Trait' }

    package My::Class;
    use Mouse;

    has 'bar' => (
        traits   => [qw/Aliased/],
        is       => 'ro',
        isa      => 'Int',
        alias_to => 'baz',

    package My::Derived::Class;
    use Mouse;

    extends 'My::Class';

    has '+bar' => (
        traits   => [qw/Other/],

my $c = My::Class->new(bar => 100);
isa_ok($c, 'My::Class');

is($c->bar, 100, '... got the right value for bar');

can_ok($c, 'baz') and
is($c->baz, 100, '... got the right value for baz');

my $bar_attr = $c->meta->get_attribute('bar');
does_ok($bar_attr, 'My::Attribute::Trait');
is($bar_attr->foo, "blah", "attr initialized");

ok(!$bar_attr->meta->does_role('Aliased'), "does_role ignores aliases for sanity");
local $TODO = 'aliased name is not supported';
ok($bar_attr->does('Aliased'), "attr->does uses aliases");
ok(!$bar_attr->meta->does_role('Fictional'), "does_role returns false for nonexistent roles");
ok(!$bar_attr->does('Fictional'), "attr->does returns false for nonexistent roles");

my $quux = My::Derived::Class->new(bar => 1000);

is($quux->bar, 1000, '... got the right value for bar');

can_ok($quux, 'baz');
is($quux->baz, 1000, '... got the right value for baz');

my $derived_bar_attr = $quux->meta->get_attribute("bar");
does_ok($derived_bar_attr, 'My::Attribute::Trait' );

is( $derived_bar_attr->foo, "blah", "attr initialized" );

does_ok($derived_bar_attr, 'My::Other::Attribute::Trait' );

is($derived_bar_attr->the_other_attr, "oink", "attr initialized" );

ok(!$derived_bar_attr->meta->does_role('Aliased'), "does_role ignores aliases for sanity");
local $TODO = 'aliased name is not supported';
ok($derived_bar_attr->does('Aliased'), "attr->does uses aliases");
ok(!$derived_bar_attr->meta->does_role('Fictional'), "does_role returns false for nonexistent roles");
ok(!$derived_bar_attr->does('Fictional'), "attr->does returns false for nonexistent roles");

can_ok($quux, 'additional_method');
is(eval { $quux->additional_method }, 42, '... got the right value for additional_method');