Release Notes
For more detail please see the commit log at
+ Updated skycat.cfg file.
+ Updated RITMatch for the case of multiple filters and renamed
the write_catalog "waveband" option to "filter".
+ Adjusted JCMT catalog formatting to match the current catalog.
+ Skipped 2_jcmt.t's test of the HOLO source in the JCMT catalog.
+ Now skip test 4_skycat_gsc.t as service has been decommissioned.
+ Updated reference coordinates for 4_sesame.t test.
+ Fix test 4_skycat_gsc.t for users who have a SkyCat configuration
file which does not include "gsc@eso".
+ Catalogs can now be sorted by distance in azimuth.
+ Mercury has been added to the list of planets to be included
in the JCMT catalog.
+ Test scripts skip query tests in the event of network problems.
+ The search button in Tk::AstroCatalog is now operational.
+ Minor updates to documentation.
+ Fixes for SkyCat GSC test due to hash key randomization.
+ Tk::AstroCatalog can now be told to display additional columns
in the widget.
+ recommend that Astro::FITS::CFITSIO is installed rather than
requiring it. We can't guarantee that people have the CFITSIO
library installed.
+ Tk::AstroCatalog now calls the onDestroy method correctly
when the widget is closed from the window manager (Graham Bell)
+ Use File::Temp for temporary files in tests.
+ Can now take IO::Handle objects for read_catalog and
+ Remove code that relies on CVS $Revision$ tags. Those
modules have now been updated to v2.00 to ensure that they
are seen as new.
+ The MPC web service seems to have changed so MPC is not functioning
in this release.
Added FITSTable, ASSM, NorthStar, Binary, RITMatch, XY
and LCOGFITSTable formats.
Now uses Module::Build
SuperCOSMOS and SIMBAD query classes have been removed since the
remote format has changed.
Updated skycat.cfg file.
Astro::VO::VOTable is now an optional module.