-*- Indented-text -*-
#	$Id: INSTALL 467 2014-03-23 08:08:33Z hayashi $

1. How to Install Term::ReadLine::Gnu

	You need the GNU Readline library installed.  Except for this,
	you can install this module by the standard method, i.e.

	% perl Makefile.PL; make install

1.1 Install GNU Readline library 2.1 or later and their header files.

	See the section `How to Install GNU Readline Library'.

1.2 Make and install

	% perl Makefile.PL [--prefix=...] [--includedir=...] [--libdir=...]
	% make
	% make test
	% make install

	If you have installed the GNU Readline Library
	(libreadline.{a,so} and readline/readline.h, etc.) on
	directories for which your perl is not configured to search
	(refer the value of ccflags and libpath in the output of `perl
	-V'), specify the paths as follows;

	% perl Makefile.PL --includedir=/mydir/include --libdir=/mydir/lib

	This example is equivalent to the following;

	% perl Makefile.PL --prefix=/mydir

	If you are not an administrator and cannot install Perl module
	in your system directory, try
		perldoc perlfaq8
	and see the section 'How do I keep my own module/library
	directory?' (This section is found in the Perl 5.6

1.3 Trouble Shooting

        If you have any trouble when using or installing this module
	or find a bug, please open a ticket on the bug tracker at

	It will help other people who have same problems.

	When you report your trouble, be sure to send me the following

	- output of
		% perl -V
		% perl Makefile.PL verbose
		% make test TEST_VERBOSE=1
		% perl -Mblib t/00checkver.t
		% echo $TERM
	- terminal emulator which you are using
	- compiler which is used to compile the GNU Readline Library
	  (libreadline.a) if you can know.

1.3.1 Segmentation fault by the pager command in Perl debugger

	If the pager command (| or ||) in Perl debugger causes
	segmentation fault, you need to fix perl5db.pl.  See
	for details.

2. How to Install GNU Readline Library

	Now this module supports only GNU Readline Library 2.1 and
	later.  But GNU Readline 2.2 has some bugs, so Use 2.2.1
	instead.  GNU Readline Library 4.2 is not supported.  Use 4.2a

	If you have any reasons in which use must use one of the follows;
		GNU Readline Library 2.1
		libreadline.a in bash-2.0.tar.gz
		Cygwin b20.1
	see INSTALL file which is included in Term-ReadLine-Gnu-1.11.

	Executing `perl Makefile.PL` detects which version of
	the GNU Readline Library is already installed and warns you if
	you have the unsupported version.

	In the following example, the install prefix directory is
	You can specify any directory for the GNU Readline library and
	its header files, by editing `LIBS' and/or `INC' section in

2.1. Install from the GNU Readline Library Source

	1. get and extract readline-XX.tar.gz

	2. configure
		% ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/gnu
	3. make and install
		% make install

2.1.1. Install on Mac OS X

	/usr/bin/perl on Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) and later supports
	32bit/64bit universal binary.  Make Makefile as follows;

	# tested only on Mavericks
	ARCHFLAGS='-arch x86_64' perl Makefile.PL --prefix=/usr/local/gnu

	Or build 32bit/64bit-universal GNU Readline Library as
	follows.  (works on GNU Readline 6.3 and later)

	Enable the following lines in support/shobj-conf in GNU
        Readline 6.3 distribution;

	# for 32 and 64bit universal library
	#SHOBJ_ARCHFLAGS='-arch i386 -arch x86_64'
	#SHOBJ_CFLAGS=${SHOBJ_CFLAGS}' -arch i386 -arch x86_64'

	run configure script and do 'make install' and make Makefile simply;
	# tested only on Mavericks
	perl Makefile.PL --prefix=/usr/local/gnu

2.2. Using Package

	On Linux you need to install 'ncurses-devel' package in
	addition to 'readline-devel' package.  On distributions using
	RPM do follows;

	% sudo yum install ncurses-devel
	% sudo yum install readline-devel