use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use lib 't/lib';

    package Test::Defaults;
    use HTML::FormHandler::Moose;
    extends 'HTML::FormHandler';

    has_field 'foo' => ( default => 'default_foo' );
    has_field 'bar' => ( default => '' );
    has_field 'bax' => ( default => 'default_bax' );

my $form = Test::Defaults->new;
my $cmp_fif = {
    foo => 'default_foo',
    bar => '',
    bax => 'default_bax',
# test that defaults in fields are used in
# filling in the form
is_deeply( $form->fif, $cmp_fif, 'fif has right defaults' );
$form->process( params => {} );
is_deeply( $form->fif, $cmp_fif, 'fif has right defaults' );

# test that an init_object overrides defaults in fields
my $init_obj = { foo => '', bar => 'testing', bax => '' };
$form->process( init_object => $init_obj, params => {} );
is_deeply( $form->fif, { foo => '', bar => 'testing', bax => '' }, 'object overrides defaults');

    package Test::DefaultsX;
    use HTML::FormHandler::Moose;
    extends 'HTML::FormHandler';

    has_field 'foo' => ( default_over_obj => 'default_foo' );
    has_field 'bar' => ( default_over_obj => '' );
    has_field 'bax' => ( default_over_obj => 'default_bax' );
# test that the 'default_over_obj' type defaults override an init_object/item
$form = Test::DefaultsX->new;
$form->process( init_object => $init_obj, params => {} );
is( $form->field('foo')->default_over_obj, 'default_foo', 'foo correct' );
is_deeply( $form->fif, $cmp_fif, 'fif uses defaults overriding object' );

   package My::Form;
   use HTML::FormHandler::Moose;
   extends 'HTML::FormHandler';

   has '+name' => ( default => 'testform_' );
   has_field 'optname' => ( temp => 'First' );
   has_field 'reqname' => ( required => 1 );
   has_field 'somename';

$form = My::Form->new( init_object => {reqname => 'Starting Perl',
                                       optname => 'Over Again' } );
# additional test for init_object provided defaults
ok( $form, 'non-db form created OK');
is( $form->field('optname')->value, 'Over Again', 'get right value from form');
ok( !$form->validated, 'form validated' );
is( $form->field('reqname')->fif, 'Starting Perl',
                      'get right fif with init_object');

   package My::Form;
   use HTML::FormHandler::Moose;
   extends 'HTML::FormHandler';

   has '+name' => ( default => 'initform_' );
   has_field 'foo';
   has_field 'bar';
   has_field 'bax' => ( default => 'default_bax' );
   has '+init_object' => ( default => sub { { foo => 'initfoo' } } );
   sub default_bar { 'init_value_bar' }

$form = My::Form->new;
# test default_<field_name> methods in form
# plus init_object defined in form class
# plus default is used when init_object doesn't have key/accessor
is( $form->field('foo')->value, 'initfoo', 'value from init_object' );
is( $form->field('foo')->fif,   'initfoo', 'fif ok' );
is( $form->field('bar')->value, 'init_value_bar', 'value from field default meth' );
is( $form->field('bar')->fif,   'init_value_bar', 'fif ok' );
is( $form->field('bax')->value, 'default_bax', 'value from field default' );
is( $form->field('bax')->fif,   'default_bax', 'fif ok' );

    package Mock::Object;
    use Moose;
    has 'foo' => ( is => 'rw' );
    has 'bar' => ( is => 'rw' );
    has 'baz' => ( is => 'rw' );
    package Test::Object;
    use HTML::FormHandler::Moose;
    extends 'HTML::FormHandler';
    with 'HTML::FormHandler::Model::Object';

    sub BUILD {
        my $self = shift;
        my $var = 'test';
    has_field 'foo';
    has_field 'bar';
    has_field 'baz';
    has_field 'bax' => ( default => 'bax_from_default' );
    has_field 'zero' => ( type => 'PosInteger', default => 0 );
    has_field 'foo_list' => ( type => 'Multiple', default => [1,3],
       options => [{ value => 1, label => 'One'},
                   { value => 2, label => 'Two'},
                   { value => 3, label => 'Three'},

    sub init_object {
        my $self = shift;
        return { bar => 'initbar' };


my $obj = Mock::Object->new( foo => 'myfoo', bar => 'mybar', baz => 'mybaz' );

