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# Purpose:
#	This script demonstrates the Cdk widget set and how you can use them.

# Use the Cdk module.
use Cdk;

# Set up the label rows.
my @titleMessage = ("<C></5>This is a CDK demo script<!5>",
			"<C></5>It will demonstrate all of the<!5>",
			"<C></5>widgets available with the<!5>",
			"<C></5/U>Cdk Perl 5 extension.<!5>");

# Create the title.
my $title = new Cdk::Label ('Mesg' => \@titleMessage, 'Box'  => "FALSE");

# Set some global vars
my $CONTINUE	= "Press Any Key To Continue.";
my $HOME	= $ENV{'HOME'};

# Create the menu.
my $currentLoc	= 0;
my @mLoc	= ("Switch to Pull-Up Menu", "Switch to Pull-Down Menu");
my @fMenu	= ("</5>File<!5>",

my @iMenu	= ("</5>Info<!5>",
			"</5>Date            <!5>",
			"</5>Label           <!5>",
			"</5>Viewer          <!5>",
			"</5>Scrolling Window<!5>");

my @eMenu	= ("</5>Entry<!5>",
			"</5>Entry Field              <!5>",
			"</5>Item List                <!5>",
			"</5>Template                 <!5>",
			"</5>Matrix                   <!5>",
			"</5>Multiple Line Entry Field<!5>",
			"</5>Scale                    <!5>");

my @lMenu	= ("</5>Lists<!5>",
			"</5>Dialog        <!5>",
			"</5>Radio List    <!5>",
			"</5>Selection List<!5>",
			"</5>Scrolling List<!5>");

my @mMenu	= ("</5>Misc<!5>",
			"</5>Graph    <!5>",
			"</5>Marquee  <!5>",
			"</5>Menu     <!5>",

my @hMenu	= ("</5>Help<!5>",
			"</5>Help    <!5>",

# Create the pulldown menu menu lists.
my @menulist = (\@fMenu, \@iMenu, \@eMenu, \@lMenu, \@mMenu, \@hMenu);

# Set the location of the menus
my @menuloc = ("LEFT", "LEFT", "LEFT", "LEFT", "LEFT", "RIGHT");

# Create the menu highlight color.
my $highlight = Cdk::makeColorChtype ("A_REVERSE", 16);

# Create the menu
my $menu = new Cdk::Menu ('Menulist' => \@menulist,
				'Menuloc' => \@menuloc,
				'Tattrib' => $highlight,
				'SubTattrib' => $highlight);

# Create the callback for the menu.
$menu->bind ('Key' => '?', 'Function' => sub { main::menuCallback($menu); });

# Create the scrolling window.
my $swindow = new Cdk::Swindow ('Title' => "<C></U>Menu Selection History<!U>",
				'Lines' => 200,
				'Height' => 6,
				'Width' => 60,
				'Ypos' => "BOTTOM");
my $menuItemCount = 0;

# Let the user play.
for (;;)
   # Redraw the screen.

   # Get the selection.
   my ($submenu, $submenuItem) = $menu->activate();
   my $menuSelection = $menulist[$submenu]->[$submenuItem];

