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use strict;
use CPAN;
use CPAN::Config;
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Spec;

use Ovid::Error;
use Ovid::Package;
use Ovid::Dependency;

our $VERSION = '0.11';

unshift @INC, File::Spec->catdir($ENV{HOME},".cpan");
eval {require CPAN::MyConfig;};

my %opts = (ignore => [], tmpdir => $ENV{TMP} || '/tmp', 
            packager => 'unknown@localhost', installdirs => 'site');

my @optionlist =
  'deps|d' => 'List dependencies.',
  'forcebuild' => 'Build the rpm even if it exists.',
  'help|h' => 'Help',
  'ignore|i=s' => 'Ignore specified package name. Use as frequently as necessary.',
  'installdirs=s' => 'Set INSTALLDIRS variable for ExtUtils::MakeMaker',
  'packager|p=s' => 'Packager',
  'skipbuild|nobuild|n' => 'Just create the rpm spec file.',
  'skip-perl-rpm-modules|r' => 'Skip any modules that ship with the installed perl rpm',
  'tmpdir|t=s' => 'Temporary directory',
  'verbose|v+' => 'Log level. Repeat for greater effect.',
  'version|V'=> 'Display version info',

my @options;

for (my $i = 0; $i < @optionlist; $i += 2) {
  push @options, $optionlist[$i];

exit(1) unless GetOptions(\%opts, @options);

if ($opts{'help'}){

  my %opt_types = ('s' => 'STRING', 'i' => 'INTEGER');
  my @opts = ();

  for (my $i = 0; $i < @optionlist; $i += 2) {
      my ($opts, $type) = split /=/, $optionlist[$i];

      my $opt_type = $opt_types{$type};
      my @opt_line;

      for my $opt (split /\|/, $opts) {
          my @opt;
          if (length($opt) > 1){
              push @opt, qq[--$opt];
              push @opt, '=' if $opt_type;
          else {
              push @opt, qq[-$opt];
              push @opt, ' ' if $opt_type;

          push @opt, $opt_type if $opt_type;
          push @opt_line, join('', @opt);

      push @opts, join(' | ', @opt_line) .  qq[\t$optionlist[$i + 1]\n];

  exit 0;
elsif ($opts{'version'}) {
  exit 0;
elsif (exists $opts{skipbuild} && exists $opts{forcebuild}) {
  warning "skipbuild and forcebuild options are mutually exclusive";
  exit 1;


if ($opts{verbose} >= 2){
elsif ($opts{verbose} >= 1){

my $perl_rpm_modules = $opts{'skip-perl-rpm-modules'} ? &get_core_modules() : {};

my $src_dir = qq[$CPAN::Config->{keep_source_where}/authors/id];

my %seen;
my @queue = @ARGV;

my %packages;
my @packages;

my %ignore = map { $_, 1 } @{$opts{'ignore'}};

while (@queue)
    my $item = pop @queue;

    if (exists $ignore{$item}){
      info "ignoring package $item";
    my @exp = &cpan_expand($item);
    unless (@exp){
       warn "No match for: $item\n";
    for my $obj (@exp){
      if (exists $seen{$item}){
        info "skipping previously seen package $item";

      my $type = ref($obj);

      if ($type eq 'CPAN::Bundle'){
        push @queue, grep { !exists $seen{$_} } $obj->contains();

      my %opts_args = ( basedir => $src_dir, name => $item );
      $opts_args{$_} = $opts{$_} for qw(packager tmpdir skipbuild forcebuild installdirs);

      my $package = Ovid::Package->new(%opts_args);

