Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 27 Learn more

=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
IRI - Internationalized Resource Identifiers
=head1 VERSION
This document describes IRI version 0.004
use IRI;
my $i = IRI->new(value => 'https://example.org:80/index#frag');
say $i->scheme; # 'https'
say $i->path; # '/index'
my $base = IRI->new(value => "http://www.hestebedg\x{e5}rd.dk/");
my $i = IRI->new(value => '#frag', base => $base);
say $i->abs; # 'http://www.hestebedgård.dk/#frag'
The IRI module provides an object representation for Internationalized
Resource Identifiers (IRIs) as defined by
L<RFC 3987|http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3987.txt> and supports their parsing,
serializing, and base resolution.
=head1 METHODS
=over 4
=item C<< as_string >>
Returns the absolute IRI string resolved against the base IRI, if present;
the relative IRI string otherwise.
=item C<< abs >>
Returns the absolute IRI string (resolved against the base IRI if present).
=item C<< scheme >>
=item C<< host >>
=item C<< port >>
=item C<< user >>
=item C<< path >>
=item C<< fragment >>
=item C<< query >>
Returns the respective component of the parsed IRI.
package IRI {
use v5.14;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = '0.004';
use Moo;
use Types::Standard qw(Str InstanceOf HashRef);
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
# class_type 'URI';
# coerce 'IRI' => from 'Str' => via { IRI->new( value => $_ ) };
# coerce 'IRI' => from 'URI' => via { IRI->new( value => $_->as_string ) };
has 'base' => (is => 'ro', isa => InstanceOf['IRI'], predicate => 'has_base', coerce => sub {
my $base = shift;
if (blessed($base)) {
if ($base->isa('IRI')) {
return $base;
} elsif ($base->isa('URI')) {
return IRI->new( value => $base->as_string );
} else {
return IRI->new($base);
has 'value' => (is => 'ro', isa => Str, default => '');
has 'components' => (is => 'ro', writer => '_set_components');
has 'as_string' => (is => 'ro', isa => Str, lazy => 1, builder => '_as_string');
has 'abs' => (is => 'ro', lazy => 1, builder => '_abs');
has 'resolved_components' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
lazy => 1,
builder => '_resolved_components',
handles_via => 'Hash',
handles => {
scheme => [ accessor => 'scheme' ],
host => [ accessor => 'host' ],
port => [ accessor => 'port' ],
user => [ accessor => 'user' ],
path => [ accessor => 'path' ],
fragment => [ accessor => 'fragment' ],
query => [ accessor => 'query' ],
around BUILDARGS => sub {
my $orig = shift;
my $class = shift;
if (scalar(@_) == 1) {
return $class->$orig(value => shift);
return $class->$orig(@_);
sub BUILD {
my $self = shift;
my $comp = $self->_parse_components($self->value);
# These regexes are (mostly) from the syntax grammar in RFC 3987
my $HEXDIG = qr<[0-9A-F]>o;
my $ALPHA = qr<[A-Za-z]>o;
my $subdelims = qr<[!\$&'()*+,;=]>xo;
my $gendelims = qr<[":/?#@] | \[ | \]>xo;
my $reserved = qr<${gendelims} | ${subdelims}>o;
my $unreserved = qr<${ALPHA} | [0-9] | [-._~]>xo;
my $pctencoded = qr<%[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}>o;
my $decoctet = qr<
[0-9] # 0-9
| [1-9][0-9] # 10-99
| 1 [0-9]{2} # 100-199
| 2 [0-4] [0-9] # 200-249
| 25 [0-5] # 250-255
my $IPv4address = qr<
# IPv4address
my $h16 = qr<${HEXDIG}{1,4}>o;
my $ls32 = qr<
( ${h16} : ${h16} )
| ${IPv4address}
my $IPv6address = qr<
# IPv6address
( ( ${h16} : ){6} ${ls32})