   # I'm going to use the name, instead of the numeric value to
   # determine what was picked. But either way is acceptable.
   if ($menuSelection =~ "Label")
      my @mesg	= ("<C>You just selected the Cdk label widget",
			"<C>demo. The labels have many personalities",
			"<C>To discover them all, use the help option",
			"<C>and pick the Label item.", "",
      labelDemo (@mesg);
   elsif ($menuSelection =~ "Date")
      my $date	= qx (date); chomp $date;
      my @mesg	= ("<C>The current time is:", "",
			"</C></R>$date", "",
      labelDemo (@mesg);
   elsif ($menuSelection =~ "Scrolling Window")
      # Put a message inside the scrolling window.
      $swindow->addline ('Info' => "<C></R>This is the scrolling window. It's purpose");
      $swindow->addline ('Info' => "<C>is to act as an information window. It also");
      $swindow->addline ('Info' => "<C>has the ability to display </15>colors<!15>");
      $swindow->addline ('Info' => "<C>and </B>attributes<!B>.");
   elsif ($menuSelection =~ "Viewer" || $menuSelection =~ "Open")
   elsif ($menuSelection =~ "Multiple Line Entry Field")
   elsif ($menuSelection =~ "Entry Field")
   elsif ($menuSelection =~ "Item List")
   elsif ($menuSelection =~ "Template")
   elsif ($menuSelection =~ "Matrix")
   elsif ($menuSelection =~ "$mLoc[$currentLoc]")
      # We are going to switch the menu type.
      if ($currentLoc == 0)
         # Pull-Down to Pull-Up
         $currentLoc = 1;
         @mMenu = ("</5>Misc<!5>",
			"</5>Graph    <!5>",
			"</5>Marquee  <!5>",
			"</5>Menu     <!5>",
         @menulist = (\@fMenu, \@iMenu, \@eMenu, \@lMenu, \@mMenu, \@hMenu);
         undef $menu;
         $menu = new Cdk::Menu ('Menulist' => \@menulist,
				'Menuloc' => \@menuloc,
				'Tattrib' => $highlight,
				'Menupos' => "BOTTOM",
				'SubTattrib' => $highlight);
      elsif ($currentLoc == 1)
         # Pull-Up to Pull-Down
         $currentLoc = 0;
         @mMenu = ("</5>Misc<!5>",
			"</5>Graph    <!5>",
			"</5>Marquee  <!5>",
			"</5>Menu     <!5>",
         @menulist = (\@fMenu, \@iMenu, \@eMenu, \@lMenu, \@mMenu, \@hMenu);
         undef $menu;
         $menu = new Cdk::Menu ('Menulist' => \@menulist,
				'Menuloc' => \@menuloc,
				'Tattrib' => $highlight,
				'Menupos' => "TOP",
				'SubTattrib' => $highlight);
   elsif ($menuSelection =~ "Menu")
      # Pop up a message stating what we got.
      my @mesg	= ("<C>The Cdk Menu widget is what",
			"is driving this application.", "",
      labelDemo (@mesg);
   elsif ($menuSelection =~ "Dialog")
   elsif ($menuSelection =~ "Scrolling List")
   elsif ($menuSelection =~ "Selection List")
   elsif ($menuSelection =~ "Radio List")
   elsif ($menuSelection =~ "Histogram")
   elsif ($menuSelection =~ "Graph")
   elsif ($menuSelection =~ "Scale")
   elsif ($menuSelection =~ "Marquee")
   elsif ($menuSelection =~ "Help")
   elsif ($menuSelection =~ "About...")
      # Pop up a message about this script.
      my @mesg	= ("<C></U/40>Cdk Perl 5 Extension<!U!40>",
			"<C></32>Written by Mike Glover<!32>",
			"<C></16>December 1995<!16>", "",
      my $label	= new Cdk::Label ('Mesg' => \@mesg, 'Shadow' => "TRUE");
   elsif ($menuSelection =~ "Quit")
      # Add a message to the scrolling window.
      $swindow->addline ('Info' => "<C>Goodbye...");
      sleep 2;

      # Exit.
      exit (1);

   # Add the chosen item to the scrolling window.
   my $item = $menulist[$submenu]->[0] . "->" . $menuSelection;
   $swindow->addline ('Info' => "$menuItemCount : $item");

# This demonstrates the Cdk label widget.
sub labelDemo
   my @mesg = @_;

   # Create the label.
   my $label = new Cdk::Label ('Mesg' => \@mesg);

   # Draw the label and wait.

# This demostrates the Cdk viewer widget.
sub viewerDemo
   # Use the file selector widget to get a filename.
   my $fselect	= new Cdk::Fselect ('Height' => 20, 'Width' => 50,
					'Dattrib' => "</16/B>",
					'Lattrib' => "</39>",
					'Fattrib' => "</40>");
   my $fname	= $fselect->activate ();

   # Popup a file viewer.
   my $viewer	= new Cdk::Viewer ('Buttons' => ["OK"],
					'Height' => 20,
					'Width' => 78);

   # Load in the file.
   my @info	= qx (cat $fname); chomp (@info);

   # Set the contents of the viewer.
   $viewer->set ('Title' => "<R></29>Viewing filename:<!29></30>$fname<!30>",
			'Info' => \@info,
			'Interp'  => "TRUE");

   # Activate the viewer.

# This demonstrates the Cdk entry widget.
sub entryDemo
   my $entry	= new Cdk::Entry ('Label' => "Enter a new pause prompt: ",
					'Max' => 125,
					'Width' => 30);
   $CONTINUE	= $entry->activate ();

   # Pop up a message stating what we got.
   my @mesg	= ("<C>The new pause prompt is now set to",
			"<C>what is below this message",
   labelDemo (@mesg);

