package App::SourcePlot;

=head1 NAME

App::SourcePlot - implements Souce Plot application


  use App::SourcePlot;


This module contains the implementation of the Source Plot application,
which can be launched using the L<sourceplot> command.

Source Plot is a simple astronomical source plotter designed to
display a plot of astronomical sources on adjustable axes.


use strict;
#use warnings;

our $VERSION = '1.18';

use Tk;
use Tk::Balloon;
use Tk::FileSelect;
use App::SourcePlot::Plotter::Tk;
use DateTime;
use DateTime::Format::Strptime;
use App::SourcePlot::Defaults;
use App::SourcePlot::Source;
use File::ShareDir qw/dist_file/;
use Tk::AstroCatalog;
use Astro::PAL;
use Astro::Telescope;
use Math::Trig;
use Astro::Coords::Planet 0.05;

#global variables that will be used....

my $locateBug = 0;

my $MW;
my $TODAY;
my $TIME;
my @SOURCE_LIST = ();
my @planets = map {ucfirst($_)} Astro::Coords::Planet::planets();


my $undoBut;
my $cBut;
my $TimeLap = 30000;    # time between white dot updates
my $dotSizeX = 4;
my $dotSizeY = 4;

my @axes = ('Time', 'Elevation', 'Air Mass', 'Azimuth', 'Parallactic Angle');
my %defaults = (
                TEL => 'JCMT',
                XAXIS => 'Time',
                YAXIS => 'Elevation',
                TIME => '1:30:00'

my $plotter;
my $TEL;
my $X_AXIS;
my $Y_AXIS;
my $DATE;
my $telObject;
my ($minX,$minY);
my ($maxX,$maxY);

my $NUM_POINTS = 97;
my $BUSY = 0;

my $TIMER;
my @COLOR_LIST = qw/#ffaaaa #00ff00 #ff55ff #ffff00 #00ffff #ff00ff #ffffff #ff5555 #55ff55 #55ffff #ffff55/;
my $COLOR_INDEX = 0;

my $EditWin = {};
my $CatWin = {};

#setup dimensions
my $xplot = 590;
my $xborder = 50;
my $yplot = 550;
my $yborder = 30;

my $H_LIGHT = undef;
my $H_WIDTH = 3;

my $optBut;
my $dateBut;
my $eBut;
my $defaults;
my $balloon;

=head1 METHODS

=over 4

=item B<run_sourceplot_gui>

Initializes the Source Plot GUI application and enters the Tk main loop.


sub run_sourceplot_gui {
  # setting up default values for Source Plot Options
  $defaults = new App::SourcePlot::Defaults();
  $TEL = $defaults->values('TEL');
  $X_AXIS = $defaults->values('XAXIS');
  $Y_AXIS = $defaults->values('YAXIS');
  $TIME = $defaults->values('TIME');
  $telObject = new Astro::Telescope($TEL);

  ##### global windows

  $MW = new MainWindow();
  $MW->title('Source Plot');
  $MW->resizable(0, 0);
  $MW->iconname('Source Plot');

  $EditWin->{'Changeable'} = 1;
  $CatWin->{'Changeable'} = 0;

  #create the balloon used for help
  $balloon = $MW->Balloon();

  # set the date to the current date
  my ($ss, $mm, $hh, $md, $mo, $yr, $wd, $yd, $isdst) = gmtime(time);
  $mo++;   # this catches the month up to the current date
  $mo = '0'.$mo if length($mo) < 2;
  $md = '0'.$md if length($md) < 2;
  $yr += 1900;
  $DATE = "$yr\/$mo\/$md\/";
  $TIME = "1:30:00";

  my $canFrame = $MW->Frame(
                     -takefocus => 1,
                     -width => $xplot,

  # Create a canvas and calculate the world to pixel ratio
  $plotter = new App::SourcePlot::Plotter::Tk($xplot, $yplot, 1, 1, $canFrame);
  $plotter->worldCenter($xborder, $yplot-$yborder);

  # Set up the X Y coordinate feedback
  #my ($XPOS, $YPOS);
  #$plotter->monitorXY( \$XPOS, \$YPOS );

  my $buttonFrame = $MW->Frame(
                     -takefocus => 1,
                     -width =>$xplot

  my $exitBut = $buttonFrame->Button(
     -text         => 'Exit',
     -width        => 8,
     -command      => sub{destroy $MW;}
                   -balloonmsg => "Press to Exit program");

  my $printBut = $buttonFrame->Button(
     -text         => 'Print',
     -width        => 8,
     -command      => sub{
       my $choice = 'printer';

       my $Top = $MW->Toplevel();
       $Top->title('Source Plot Printer Options');
       my $radf = $Top->Frame()->pack(-padx=>10, -pady=>10, -side=>'top');
       my $tf = $Top->Frame(-relief=>'groove', -borderwidth =>2)->pack(-padx=>10, -side=>'top');

       # create the radio button for the file option
       my $radbut = $radf->Radiobutton( -text => "To File",
          -value => 'file',
          -variable => \$choice );
       $radbut->grid(-column=>0, -row=>0, -padx => 10);

       # create the print radio button
       my $radbut2 = $radf->Radiobutton( -text => "To Printer",
          -value => 'printer',
          -variable => \$choice );
       $radbut2->grid(-column=>1, -row=>0, -padx => 10);

       # create the file entry
       $tf->Label (
           -text => "Filename",
           -justify => 'right'
         )->grid(-sticky => 'e', -column=>2, -row=>0);
       my $fileEnt = $tf->Entry(-relief=>'sunken',
         -width=>20)->grid(-column=>3, -row=>0, -padx =>10, -pady=>5);

       # create the printer options box
       $tf->Label (
           -text => "Printer Command",
           -justify => 'right'
         )->grid(-column=>2, -row=>1, -sticky=>'e');
       my $printerEnt = 'lp';
         -width=>20)->grid(-column=>3, -row=>1, -padx =>10, -pady=>5);

       # create the print button
       my $bf = $Top->Frame()->pack(-side=>'bottom', -pady=>10, -padx=>10);
         -text         => 'Print',
         -width        => 8,
         -command      => sub {
           tagOnOff('white', 1, 'dark green');
           tagOnOff('black', 1, 'white');
           foreach my $source (@SOURCE_LIST) {
             tagOnOff($source->name(), 1, 'dark green');
           if ($choice eq 'printer') {
             $plotter->printCanvas($choice, $printerEnt, $MW);
           } else {
             $plotter->printCanvas($choice, $fileEnt->get, $MW);
           tagOnOff('white', 1, 'white');
           tagOnOff('black', 1, 'black');
           foreach my $source (@SOURCE_LIST) {
             tagOnOff($source->name(), 1, $source->color());
           destroy $Top;
       )->pack(-side=>'right', -padx => 10);

       my $optBut = $bf->Button(
         -text         => 'Cancel',
         -width        => 8,
         -command      => sub {destroy $Top;}
       )->pack(-side=>'right', -padx =>10);

                   -balloonmsg => "Press to print the graph");

  $optBut = $buttonFrame->Button(
     -text         => 'Options',
     -width        => 8,
     -command      => \&changeOpt
                   -balloonmsg => "Press to change the x and y axes");

  $dateBut = $buttonFrame->Button(
     -text         => 'UT Date',
     -width        => 8,
     -command      => \&changeDate
                   -balloonmsg => "Press to change the UT date");

  print "made it to just before the menu button, planet\n" if $locateBug;

  $eBut = $buttonFrame->Button(
     -text         => 'Edit',
     -width        => 8,
     -command      => sub {
       if (!$EDIT_OPEN) {
         $EDIT_OPEN = 1;
         &editSource ();
                   -balloonmsg => "Press to open the Edit Window");

  $cBut = $buttonFrame->Button(
     -text         => 'Catalog',
     -width        => 8,
     -command      => sub {
       if (!$CATALOG_OPEN) {
                   -balloonmsg => "Press to open the Catalog Window");

  $canFrame->grid(qw/-sticky nsew/);
  $buttonFrame->grid(qw/-sticky nsew/);

  print "made it to just before the windows come up\n" if $locateBug;


  &editSource ();
  $EDIT_OPEN = 1;


  print "made it to just before the main loop\n" if $locateBug;


=item B<open_catalog>

Creates an Astro::Catalog object by reading the JCMT catalog which is
distributed with this module.  This catalog is then passed to the
constructor of Tk::AstroCatalog to open a catalog window.

Also sets the C<$CATALOG_OPEN> variable and disables the catalog button.


sub open_catalog {
  my $astrocat = new Astro::Catalog(Format => 'JCMT',
                       File => dist_file('App-SourcePlot', ''),
                       ReadOpt => {incplanets => 0});
  my $catalog = new Tk::AstroCatalog($MW, -addCmd => \&addCommand,
                   -onDestroy => \&reset, -upDate => \&update_status,
                   -catalog => $astrocat);
  $cBut->configure(-state=> 'disabled');

=item B<reset>

Resets status relating to the catalog window.

Clears the C<$CATALOG_OPEN> variable and enables the catalog button.


sub reset
        $CATALOG_OPEN = 0;

=item B<addCommand>

This is the subroutine which is provided to C<Tk::AstroCatalog> to be called
when a source should be added to the display.

It recieves an C<Astro::Coords> object and uses it to construct an enclosing
C<App::SourcePlot::Source> object.


sub addCommand
        my $selected = shift;
        if(@{$selected} != ())
                my $source;
                $LAST_COMMAND = 'Add';
                @UNDO_LIST = ();
                $undoBut->configure(-state => 'normal') if $EDIT_OPEN;
                foreach my $coords (@$selected)
                        $source = new App::SourcePlot::Source($coords);

                        if(!isWithin($source, @SOURCE_LIST))
                                my $s = $source->copy();
                                push (@SOURCE_LIST, $s);
                                push (@UNDO_LIST, $source->copy());
                if ($EDIT_OPEN) {
                        fillWithSourceList ($EditWin, 'full');

=item B<waitForResponse>

Waits until the C<$RESPONSE> variable has been changed.


sub waitForResponse {
  while ($RESPONSE == 'NOTHING') {
  return 0 if $RESPONSE == -1;
  return $RESPONSE;

=item B<isWithin>

Checks whether a source is already part of a list. The source is compared
to sources from the list by invoking the C<summary> method on their
C<Astro::Coords> objects.

    next if isWithin($source, @list);


sub isWithin {
  my $element = shift;
  my @array = @_;
  my $len = @array;
  foreach (@array) {
    if ($element->coords()->summary() eq $_->coords()->summary()) {
      return 1;
  return 0;

=item B<remove>

Removes entries from the list which match the given source.  The comparison
is performed in the same way as C<isWithin>.

    remove($source, \@list)


sub remove {
  my $element = shift;
  my $array = shift;
  my $len = @$array;
  my @temp;
  my $flag = 0;

  for (my $index = 0; $index < $len; $index++) {
    if ($element->coords()->summary() eq $$array[$index]->coords()->summary()) {
      $flag = -1;
    } else {
      $temp[$index+$flag] = $$array[$index];
  @$array = @temp;

=item B<update_status>

Invokes the update method of the main window.


sub update_status {

=item B<changeDate>

Changes the date to a new date.


sub changeDate {

  $dateBut->configure(-state => 'disabled');

  my @months = qw/January February March April May June July August
                  September October November December/;
  my $name;

  my $Top = $MW->Toplevel;
  $Top->title('Source Plot UT Date');
  my $topFrame = $Top->Frame(-relief=>'groove', -borderwidth =>2)->pack(-padx=>10, -pady=>10);

  # create the day entry
  $topFrame->Label (
                    -text => "Day:"
                   )->grid(-column=>0, -row=>0);
  my $dayEnt = $topFrame->Entry(-relief=>'sunken',
                                -width=>10)->grid(-column=>1, -row=>0, -padx =>10, -pady=>5);