$form = Test::Object->new;
$form->process( item => $obj, item_id => 1, params => {} );
# test that item is used for value
is( $form->field('foo')->value, 'myfoo', 'field value from item');
is( $form->field('foo')->fif, 'myfoo', 'field fif from item');
is( $form->field('bar')->value, 'mybar', 'field value from item');
is( $form->field('bar')->fif, 'mybar', 'field fif from item');
# test that non-item default is used
is( $form->field('bax')->value, 'bax_from_default', 'non-item field value from default' );
is( $form->field('zero')->value, 0, 'zero default works');
is_deeply( $form->field('foo_list')->value, [1,3], 'multiple default works' );

    package Test::Object2;
    use HTML::FormHandler::Moose;
    extends 'HTML::FormHandler';
    with 'HTML::FormHandler::Model::Object';

    has_field 'foo';
    has_field 'bar';
    has_field 'baz';

$form = Test::Object2->new;
# test that init_object values are used with 'use_init_obj_over_item' flag
my $def_obj = Mock::Object->new( foo => 'def_myfoo', bar => 'def_mybar', baz => 'def_mybaz' );
my $new_obj = Mock::Object->new;
$form->process( item => $new_obj, init_object => $def_obj, use_init_obj_over_item => 1 );
is( $form->field('foo')->value, 'def_myfoo', 'value from init_object not item' );
is( $form->field('foo')->fif, 'def_myfoo', 'fif from init_object not item' );

# test that flag is cleared for next run
$form->process( item => $new_obj, init_object => $def_obj );
is( $form->field('foo')->value, undef, 'next process without that flag' );

    package Test::Form;
    use HTML::FormHandler::Moose;
    extends 'HTML::FormHandler';

    has 'quuz' => ( is => 'ro', default => 'some_quux' );
    has_field 'foo';
    has_field 'bar';

    sub init_object {
        my $self = shift;
        return { foo => $self->quuz, bar => 'bar!' };
$form = Test::Form->new;
is( $form->field('foo')->value, 'some_quux', 'field initialized by init_object' );

    package Mock::Object2;
    use Moose;
    has 'meow' => ( is => 'rw' );
    package Test::Object;
    use HTML::FormHandler::Moose;
    extends 'HTML::FormHandler';
    with 'HTML::FormHandler::Model::Object';
    has_field 'meow' => ( default => 'this_should_get_overridden' );


$obj = Mock::Object2->new( meow => 'the_real_meow' );

$form = Test::Object->new;
$form->process( item => $obj, item_id => 1, params => {} );
is( $form->field('meow')->value, 'the_real_meow', 'defaults should not override actual item values');

    package Test::Form2;
    use HTML::FormHandler::Moose;
    extends 'HTML::FormHandler';

    has_field 'foo';
    has_field 'bar';
    has_field 'win';


$form = Test::Form2->new;
$form->process( defaults => { foo => 'foo_def', bar => 'bar_def', win => 'win_def' } );
ok( ! $form->validated, 'no params so not validated' );

is( $form->field('foo')->default, 'foo_def', 'foo has default' );
is( $form->field('foo')->fif, 'foo_def', 'fif is correct' );

is( $form->field('bar')->default, 'bar_def', 'bar has right default' );
is( $form->field('bar')->fif, 'bar_def', 'bar has correct fif' );
is_deeply( $form->fif, { foo => 'foo_def', bar => 'bar_def', win => 'win_def' }, 'right fif' );

    init_object => { foo => 'foo_from_obj', bar => 'bar_from_obj', win => 'win_from_obj' },
    defaults => { bar => 'bar_from_defaults', foo => undef },
    use_defaults_over_obj => 1,
is( $form->field('bar')->fif, 'bar_from_defaults', 'defaults used instead of init_object' );
is( $form->field('foo')->fif, 'foo_from_obj', 'no value from default set to undef' );