# This demonstrates the Cdk itemlist widget.
sub itemlistDemo
   # Declare locals.
   my $row;

   # Create the list.
   my @months = ("<C>January", "<C>Feburary", "<C>March", "<C>April",
		"<C>May", "<C>June", "<C></2>July<!2>", "<C>August",
		"<C>September", "<C></32>October<!32>", "<C>November",

   # Get the current date info.
   my $info = qx (date +"%d,%m,%Y"); chomp $info;
   my ($currentDay, $currentMonth, $currentYear) = split (/,/, $info);

   # Create n itemlist to get the month.
   my $monthList = new Cdk::Itemlist ('Label' => '</R>Pick a month',
					'Default' => $currentMonth,
					'List' => \@months);

   # Get the month name.
   my $choice = $monthList->activate() + 1;
   undef $monthList;

   # Create a scale to get the year.
   my $yearScale = new Cdk::Scale ('Label' => '</R>Pick a year',
					'Width' => 5,
					'Low' => "1900",
					'High' => "2200");

   # Set the limits of the years to select from.
   $yearScale->set ('Low' => 1900,
			'High' => '2200',
			'Value' => "$currentYear");

   # Get the year.
   my $year = $yearScale->activate();
   undef $yearScale;

   # Get the day
   my $dayScale = new Cdk::Scale ('Label' => '</R>Pick a day',
					'Width' => 3,
					'Low' => 1,
					'High' => 31);

   # Set the limits of the days to select from.
   $dayScale->set ('Low' => 1,
			'High' => '31',
			'Value' => "$currentDay");

   # Get the day.
   my $day = $dayScale->activate();
   undef $dayScale;

   # Create the calander.
   my @myCal = ();
   foreach $row (`cal $choice $year`)
      # Strip off the trailing white space
      $row =~ s/\s+$/ /;
      # Find todays date and highlight.
      $row =~ s/ $day / <\/R>$day<!R> /;
      push (@myCal, "   $row");

   # Center the title of the cal.
   $myCal[0] =~ s/^\s+/<C><\/U>/;
   $myCal[0] =~ s/\s+$/<!U>/;

   # Colorize the day line.
   $myCal[1] =~ s/^/<\/40>/;
   $myCal[1] =~ s/$/<!40>/;

   # Pop it up on the screen.
   push (@myCal, "<C>$CONTINUE");
   labelDemo (@myCal);

# This demonstrates the Cdk Template widget.
sub templateDemo
   # Create the template widget.
   my $birthday = new Cdk::Template ('Label' => 'Enter in your birthday',
					'Plate' => '##/##/####',
					'Overlay' => '</5>DD<!5>-</15>MM<!15>-</20>YYYY<!20>');

   # Get the birthday.
   my $bday = $birthday->activate();

   # Get the mixed value from the template.
   my $bday2 = $birthday->mix();

   # Display the results.
   my @mesg = ("<C>Birthday without plate mixing: </U>$bday<!U>",
		"<C>Birthday with plate mixing: </U>$bday2<!U>",
   labelDemo (@mesg);

# This demonstrates the Cdk multiple line entry widget.
sub mentryDemo
   # Create the mentry widget.
   my $mentry	= new Cdk::Mentry ('Label' => "Enter Anything:",
					'Fwidth' => 20,
					'Lrows' => 10,
					'Prows' => 5);

   # Activate the mentry widget.
   my $info	= $mentry->activate ();

   # Display the results.
   my @mesg	= ("<C>You just typed:",
			"<C>$info", "",
   labelDemo (@mesg);

# This demonstrates the Cdk matrix widget.
sub matrixDemo
   my @coltitles	= ("Item Name", "Base Price", "% Markup");
   my @rowtitles	= ("Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3");
   my @colwidths	= (10, 6, 6);
   my @coltypes		= ("VIEWONLY", "VIEWONLY", "INT");
   my @matrixValues	= ( ["Flabberit", "10.99", ""],
				["Whatzit", "102.99", ""],
				["Albatros", "99.99", ""]);
   my (@newlist, $x);

   # Create the matrix widget.
   my $matrix = new Cdk::Matrix ('Rowtitles' => \@rowtitles,
					'Coltitles' => \@coltitles,
					'Colwidths' => \@colwidths,
					'Coltypes' => \@coltypes,
					'Boxmatrix' => "TRUE",
					'Boxcell' => "TRUE",
					'Shadow' => "TRUE",
					'Vrows' => 3, 
					'Vcols' => $#coltitles+1);