  # create the month menu button
  $topFrame->Label (
                    -text => "Month:"
                   )->grid(-column=>0, -row=>1, -padx =>5, -pady=>5);

  my $strp = new DateTime::Format::Strptime(pattern => '%Y/%m/%d',
                                  time_zone => 'UTC', on_error => 'croak');
  my $dt = $strp->parse_datetime($DATE);
  my $monthEnt = $months[$dt->month() - 1];

  my $mb = $topFrame->Menubutton( -text=>$monthEnt, -relief => 'raised', -width => 10);
  foreach $name (@months) {
    $mb->command(-label =>$name, -command=> sub{
                   $mb->configure( -text => $name );
                   $monthEnt = $name;
  $mb->grid(-column=>1, -row=>1, -padx =>10, -pady=>5, -sticky=>'w');

  # create the year entry
  $topFrame->Label (
                    -text => "Year:"
                   )->grid(-column=>0, -row=>2, -padx =>5, -pady=>5);
  my $yearEnt = $topFrame->Entry(-relief=>'sunken',
                                 -width=>10)->grid(-column=>1, -row=>2, -padx =>10, -pady=>5);
  $yearEnt->bind('<KeyPress-Return>' =>sub {
                     my $strp = new DateTime::Format::Strptime(
                       pattern => '%Y %B %d', on_error => 'croak');
                     my $dt = $strp->parse_datetime($monthEnt . ' ' .
                        $dayEnt->get() . ' ' . $yearEnt->get());
                     $DATE = $dt->strftime('%Y/%m/%d');
                     destroy $Top;

  # create the update subroutine
  my $complete = sub {
    my $strp = new DateTime::Format::Strptime(
                pattern => '%B %d %Y', on_error => 'croak');
    my $dt = $strp->parse_datetime($monthEnt . ' ' .
                $dayEnt->get() . ' ' . $yearEnt->get());
    $DATE = $dt->strftime('%Y/%m/%d');
    foreach my $source (@SOURCE_LIST) {

  # create the apply button
  my $F = $Top->Frame->pack();
  my $buttonF = $F->Frame->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 5, -pady => 10);
  my $okBut = $buttonF->Button(
                   -text         => 'Apply',
                   -command      => $complete
  $okBut->bind('<KeyPress-Return>' => $complete);

  # create the accept button
  $buttonF = $F->Frame->pack(-side => 'right', -padx => 5, -pady => 10);
  my $okBut = $buttonF->Button(
                   -text         => 'Accept',
                   -command      => sub {&$complete; destroy $Top;}
  $okBut->bind('<KeyPress-Return>' => sub {&$complete; destroy $Top;});

  # create the cancel button
  my $canBut = $buttonF->Button(
                   -text         => 'Cancel',
                   -command      => sub{destroy $Top;}
  $canBut->bind('<KeyPress-Return>' =>sub {destroy $Top;});

  # Closing the window should reset $dateBut.
  $Top->bind('<Destroy>', sub {
    my $widget = shift;
    return unless $widget == $Top;
    $dateBut->configure(-state => 'normal');

  $dayEnt->insert(0, $dt->day());
  $yearEnt->insert(0, $dt->year());


=item B<changeOpt>

Displays a window allowing the options to be changed.


sub changeOpt {
  my $name;
  my $telEnt = $TEL;
  my ($tb, $tb2);

  $optBut->configure(-state => 'disabled');

  my $Top = $MW->Toplevel;
  $Top->title('Source Plot Options');
  my $topFrame = $Top->Frame(-relief=>'groove', -borderwidth =>2)->pack(-padx=>10, -pady=>10);

  # place the telescope menuButton
  $topFrame->Label (
                    -text => "Telescope:"
                   )->grid(-column=>0, -row=>0);
  my $f = $topFrame->Frame()->
    grid(-column=>1, -row=>0, -padx =>10, -pady=>5, -sticky=>'w');
  my $f2 = $topFrame->Frame()->
    grid(-column=>1, -row=>1, -padx =>10, -pady=>5, -sticky=>'w');
  $tb = $f->Menubutton( -text=>$telEnt, -relief => 'raised',
                        -width => 15)->pack(-side=>'left');
  $tb->cascade(-label => 'A - C', -underline => 0);
  $tb->cascade(-label => 'D - F', -underline => 0);
  $tb->cascade(-label => 'G - I', -underline => 0);
  $tb->cascade(-label => 'J - L', -underline => 0);
  $tb->cascade(-label => 'M - O', -underline => 0);
  $tb->cascade(-label => 'P - R', -underline => 0);
  $tb->cascade(-label => 'S - U', -underline => 0);
  $tb->cascade(-label => 'V - X', -underline => 0);
  $tb->cascade(-label => 'Y - Z', -underline => 0);

  my $cm = $tb->cget(-menu);
  my $ac = $cm->Menu;
  my $df = $cm->Menu;
  my $gi = $cm->Menu;
  my $jl = $cm->Menu;
  my $mo = $cm->Menu;
  my $pr = $cm->Menu;
  my $su = $cm->Menu;
  my $vx = $cm->Menu;
  my $yz = $cm->Menu;

  $tb->entryconfigure('A - C', -menu => $ac);
  $tb->entryconfigure('D - F', -menu => $df);
  $tb->entryconfigure('G - I', -menu => $gi);
  $tb->entryconfigure('J - L', -menu => $jl);
  $tb->entryconfigure('M - O', -menu => $mo);
  $tb->entryconfigure('P - R', -menu => $pr);
  $tb->entryconfigure('S - U', -menu => $su);
  $tb->entryconfigure('V - X', -menu => $vx);
  $tb->entryconfigure('Y - Z', -menu => $yz);

  foreach $name ($telObject->telNames()) {
    if ($name =~ /^[A-Ca-c]/) {
      $ac->command(-label =>$name, -command=> sub{
                   $tb->configure( -text => $name );
                   $telEnt = $name;
    } elsif ($name =~ /^[D-Fd-f]/) {
      $df->command(-label =>$name, -command=> sub{
                   $tb->configure( -text => $name );
                   $telEnt = $name;
    } elsif ($name =~ /^[G-Ig-i]/) {
      $gi->command(-label =>$name, -command=> sub{
                   $tb->configure( -text => $name );
                   $telEnt = $name;
    }elsif ($name =~ /^[J-Lj-l]/) {
      $jl->command(-label =>$name, -command=> sub{
                   $tb->configure( -text => $name );
                   $telEnt = $name;
    }elsif ($name =~ /^[M-Om-o]/) {
      $mo->command(-label =>$name, -command=> sub{
                   $tb->configure( -text => $name );
                   $telEnt = $name;
    }elsif ($name =~ /^[P-Rp-r]/) {
      $pr->command(-label =>$name, -command=> sub{
                   $tb->configure( -text => $name );
                   $telEnt = $name;
    } elsif ($name =~ /^[S-Us-u]/) {
      $su->command(-label =>$name, -command=> sub{
                   $tb->configure( -text => $name );
                   $telEnt = $name;
    } elsif ($name =~ /^[V-Xv-x]/) {
      $vx->command(-label =>$name, -command=> sub{
                   $tb->configure( -text => $name );
                   $telEnt = $name;
    } elsif ($name =~ /^[Y-Zy-z]/) {
      $yz->command(-label =>$name, -command=> sub{
                   $tb->configure( -text => $name );
                   $telEnt = $name;

  # place the middle time field
  $topFrame->Label (
                    -text => "Center Time (in HST):"
                   )->grid(-column=>0, -row=>2, -padx =>5, -pady=>5);
  my $timeEnt = $TIME;
                   -textvariable=> \$timeEnt,
                   -width=>10)->grid(-column=>1, -row=>2, -padx =>10, -pady=>5);

  # place the y-axis menuButton
  $topFrame->Label (
                    -text => "y-axis:"
                   )->grid(-column=>0, -row=>4, -padx =>5, -pady=>5);
  my $yEnt = $Y_AXIS;
  my $yb = $topFrame->Menubutton( -text=>$yEnt, -relief => 'raised', -width => 15);
  foreach $name (@axes) {
    $yb->command(-label =>$name, -command=> sub{
                   $yb->configure( -text => $name );
                   $yEnt = $name;
  $yb->grid(-column=>1, -row=>4, -padx =>10, -pady=>5, -sticky=>'w');

  # inserting cascading choices

  # place the x-axis menuButton
  $topFrame->Label (
                    -text => "x-axis:"
                   )->grid(-column=>0, -row=>3, -padx =>5, -pady=>5);
  my $xEnt = $X_AXIS;
  my $xb = $topFrame->Menubutton( -text=>$xEnt, -relief => 'raised', -width => 15);
  foreach $name (@axes) {
    $xb->command(-label =>$name, -command=> sub{
                   $xb->configure( -text => $name );
                   $xEnt = $name;
  $xb->grid(-column=>1, -row=>3, -padx =>10, -pady=>5, -sticky=>'w');

  # place the Apply button
  my $F = $Top->Frame->pack();
  my $buttonF = $F->Frame->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 5, -pady => 10);
                   -text         => 'Apply',
                   -command      => sub{
                     $X_AXIS = $xEnt;
                     $Y_AXIS = $yEnt;
                     if ($TEL ne $telEnt || $TIME ne $timeEnt) {
                       foreach (@SOURCE_LIST) {$_->erasePoints()};
                     } else {
                       foreach (@SOURCE_LIST) {$_->eraseTimeDot()};
                     $TIME = $timeEnt;
                     $TIME =~ s/^\s+//;
                     $TIME =~ s/\s+$//;
                     $TIME =~ s/\s+/:/g;
                     $TEL = $telEnt;

  # place the ok button
  $buttonF = $F->Frame->pack(-side => 'right', -padx => 5, -pady => 10);
                   -text         => 'Accept',
                   -command      => sub{
                     $X_AXIS = $xEnt;
                     $Y_AXIS = $yEnt;
                     if ($TEL ne $telEnt || $TIME ne $timeEnt) {
                       foreach (@SOURCE_LIST) {$_->erasePoints()};
                     } else {
                       foreach (@SOURCE_LIST) {$_->eraseTimeDot()};
                     $TIME = $timeEnt;
                     $TIME =~ s/^\s+//;
                     $TIME =~ s/\s+$//;
                     $TIME =~ s/\s+/:/g;
                     $TEL = $telEnt;
                     destroy $Top;

  # place the cancel button
                   -text         => 'Cancel',
                   -command      => sub{
                     destroy $Top;

  # Closing the window should reset $optBut.
  $Top->bind('<Destroy>', sub {
    my $widget = shift;
    return unless $widget == $Top;
    $optBut->configure(-state => 'normal');

                   -text         => 'Save Setting',
                   -command      => sub{
                        $X_AXIS = $xEnt;
                        $Y_AXIS = $yEnt;
                        $TEL = $telEnt;
                        $TIME = $timeEnt;
                        $defaults->values('TEL', $TEL);
                        $defaults->values('XAXIS', $X_AXIS);
                        $defaults->values('YAXIS', $Y_AXIS);
                        $defaults->values('TIME', $TIME);

=item B<addPlanetSource>

Adds a planet source into the plotting list.  The planet number
is currently unused.

    addPlanetSource($name, $number);


sub addPlanetSource {
  my $name = shift;
  my $number = shift;
  my $source = new App::SourcePlot::Source($name);
  if (!isWithin ($source, @SOURCE_LIST)) {
    push (@SOURCE_LIST, $source);

=item B<getSource>

Prompts the user to enter source coords and name.
Can specify previous source object to edit.

