1.003000 - 2013-07-15
fix composing roles that require methods provided by the other (RT#82711)
document optional use of Class::XSAccessor with caveats
fix constructor generated when creating a class with
create_class_with_roles when the superclass constructor hasn't been
generated yet
fix extending the constructor generator using Moo classes/roles
non-lazy attribute defaults are used when applying a role to an object
updated META files to list prerequisites in proper phases
$Method::Generate::Accessor::CurrentAttribute hashref contains
information about attribute currently being processed (available
to exception objects thrown by "isa" and "coerce")
properly die when composing a module that isn't a Role
fix passing attribute parameters for traits when inflating to Moose
fix inflating method modifiers applied to multiple methods
fix documentation for Sub::Quote::capture_unroll
add documentation noting Sub::Quote's use of strictures
fix FOREIGNBUILDARGS not being called if no attributes created
1.002000 - 2013-05-04
add 'moosify' attribute key to provide code for inflating to Moose
fix warnings about unknown attribute parameters on metaclass inflation
don't pass 'handles' down when doing 'has +' to avoid unDWIMmy explosions
throw a useful exception when typemap doesn't return a value
avoid localising @_ when not required for Sub::Quote
successfully inflate a metaclass for attributeless classes (RT#86415)
fix false default values used with non-lazy accessors
stop built values that fail isa checks still getting stored in the object
stop lazy+weak_ref accessors re-building their value on every call
make lazy+weak_ref accessors return undef if built value isn't already
stored elsewhere (Moose compatibility)
stop isa checks being called on every access for lazy attributes
bump Devel::GlobalDestruction dependency to fix warning on cleanup
when run under -c (RT#78617)
document Moose type constraint creation for roles and classes
(actually fixed in 1.001000)
1.001000 - 2013-03-16
add support for FOREIGNBUILDARGS when inheriting from non-Moo classes
non-ref default values are allowed without using a sub
has will refuse to overwrite locally defined subs with generated
added more meta resources and added more support relevant links into
the POD documentation
clarify in docs that default and built values won't call triggers
expand is => 'lazy' doc to make it clear that you can make rw lazy
attributes if you really want to
handles => "RoleName" tries to load the module
fix delegation to false/undef attributes (RT#83361)
1.000008 - 2013-02-06
Re-export on 'use Moo' after 'no Moo'
Export meta() into roles (but mark as non-method to avoid composing it)
Don't generate an accessor for rw attributes if reader+writer both set
Support builder => sub {} ala MooseX::AttributeShortcuts
Fix 'no Moo;' to preserve non-sub package variables
Switch to testing for Mouse::Util->can('find_meta') to avoid
exploding on ancient Mouse installs
Fix loading order bug that results in _install_coderef being treated
as indirect object notation
1.000007 - 2012-12-15
Correctly handle methods dragged along by role composition
Die if Moo and Moo::Role are imported into the same package
1.000006 - 2012-11-16
Don't use $_ as loop variable when calling arbitrary code (RT#81072)
Bump Role::Tiny prereq to fix method modifier breakage on 5.10.0
1.000005 - 2012-10-23
fix POD typo (RT#80060)
include init_arg name in constructor errors (RT#79596)
bump Class::Method::Modifiers dependency to avoid warnings on 5.8
1.000004 - 2012-10-03
allow 'has \@attributes' like Moose does
1.000003 - 2012-08-09
make setter for weak_ref attributes return the value
1.000002 - 2012-08-04
remove Devel::GlobalDestruction fallback inlining because we can now
depend on 0.08 which uses Sub::Exporter::Progressive
honour BUILDARGS when calling $meta->new_object on behalf of Moose
throw an error on invalid builder (RT#78479)
fix stupid typo in new Sub::Quote section
1.000001 - 2012-07-21
documentation tweaks and cleanup
ignore required when default or builder is present
document Moo versus Any::Moose in brief with article link
remove quote_sub from SYNOPSIS and has docs, expand Sub::Quote section
localize @_ when inlining quote_sub'ed isa checks (fixes lazy+isa+default)
ensure constructor gets regenerated if forced early by metaclass inflation
1.000000 - 2012-07-18
clean up doc language and expand on Moo and Moose
error prefixes for isa and coerce exceptions
unmark Moo and Moose as experimental since it's relatively solid now
convert isa and coerce info from external role attributes
clear method cache after metaclass generation to fix autoclean bug
0.091014 - 2012-07-16
load overload.pm explicitly for overload::StrVal
0.091013 - 2012-07-15
useful and detailed errors for coerce in attrib generation
0.091012 - 2012-07-15
useful and detailed errors for default checker in attrib generation
throw an error when trying to extend a role
0.091011 - 2012-06-27
re-add #web-simple as development IRC
don't assume Scalar::Util is imported into the current package
0.091010 - 2012-06-26
isa checks on builders
additional quote_sub docs
remove multi-populate code to fix exists/defined new() bug
document move to #moose and include repository metadata
no Moo and no Moo::Role
squelch used only once warnings for $Moo::HandleMoose::MOUSE
subconstructor handling for Moose classes
0.091009 - 2012-06-20
squelch redefine warnings in the coderef installation code
0.091008 - 2012-06-19