   # Set the values of the matrix.
   $matrix->set ( 'Values' => \@matrixValues );

   # Activate the matrix.
   my ($rows, $cols, $info)	= $matrix->activate ();

   # Take the information from the matrix and redisplay it.
   push (@newlist, "</U>Name       Base    Percent Price");
   for ($x=0; $x < $rows; $x++)
      if ($info->[$x][2] ne "")
         my $name	= $info->[$x][0];
         my $base	= $info->[$x][1];
         my $perc	= $info->[$x][2];
         my $price	= $base + ($base * $perc) / 100;
         push (@newlist, sprintf ("%-10s %4.2f %4.2f %4.2f", $name, $base, $perc, $price));

   # Create the file viewer.
   my $viewer = new Cdk::Viewer ('Buttons' => ["OK"],
					'Height' => 8,
					'Width' => 60);

   # Set the contents of the viewer.
   $viewer->set ('Title' => "Adjusted Price List",
			'Info' => \@newlist);

   # Activate the viewer.

# This demonstrates the Cdk Dialog widget.
sub dialogDemo
   my @mesg	= ("<C></U>Cheesy Unix Command Interface<!U>",
			"<C>Select a command from the buttons.");

   # Create the buutons for the dialog box.
   my @buttons	= ("date", "pwd", "whoami", "ls -l");

   # Create the dialog widget.
   my $dialog	= new Cdk::Dialog ('Mesg' => \@mesg, 'Buttons' => \@buttons);

   # Activate the dialog box.
   my $pick	= $dialog->activate ();
   # Check what we want to run.
   if ($buttons[$pick] =~ "ls -l")
      # Get the directory listing.
      my @info	= qx (ls -l ${HOME}); chomp (@info);

      # Create the file viewer.
      my $viewer = new Cdk::Viewer ('Buttons' => ["OK"],
					'Height' => 15,
					'Width' => 60);

      # Set the contents of the viewer.
      $viewer->set ('Title' => "<C>Listing $HOME", 'Info' => \@info);
      # We want to tun anything but ls -l
      my $result = qx ($buttons[$pick]); chomp $result;

      # Display the result.
      my @mesg	= ("<C>The command </R>$buttons[$pick]<!R> produced the following:",
      labelDemo ( @mesg );

# This demonstrates the Cdk Scrolling widget.
sub scrollDemo
   my ($x, @items);

   # Create an itemlist widget to determine if the user wants numbers or not.
   my $boolean = new Cdk::Itemlist ('Label' => 'Do You Want Numbers?:',
					'Default' => 0,
					'List' => ["No", "Yes"]);

   # Create a scale widget for the number of elements.
   my $size	= new Cdk::Scale ('Label' => 'How Many Items?',
					'Width' => 3,
					'Low' => 10,
					'High' => 100);

   # Create an entry field for the title of the scrolling list.
   my $entry	= new Cdk::Entry ('Label' => 'Title: ',
					'Max' => 100,
					'Min' => 2,
					'Width' => 20); 

   # Get whether they want numbers or not.
   my $nums	= $boolean->activate ();

   # Get the number of elements.
   my $count	= $size->activate ();

   # Get the title of the scrolling list.
   my $title	= $entry->activate ();

   # Create the item list
   for ($x=1; $x <= $count ; $x++)
      push (@items, "This is item #</U>$x");
   # Create the scrolling list.
   my $scrollDemo = new Cdk::Scroll ('Title' => "$title",
					'List' => \@items,
					'Numbers' => $nums,
					'Height' => 14,
					'Width' => 20);

   # Activate the scrolling list.
   my $selection = $scrollDemo->activate ();

   # Spit out the results.
   my @mesg = ("<C>You selected",
   labelDemo (@mesg);

# This demonstrates the Cdk Selection widget.
sub selectionDemo
   my ($x, @result);

   # Create the list of commands to choose from.
   my @commands	= qw(date whoami pwd hostname uname);

   # Create the selection scrolling list.
   my $select	= new Cdk::Selection ('Title' => "<C></B>Select Commands<!B>",
					'List' => \@commands,
					'Choices' => ["</24>Yep<!24>", "</16>Nope<!16>"],
					'Height' => 8,
					'Width' => 20);