Returns a Source object.


sub getSource {
  my $source = shift;
  my @Epocs = ('RJ', 'RB');
  my $name;

  my $Top = $MW->Toplevel;
  $Top->title('Source Plot');
  my $topFrame = $Top->Frame(-relief=>'groove', -borderwidth =>2, -width =>50)->pack(-padx=>10, -fill => 'x', -ipady=>10, -pady => 10);

  $topFrame->Label (
                    -text => "Name:"
                   )->grid(-column=>0, -row=>0);
  my $nameEnt = $topFrame->Entry(-relief=>'sunken',
                                -width=>15)->grid(-column=>1, -row=>0, -padx =>10, -pady=>3);

  $topFrame->Label (
                    -text => "Ra:"
                   )->grid(-column=>0, -row=>1);
  my $raEnt = $topFrame->Entry(-relief=>'sunken',
                                -width=>15)->grid(-column=>1, -row=>1, -padx =>10, -pady=>3);

  $topFrame->Label (
                    -text => "Dec:"
                   )->grid(-column=>0, -row=>2);
  my $decEnt = $topFrame->Entry(-relief=>'sunken',
                                -width=>15)->grid(-column=>1, -row=>2, -padx =>10, -pady=>3);

  $topFrame->Label (
                    -text => "Epoc:"
                   )->grid(-column=>0, -row=>3, -padx =>5, -pady=>5);
  my $epocEnt = $source->epoc();
  my $epocB = $topFrame->Menubutton( -text=>$epocEnt, -relief => 'raised', -width => 15);
  foreach $name (@Epocs) {
    $epocB->command(-label =>$name, -command=> sub{
                   $epocB->configure( -text => $name );
                   $epocEnt = $name;
  $epocB->grid(-column=>1, -row=>3, -padx =>10, -pady=>5, -sticky=>'w');

  my $buttonF = $Top->Frame->pack(-padx=>10, -pady=>10);
                   -text         => 'Ok',
                   -command      => sub{
                     destroy $Top;
                     $RESPONSE = 1;
                   -text         => 'Cancel',
                   -command      => sub{
                     destroy $Top;
                     $RESPONSE = -1;

=item B<searchFor>

Searches for sources that match the information
passed in the form of a partially filled source object.


sub searchFor {
  my $info = shift;
  my @Sources = @_;
  my @rSources = ();
  my $source;
  my $i;
  my $debug = 0;

  # set the info name
  my $iname = $info->name;
  $iname =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;

  # set the info Ra
  my $iRa = $info->ra;
  my $RaDecimal = ($iRa =~ /\./);
  my @iraParts = split (/:/, $iRa);

  # set the info Dec
  my $iDec = $info->dec;
  my $idecNeg = ($iDec =~ /\-/);
  my $DecDecimal = ($iDec =~ /\./);
  my @idecParts = split (/:/, $iDec);

  foreach $source (@Sources) {
    my $passed = 1;

    # check the name
    if ($iname ne '') {
      my $name = $source->name;
      $name =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
      print "checking names  $iname   vs   $name" if $debug;
      if (!($name =~ /$iname/)) {
        print "...Did not match ...\n" if $debug;
        $passed = 0;
      } else {
        print "\n" if $debug;

    # check the Ra
    if ($iRa ne '') {
      my $Ra = $source->ra;
      $Ra =~ s/^\s+//;
      $Ra =~ s/\s+$//;
      $Ra =~ s/s+/:/g;
      $Ra =~ s/\..*// if !$RaDecimal;
      print "checking ra  $iRa   vs   $Ra\n" if $debug;
      my @raParts = split (/:/, $Ra);
      $i = 0;
      foreach (@iraParts) {
        print "     checking $_ vs $raParts[$i]\n" if $debug;
        if ($_ != $raParts[$i]) {
          $passed = 0;

    # check the Dec
    if ($iDec ne '') {
      my $Dec = $source->dec;
      $Dec =~ s/^\s+//;
      $Dec =~ s/\s+$//;
      $Dec =~ s/\+//g;
      $Dec =~ s/\-\s+/\-/;
      $Dec =~ s/s+/:/g;
      my $decNeg = ($Dec =~ /\-/);
      if ($decNeg != $idecNeg) {
        $passed = 0;
      } else {
        $Dec =~ s/\..*// if !$DecDecimal;
        print "checking dec  $iDec   vs   $Dec\n" if $debug;
        my @decParts = split (/:/, $Dec);
        $i = 0;
        foreach (@idecParts) {
          print "     checking $_ vs $decParts[$i]\n" if $debug;
          if ($_ != $decParts[$i]) {
            $passed = 0;

    # is it ok to add?
    if ($passed) {
      push (@rSources, $source);
  return @rSources;

=item B<editSource>

Edits the existing source list.


sub editSource {
  my (@selected) = ();
  my $udeb = 0;   #debugger


  my $Top = $MW->Toplevel ();
  $Top->title('Source Plot: Edit Window');
  my $topFrame = $Top->Frame(-relief=>'groove', -borderwidth =>2, -width =>50)->pack(-padx=>10, -fill => 'x', -ipady=>3, -pady => 10);

  # create the header
  my $headFrame = $topFrame->Frame(-relief=>'flat', -borderwidth =>2)->grid(-row=>0, -sticky=>'nsew', -ipadx => 3);
  my $head = $topFrame->Text(
      -wrap       => 'none',
      -relief     => 'flat',
      -foreground => 'midnightblue',
      -width      => 50,
      -height     => 1,
      -font       => '-*-Courier-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*',
      -takefocus  => 0
  )->grid (-sticky=>'ew', -row =>0);
  my $title = sprintf "%5s  %-16s  %-12s  %-13s  %-4s", 'Index', 'Name', 'Ra', 'Dec', 'Epoc';
  $head->insert ('end', $title);

  # create the scollable text
  my $T = $topFrame->Scrolled('Text',
                              -scrollbars => 'e',
                              -background => '#333333',
                              -wrap       => 'none',
                              -width      => 60,
                              -height     => 15,
                              -font       => '-*-Courier-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*',
                              -setgrid    => 1,
                             )->grid(qw/-sticky nsew/, -row=>1);
  $T->bindtags(qw/widget_demo/);        # remove all bindings but dummy "widget_demo"
  # create the done button
  my $buttonF = $Top->Frame->pack(-padx=>10, -pady=>10, -fill =>'x');
  my $doneBut = $buttonF->Button(
                   -text         => 'Done',
                   -width        => 4,
                   -command      => sub{
                     destroy $Top;
                 -balloonmsg => "Press to close the Edit Window");

  # Closing the window should reset $eBut.
  $Top->bind('<Destroy>', sub {
    my $widget = shift;
    return unless $widget == $Top;
    $EDIT_OPEN = 0;

  # create the On / Off button
  my $OOBut = $buttonF->Button( -text=>'ON/Off',
                    -width        => 5,
                    -command=> sub{
                      my $source;
                      foreach $source (@selected) {
                        if ($source->active()) {
                          tagOnOff ($source->name(), 0);
                          $T->tag('configure', 'd'.$source->index(), -foreground => 'black');
                        } else {
                          tagOnOff ($source->name(), 1, $source->color(), 'yellow');
                          $T->tag('configure', 'd'.$source->index(), -foreground => $source->color());
                      @selected = ();
                    })->pack(-side => 'left');
                 -balloonmsg => "Press to turn the selected\nsources On/Off");

  # create the delete all button
  my $manipF = $buttonF->Frame->pack(-side=>'left', -padx=>30);
  my $DABut = $manipF->Button(
                   -text         => 'Delete All',
                   -width        => 8,
                   -command      => sub{
                     $LAST_COMMAND = 'Delete';
                     foreach my $source (@SOURCE_LIST) {
                       tagOnOff ($source->name(), 1, $source->color(), 'yellow');
                     @UNDO_LIST = @SOURCE_LIST;
                     $undoBut->configure(-state => 'normal') if $EDIT_OPEN;
                     @SOURCE_LIST = ();
                     @selected = ();
                     fillWithSourceList ($EditWin, 'full');
                 -balloonmsg => "Press to delete all sources\nfrom the Edit Window");

  # create the delete button
  my $delBut = $manipF->Button(
                   -text         => 'Delete',
                   -width        => 6,
                   -command      => sub{
                     my $len = @selected;
                     $LAST_COMMAND = 'Delete';
                     @UNDO_LIST = ();
                     if ($len > 0) {
                       $undoBut->configure(-state => 'normal');
                     } else {
                       $undoBut->configure(-state => 'disabled');
                     foreach my $source (@selected) {
                       tagOnOff ($source->name(), 1, $source->color(), 'yellow');
                       push (@UNDO_LIST, $source);
                       remove ($source, \@SOURCE_LIST);
                     @selected = ();
                     fillWithSourceList ($EditWin, 'full');
                 -balloonmsg => "Press to delete the\nselected sources");

  # create the delete button
  $undoBut = $manipF->Button(
                   -text         => 'Undo',
                   -command      => sub{
                     if ($LAST_COMMAND eq 'Add') {
                       print "Last command was add\n" if $udeb;
                       foreach my $source (@UNDO_LIST) {
                         remove ($source, \@SOURCE_LIST);
                         print "removing ".$source->name."\n" if $udeb;
                     } elsif ($LAST_COMMAND eq 'Delete') {
                       print "Last command was removed\n" if $udeb;
                       foreach my $source (@UNDO_LIST) {
                         push (@SOURCE_LIST, $source);
                         print "Adding ".$source->name."\n" if $udeb;
                     } elsif ($LAST_COMMAND eq 'Change') {
                       print "Last command was changed\n" if $udeb;
                       my $source = pop (@UNDO_LIST);
                       my $orig = pop (@UNDO_LIST);
                       print "Reconfiguring ".$source->name."\n" if $udeb;
                       print "Clearing ".$source->name."\n" if $udeb;
                     $LAST_COMMAND = '';
                     @UNDO_LIST = ();
                     @selected = ();
                     $undoBut->configure(-state => 'disabled') if $EDIT_OPEN;
                     fillWithSourceList ($EditWin, 'full');
  $undoBut->configure(-state => 'disabled') if $EDIT_OPEN;
                 -balloonmsg => "Press to undo the last\nmajor command");

  # create the add button
  my $newBut = $manipF->Button( -text=>'New',
                    -width        => 4,
                    -command=> sub{
                        my $source = new App::SourcePlot::Source();
                        &getSource ($source);
                        my $res = &waitForResponse();
                        if ($res && !isWithin ($source, @SOURCE_LIST)) {
                          push (@SOURCE_LIST, $source);
                          fillWithSourceList ($EditWin, 'full');
                          $LAST_COMMAND = 'Add';
                          @UNDO_LIST = ();
                          $undoBut->configure(-state => 'normal') if $EDIT_OPEN;
                          push (@UNDO_LIST, $source);
                      })->pack(-side => 'left');
                 -balloonmsg => "Press to manually\nadd a source");

  # create the planet button
  my $planBut = $manipF->Menubutton(
     -text         =>'Planets',
     -width        => 7,
     -relief       => 'raised');
      my $k = 0;
      foreach my $plan (@planets) {
          my $c = $k;
          $planBut->command(-label=>$plan, -command=> sub{
              &addPlanetSource ($plan, $c);
              print "$TEL is tel  \n" if $locateBug;
              fillWithSourceList ($EditWin, 'full');
  $planBut->command(-label=>'All', -command=> sub{
                      my $j = 0;
                      foreach (@planets) {
                        &addPlanetSource ($_, $j);
                      fillWithSourceList ($EditWin, 'full');
  $planBut->pack(-side => 'left');
                 -balloonmsg => "Press to add a planet\nto the plot");

  $EditWin->{'Window'} = $Top;
  $EditWin->{'Text'} = $T;
  $EditWin->{'Selected'} = \@selected;
  $EditWin->{'Sources'} = \@SOURCE_LIST;

  fillWithSourceList ($EditWin, 'full');


=item B<fillWithSourceList>

Fills a Text box with the list of current sources.


