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package WWW::Hanako;

use 5.010000;
use strict;
use warnings;

use Carp;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use WWW::Mechanize;
use Web::Scraper;
use Data::Dumper;

our @ISA = qw();

our $VERSION = '0.05';


    "\x{6b20}\x{6e2c}"         => -1,# missing observation
    "\x{9759}\x{7a4f}"         => 0, # light wind
    "\x{5317}\x{5317}\x{6771}" => 1, # north northeast
    "\x{5317}\x{6771}"         => 2, # northeast
    "\x{6771}\x{5317}\x{6771}" => 3, # east northeast
    "\x{6771}"                 => 4, # east
    "\x{6771}\x{5357}\x{6771}" => 5, # east southeast
    "\x{5357}\x{6771}"         => 6, # southeast
    "\x{5357}\x{5357}\x{6771}" => 7, # south southeast
    "\x{5357}"                 => 8, # south
    "\x{5357}\x{5357}\x{897f}" => 9, # south southwest
    "\x{5357}\x{897f}"         => 10,# southwest
    "\x{897f}\x{5357}\x{897f}" => 11,# west southwest
    "\x{897f}"                 => 12,# west
    "\x{897f}\x{5317}\x{897f}" => 13,# west northwest
    "\x{5317}\x{897f}"         => 14,# northwest
    "\x{5317}\x{5317}\x{897f}" => 15,# north northwest
    "\x{5317}"                 => 16,# north

# Preloaded methods go here.

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $self = {
        area => $_{area} || 0,
        mst => $_{mst} || 0,
        mech => WWW::Mechanize->new(agent=>"Net-Hanako/$VERSION"),
        debug => 0,
    %$self = (%$self, @_);
    bless($self, $class);
    return $self;

sub today
    my $self = shift;
    my @ret;
    my $path = sprintf("Hyou0.aspx?MstCode=%d&AreaCode=%02d",
                       $self->{'mst'}, $self->{'area'});

    my $uri = $HANAKO_BASE_URI . $path;
    my $uri2 = $HANAKO_BASE_URI . "Hyou2.aspx";

        print "uri: $uri\n";
        print "uri2: $uri2\n";

    # set cookie
    # get cookie


    if($self->{mech}->status() != 200){
        carp("response code: " . $self->{mech}->status());

    my $content = $self->{mech}->content();

    my $scraper = scraper {
        process '//table[@class="bun"]/tr[2]/td/font', 'head[]' => 'TEXT';
        process '//table[@class="bun"]/tr/td[1]/font', 'hour[]' => 'TEXT';
        process '//table[@class="bun"]/tr/td[2]/font', 'pollen[]' => 'TEXT';
        process '//table[@class="bun"]/tr/td[3]/font', 'wd[]' => 'TEXT';
        process '//table[@class="bun"]/tr/td[4]/font', 'ws[]' => 'TEXT';
        process '//table[@class="bun"]/tr/td[5]/font', 'temp[]' => 'TEXT';
        process '//table[@class="bun"]/tr/td[6]/font', 'prec[]' => 'TEXT';
        process '//table[@class="bun"]/tr/td[7]/font', 'prec_bool[]' => 'TEXT';
    my $res = $scraper->scrape($content);
        carp("scrape error");

    my $num = @{$res->{"hour"}};
    for my $i (0 .. @{$res->{"hour"}} - 3){
        my $hour = $res->{'hour'}->[$i+2];
        $hour =~ s/^(\d*)\x{6642}/$1/;
        my $pollen = $res->{'pollen'}->[$i+2];
        my $wd = $WIND_DIRECTION{$res->{'wd'}->[$i+2]};
        my $ws = $res->{'ws'}->[$i+2];
        my $temp = $res->{'temp'}->[$i];
        my $prec = $res->{'prec'}->[$i];

        push(@ret, {hour => $hour,
                    pollen => $pollen,
                    wd => $wd,
                    ws => $ws,
                    temp => $temp,
                    prec => $prec});
    return @ret;

sub now
    my $self = shift;
    my @today = $self->today();
    my $ret = pop(@today);
    return $ret;

# Below is stub documentation for your module. You'd better edit it!

=head1 NAME

WWW::Hanako - Perl interface for Hanako(Pollen observation system at Japan)


  use WWW::Hanako;
  my $hanako = WWW::Hanako->new(area=>3, mst=>51300200);
  my $now = $hanako->now();
  print "hour: $now->{hour}\n";
  print "pollen: $now->{pollen}\n";
  print "wind direction: $now->{wd}\n";
  print "wind speed: $now->{ws}\n";

return hash object contains:


=item hour

observation time(hour).

=item pollen

amount of airborne pollen(num/m^3).

=item wd

wind direction.

=item ws

wind speed(m/s).

=item temp

air temperature(degrees Celsius).

=item prec

amount of precipitation(mm).



This perl module provides an interface to the Hanako that is Pollen
observation system at Japan.

=head1 METHODS


=item new

Create new instance of WWW::Hanako.
set area code and mst code.

=item today

Method that returns the today's information.

=item now

Method that returns the current information.


=head1 SEE ALSO

See for more information on Hanako

=head1 AUTHOR

Tsukasa Hamano, E<lt>hamano@klab.orgE<gt>


Copyright (C) 2009 by Tsukasa Hamano

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.0 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