   # Activate the selection widget.
   my @info	= $select->activate ();

   # Create the result message.
   @result	= ("<L>Here are the results from the commands you selected:");
   for ($x=0; $x <= $#info; $x++)
      if ($info[$x] eq 0)
         my $tmp = qx ($commands[$x]); chomp $tmp;
         my $fmt = sprintf ("</40>%10s<!40></16>...<!16></48>%-30s<!48>", $commands[$x], $tmp);
         push (@result, $fmt);
   push (@result, "<C>$CONTINUE");

   # Spit the results out.
   labelDemo (@result);

# This demonstrates the Cdk Radio widget.
sub radioDemo
   # Create the radio list
   my @colors	= ("</B/8>White",

   # Create the radio widget.
   my $radio	= new Cdk::Radio ('Title' => "Pick A Color",
					'List' => \@colors,
					'Highlight' => "A_REVERSE",
					'Height' => 7,
					'Width' => 10);

   # Activate the radio list.
   my $color	= $radio->activate ();

   # Display the results.
   my @mesg = ("<C>You Selected",
		"<C> $colors[$color]",
   labelDemo (@mesg);

# This demonstrates the Cdk Histogram widget.
sub histogramDemo
   my ($x);

   # Create the histogram label.
   my $histLabel = "Time In Seconds This Demo Has Run  :";

   # Create the histogram widget.
   my $hist	= new Cdk::Histogram ('Label' => $histLabel,
					'Orient' => "HORIZONTAL",
					'Height' => 5,
					'Width' => 20);

   # Take the current time - the start time of this script.
   my $diff	= time - $;

   # Redraw the histogram every second.
   for ($x=0; $x < 5; $x++)
      # Set the values of the histogram.
      $hist->set ('Low' => 1,
			'High' => $diff + 25,
			'Value' => $diff+$x,
			'Statstype' => "REAL",
			'Statspos' => "CENTER");

      # Redraw the histogram.

      # Sleep for a sec.
      sleep (1);

# This demonstrates the Cdk Marquee widget.
sub marqueeDemo
   # Create an entry widget to get the user's message.
   my $entry	= new Cdk::Entry ('Label' => 'Enter a Message: ',
					'Max' => 100,
					'Min' => 2,
					'Width' => 20); 
   # Activate the widget to get the message.
   my $message	= $entry->activate ();

   # Create the widget to get the number times to repeat the message.
   my $rvalue	= new Cdk::Scale ('Label' => 'Repeat Value:',
					'Width' => 4,
					'Low' => 1,
					'High' => 20);

   # Get the repeat value from the user.
   my $repeat	= $rvalue->activate();

   # Create the widget to get the delay.
   my $dvalue	= new Cdk::Scale ('Label' => 'Delay Value:',
					'Width' => 4,
					'Low' => 1,
					'High' => 20);

   # Get the delay value.
   my $delay	= $dvalue->activate() * 10;

   # Create the widget to get the width of the marquee widget.
   my $mWidth	= new Cdk::Scale ('Label' => 'Marquee Width:',
					'Width' => 4,
					'Low' => length($message),
					'High' => 50);

   # Get the width of the marquee widget.
   my $width	= $mWidth->activate();

   # Create the marquee widget.
   my $marquee	= new Cdk::Marquee ('Width' => $width);

   # Activate the marquee widget.
   $marquee->activate ('Mesg' => $message,
			'Delay' => $delay,
			'Repeat' => $repeat);

# This demonstrates the Cdk Graph widget.
sub graphDemo
   # Create the graph.
   my $graph	= new Cdk::Graph ('Title' => "<C>Camel Count",
					'Xtitle' => "<C>Quantity",
					'Ytitle' => "<C>Months",
					'Height' => 17,
					'Width' => 20);

   # Set the graph values.
   my @numberList = qw (10 12 14 16 17 22 31);
   my $graphChars = "ooooooo";
   $graph->set ('Values' => \@numberList,
			'Plottype' => "PLOT",
			'Graphchars' => $graphChars);

   # Draw the graph.

   # Prompt the user.
   my @mesg	= ("When done looking at your Camels", "<C>$CONTINUE");
   my $label	= new Cdk::Label ('Mesg' => \@mesg, 'Xpos' => "BOTTOM");

# This demonstrates the Cdk Scale widget.
sub scaleDemo
   # Create the scale widget.
   my $scale	= new Cdk::Scale ('Label' => 'Pick a number:',
					'Width' => 4,
					'Low' => 10,
					'High' => 100);