bump Role::Tiny dependency to get working modifiers under composition
handle "has '+foo'" for attrs from superclass or consumed role
document override -> around translation
use D::GD if installed rather than re-adding it as a requirement
0.091007 - 2012-05-17
remove stray reference to Devel::GlobalDestruction
0.091006 - 2012-05-16
drop a couple of dependencies by minor releases we don't strictly need
0.091005 - 2012-05-14
temporary switch to an inlined in_global_destruction to avoid needing
to fatpack Sub::Exporter for features we don't use
re-order is documentation to give readonly styles more prominence
a weakened value should still be returned on set (fixes lazy + weak_ref)
add an explicit return to all exported subs so people don't accidentally
rely on the return value
0.091004 - 2012-05-07
also inhale from Mouse
clarify how isa and coerce interact
support isa and coerce together for Moose
guard _accessor_maker_for calls in Moo::Role in case Moo isn't loaded
reset handlemoose state on mutation in case somebody reified the
metaclass too early
0.091003 - 2012-05-06
improve attribute option documentation
update the incompatibilities section since we're less incompatible now
fix coderef naming to avoid confusing autoclean
0.091002 - 2012-05-05
exclude union roles and same-role-as-self from metaclass inflation
inhale Moose roles before checking for composition conflicts
enable Moo::sification if only Moo::Role is loaded and not Moo
preserve attribute ordering
factor out accessor generation code a bit more to enable extension
0.091001 - 2012-05-02
bump Role::Tiny dependency to require de-strictures-ed version
fix test failure where Class::XSAccessor is not available
0.091000 - 2012-04-27
document MX::AttributeShortcuts 009+ support
documentation for the metaclass inflation code
better error message for broken BUILDARGS
provide 'no Moo::sification' to forcibly disable metaclass inflation
switch to Devel::GlobalDestruction to correctly disarm the
Moo::sification trigger under threads
make extends after has work
name subs if Sub::Name is available for better stracktraces
undefer all subs before creating a concrete Moose metaclass
fix bug in _load_module where global vars could cause mis-detection
of the module already being loaded
0.009_017 - 2012-04-16
mangle constructor meta-method on inflation so make_immutable works
fix possible infinite loop caused by subconstructor code
0.009_016 - 2012-04-12
don't accidentally load Moo::HandleMoose during global destruction
better docs for trigger (and initializer's absence)
0.009_015 - 2012-04-11
Complete support for MooseX::AttributeShortcuts 0.009
Allow Moo classes to compose Moose roles
Introduce Moo::HandleMoose, which should allow Moo classes and roles
to be treated as Moose classes/roles. Supported so far:
Some level of attributes and methods for both classes and roles
Required methods in roles
Method modifiers in roles (they're already applied in classes)
Type constraints
0.009014 - 2012-03-29
Split Role::Tiny out into its own dist
Fix a bug where coercions weren't called on lazy default/builder returns
Switch Moo::Utils to using Module::Runtime, and add the 5.8 %INC
leakage fix into Role::Tiny's _load_module to provide partial parity
Update incompatibilities with Moose documentation
Remove Sub::Quote's outstanding queue since it doesn't actually slow
things down to do it this way and makes debugging easier.
Revert 'local $@' around require calls to avoid triggering Unknown Error
Explicitly require Role::Tiny in Role::Tiny::With (RT#70446)
Fix spurious 'once' warnings under perl -w
0.009013 - 2011-12-23
fix up Class::XSAccessor version check to be more robust
improved documentation
fix failures on perls < 5.8.3
fix test failures on cygwin
0.009012 - 2011-11-15
make Method::Generate::Constructor handle $obj->new
fix bug where constants containing a reference weren't handled correctly
(ref(\[]) is 'REF' not 'SCALAR', ref(\v1) is 'VSTRING')
0.009011 - 2011-10-03
add support for DEMOLISH
add support for BUILDARGS
0.009010 - 2011-07-20
missing new files for Role::Tiny::With
0.009009 - 2011-07-20
remove the big scary warning because we seem to be mostly working now
perl based getter dies if @_ > 1 (XSAccessor already did)
add Role::Tiny::With for use in classes
automatically generate constructors in subclasses when required so that
subclasses with a BUILD method but no attributes get it honoured
add coerce handling
0.009008 - 2011-06-03
transfer fix to _load_module to Role::Tiny and make a note it's an inline
Bring back 5.8.1 compat
0.009007 - 2011-02-25
I botched the copyright. re-disting.
0.009006 - 2011-02-25
handle non-lazy default and builder when init_arg is undef
add copyright and license info for downstream packagers
weak ref checking for Sub::Quote to avoid bugs on refaddr reuse
Switch composed role names to be a valid package name
0.9.5 Tue Jan 11 2011
Fix clobberage of runtime-installed wrappers by Sub::Defer
Fix nonMoo constructor firing through multiple layers of Moo
Fix bug where nonMoo is mistakenly detected given a Moo superclass
with no attributes (and hence no own constructor)
0.9.4 Mon Dec 13 2010
Automatic detection on non-Moo superclasses
0.9.3 Sun Dec 5 2010
Fix _load_module to deal with pre-existing subpackages
0.9.2 Wed Nov 17 2010
Add explanation of Moo's existence
Change @ISA setting mechanism to deal with a big in 5.10.0's get_linear_isa
Change 5.10 checks to >= to not try and load MRO::Compat on 5.10.0
Make 'perl -Moo' DTRT
0.9.1 Tue Nov 16 2010
Initial release