sub fillWithSourceList {
  my(@bold, @normal);
  my $Window = shift;
  my $T = $Window->{'Text'};
  my $selected = $Window->{'Selected'};
  my $arrayOfSources = $Window->{'Sources'};
  my $task = shift;
  my $sort = shift;
  my $index = shift;
  my (@sources);
  my ($source);
  my @entered = ();

  @sources = @$arrayOfSources;
  #@sources = sort by_name @$arrayOfSources;

  if(defined $sort)
        /unsorted/ and do { @sources = @$arrayOfSources;last;};
        /name/          and do { @sources = sort by_name @$arrayOfSources;last;};
        /ra/          and do { @sources = sort by_ra @$arrayOfSources;last;};
        /dec/          and do { @sources = sort by_dec @$arrayOfSources;last;};
                die "Unknown value for form variable \$sort \n";

  # Enable infobox for access

  # Clear the existing widgets
  if (defined $task && $task eq 'full') {
    foreach my $source (@sources) {

  # Set up display styles
  if ($T->depth > 1) {
    @bold   = (-background => "#eeeeee", qw/-relief raised -borderwidth 1/);
    @normal = (-background => undef, qw/-relief flat/);
  } else {
    @bold   = (qw/-foreground white -background black/);
    @normal = (-foreground => undef, -background => undef);
  $T->tag(qw/configure normal -foreground blue/);
  $T->tag(qw/configure inactive -foreground black/);
  $T->tag(qw/configure selected -foreground red/);
  foreach ( @COLOR_LIST ){
    $T->tag('configure',$_, -foreground => $_);

  # Insert the current values
  if (defined $task && $task eq 'full') {
    my $len = @sources;
    for ($index=0; $index < $len; $index++) {
      $source = $sources[$index];
      $line = $source->dispLine();
      if (&isWithin ($source, @$selected)) {
      } else {
        if ($source->active()) {
          if ($source->color() ne '') {
          } else {
        } else {

    $len = @sources;
    for ($itag=0; $itag < $len; $itag++) {
      my $dtag = "d$itag";
      $T->tag('bind', $dtag, '<Any-Enter>' =>
              sub {
                shift->tag('configure', $dtag, @bold);
                if ($Window->{'Changeable'} && $sources[substr($dtag,1,99)]->active()) {
                  $plotter->configureTag ('l'.$sources[substr($dtag,1,99)]->name(), -width => 3);
      $T->tag('bind', $dtag, '<Any-Leave>' =>
              sub {
                shift->tag('configure', $dtag, @normal);
                if ($Window->{'Changeable'} && $sources[substr($dtag,1,99)]->active()) {
                  $plotter->configureTag ('l'.$sources[substr($dtag,1,99)]->name(), -width => 1);
      $T->tag('bind', $dtag, '<ButtonRelease-1>' =>
              sub {
                if (!$BUSY){
                  if (! &isWithin ($sources[substr($dtag,1,99)], @$selected) ) {
                    shift->tag('configure', $dtag, -foreground => 'red');
                    push (@$selected, $sources[substr($dtag,1,99)]);
                  } else {
                    if ($sources[substr($dtag,1,99)]->color() ne '') {
                      shift->tag('configure', $dtag, -foreground => $sources[substr($dtag,1,99)]->color());
                    } else {
                      shift->tag('configure', $dtag, -foreground => 'blue');
                    &remove ($sources[substr($dtag,1,99)], $selected);
      if ($Window->{'Changeable'}) {
        $T->tag('bind', $dtag, '<Double-1>' => sub {
                  my $source = $sources[substr($dtag,1,99)];
                  $LAST_COMMAND = 'Change';
                  @UNDO_LIST = ($source->coords());
                  &getSource ($source);
                  my $res = &waitForResponse();
                  if( $res ) {
                    $undoBut->configure(-state => 'normal') if $EDIT_OPEN;
                  } else {
                    $undoBut->configure(-state => 'disabled') if $EDIT_OPEN;
                  push (@UNDO_LIST, $source);
                  fillWithSourceList ($EditWin, 'full');
      }else {
        $T->tag('bind', $dtag, '<Double-1>' => sub {
                  $BUSY = 1;
                  my $source = $sources[substr($dtag,1,99)];
                  push (@$selected, $source);
                  $LAST_COMMAND = 'Add';
                  @UNDO_LIST = ();
                  $undoBut->configure(-state => 'normal') if $EDIT_OPEN;
                  my $T = shift;
                  foreach $source (@$selected) {
                    if (!isWithin ($source, @SOURCE_LIST)) {
                      my $s = $source->copy();
                      push (@SOURCE_LIST, $s);
                      push (@UNDO_LIST, $s);
                    $T->tag('configure', 'd'.$source->index(), -foreground => 'blue');
                  @$selected = ();
                  if ($EDIT_OPEN) {
                    fillWithSourceList ($EditWin, 'full');
                  $BUSY = 0;

  $T->mark(qw/set insert 1.0/);

  # Disable access to infobox


=item B<plot>

Plots the graphs, including axis.


sub plot {
  print "Entered plot\n" if $locateBug;
  my ($xworldRatio, $yworldRatio);
  my $debug = 0;
  $TIME =~ s/^\s+//;
  $TIME =~ s/\s+$//;
  $TIME =~ s/\s+/:/g;
  my ($timeH, $min, $sec) = split (/:/, $TIME,3);
  my $XSpaceForTime = 0;
  my $YSpaceForTime = 0;
  my $special = 0;
  my $lstDiffX;
  my $lstDiffY;

  $XSpaceForTime = $xborder if $Y_AXIS =~ /time/i;
  $YSpaceForTime = $yborder if $X_AXIS =~ /time/i;
  $timeH += $min/60 + $sec/3600;

  #clear the plot

  # calc the world coords
  print "    Calculating the world coordinate system\n" if $locateBug;
  if ($X_AXIS =~ /time/i) {
    my $strp = new DateTime::Format::Strptime(
                 pattern => '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S',
                 on_error => 'croak');

    my $DATESTR = $DATE;
    $DATESTR =~ s/\/$//;
    my $dt = $strp->parse_datetime($DATESTR . ' ' . $TIME);

    $dt->subtract(hours => 2);

    my ($lst, $mjd) = ut2lst($dt->year(), $dt->month(), $dt->day(),
                             $dt->hour(), $dt->minute(), $dt->second(),

    $dt->add(hours => 1);

    my ($lst2, $mjd2) = ut2lst($dt->year(), $dt->month(), $dt->day(),
                               $dt->hour(), $dt->minute(), $dt->second(),

    if ($lst2 < $lst) {
      $lst2 += 2*pi;

    $lstDiffX = $lst2 - $lst;
    $xworldRatio = (24*$lstDiffX)/($xplot - $xborder*2 - $XSpaceForTime);
    $minX = $lst;
    $maxX = $lst + 24*$lstDiffX;
    print "x-axis is time\n" if $debug;
  } elsif ($X_AXIS =~ /air mass/i) {
    $xworldRatio = 90/($xplot - $xborder*2 - $XSpaceForTime);
    $minX = 0;
    $maxX = 90;
    print "x-axis is ele\n" if $debug;
  } elsif ($X_AXIS =~ /elevation/i) {
    $xworldRatio = 90/($xplot - $xborder*2 - $XSpaceForTime);
    $minX = 0;
    $maxX = 90;
    print "x-axis is ele\n" if $debug;
  } elsif ($X_AXIS =~ /azimuth/i) {
    $xworldRatio = 360/($xplot - $xborder*2 - $XSpaceForTime);
    $minX = 0;
    $maxX = 360;
    print "x-axis is pa\n" if $debug;
  } elsif ($X_AXIS =~ /parallactic angle/i) {
    $xworldRatio = 360/($xplot - $xborder*2 - $XSpaceForTime);
    $minX = -180;
    $maxX = 180;
    print "x-axis is az\n" if $debug;
  } else {
    print "ERROR:  X axis undefined!!\n\n";
    $minX = 0;
    $maxX = 0;
  if ($Y_AXIS =~ /time/i) {
    my $strp = new DateTime::Format::Strptime(
                 pattern => '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S',
                 on_error => 'croak');

    my $dt = $strp->parse_datetime($DATE . ' ' . $TIME);

    $dt->subtract(hours => 2);

    my ($lst, $mjd) = ut2lst($dt->year(), $dt->month(), $dt->day(),
                             $dt->hour(), $dt->minute(), $dt->section(),

    $dt->add(hours => 1);

    my ($lst2, $mjd2) = ut2lst($dt->year(), $dt->month(), $dt->day(),
                               $dt->hour(), $dt->minute(), $dt->section(),

    if ($lst2 < $lst) {
      $lst2 += 2*pi;

    $lstDiffY = $lst2 - $lst;
    $yworldRatio = (-24*$lstDiffY)/($yplot - $yborder*2 - $YSpaceForTime);
    $maxY = $lst + 24 * $lstDiffY;
    $minY = $lst;
    print "y-axis is time\n" if $debug;
  } elsif ($Y_AXIS =~ /air mass/i) {
    $yworldRatio = -90/($yplot - $yborder*2- $YSpaceForTime);
    $maxY = 90;
    $minY = 0;
    print "y-axis is ele\n" if $debug;
  } elsif ($Y_AXIS =~ /elevation/i) {
    $yworldRatio = -90/($yplot - $yborder*2- $YSpaceForTime);
    $maxY = 90;
    $minY = 0;
    print "y-axis is ele\n" if $debug;
  } elsif ($Y_AXIS =~ /azimuth/i) {
    $yworldRatio = -360/($yplot - $yborder*2- $YSpaceForTime);
    $minY = 0;
    $maxY = 360;
    print "y-axis is az\n" if $debug;
  } elsif ($Y_AXIS =~ /parallactic angle/i) {
    $yworldRatio = -360/($yplot - $yborder*2- $YSpaceForTime);
    $minY = -180;
    $maxY = 180;
    print "y-axis is pa\n" if $debug;
  } else {
    print "ERROR:  Y axis undefined!!\n\n";
    $minY = 0;
    $maxY = 0;
  if ((($Y_AXIS =~ /azimuth/i) && ($X_AXIS =~ /elevation/i)) || (($X_AXIS =~ /azimuth/i) && ($Y_AXIS =~ /elevation/i))|| (($Y_AXIS =~ /azimuth/i) && ($X_AXIS =~ /air mass/i)) || (($X_AXIS =~ /azimuth/i) && ($Y_AXIS =~ /air mass/i))) {
    $yworldRatio = -180/($yplot - $yborder*2);
    $xworldRatio = 180/($xplot - $xborder*2);
    $minY = 0;
    $maxY = 180;
    $minX = 0;
    $maxX = 180;
    $plotter->worldCenter($xplot/2, $yplot/2);
    if(($X_AXIS =~ /elevation/i) || ($Y_AXIS =~ /elevation/i))
            $special = 1;
    else  # air mass case
        $special = 2;
    print "axes is special\n" if $debug;
  print "    Setting the world coordinate system\n" if $locateBug;
  $plotter->worldToPixRatio($xworldRatio, $yworldRatio);
  $plotter->worldAtZero($minX, $minY);

  # draw the grid lines - x axis
  $plotter->drawColor('dark green');
  if (($special == 1) ||($special == 2)) {
    # draw the angle grid lines
    for (my $z = 0; $z < 360; $z += 15) {
      my $tz = (90 - $z) * pi / 180;
      my $x = 92 * cos $tz;
      my $y = 92 * sin $tz;
      $plotter->drawLine (0,0,$x, $y, 'grid');
    #label the angle grid lines
    for (my $z = 0; $z < 360; $z += 15) {
      my $tz = (90 - $z) * pi / 180;
      my $x = 95 * cos $tz;
      my $y = 95 * sin $tz;
      if ($z == 0) {
        $plotter->drawText ($x, $y, 'N', 'twhite');
      } elsif ($z == 90) {
        $plotter->drawText ($x, $y, 'E', 'twhite');
      } elsif ($z == 180) {
        $plotter->drawText ($x, $y, 'S', 'twhite');
      } elsif ($z == 270) {
        $plotter->drawText ($x, $y, 'W', 'twhite');
      } else {
        $plotter->drawText ($x, $y, $z, 'twhite');