| ( :: ( ${h16} : ){5} ${ls32})
| (( ${h16} )? :: ( ${h16} : ){4} ${ls32})
| (( ( ${h16} : ){,1} ${h16} )? :: ( ${h16} : ){3} ${ls32})
| (( ( ${h16} : ){,2} ${h16} )? :: ( ${h16} : ){2} ${ls32})
| (( ( ${h16} : ){,3} ${h16} )? :: ${h16} : ${ls32})
| (( ( ${h16} : ){,4} ${h16} )? :: ${ls32})
| (( ( ${h16} : ){,5} ${h16} )? :: ${h16})
| (( ( ${h16} : ){,6} ${h16} )? ::)
my $IPvFuture = qr<v (${HEXDIG})+ [.] ( ${unreserved} | ${subdelims} | : )+>xo;
my $IPliteral = qr<\[
# IPliteral
(${IPv6address} | ${IPvFuture})
my $port = qr<(?<port>[0-9]*)>o;
my $scheme = qr<(?<scheme>${ALPHA} ( ${ALPHA} | [0-9] | [+] | [-] | [.] )*)>xo;
my $iprivate = qr<[\x{E000}-\x{F8FF}] | [\x{F0000}-\x{FFFFD}] | [\x{100000}-\x{10FFFD}]>xo;
my $ucschar = qr<
[\x{a0}-\x{d7ff}] | [\x{f900}-\x{fdcf}] | [\x{fdf0}-\x{ffef}]
| [\x{10000}-\x{1FFFD}] / [\x{20000}-\x{2FFFD}] / [\x{30000}-\x{3FFFD}]
| [\x{40000}-\x{4FFFD}] / [\x{50000}-\x{5FFFD}] / [\x{60000}-\x{6FFFD}]
| [\x{70000}-\x{7FFFD}] / [\x{80000}-\x{8FFFD}] / [\x{90000}-\x{9FFFD}]
| [\x{A0000}-\x{AFFFD}] / [\x{B0000}-\x{BFFFD}] / [\x{C0000}-\x{CFFFD}]
| [\x{D0000}-\x{DFFFD}] / [\x{E1000}-\x{EFFFD}]
my $iunreserved = qr<${ALPHA}|[0-9]|[-._~]|${ucschar}>o;
my $ipchar = qr<(${iunreserved})|(${pctencoded})|(${subdelims})|:|@>o;
my $ifragment = qr<(?<fragment>(${ipchar}|/|[?])*)>o;
my $iquery = qr<(?<query>(${ipchar}|${iprivate}|/|[?])*)>o;
my $isegmentnznc = qr<(${iunreserved}|${pctencoded}|${subdelims}|@)+ # non-zero-length segment without any colon ":"
my $isegmentnz = qr<${ipchar}+>o;
my $isegment = qr<${ipchar}*>o;
my $ipathempty = qr<>o;
my $ipathrootless = qr<(?<path>${isegmentnz}(/${isegment})*)>o;
my $ipathnoscheme = qr<(?<path>${isegmentnznc}(/${isegment})*)>o;
my $ipathabsolute = qr<(?<path>/(${isegmentnz}(/${isegment})*)?)>o;
my $ipathabempty = qr<(?<path>(/${isegment})*)>o;
my $ipath = qr<
${ipathabempty} # begins with "/" or is empty
| ${ipathabsolute} # begins with "/" but not "//"
| ${ipathnoscheme} # begins with a non-colon segment
| ${ipathrootless} # begins with a segment
| ${ipathempty} # zero characters
my $iregname = qr<(${iunreserved}|${pctencoded}|${subdelims})*>o;
my $ihost = qr<(?<host>${IPliteral}|${IPv4address}|${iregname})>o;
my $iuserinfo = qr<(?<user>(${iunreserved}|${pctencoded}|${subdelims}|:)*)>o;
my $iauthority = qr<(${iuserinfo}@)?${ihost}(:${port})?>o;
my $irelativepart = qr<
| ${ipathabsolute}
| ${ipathnoscheme}
| ${ipathempty}
my $irelativeref = qr<${irelativepart}([?]${iquery})?(#${ifragment})?>o;
my $ihierpart = qr<(//${iauthority}${ipathabempty})|(${ipathabsolute})|(${ipathrootless})|(${ipathempty})>o;
my $absoluteIRI = qr<${scheme}:${ihierpart}([?]${iquery})?>o;
my $IRI = qr<${scheme}:${ihierpart}([?]${iquery})?(#${ifragment})?>o;
my $IRIreference = qr<${IRI}|${irelativeref}>o;
sub _parse_components {
my $self = shift;
my $v = shift;
my $c;
if ($v =~ /^${IRIreference}$/) {
%$c = %+;
} else {
die "Not a valid IRI? " . Dumper($v);
$c->{path} //= '';
sub _merge {
my $self = shift;
my $base = shift;
my $bc = $base->components;
my $c = $self->components;
my $base_has_authority = ($bc->{user} or $bc->{port} or defined($bc->{host}));
if ($base_has_authority and not($bc->{path})) {
return "/" . $c->{path};
} else {
my $bp = $bc->{path};
my @pathParts = split('/', $bp, -1); # -1 limit means $path='/' splits into ('', '')
push(@pathParts, $c->{path});
my $path = join('/', @pathParts);
return $path;
