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use strict;
use warnings;
use MySQL::QueryMulti;
use DBI;
use Getopt::Long;
use Time::HiRes 'time';
use Text::ASCIITable;
use Term::ReadLine;

###### CONSTANTS ######

use constant RCFILE => '.mysqlmultirc';

###### GLOBAL VARIABLES ######

use vars qw($Qm $RcFile @DbConnStrings @DbConnArrays $OUT %Attrib);

###### MAIN ######

$|      = 1;
$RcFile = "$ENV{HOME}/" . RCFILE;

if ( !parse_cmd_line() and !parse_rc_file() ) {
    if ( -e $RcFile ) {
    else {
        exit 0;


###### END MAIN #######

sub loop {

    $Qm = MySQL::QueryMulti->new( raise_error => 0 );
    $Qm->connect( @DbConnArrays, \%Attrib ) or die $Qm->errstr;

    my $term = Term::ReadLine->new('mysqlqm');
    $OUT = $term->OUT || \*STDOUT;

    my $quit = 0;

    while ( !$quit ) {
        my @sql;

        my $sql = $term->readline('mysqlqm> ');

        while (1) {
            if ( $sql =~ /\;\s*$/ ) {

                $sql =~ s/\;\s*$//;
                push( @sql, $sql );
            elsif ( $sql =~ /\s*quit\s*$/ ) {
                exit 0;

            push( @sql, $sql );
            $sql = $term->readline("      -> ");


        if ( !$Qm->prepare("@sql") ) {
        else {

        print "\n";

sub do_execute {
    my $start   = time;
    my $ret     = $Qm->execute;
    my $elapsed = time - $start;

    if ( !defined($ret) ) {
    else {

        if ( ref($ret) eq 'DBI::st' ) {
            my $sth = $ret;

            my $t = Text::ASCIITable->new;
            $t->setOptions( 'undef_as', 'NULL' );
            $t->setCols( @{ $sth->{NAME} } );

            my $cnt = 0;
            while ( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array ) {

            print $t;

            # 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
            my $str = 'rows';
            if ( $cnt == 1 ) {
                $str = 'row';

            printf( "$cnt $str in set (%.2f sec)\n", $elapsed );
        else {
            my $affected = $ret;

            # Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
            my $str = 'rows';
            if ( $affected == 1 ) {
                $str = 'row';

            printf( "Query OK, $affected $str affected (%.2f sec)\n",
                $elapsed );

sub print_sql_error {
    my $msg = shift;

    printf $OUT ( "ERROR: %s (%s): %s\n", $Qm->err, $Qm->state, $Qm->errstr );

sub parse_db_conn_strings {
    foreach my $str (@DbConnStrings) {
        if ( is_attrib($str) ) {
        else {

            my @commas = $str =~ /,/g;

            if ( @commas != 4 ) {
                die "incorrect comma count";

            my @args = split( /,/, $str );

            my ( $user, $pass ) = get_user_pass(@args);
            my $dsn = get_dsn(@args);

            push( @DbConnArrays, [ get_dsn(@args), get_user_pass(@args) ] );

sub get_dsn {
    my $host = shift;
    my $db   = shift;
    my $port = shift;

    my $dsn = 'DBI:mysql:';
    $dsn .= "host=$host;"   if !is_blank($host);
    $dsn .= "database=$db;" if !is_blank($db);
    $dsn .= "port=$port;"   if !is_blank($port);

    return $dsn;

sub get_user_pass {
    my @args = @_;

    my $user;
    if ( !is_blank( $args[3] ) ) {
        $user = $args[3];

    my $pass;
    if ( !is_blank( $args[4] ) ) {
        $pass = $args[4];

    return ( $user, $pass );

sub parse_rc_file {
    if ( !-e $RcFile ) {
        return 0;

    open( my $fh, $RcFile ) or die "failed to open $RcFile";

    while ( my $line = <$fh> ) {
        if ( !is_comment($line) and !is_blank($line) ) {

            chomp $line;
            push( @DbConnStrings, $line );


    die "no connection information found in $RcFile"
        if !scalar(@DbConnStrings);

    return 1;

sub is_attrib {
    my $line = shift;
    if ($line =~ /\w+\s*=\d+/) {
        return 1;    
    return 0;

sub parse_attribs {
    my $line = shift;

    foreach my $kv ( split( /,/, $line ) ) {
        my ( $key, $value ) = split( /=/, $kv );
        $key   = remove_ws($key);
        $value = remove_ws($value);

        $Attrib{$key} = $value;

sub remove_ws {
    my $val = shift;

    $val =~ s/^\s+//;
    $val =~ s/\s+$//;

    return $val;

sub is_blank {
    my $val = shift;

    if ( !defined($val) ) {
        return 1;

    if ( $val =~ /^\s*$/ ) { return 1 }

    return 0;

sub is_comment {
    my $val  = shift;
    my $char = shift;    # optional comment character

    $char = '#' if !$char;
    my $regex = '^\\s*\\' . $char;

    if ( $val =~ /$regex/ ) { return 1 }

    return 0;

sub create_sample_rc_file {
    open( my $fh, ">$RcFile" ) or die "failed to open $RcFile: $!";

    print $fh <<'END';
# example mysqlmultirc file
# restrictions:
# -------------
# - each line must contain 1 and only 1 db conn info
# - there is no limit on the number db conns you can have
#   (other than memory)
# - 4 commas are required
# - if an arg is not needed, just leave it empty or whitespace
# - lines that start with # are ignored
# - DBI attributes can be set with lines that have key=value in them
# format:
# ----------------
# host,dbname,port,user,pass
# examples:
# ---------
# localhost,pet1,,,,
# serverx,pet2,,george,
# servery,pet3,3307,neil,secret
# serverz,pet4,    ,gary,
# optional attributes:
# --------------------------------
# CompatMode=1, AutoInactiveDestroy=1



    print "$RcFile created\n";

sub parse_cmd_line {
    my ( $help, $rcfile );

    my $rc = GetOptions(
        "rc=s"   => \$rcfile,
        "help|?" => \$help
    if ( !$rc ) {
        print_usage("cmd line parse error");

    print_usage("usage:") if $help;

    if (@ARGV) {
        @DbConnStrings = @ARGV;
        return 1;
    elsif ($rcfile) {
        $RcFile = $rcfile;
        return 0;

    return 0;

sub print_usage {
    print STDERR "@_\n";

    print <<"USAGE";
\t[ '[host],[dbname],[port],[username],[password]' ] 
\t[ '[host],[dbname],[port],[username],[password]' ]
\t... repeat as necessary ...
\t[ 'CompatMode = 1' ]
\t[ 'AutoInactiveDestroy = 1' ]
\t... repeat as necessary ...
\t[-rc <rcfile>]  (default $RcFile)
\t[-?] (this message)

\t* quotes around db connection and attribute strings are strongly encouraged 
\t* if no db connection strings are provided, the rcfile will be checked
\t* if no db connection strings are provided and no rcfile can be found,
\t  a sample one will be created
\t* 4 commas are required per db connection string
\t* elements within the db connection string can be empty or whitespace
\t* db connection strings passed on the command line will disable the 
\t  rcfile 


    exit 1;