    # draw the outside circle
    $plotter->drawOval(-90,-90,90,90, 'owhite');

   if($special == 1) # elevation -azimuth case
           #draw the elevation labels
             $plotter->drawColor ('dark green');
            my $texty = $plotter->toWy(5) - $plotter->toWy(0);
            for (my $i = 0; $i<90; $i+=10) {
                      $plotter->drawOval(-$i, -$i, $i, $i, 'grid');
                      $plotter->drawText(0,$i-$texty,90 - $i, 'twhite');

            $plotter->worldCenter($xborder, $yplot-$yborder);
   if ($special == 2)  #azimuth - air mass case
    #draw the elevation labels
    $plotter->drawColor ('dark green');
    my $ytext = $plotter->toWx(5) - $plotter->toWx(0);
    for (qw/1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0/)
        my $new_el = 90 - am_to_deg($_);
        $plotter->drawOval(-$new_el, -$new_el, $new_el, $new_el, 'grid');
    $plotter->drawText (0, 0,1.0,'twhite');
    $plotter->drawText (0, 39,1.25,'twhite');
    $plotter->drawText (0, 50,1.5,'twhite');
    $plotter->drawText (0, 57,1.75,'twhite');
    $plotter->drawText (0, 61,2.0,'twhite');
    $plotter->drawText (0, 71,3.0,'twhite');
    $plotter->drawText (0, 76,4.0,'twhite');
    $plotter->drawText (0, 80,5.0,'twhite');
    $plotter->worldCenter($xborder, $yplot-$yborder);
  }elsif ($X_AXIS =~ /time/i) {
    my $ho = $timeH - 8;
    for ( my $hour = $minX+$lstDiffX*4; $hour < $maxX; $hour += $lstDiffX*4 ) {
      my $tel = $telObject;
      $plotter->drawLine($hour, $minY, $hour, $maxY, 'grid');

      # calculate the HST time
      my $ti = $ho;
      $ti -= 24 if $ti >= 24;
      $ti += 24 if $ti < 0;
      my ($h, $m) = split (/\./, $ti);
      $m = ('.'.$m) * 60;
      $m = '0'.$m if $m < 10;
      my $y = $plotter->toWy ($yplot - $yborder*3/2);
      $plotter->drawText($hour, $y, sprintf("%2s:%2s", $h, $m), 'twhite');

      # calculate the ut time
      my $uh = $h + 10;
      $uh -= 24 if $uh >= 24;
      my $uy = $plotter->toWy ($yborder/2);
      $plotter->drawText($hour, $uy, sprintf("%2s:%2s", $uh, $m), 'twhite');

      #calculate the lst time
      my $lst;
      my $si = '+';
      my @parts;
      $si = '-' if ($hour < 0);
      $lst = $hour;
      while ($lst > 2 * pi) {
        $lst -= 2*pi;
      my ($si, @hms) = palDr2tf(2, $lst);
      my ($lh, $lm, $ls, undef) = @hms;
      $lm += 1 if $ls >= 30;
      if ($lm >= 60) {
        $lm -= 60;
        $lh += 1;
        $lh -= 24 if $lh > 24;
      $lm = '0'.$lm if $lm < 10;
      my $ly = $plotter->toWy ($yborder*3/2);
      $plotter->drawText($hour, $ly, sprintf("%2s:%2s", $lh, $lm), 'twhite');
      $ho += 4;
  } elsif ($X_AXIS =~ /elevation/i) {
    my $y = $plotter->toWy ($yplot - $yborder - 10);
    for ( my $deg = $minX+20; $deg < $maxX; $deg += 20 ) {
      $plotter->drawLine($deg, $minY, $deg, $maxY, 'grid');
      $plotter->drawText($deg, $y, $deg, 'twhite');
  } elsif ($X_AXIS =~ /air mass/i) {
      my $dAt12 = 90 - (180 / pi * acos (1/1.25));
      my $dAt15 = 90 - (180 / pi * acos (1/1.5));
      my $dAt17 = 90 - (180 / pi * acos (1/1.75));
      my $dAt3 = 90 - (180 / pi * acos (1/3));
      my $dAt4 = 90 - (180 / pi * acos (1/4));
      my $dAt5 = 90 - (180 / pi * acos (1/5));
      $plotter->drawLine(30, $minY,30, $maxY, 'grid');
      $plotter->drawLine($dAt12, $minY, $dAt12, $maxY, 'grid');
      $plotter->drawLine($dAt15, $minY, $dAt15, $maxY, 'grid');
      $plotter->drawLine($dAt17, $minY, $dAt17, $maxY, 'grid');
      $plotter->drawLine($dAt3, $minY, $dAt3, $maxY, 'grid');
      $plotter->drawLine($dAt4, $minY, $dAt4, $maxY, 'grid');
      $plotter->drawLine($dAt5, $minY, $dAt5, $maxY, 'grid');
      my $y = $plotter->toWy ($yplot - $yborder - 10);
      $plotter->drawText($dAt12, $y, '1.25', 'twhite');
      $plotter->drawText($dAt15, $y, '1.5', 'twhite');
      $plotter->drawText($dAt17, $y, '1.75', 'twhite');
      $plotter->drawText(30, $y, '2', 'twhite');
      $plotter->drawText($dAt3, $y, '3', 'twhite');
      $plotter->drawText($dAt4, $y, '4', 'twhite');
      $plotter->drawText($dAt5, $y, '5', 'twhite');
  } elsif ($X_AXIS =~ /azimuth/i) {
    for ( my $deg = $minX+40; $deg < $maxX; $deg += 40 ) {
      $plotter->drawLine($deg, $minY, $deg, $maxY, 'grid');
      my $y = $plotter->toWy ($yplot - $yborder - 10);
      $plotter->drawText($deg, $y, $deg, 'twhite');
  } elsif ($X_AXIS =~ /parallactic angle/i) {
    for ( my $deg = $minX+40; $deg < $maxX; $deg += 40 ) {
      $plotter->drawLine($deg, $minY, $deg, $maxY, 'grid');
      my $y = $plotter->toWy ($yplot - $yborder - 10);
      $plotter->drawText($deg, $y, $deg, 'twhite');

  # draw the grid lines - y axis
  if (($special == 1) || ($special == 2))  {}
  elsif ($Y_AXIS =~ /time/i) {
    my $ho = $timeH - 8;
    for ( my $hour = $minY+$lstDiffY*4; $hour < $maxY; $hour += $lstDiffY*4 ) {
      # draw the time lines
      my $tel = $telObject;
      $plotter->drawLine($minX, $hour, $maxX, $hour, 'grid');

      # calculate the HST time
      my $ti = $ho;
      $ti -= 24 if $ti >= 24;
      $ti += 24 if $ti < 0;
      my ($h, $m) = split (/\./, $ti);
      $m = ('.'.$m) * 60;
      $m = '0'.$m if $m < 10;
      $m = '0'.$m if $m < 10;
      my $x = $plotter->toWx ($xborder*3/2);
      $plotter->drawText($x, $hour, sprintf("%2s:%2s", $h, $m), 'twhite');

      # calculate the ut time
      my $uh = $h + 10;
      $uh -= 24 if $uh >= 24;
      my $ux = $plotter->toWx ($xplot - $xborder/2);
      $plotter->drawText($ux, $hour, sprintf("%2s:%2s", $uh, $m), 'twhite');

      #calculate the lst time
      my $lst;
      my $si = '+';
      my @parts;
      $si = '-' if ($hour < 0);
      $lst = $hour;
      while ($lst > 2 * pi) {
        $lst -= 2*pi;
      my ($si, @hms) = palDr2tf(2, $lst);
      my ($lh, $lm, $ls, undef) = @hms;
      $lm += 1 if $ls >= 30;
      if ($lm >= 60) {
        $lm -= 60;
        $lh += 1;
        $lh -= 24 if $lh > 24;
      $lm = '0'.$lm if $lm < 10;
      my $lx = $plotter->toWx ($xplot - $xborder*3/2);
      $plotter->drawText($lx, $hour, sprintf("%2s:%2s", $lh, $lm), 'twhite');
      $ho += 4;
  } elsif ($Y_AXIS =~ /elevation/i) {
    for ( my $deg = $minY+20; $deg < $maxY; $deg += 20 ) {
      $plotter->drawLine($minX, $deg, $maxX, $deg, 'grid');
      my $x = $plotter->toWx ($xborder + 10);
      $plotter->drawText($x, $deg, $deg, 'twhite');
  } elsif ($Y_AXIS =~ /air mass/i) {
        my $dAt12 = 90 - (180 / pi * acos (1/1.25));
            my $dAt15 = 90 - (180 / pi * acos (1/1.5));
            my $dAt17 = 90 - (180 / pi * acos (1/1.75));
        my $x = $plotter->toWx ($xborder +15);
        for my $am (qw/1 2 3 4 5/)
           my $dAt = 90 - (180 / pi * acos (1/$am));
           $plotter->drawLine($minX, $dAt, $maxX, $dAt, 'grid');
           $plotter->drawText ($x, $dAt, $am, 'twhite');
        $plotter->drawLine($minX, $dAt12, $maxX, $dAt12, 'grid');
        $plotter->drawLine($minX, $dAt15, $maxX, $dAt15, 'grid');
        $plotter->drawLine($minX, $dAt17, $maxX, $dAt17, 'grid');
        $plotter->drawText ($x, $dAt12, '1.25', 'twhite');
        $plotter->drawText ($x, $dAt15, '1.5', 'twhite');
        $plotter->drawText ($x, $dAt17, '1.75', 'twhite');
  } elsif ($Y_AXIS =~ /azimuth/i) {
    for ( my $deg = $minY+40; $deg < $maxY; $deg += 40 ) {
      $plotter->drawLine($minX, $deg, $maxX, $deg, 'grid');
      my $x = $plotter->toWx ($xborder + 10);
      $plotter->drawText($x, $deg, $deg, 'twhite');
  } elsif ($Y_AXIS =~ /parallactic angle/i) {
    for ( my $deg = $minY+40; $deg < $maxY; $deg += 40 ) {
      $plotter->drawLine($minX, $deg, $maxX, $deg, 'grid');
      my $x = $plotter->toWx ($xborder + 10);
      $plotter->drawText($x, $deg, $deg, 'twhite');

  if (!$special) {
    # erase any mess under the y axis or to the left of the x axis
    my $bottom = $plotter->toWy($yplot+10);
    my $top = $plotter->toWy(-10);
    my $west = $plotter->toWx(-10);
    my $east = $plotter->toWx($xplot + 10);
    $plotter->drawBox($west, $maxY, $east, $top, 'foblack');
    $plotter->drawBox($west, $minY, $east, $bottom, 'foblack');
    $plotter->drawBox($west, $bottom, $minX, $top, 'foblack');
    $plotter->drawBox($maxX, $bottom, $east, $top, 'foblack');

    # plot the axes and graphs - last to make look neat
    print "    Plotting the grid border and labels\n" if $locateBug;
    $plotter->drawLine($minX, $minY, $minX, $maxY, 'lwhite');
    $plotter->drawLine($minX, $minY, $maxX, $minY, 'lwhite');
    $plotter->drawLine($maxX, $minY, $maxX, $maxY, 'lwhite');
    $plotter->drawLine($minX, $maxY, $maxX, $maxY, 'lwhite');
    $plotter->raiseAbove('lwhite', 'foblack');
    $plotter->raiseAbove('twhite', 'foblack');