sub _remove_dot_segments {
my $self = shift;
my $input = shift;
my @output;
while (length($input)) {
if ($input =~ m<^[.][.]/>) {
substr($input, 0, 3) = '';
} elsif ($input =~ m<^[.]/>) {
substr($input, 0, 2) = '';
} elsif ($input =~ m<^/[.]/>) {
substr($input, 0, 3) = '/';
} elsif ($input eq '/.') {
$input = '/';
} elsif ($input =~ m<^/[.][.]/>) {
substr($input, 0, 4) = '/';
} elsif ($input eq '/..') {
$input = '/';
} elsif ($input eq '.') {
$input = '';
} elsif ($input eq '..') {
$input = '';
} else {
my $leadingSlash = ($input =~ m<^/>);
if ($leadingSlash) {
substr($input, 0, 1) = '';
my ($part, @parts) = split('/', $input, -1);
$part //= '';
if (scalar(@parts)) {
unshift(@parts, '');
$input = join('/', @parts);
if ($leadingSlash) {
$part = "/$part";
push(@output, $part);
my $newPath = join('', @output);
return $newPath;
sub _resolved_components {
my $self = shift;
my $value = $self->value;
if ($self->has_base and not($self->components->{scheme})) {
# Resolve IRI relative to the base IRI
my $base = $self->base;
my $v = $self->value;
my $bv = $base->value;
# warn "resolving IRI <$v> relative to the base IRI <$bv>";
my %components = %{ $self->components };
my %base = %{ $base->components };
my %target;
if ($components{scheme}) {
foreach my $k (qw(scheme user port host path query)) {
if (exists $components{$k}) {
$target{$k} = $components{$k};
} else {
if ($components{user} or $components{port} or defined($components{host})) {
foreach my $k (qw(scheme user port host path query)) {
if (exists $components{$k}) {
$target{$k} = $components{$k};
} else {
if ($components{path} eq '') {
$target{path} = $base{path};
if ($components{query}) {
$target{query} = $components{query};
} else {
if ($base{query}) {
$target{query} = $base{query};
} else {
if ($components{path} =~ m<^/>) {
my $path = $components{path};
$target{path} = $self->_remove_dot_segments($path);
} else {
my $path = $self->_merge($base);
$target{path} = $self->_remove_dot_segments($path);
if (defined($components{query})) {
$target{query} = $components{query};
if ($base{user} or $base{port} or defined($base{host})) {
foreach my $k (qw(user port host)) {
if (exists $base{$k}) {
$target{$k} = $base{$k};
if (defined($base{scheme})) {
$target{scheme} = $base{scheme};
if (defined($components{fragment})) {
$target{fragment} = $components{fragment};
return \%target;
return $self->components;
sub _abs {
my $self = shift;
my $value = $self->_string_from_components( $self->resolved_components );
return $value;
sub _as_string {
my $self = shift;
if ($self->has_base) {
return $self->abs;
} else {
return $self->value;
sub _string_from_components {
my $self = shift;
my $components = shift;
my $iri = "";
if (my $s = $components->{scheme}) {
$iri .= "${s}:";
if ($components->{user} or $components->{port} or defined($components->{host})) {
# has authority
$iri .= "//";
if (my $u = $components->{user}) {
$iri .= "${u}@";
if (defined(my $h = $components->{host})) {
$iri .= $h // '';
if (my $p = $components->{port}) {
$iri .= ":$p";
if (defined(my $p = $components->{path})) {
$iri .= $p;
if (defined(my $q = $components->{query})) {
$iri .= "?$q";
if (defined(my $f = $components->{fragment})) {
$iri .= "#$f";
return $iri;
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Gregory Todd Williams C<< <gwilliams@cpan.org> >>
Copyright (c) 2014 Gregory Todd Williams. This
program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.