   # Activate the widget.
   my $num	= $scale->activate();

   # Display the results.
   my @mesg	= ("<C>You chose $num.", "<C>$CONTINUE");
   labelDemo (@mesg);

# This is the help menu option under help.
sub help
   my $firstlist	= 0;
   my $secondlist	= 0;
   my ($helpfile, $topic, $helpviewer);
   my $helpdir		= $ENV{'CDKHELPDIR'}	|| "./help";

   my @helpfiles1 = ("",

   my @helpfiles2 = ("",

   my @conceptList = ("</40>General Information About Cdk<!40>",
			"</40>Cdk Concepts                 <!40>",
			"</40>Using Cdk's Callback feature <!40>",
			"</40>Cdk Display Types            <!40>",
			"</40>Special Display Attributes   <!40>",
			"</40>Special Character Formats    <!40>",
			"</40>Predefined Colors            <!40>",
			"</40>Debugging Cdk Code           <!40>",
			"</40>The Future of Cdk            <!40>",
			"</40>Known Bugs                   <!40>",
			"</40>Cdk Widget Help List         <!40>",
			"</40>Exit Help                    <!40>");

   my @widgetList = ("</29>Dialog Widget               <!29>",
			"</29>Entry Field Widget          <!29>",
			"</29>File Selector Widget        <!29>",
			"</29>Graph Widget                <!29>",
			"</29>Histogram Widget            <!29>",
			"</29>Item List Widget            <!29>",
			"</29>Label Widget                <!29>",
			"</29>Marquee Widget              <!29>",
			"</29>Matrix Widget               <!29>",
			"</29>Menu Widget                 <!29>",
			"</29>Multiple Line Entry Widget  <!29>",
			"</29>Radio List Widget           <!29>",
			"</29>Scale Widget                <!29>",
			"</29>Scrolling List Widget       <!29>",
			"</29>Scrolling Window Widget     <!29>",
			"</29>Selection List Widget       <!29>",
			"</29>Template Widget             <!29>",
			"</29>Viewer Widget               <!29>",
			"</40>Back To Top Menu            <!40>");

   # Keep doing this until we are told to leave.
   for (;;)
      # Redraw the screen.

      # Set some vars
      $firstlist	= 0;
      $secondlist	= 0;

      # Create the scrolling list ...
      my $helplist	= new Cdk::Scroll ('Title' => "<C></U/B/29>Pick A Topic",
						'List' => \@conceptList,
						'Numbers' => "TRUE",
						'Height' => 15,
						'Width' => 40);
      my $firstlist	= $helplist->activate();
      # Exit if we have to .
      return if ($firstlist == $#conceptList);

      # Did we ask for the widget help list?
      if ($firstlist == $#conceptList - 1)
         # We need to pop up the widget help list.
         undef $helplist;
         my $widgethelp = new Cdk::Scroll ('Title' => "<C></U/26>Pick A Widget",
						'List' => \@widgetList,
						'Numbers' => "TRUE",
						'Height' => 13,
						'Width' => 40);
         my $secondlist	= $widgethelp->activate();

         # Create the help filename.
         $helpfile = "${helpdir}/$helpfiles2[$secondlist]";
         $topic	= "$widgetList[$secondlist]";
         undef $widgethelp;
         # Create the help filename
         $helpfile = "${helpdir}/$helpfiles1[$firstlist]";
         $topic	= "$conceptList[$firstlist]";
      # Make sure the user didn't ask for exit.
      if ($secondlist != $#widgetList)
         # Check if the file exists.
         if (! -f $helpfile)
            my @error = (
		"<C></16>Can not seem to find the help file on the topic </U>$topic<!U><!16>",
		"<C></16>Try setting the CDKHELPDIR environment variable<!16>",
		"<C></16>or check if the help file '$helpfile' exists<!16>", "",
            labelDemo (@error);
            # Display the file.
            my @info = ();
            undef $helpviewer;
            my $helpviewer = new Cdk::Viewer ('Buttons' => ["OK"],
						'Height' => 20,
						'Width' => 78);
            chop (@info = `cat $helpfile`);
            $helpviewer->set ('Title' => "<C></18>Help: </U>$topic<!18U>",
				'Info' => \@info);

# This is the callback function for the menu.
sub menuCallback
   my $menu = shift;

   # Call the help function.

   # Refresh the screen.