      my $archive;
      if ($type eq 'CPAN::Module'){
        my $cpan_file = $obj->cpan_file;
        debug "found Module [$item]. Converting to Distribution [$cpan_file]";
        $obj = CPAN::Shell->expand("Distribution", $cpan_file);
        $type = ref($obj);
      if ($type eq 'CPAN::Distribution')
          if ($obj->isa_perl){
            info "Skipping perl distribution for package [$item]";
          if (my @mods = $obj->containsmods)
              if ($opts{'skip-perl-rpm-modules'} && 
                  grep { $perl_rpm_modules->{$_} } @mods){
                info "Skipping perl rpm bundled package [$item]";
              info "distribution $item contains modules @mods";
              @seen{@mods} = (1) x scalar @mods;

          my $dependency = Ovid::Dependency->new(dir => $obj->dir);
          #note: This call depends on passing dir arg to new method


          unless ($package->get_description($dependency->builder)){


          if (my @dependencies = $dependency->dependencies)
              for my $dep (@dependencies)
                    my $name = $dep->{name};
                    next if exists $seen{$name};
                    debug "got dependency: $name => $dep->{version}";

                    push @queue, $name;
          push @packages, $package;

for my $package (reverse @packages){
  if ($opts{deps}){
    print join(' ', $package->name, $package->name_string(with_version => 1, prefixed => 1)), "\n";
  else {

exit 0;

#Old CPAN versions don't have expandany method. work around it.
sub cpan_expand
  my ($item) = @_;
  my $cpan = 'CPAN::Shell';
  if ($cpan->can('expandany')){
    return $cpan->expandany($item);
  else {
      my @t;
      for my $type (qw(Author Bundle Distribution Module)){
          my @z = $cpan->expand($type, $item);
          push @t, @z if @z;
      return @t;

sub get_core_modules
  my %mods;
  my $cmd = "rpm -q --provides perl";
  open(X, "$cmd|") or die "command [$cmd] failed. $!\n";
    $mods{$1}++ if /^perl\(([^)]+)\)/;
  return \%mods;

sub Usage
  my $opts = shift;
  print STDERR <<EOF;

$0: recursively builds perl CPAN modules and dependent modules as RPM files. 
usage: $0 [optons] <perl-module-name> [ <another-module> ... ]

sub Version
 print STDERR <<EOF;
$0 -- version: $VERSION
Copyright 2004 Gyepi Sam <gyepi\>

exit 0;


=head1 NAME

Ovid - collection of scripts and modules for recursively converting perl CPAN modules into RPM files. 


 perl ovid [options] <cpan::module> 


Ovid recursively downloads and builds perl CPAN modules, and most dependent modules, as RPM files.
Each RPM file lists all CPAN module dependencies so that rpm installation tools like
apt-get, urpmi, yum, and others can automatically install all dependent packages as well.


Ovid recursively downloads and builds specified CPAN modules and all dependent modules as RPM files.
Each RPM file contains dependency information that can be used by rpm tools to automatically install
all the dependent rpm packages.

Ovid provides an automated solution to the problem of manually building dependent modules, an onerous
task at best, or giving up and using the CPAN installer.

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item  --packager | -p  "Your Name <>"

RPM Packager. Defaults to unknown@localhost.

=item  --verbose | -v

Increase verbosity. Multiple uses has a cumulative effect.

=item  --tmpdir | -t  <tmpdir>

Temporary directory to be used for builds. Defaults to C<$ENV{TMP}> or /tmp.

=item  --help | -h

You're reading it.

=item  --skipbuild | --nobuild | -n

Just create the rpm spec file, do not build rpms.

=item --ignore | -i s

Ignore any modules named s. Can be used multiple times.

=item --skip-perl-rpm-modules | -r

Skip any modules that ship with the installed perl rpm.

=item --installdirs

Set ExtUtils::MakeMaker's INSTALLDIRS variable, used to determine where the perl files
will be installed. Usually one of: perl, site, vendor. Defaults to vendor.


=head1  BUGS

I would appreciate hearing of any problems with this program and am interested in feedback
to help improve it.

=head1 AUTHOR

Gyepi Sam, E<lt>gyepi@cpan.orgE<gt>


Copyright 2004 by Gyepi Sam

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself. 