  # label the axes
  if ($special) {}
  elsif ($X_AXIS =~ /time/i) {
    $plotter->drawText($xplot/2,$yplot - $yborder/2, 'HST', 'twhite');
    $plotter->drawText($xplot/2,$yborder, 'UT', 'twhite');
    $plotter->drawText($xplot/2,$yborder*2, 'LST', 'twhite');
    $plotter->drawLine($xborder, $yborder, $xplot - $xborder, $yborder, 'lwhite');
    $plotter->drawLine($xborder, $yborder, $xborder, $yborder + $YSpaceForTime, 'lwhite');
    $plotter->drawLine($xplot - $xborder, $yborder, $xplot - $xborder, $yborder + $YSpaceForTime, 'lwhite');
  } elsif ($X_AXIS =~ /elevation/i) {
    my $yoff = $maxY + $plotter->toWy (5) - $plotter->toWy(0);
    my $toff = $plotter->toWy (10) - $plotter->toWy(0);
    $plotter->drawLine (30, $maxY, 30, $yoff, 'lwhite');
    my $dAt12 = 90 - (180 / pi * acos (1/1.25));
    my $dAt15 = 90 - (180 / pi * acos (1/1.5));
    my $dAt17 = 90 - (180 / pi * acos (1/1.75));
    my $dAt3 = 90 - (180 / pi * acos (1/3));
    my $dAt4 = 90 - (180 / pi * acos (1/4));
    my $dAt5 = 90 - (180 / pi * acos (1/5));
    $plotter->drawLine ($dAt12, $maxY, $dAt12, $yoff, 'lwhite');
    $plotter->drawLine ($dAt15, $maxY, $dAt15, $yoff, 'lwhite');
    $plotter->drawLine ($dAt17, $maxY, $dAt17, $yoff, 'lwhite');
    $plotter->drawLine ($dAt3, $maxY, $dAt3, $yoff, 'lwhite');
    $plotter->drawLine ($dAt4, $maxY, $dAt4, $yoff, 'lwhite');
    $plotter->drawLine ($dAt5, $maxY, $dAt5, $yoff, 'lwhite');
    $plotter->drawText (90, $maxY + $toff, '1', 'twhite');
    $plotter->drawText (30, $maxY + $toff, '2', 'twhite');
    $plotter->drawText ($dAt12, $maxY + $toff, '1.25', 'twhite');
    $plotter->drawText ($dAt15, $maxY + $toff, '1.5', 'twhite');
    $plotter->drawText ($dAt17, $maxY + $toff, '1.75', 'twhite');
    $plotter->drawText ($dAt3, $maxY + $toff, '3', 'twhite');
    $plotter->drawText ($dAt4, $maxY + $toff, '4', 'twhite');
    $plotter->drawText ($dAt5, $maxY + $toff, '5', 'twhite');
    $plotter->drawText($xplot/2,$yborder/2, 'Air Mass', 'twhite');
    $plotter->drawText($xplot/2,$yplot - $yborder/2, 'Elevation', 'twhite');
  } elsif ($X_AXIS =~ /air mass/i) {
    my $yoff = $maxY + $plotter->toWy (5) - $plotter->toWy(0);
    my $toff = $plotter->toWy (10) - $plotter->toWy(0);
    for ( my $deg = $minX+20; $deg < $maxX; $deg += 20 ) {
              $plotter->drawLine ($deg, $maxY, $deg, $yoff, 'lwhite');
            $plotter->drawText ($deg, $maxY + $toff, $deg, 'twhite');
    $plotter->drawText($xplot/2,$yborder/2, 'Elevation', 'twhite');
    $plotter->drawText($xplot/2,$yplot - $yborder/2, 'Air Mass', 'twhite');
  } elsif ($X_AXIS =~ /azimuth/i) {
    $plotter->drawText($xplot/2,$yplot - $yborder/2, 'Azimuth', 'twhite');
  } elsif ($X_AXIS =~ /parallactic angle/i) {
    $plotter->drawText($xplot/2,$yplot - $yborder/2, 'Parallactic Angle', 'twhite');
  if ($special) {}
  elsif ($Y_AXIS =~ /time/i) {
    my $y = $plotter->toPy(4) - $plotter->toPy(0);
    $plotter->drawText($xborder/2, $yplot/2 + $y/2, 'HST', 'twhite');
    $plotter->drawText($xplot - $xborder, $yplot/2 + $y/2,'UT', 'twhite');
    $plotter->drawText($xplot - $xborder*2, $yplot/2 + $y/2, 'LST', 'twhite');
    $plotter->drawLine($xplot - $xborder, $yborder, $xplot - $xborder, $yplot- $yborder, 'lwhite');
    $plotter->drawLine($xplot - $xborder, $yborder, $xplot - $xborder - $XSpaceForTime, $yborder, 'lwhite');
    $plotter->drawLine($xplot - $xborder, $yplot - $yborder, $xplot - $xborder - $XSpaceForTime, $yplot - $yborder, 'lwhite');
  } elsif ($Y_AXIS =~ /elevation/i)  {
    my $xoff = $maxX - ($plotter->toWx (5) - $plotter->toWx(0));
    my $toff = $plotter->toWx (15) - $plotter->toWx(0);
    my $dAt12 = 90 - (180 / pi * acos (1/1.25));
    my $dAt15 = 90 - (180 / pi * acos (1/1.5));
    my $dAt17 = 90 - (180 / pi * acos (1/1.75));
    my $dAt3 = 90 - (180 / pi * acos (1/3));
    my $dAt4 = 90 - (180 / pi * acos (1/4));
    my $dAt5 = 90 - (180 / pi * acos (1/5));
    my $dAt1 = 90 - (180 / pi * acos (1));
    my $dAt2 = 90 - (180 / pi * acos (1/2));
    $plotter->drawLine ($maxX, $dAt1, $xoff, $dAt1, 'lwhite');
    $plotter->drawLine ($maxX, $dAt2, $xoff, $dAt2, 'lwhite');
    $plotter->drawLine ($maxX, $dAt12, $xoff, $dAt12, 'lwhite');
    $plotter->drawLine ($maxX, $dAt15, $xoff, $dAt15, 'lwhite');
    $plotter->drawLine ($maxX, $dAt17, $xoff, $dAt17, 'lwhite');
    $plotter->drawLine ($maxX, $dAt3, $xoff, $dAt3, 'lwhite');
    $plotter->drawLine ($maxX, $dAt4, $xoff, $dAt4, 'lwhite');
    $plotter->drawLine ($maxX, $dAt5, $xoff, $dAt5, 'lwhite');
    $plotter->drawText ($maxX-$toff, 90, '1', 'twhite');
    $plotter->drawText ($maxX-$toff, $dAt2, '2', 'twhite');
    $plotter->drawText ($maxX-$toff, $dAt12, '1.25', 'twhite');
    $plotter->drawText ($maxX-$toff, $dAt15, '1.5', 'twhite');
    $plotter->drawText ($maxX-$toff, $dAt17, '1.75', 'twhite');
    $plotter->drawText ($maxX-$toff, $dAt3, '3', 'twhite');
    $plotter->drawText ($maxX-$toff, $dAt4, '4', 'twhite');
    $plotter->drawText ($maxX-$toff, $dAt5, '5', 'twhite');
    $plotter->drawTextVert($xplot - $xborder/2,$yplot/2, 'Air Mass', 'twhite');
    $plotter->drawTextVert($xborder/2,$yplot/2, 'Elevation', 'twhite');
  } elsif ($Y_AXIS =~ /air mass/i) {
    my $xoff = $maxX - ($plotter->toWx (5) - $plotter->toWx(0));
    my $x = $plotter->toWx ($xplot - $xborder -10);
    for ( my $deg = $minY+20; $deg < $maxY; $deg += 20 ) {
               $plotter->drawText($x, $deg, $deg, 'twhite');
            $plotter->drawLine ($maxX, $deg, $xoff, $deg, 'twhite');
    $plotter->drawTextVert($xplot - $xborder/2,$yplot/2, 'Elevation', 'twhite');
    $plotter->drawTextVert($xborder/2,$yplot/2, 'Air Mass', 'twhite');

  } elsif ($Y_AXIS =~ /azimuth/i) {
    $plotter->drawTextVert($xborder/2,$yplot/2, 'Azimuth', 'twhite');
  } elsif ($Y_AXIS =~ /parallactic angle/i) {
    $plotter->drawTextVert($xborder/2,$yplot/2, 'Parallactic Angle', 'twhite');

  # now interact them
  print "    Plotting the grid lines\n" if $locateBug;
  if (($X_AXIS eq $Y_AXIS) || (($X_AXIS =~ /elevation/i) && 
     ($Y_AXIS =~ /air mass/i)) || (($X_AXIS =~ /air mass/i) && 
     ($Y_AXIS =~ /elevation/i))) {
    $plotter->drawLine ($minX, $minY, $maxX, $maxY);
  } else {
    my ($y, $mo, $d) = split (/\//, $DATE, 3);
    my @points = ();
    my $Top;
    foreach my $source (@SOURCE_LIST) {
      if ($source->active()) {
        $source->calcPoints($DATE, $TIME, $NUM_POINTS, $MW, $telObject);
        if ($X_AXIS =~ /time/i) {
          if (($Y_AXIS =~ /elevation/i) || ($Y_AXIS =~ /air mass/i)){
            @points = $source->time_ele_points();
          } elsif ($Y_AXIS =~ /azimuth/i) {
            @points = $source->time_az_points();
          } elsif ($Y_AXIS =~ /parallactic angle/i) {
            @points = $source->time_pa_points();
        } elsif (($X_AXIS =~ /elevation/i) || ($X_AXIS =~ /air mass/i)) {
          if ($Y_AXIS =~ /time/i) {
            @points = $source->ele_time_points();
          } elsif ($Y_AXIS =~ /azimuth/i) {
            @points = $source->ele_az_points();
          } elsif ($Y_AXIS =~ /parallactic angle/i) {
            @points = $source->ele_pa_points();
        } elsif ($X_AXIS =~ /azimuth/i) {
          if ($Y_AXIS =~ /time/i) {
            @points = $source->az_time_points();
          } elsif (($Y_AXIS =~ /elevation/i) || ($Y_AXIS =~ /air mass/i)){
            @points = $source->ele_az_points();
          } elsif ($Y_AXIS =~ /parallactic angle/i) {
            @points = $source->az_pa_points();
        } elsif ($X_AXIS =~ /parallactic angle/i) {
          if ($Y_AXIS =~ /time/i) {
            @points = $source->pa_time_points();
          } elsif (($Y_AXIS =~ /elevation/i) || ($Y_AXIS =~ /air mass/i)){
            @points = $source->pa_ele_points();
          } elsif ($Y_AXIS =~ /azimuth/i) {
            @points = $source->pa_az_points();

        $plotter->penWidth($H_WIDTH) if ($H_LIGHT == $source);
        print "color plotted is ".$source->color()."\n" if $debug;

        my @times = $source->time_ele_points();
        if (($special == 1) || ($special == 2)) {
          my $i;
          my $len = @points;
          my @newpoints = ();
          my $prevr;
          my $prevt;
          my $dotColor = "#55ffff";
          for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i += 2) {
            my $r = $points[$i];
              $r = 90 - $r;
              my $theta = $points[$i+1];
              $theta = (90 - $theta)*pi/180;
              my $x = 90 + $r * cos $theta;
              my $y = 90 + $r * sin $theta;
            my $len2 = @newpoints;
            if ($r < 90 ) {
              if ($len2 == 0 && defined $prevr && $prevr > 90) {
                my $dr = 90 - $r;
                my $pdr = $prevr - 90;
                my $nt = $dr / ($dr + $pdr) * ($prevt - $theta) + $theta;
                my $x2 = 90+90 * cos $nt;
                my $y2 = 90+90 * sin $nt;
                push (@newpoints, $x2);
                push (@newpoints, $y2);
              if ($r > 60 && defined $prevr && $prevr < 60){
                my $time = $timeH - 12 + int($i/2) * ( 24 / ($NUM_POINTS - 1));
                $time += 24 if $time < 0;
                $time -= 24 if $time > 24;
                my ($h, $m) = split (/\./, $time);
                $m = ('.'.$m) * 60;
                $m = '0'.$m if $m < 10;
                $h = '0'.$h if $h < 10;
                $time = sprintf ("%2s:%2s", $h, $m);
                $plotter->drawText($x, $y+3, "$time", 'time'.$source->name());
                $plotter->drawFillOval ($x-1, $y-1, $x+1, $y+1, 'fo'.$source->name());
              } elsif ($r < 60 && defined $prevr && $prevr > 60) {
                my $time = $timeH - 12 + int($i/2) * ( 24 / ($NUM_POINTS - 1));
                my $di = 24 / ($NUM_POINTS - 1);
                $time -= $di;
                $time += 24 if $time < 0;
                $time -= 24 if $time > 24;
                my ($h, $m) = split (/\./, $time);
                $m = ('.'.$m) * 60;
                $m = '0'.$m if $m < 10;
                $h = '0'.$h if $h < 10;
                $time = sprintf ("%2s:%2s", $h, $m);
                my $x2 = 90 + $prevr * cos $prevt;
                my $y2 = 90 + $prevr * sin $prevt;
                $plotter->drawText($x2, $y2+3, "$time", 'time'.$source->name());
                $plotter->drawFillOval ($x2-1, $y2-1, $x2+1, $y2+1, 'fo'.$source->name());
              $plotter->drawFillOval ($x-.5, $y-.5, $x+.5, $y+.5, 'fo'.$source->name());
              push (@newpoints, $x);
              push (@newpoints, $y);
            } elsif ($len2 > 0 && defined $prevr && $prevr < 90) {
              my $dr = $r - 90;
              my $pdr = 90 - $prevr;
              my $nt = $dr / ($dr + $pdr) * ($prevt - $theta) + $theta;
              $x = 90+90 * cos $nt;
              $y = 90+90 * sin $nt;
              $plotter->drawTextFromLeft($x+5, $y, $source->name(), 't'.$source->name());
              push (@newpoints, $x);
              push (@newpoints, $y);
              $plotter->drawSmoothLine (@newpoints, 'l'.$source->name());
              @newpoints = ();
            } elsif (defined $len2 and $len2 >= 4) {
              $plotter->drawSmoothLine (@newpoints, 'l'.$source->name());
              @newpoints = ();
            $prevr = $r;
            $prevt = $theta;
          @points = @newpoints;
        } else {
             #give the points some labels
          my $max = $points[1];
          my $xm = $points[0];
          my $len = @points;
          my $xw = $plotter->toWx(1) - $plotter->toWx(0);
          my $yw = $plotter->toWy(1) - $plotter->toWy(0);
          for (my $i = 1; $i < $len; $i+=2) {
            my $x = $points[$i-1];
            my $y = $points[$i];
            $plotter->drawFillOval ($x-$xw, $y-$yw, $x+$xw, $y+$yw, 'fo'.$source->name());
            if ($points[$i] > $max) {
              $max = $points[$i];
              $xm = $points[$i-1];
          my $ya = $plotter->toWy(5) - $plotter->toWy(0);
          $plotter->drawTextFromLeft($xm, $max-$ya, $source->name(), 't'.$source->name());

          my @second = ();
          my $prevx = $points[0];
          my $prevy = $points[1];
          my $plotNow = 0;
          for (my $i = 3; $i < $len; $i+=2) {
            my $x = $points[$i-1];
            my $y = $points[$i];
            my $plotx = $x;
            my $ploty = $y;
            my $plotxn = $x;
            my $plotyn = $y;
            push (@second, $prevx);
            push (@second, $prevy);
            if ($Y_AXIS =~ /parallactic angle/i) {
              if ($prevy < -80 && $y > 80) {
                my $len2 = @second;
                if ($len2 > 0) {
                  $ploty = $y - 360;
                  $plotyn = $prevy + 360;
                  $plotNow = 1;
              } elsif ($y < -80 && $prevy > 80) {
                my $len2 = @second;
                if ($len2 > 0) {
                  $ploty = $y + 360;
                  $plotyn = $prevy - 360;
                  $plotNow = 1;
            } elsif ($X_AXIS =~ /parallactic angle/i) {
              if ($prevx < -80 && $x > 80) {
                my $len2 = @second;
                if ($len2 > 0) {
                  $plotx = $x - 360;
                  $plotxn = $prevx + 360;
                  $plotNow = 1;
              } elsif ($x < -80 && $prevx > 80) {
                my $len2 = @second;
                if ($len2 > 0) {
                  $plotx = $x + 360;
                  $plotxn = $prevx - 360;
                  $plotNow = 1;
            if ($Y_AXIS =~ /azimuth/i) {
              if ($prevy < 100 && $y > 260) {
                my $len2 = @second;
                if ($len2 > 0) {
                  $ploty = $y - 360;
                  $plotyn = $prevy + 360;
                  $plotNow = 1;
              } elsif ($y < 100 && $prevy > 260) {
                my $len2 = @second;
                if ($len2 > 0) {
                  $ploty = $y + 360;
                  $plotyn = $prevy - 360;
                  $plotNow = 1;
            } elsif ($X_AXIS =~ /azimuth/i) {
              if ($prevx < 100 && $x > 260) {
                my $len2 = @second;
                if ($len2 > 0) {
                  $plotx = $x - 360;
                  $plotxn = $prevx + 360;
                  $plotNow = 1;
              } elsif ($x < 100 && $prevx > 260) {
                my $len2 = @second;
                if ($len2 > 0) {
                  $plotx = $x + 360;
                  $plotxn = $prevx - 360;
                  $plotNow = 1;

            if ($plotNow) {
              $plotNow = 0;
              push (@second, $plotx);
              push (@second, $ploty);
              $plotter->drawSmoothLine (@second, 'l'.$source->name());
              @second = ();
              push (@second, $plotxn);
              push (@second, $plotyn);
            } elsif ($i == $len - 1) {
              push (@second, $x);
              push (@second, $y);

            $prevx = $x;
            $prevy = $y;
          @points = @second;

        my $len2 = @points;
        $plotter->drawSmoothLine (@points, 'l'.$source->name()) if ($len2 > 0);

        my @bold   = (-background => "#bbbbbb", -foreground => 'black', qw/-relief raised -borderwidth 1/);
        my @normal = (-background => undef, -foreground => $source->color(), qw/-relief flat/);
        $plotter->bindTag( 'l'.$source->name(), '<Any-Enter>' =>
                sub {
                  my $s = $source;
                  if ($s->active()) {
                    $EditWin->{'Text'}->tag('configure', 'd'.$s->index(), @bold) if $EDIT_OPEN;
                    $plotter->configureTag ('l'.$s->name(), -width => 3);
        $plotter->bindTag( 'l'.$source->name(), '<Any-Leave>' =>
                sub {
                  my $s = $source;
                  if ($s->active()) {
                    $EditWin->{'Text'}->tag('configure', 'd'.$s->index(), @normal) if $EDIT_OPEN;
                    $plotter->configureTag ('l'.$s->name(), -width => 1);

      #calculate where the time dots go.

      if ($plotter->existTag('foblack')) {
        if ($plotter->existTag('timeDot'.$source->name())){
          $plotter->raiseAbove('foblack', 'timeDot'.$source->name());
        } elsif  ($plotter->existTag('l'.$source->name())){
          $plotter->raiseAbove('foblack', 'l'.$source->name());
        $plotter->raiseAbove('t'.$source->name(), 'foblack') if $plotter->existTag('t'.$source->name());
        $plotter->raiseAbove('lwhite', 'foblack');
        $plotter->raiseAbove('twhite', 'foblack');
      } else {
        $plotter->raiseAbove('lwhite', 'l'.$source->name()) if $plotter->existTag('l'.$source->name());
        $plotter->raiseAbove('twhite', 'l'.$source->name()) if $plotter->existTag('l'.$source->name());
    if ($Top != undef) {
      destroy $Top;

  print "Exit plot\n" if $locateBug;

=item B<am_to_deg>

Converts air mass to degrees.


sub am_to_deg {

=item B<getColor>

Returns a color.


sub getColor {
  my $color = $COLOR_LIST[$COLOR_INDEX];
  my $len = @COLOR_LIST;
  return $color;

=item B<calcTime>

Draws a dot at the current time on each source.


sub calcTime {
  $TIMER->cancel if defined $TIMER;
  my $so = shift;
  my $timeBug = 0;
  my ($ss, $mm, $hh, $md, $mo, $yr, $wd, $yd, $isdst) = gmtime(time);
  $mo++;   # this catches the month up to the current date
  $mo = '0'.$mo if length($mo) < 2;
  $md = '0'.$md if length($md) < 2;
  $mm = '0'.$mm if length($mm) < 2;
  $ss = '0'.$ss if length($ss) < 2;
  $yr += 1900;
  my ($sety, $setm, $setd) = split (/\//, $DATE);
  if ((!$yr =~ /$sety/) || $setm != $mo || $setd != $md) {
  print "The gm time is $hh:$mm:$ss and date is $yr\/$mo\/$md\n" if $timeBug;

  #calculate the local time
  my $strp = new DateTime::Format::Strptime(
                 pattern => '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S',
                 on_error => 'croak');

  my $dt = $strp->parse_datetime("$yr\/$mo\/$md $hh:$mm:$ss");

  $dt->subtract(hours => 10);

  my $t = $dt->strftime('%H:%M:%S');
  my $d = $dt->strftime('%Y/%m/%d');
  #my $time = $hh2+$mm2/60+$ss2/3600;

  $plotter->drawColor ('white');
  foreach my $source (@SOURCE_LIST) {
    next if (!$source->active());
    next if (defined $so && $source != $so);
    if (($so == undef) || ($so->timeDotX() eq '')) {

      $plotter->delete ('timeDot'.$source->name());

      print "Real time = $TIME and real date = $DATE\n" if $timeBug;
      print "Date = $d and time = $t before calcpoint\n" if $timeBug;
      my ($lst, $ele, $az, $pa, $elex, $eley, $azx, $azy) = $source->calcPoint($d, $t, $telObject);
      if ($lst < $minX) {
        $lst += 2*pi;
      } elsif ($lst > $maxX) {
        $lst -= 2*pi;
      my ($x, $y);

      if ($X_AXIS =~ /time/i) {
        $x = $lst;
      } elsif (($X_AXIS =~ /elevation/i) || ($X_AXIS =~ /air mass/i)) {
        $x = $ele;
      } elsif ($X_AXIS =~ /azimuth/i) {
        $x = $az;
      } elsif ($X_AXIS =~ /parallactic angle/i) {
        $x = $pa;
      if ($Y_AXIS =~ /time/i) {
        $y = $lst;
      } elsif (($Y_AXIS =~ /elevation/i)  || ($Y_AXIS =~ /air mass/i)) {
        $y = $ele;
      } elsif ($Y_AXIS =~ /azimuth/i) {
        $y = $az;
      } elsif ($Y_AXIS =~ /parallactic angle/i) {
        $y = $pa;

      if ((($Y_AXIS =~ /azimuth/i) && ($X_AXIS =~ /elevation/i)) || (($X_AXIS =~ /azimuth/i) && ($Y_AXIS =~ /elevation/i)) || (($Y_AXIS =~ /azimuth/i) &&
         ($X_AXIS =~ /air mass/i)) || (($Y_AXIS =~ /air mass/i) &&
         ($X_AXIS =~ /azimuth/i))) {
        $x = $ele;
        $y = $az;


      $elex = $plotter->toWx($elex) - $plotter->toWx(0);
      $eley = $plotter->toWy($eley) - $plotter->toWy(0);
      $azx = $plotter->toWx($azx) - $plotter->toWx(0);
      $azy = $plotter->toWy($azy) - $plotter->toWy(0);

      # draw the time dot
      if ($ele > 0) {
        if ((($Y_AXIS =~ /azimuth/i) && ($X_AXIS =~ /elevation/i)) || (($X_AXIS =~ /azimuth/i) && ($Y_AXIS =~ /elevation/i)) || (($Y_AXIS =~ /azimuth/i) &&
         ($X_AXIS =~ /air mass/i)) || (($Y_AXIS =~ /air mass/i) &&
         ($X_AXIS =~ /azimuth/i))) {
          my $r = 90 - $source->timeDotX();
          if ($r < 90) {
            my $theta = (90 - $source->timeDotY()) * pi / 180;
            my $x2 = 90 + $r * cos $theta;
            my $y2 = 90 + $r * sin $theta;
            $plotter->drawFillOval($x2 - 2, $y2 - 2, $x2 + 2, $y2+2, 'timeDot'.$source->name());
            $plotter->bindTag( 'timeDot'.$source->name(), '<Any-Enter>' => sub {});
            $plotter->bindTag('ltimeDot'.$source->name(), '<Any-Leave>' => sub {});
        else {
          my ($sX, $sY) = $plotter->toW($dotSizeX, $dotSizeY);
          $sX -= $plotter->toWx(0);
          $sY -= $plotter->toWy(0);
          my $x2 = $source->timeDotX();
          my $y2 = $source->timeDotY();
          if ($x2 ne '' && $y2 ne '') {
            $plotter->drawFillOval($x2 - $sX, $y2 - $sY, $x2 + $sX, $y2+$sY, 'timeDot'.$source->name());
            $plotter->bindTag( 'timeDot'.$source->name(), '<Any-Enter>' =>
              sub {
                $plotter->drawFillOval($x2 - $sX, $y2 - $sY, $x2 + $sX, $y2+$sY, 'ltimeDot'.$source->name());
                # draw AZ-EL pointers
                $plotter->drawLine ($x2 - $elex, $y2 - $eley, $x2, $y2, 'ltimeDot'.$source->name());
                $plotter->drawLine ($x2 - $azx, $y2 - $azy, $x2, $y2, 'ltimeDot'.$source->name());
                my ($xoff, $yoff) = $plotter->toW(7,7);
                $xoff -= $plotter->toWx(0);
                $yoff -= $plotter->toWy(0);
                $plotter->drawText ($x2 - $elex-$xoff, $y2 - $eley-$yoff, 'El', 'ltimeDot'. $source->name());
                # and RA-Dec box
                my $bx = 1.5*sqrt($azx*$azx+$elex*$elex);
                my $by = 1.5*sqrt($azy*$azy+$eley*$eley);
                $plotter->drawLine ($x2 - $bx, $y2 - $by, $x2 - $bx, $y2 + $by, 'ltimeDot'.$source->name());
                $plotter->drawLine ($x2 - $bx, $y2 + $by, $x2 + $bx, $y2 + $by, 'ltimeDot'.$source->name());
                $plotter->drawLine ($x2 + $bx, $y2 + $by, $x2 + $bx, $y2 - $by, 'ltimeDot'.$source->name());
                $plotter->drawLine ($x2 + $bx, $y2 - $by, $x2 - $bx, $y2 - $by, 'ltimeDot'.$source->name());
                $plotter->drawText ($x2, $y2 - 1.2*$by, 'R.A.', 'ltimeDot'. $source->name());
                $plotter->drawText ($x2 - 1.12*$bx, $y2+0.2*$by, 'D', 'ltimeDot'. $source->name());
                $plotter->drawText ($x2 - 1.1*$bx, $y2, 'e', 'ltimeDot'. $source->name());
                $plotter->drawText ($x2 - 1.1*$bx, $y2-0.2*$by, 'c', 'ltimeDot'. $source->name());
            $plotter->bindTag('ltimeDot'.$source->name(), '<Any-Leave>' => 
              sub {
                $plotter->delete ('ltimeDot'.$source->name());
            $source->AzElOffsets($elex, $eley, $azx, $azy);
    else {
      # draw the time dot
      if ($source->elevation() > 0) {
        if ((($Y_AXIS =~ /azimuth/i) && ($X_AXIS =~ /elevation/i)) || (($X_AXIS =~ /azimuth/i) && ($Y_AXIS =~ /elevation/i)) || (($Y_AXIS =~ /azimuth/i) &&
         ($X_AXIS =~ /air mass/i)) || (($Y_AXIS =~ /air mass/i) &&
         ($X_AXIS =~ /azimuth/i))) {
          my $r = 90 - $source->timeDotX();
          if ($r < 90) {
            my $theta = (90 - $source->timeDotY()) * pi / 180;
            my $x2 = 90 + $r * cos $theta;
            my $y2 = 90 + $r * sin $theta;
            $plotter->drawFillOval($x2 - 2, $y2 - 2, $x2 + 2, $y2+2, 'timeDot'.$source->name());
            $plotter->bindTag( 'timeDot'.$source->name(), '<Any-Enter>' => sub {});
            $plotter->bindTag('ltimeDot'.$source->name(), '<Any-Leave>' => sub {});
        else {
          my ($sX, $sY) = $plotter->toW($dotSizeX, $dotSizeY);
          $sX -= $plotter->toWx(0);
          $sY -= $plotter->toWy(0);
          my $x2 = $source->timeDotX();
          my $y2 = $source->timeDotY();
          if ($x2 ne '' && $y2 ne '') {
            my ($elex, $eley, $azx, $azy) = $source->AzElOffsets();
            $plotter->drawFillOval($x2 - $sX, $y2 - $sY, $x2 + $sX, $y2+$sY, 'timeDot'.$source->name());
            $plotter->bindTag( 'timeDot'.$source->name(), '<Any-Enter>' =>
              sub {
                $plotter->drawFillOval($x2 - $sX, $y2 - $sY, $x2 + $sX, $y2+$sY, 'ltimeDot'.$source->name());
                # draw AZ-EL pointers
                $plotter->drawLine ($x2 - $elex, $y2 - $eley, $x2, $y2, 'ltimeDot'.$source->name());
                $plotter->drawLine ($x2 - $azx, $y2 - $azy, $x2, $y2, 'ltimeDot'.$source->name());
                my ($xoff, $yoff) = $plotter->toW(7,7);
                $xoff -= $plotter->toWx(0);
                $yoff -= $plotter->toWy(0);
                $plotter->drawText ($x2 - $elex-$xoff, $y2 - $eley-$yoff, 'El', 'ltimeDot'. $source->name());
                # and RA-Dec box
                my $bx = 1.5*sqrt($azx*$azx+$elex*$elex);
                my $by = 1.5*sqrt($azy*$azy+$eley*$eley);
                $plotter->drawLine ($x2 - $bx, $y2 - $by, $x2 - $bx, $y2 + $by, 'ltimeDot'.$source->name());
                $plotter->drawLine ($x2 - $bx, $y2 + $by, $x2 + $bx, $y2 + $by, 'ltimeDot'.$source->name());
                $plotter->drawLine ($x2 + $bx, $y2 + $by, $x2 + $bx, $y2 - $by, 'ltimeDot'.$source->name());
                $plotter->drawLine ($x2 + $bx, $y2 - $by, $x2 - $bx, $y2 - $by, 'ltimeDot'.$source->name());
                $plotter->drawText ($x2, $y2 - 1.2*$by, 'R.A.', 'ltimeDot'. $source->name());
                $plotter->drawText ($x2 - 1.12*$bx, $y2+0.2*$by, 'D', 'ltimeDot'. $source->name());
                $plotter->drawText ($x2 - 1.1*$bx, $y2, 'e', 'ltimeDot'. $source->name());
                $plotter->drawText ($x2 - 1.1*$bx, $y2-0.2*$by, 'c', 'ltimeDot'. $source->name());
            $plotter->bindTag('ltimeDot'.$source->name(), '<Any-Leave>' =>
              sub {
                $plotter->delete ('ltimeDot'.$source->name());

  $TIMER = $MW->after($TimeLap, \&calcTime );

=item B<tagOnOff>

Configures all object with the tag name off or on.


sub tagOnOff {
  my $tag = shift;
  my $turnOn = shift;
  my $color = shift;
  my $color2 = shift;

  if (!$turnOn) {
    $plotter->configureTag('l'.$tag, -fill=>'black');
    $plotter->configureTag('fo'.$tag, -fill=>'black', outline=>'black');
    $plotter->configureTag('o'.$tag, outline=>'black');
    $plotter->configureTag('t'.$tag, -fill=>'black');
    $plotter->configureTag('time'.$tag, -fill=>'black');
    $plotter->configureTag('timeDot'.$tag, -fill=>'black', -outline => 'black');
    if (!($tag =~/(white)/i)) {
      $plotter->lowerBelow('l'.$tag, 'grid');
      $plotter->lowerBelow('o'.$tag, 'grid');
      $plotter->lowerBelow('fo'.$tag, 'grid');
      $plotter->lowerBelow('t'.$tag, 'grid');
      $plotter->lowerBelow('time'.$tag, 'grid');
      $plotter->lowerBelow('timeDot'.$tag, 'grid');
  } else {
    $plotter->configureTag('l'.$tag, -fill=>$color);
    $plotter->configureTag('fo'.$tag, -fill=>$color, outline=>$color);
    $plotter->configureTag('o'.$tag, outline=>$color);
    $plotter->configureTag('timeDot'.$tag, -fill=>$color, outline=>$color);
    $plotter->configureTag('t'.$tag, -fill=>$color);
    if (defined $color2) {
      $plotter->configureTag('time'.$tag, -fill=>$color2);
    } else {
      $plotter->configureTag('time'.$tag, -fill=>$color);
    $plotter->raiseAbove('l'.$tag, 'grid');
    $plotter->raiseAbove('o'.$tag, 'grid');
    $plotter->raiseAbove('fo'.$tag, 'grid');
    $plotter->raiseAbove('t'.$tag, 'grid');
    $plotter->raiseAbove('time'.$tag, 'grid');
    $plotter->raiseAbove('timeDot'.$tag, 'grid');

=item B<error>

Displays an error message in Tk.


sub error {
  my $MW = shift;
  my $errWin = $MW->Toplevel(-borderwidth=>10);
  $errWin->title('Observation Log Error!');
     -text         => 'Ok',
     -command      => sub{
       destroy $errWin;
  my $message = shift;
  $errWin->Label (
    -text => "\nError!\n\n   ".$message."   \n",
  )->pack(-side=>'bottom', -pady => 10);
  $errWin->title(shift) if @_;

=item B<inswt>

The "Insert With Tags" procedure inserts text into a given text widget
and applies one or more tags to that text.


    $w     -  Window in which to insert
    $text  -  Text to insert (it's inserted at the "insert" mark)
    $args  -  One or more tags to apply to text.  If this is empty 
              then all tags are removed from the text.

Returns:  Nothing


sub inswt {

    my($w, $text, @args) = @_;
    my $start = $w->index('insert');

    $w->insert('insert', $text);
    foreach my $tag ($w->tag('names', $start)) {
        $w->tag('remove', $tag, $start, 'insert');
    foreach my $i (@args) {
        $w->tag('add', $i, $start, 'insert');





=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHORS

Casey Best (University of Victoria),
Pam Shimek (University of Victoria),
Tim Jenness (Joint Astronomy Centre),
Remo Tilanus (Joint Astronomy Centre),
Graham Bell (Joint Astronomy Centre).


Copyright (C) 2012 Science and Technology Facilities Council.
Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Particle Physics and Astronomy Research
Council. All Rights Reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
